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SaLuSa 25-May-2012

However, it seems to us that the way in which the financial situation is heading a collapse is inevitable...

There are many signs that the old systems are collapsing, and it is inevitable as they have proven to be unsuitable to overcome your problems. They will need a new way of conducting business that can be aligned with a complete appraisal of your needs. Even so, they could be looked upon as interim measures as they will bridge the gap that exists between where you are now, and where you need to be. The evolutionary period you are commencing will be something of a quick fire situation, as no sooner will you take a great leap forward, than you will be moving on again to a higher level. We have for example informed you that one day you will live in crystal cities, but they are somewhat in your future, as are a number of new technologies.

We like you to become aware of your destiny, and in that way you can also help to manifest it. After Ascension your creative powers will have substantially increased, and you will therefore take a greater role in providing for your needs. You will find that all matter will have become refined, and carry a greater degree of consciousness that will respond to you. In fact in most instances you will have two way contact with animals, and other living matter. There will be no fear either way, and your ability to show love for all life will help create the most wonderful relationships, that will be completely happy and harmonious.

It is the future that should be occupying your minds, and that will carry you through any problems that directly affect you as a result of the changes. The outcome is going to be the fulfillment of our promises to you, as part of God's grand plan for your Ascension, and your subsequent experiences. Having plunged to the depths of darkness, you are now to fully lift up into the Light. There you will find your real home, and the happiness and joy of being at One with all life. On Earth you could not be expected to reach such dizzy heights, because of the heavy vibrations that kept you down. That Dear Ones is changing with each day that passes, as you and all of the other Lightworkers are rapidly increasing the Light quotient upon Earth.

It hardly needs us to tell you that the divine date for commencing all activities, connected with the cleansing has been reached. We stand at the ready although in actuality we have already started, albeit in a relatively small way. We work as always behind the scenes, but look forward to being able to do our work more openly. From our point of view it is important that you know what we are doing and why, as we want you to be involved. The more you can do will please us, as in many respects the problems are yours to rectify. However, with the best will in the world, you cannot overcome the dark Ones without help. We have never seen our tasks as saving you, but rather ones that fully support you. Clearly, without our advanced technologies you could not be expected to complete the cleansing programs by yourselves, in time for Ascension.

All over the world there are countries that are in the process of change, and each one will have to answer to the people and their demands for freedom. It is not possible any longer to impose authoritarian rule on them, by denying their rights. The people have smelt freedom and are coming to realize that it is theirs to claim back, and so be it. The momentum and drive towards peaceful change can be supported by us and as we have done so far, we will continue to back up those involved. It has not gone unnoticed that our craft are being seen in many more localities, and in circumstances that cannot be explained other than by the truth. We are here already and some advance groups have been active for many years, and contacts have been made with you. All of this is known to your leaders who are part of the cover-up, but to be fair some are under extreme pressures not to reveal the truth. That indeed has been the problem, as the Illuminati have had such control that it extended right up to the top. However, with our protection you will soon see some leaders speak out and support us.

We cannot force the issue of disclosure, but are working steadily towards an acceptable arrangement that suits all parties involved. It would really be in everyone's interests if the governmental changes have first taken place, thus ensuring a meeting at which all would be receptive and support each other. However, it seems to us that the way in which the financial situation is heading a collapse is inevitable, and it is the right time to set it up in readiness for the prosperity programs. So much is on the verge of happening it will require a great deal of attention to detail, to ensure it all flows nicely without difficulties.

The media is aware of what is happening but hold back for fear of the consequences. That will change in short time, as we must have an informed public before we can consider open contact. We can see the broader picture as we view it from outside of Earth, and that enables us to act in everyone's interest. The dark Ones are hoping to go out with a "Bang", but we are going to ensure it does not happen. The arrests continue, and as our allies catch up with them they will be put away or under house arrest. We will make sure that the main troublemakers are amongst the first to be dealt with. No news is not bad news as far as we are concerned, as much of our work will of necessity be kept secret for the time being.

We are just one source of information and feel sure that those of you who are well read, cannot help but acknowledge that the messages are in the main complimentary to each other. Take out of them what you can accept, and if in doubt trust your intuition. In some respects it does not matter too much who is right or wrong. Only time will bring out the complete truth, and by then you will be well on the way to ascending. That is all that really counts as there are many paths and time lines that lead in the same direction.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and prepared for the final thrust from our allies that will put an end to the delays, and see us all celebrating the end of the dark Ones. It will then become a joyful ride all the way to Ascension, and our love goes with you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Department Of Homeland Security Announces "If You See Something, Say Something™" Partnership With The City Of Charlotte

Release Date: May 21, 2012

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced the expansion of the "If You See Something, Say Something™" public awareness campaign to the city of Charlotte, N.C. Earlier today, DHS Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs Betsy Markey joined Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx and officials from the Charlotte Area Transit System, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Charlotte Motor Speedway and NASCAR, at the NASCAR Hall of Fame to announce the partnership between DHS and the city of Charlotte.

"If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign materials will be visible throughout Charlotte - in the Charlotte Area Transit System, in public buildings, on the city website and at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. In addition, a 30-second "If You See Something, Say Something™" Public Service Announcement will be broadcast on the local Charlotte government access television station.

DHS also separately announced the "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign partnership with the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International, an international federation of more than 100 local associations and affiliated organizations. The partnership will begin in eight different metropolitan areas including Baltimore, Denver, Ft. Lauderdale, Minneapolis, Orlando, St. Paul, Southwest Florida, and Washington, D.C. with plans to expand to other cities in the future.

The "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign - originally implemented by New York City's Metropolitan Transportation Authority and now licensed to DHS for a nationwide campaign - is a simple and effective program to engage the public and key frontline employees to identify and report indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime to the proper transportation and law enforcement authorities.

The Department launched the "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign in conjunction with the Department of Justice's Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative - an administration effort to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators related to terrorism and terrorism-related crime; standardize how those observations are documented and analyzed; and ensure the sharing of those reports with the Federal Bureau of Investigation-led Joint Terrorism Task Forces for further investigation.

Recent expansions of the "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign include partnerships with numerous sports teams and leaguestransportation agenciesprivate sector partnersstatesmunicipalities, and colleges and universities. DHS also has Public Service Announcements which have been distributed to television and radio stations across the country.

DHS will continue to expand the "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign nationally to ensure America's businesses, communities, and citizens remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping the country safe.

For more information, visit

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Sheldan's Webinar Sunday May 20, 2012

Understanding Our Timelines

Annular solar eclipse.

Timelines not written in stone.

But for today, that's what it looks like.

All dates have possible fluctuations. Could slip a couple weeks either way.

Changing Our Legal System

Based on ancient Roman Law.

Basis for dark cabal's legitimacy through Admiralty Law.

New common law based upon personal sovereignty

The Flow of Natural Law

The law of the people (natural law)

The Divine Time Line

All Time Lines are converging through the divine vortex to a sacred moment in Creation – the birth of your new reality.

The Timeline – Part I

Late Spring, 2012:

Mass Public Arrests

Proclaim New Banking System

New Governance In Power

UFO Disclosure

*All times subject to change--could go into early summer

Mass arrests are to coordinate with the elimination of all obstacles to new governance and new economic system –

Need to bring in new economic system before total collapse of present system. Our economy is collapsing. Greece is what we are talking about.

There are alternatives in place for completing this plan in right divine time.

Ancient Secret Families

Holders of large monies created by the Masters to be given back to them when it is time to spread the new prosperity.

Holders of ancient wisdom and arcane knowledge from Atlantis and Lemuria.

Imbedded within dark cabal only to help destroy it when it is time to manifest a new epoch for the Light and for surface humanity.

St. Germain helped create the modern banking system.

All under control of the Ascended Masters.

What Has Happened So Far

Iceland is a forerunner. It has already nationalized its banks, conducted a referendum that changed the gov't and is setting up a new constitution.

Ireland has sued in International Court to declare all national debt is a result of bank fraud and hence illegal.

The BRIC Nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have proposed a new economic system that ends the power of the global fiat monetary system run by the US Federal Reserve Bank.

The actual transformation is occurring behind closed doors.

Explaining Steps Of Part I

This process was first formalized by conferences and agreements reached in Paris and Monaco in April/ May 2011.

Independent and specialized groups first placed liens on "bankrupted" major corporate and "private" central banks between 2008 and 2012.

The new governance was made possible when major national militaries and police forces came to agreements with liaisons from the secret Sacred societies and the Agarthans.

US Fed Reserve Bank bankrupt in 2008. In 1938, Supreme Court gave US 70 years to handle it.

US gov't is a private corporation, incorporated in Puerto Rico. PR has to stay in its state to keep corporation papers valid. Will always be a territory.

US economy about to implode. There has to be across-the-board debt forgiveness. And new financial system.

The Initial Announcements

One: New governance and new economic system made public. You may need 3-5 days of food and water.

Two: End of income taxes with debt forgiveness and a new currency (3-6 months for refunds with banks closed for 3-5 day to shift to new currency and new procedures).

Three: New technology and Galactic Federation disclosed. Technology to take 3-4 months before made available.

Four: All bank instruments (ex. Credit and debit cards) will not be available at the minimum for 30-45 days. Have at least $1,000 in cash on hand for your needs. Old money okay to use for at least 60 days, domestically. Zero value abroad.

Five: Keep your cars filled with fuel. Gasoline may not be available for at least 10-20 days.

To switch over to new form of electrical ...

Six: All tv and radio stations are only to broadcast official programming for the first two weeks after gov't changes. So no panics, everyone must understand.

Going to true value economy globally. The world we grew up with will be gone. This will be an immense change-over in a relatively short period of time.

New Corporate Structure

What Has Happened So Far

The U.S. Gov't is a private corporation. It and all other corporations are to be disbanded. A new business model, a social responsible partnership is to replace the corporation.

Banks are to be rechartered. The new charters are to limit the financial actions that each type of bank (savings, commercial or investment) can legally take on. All banks are to be fuly Basel III and Basel IV compliant. Rechartering of all banks domestically

To limit type of transactions they can legally take on.

Debt forgiveness is an initial part of this new structure. All commercial organizations start within a new prosperity-oriented system. As this transition happens, moving from debt economy. Massive debt forgiveness, including national debt. Debt used in banking to create illegal banking system. Debt has no value, banks using it like it does.

Not based on profit or loss, based on sustainability of societies and the earth.

Also called equity economics. True value in, true value out.

Formal Disclosure.

Disclosure: A 3-Step Process

One: Disclosure is to be announced after the initial economic and gov't announcements.

Two: The announcement is to lead to broadcasts by the Agarthans, Ascended Masters and Federation spokepersons. Must get out of religious, need to know who we really are, universal laws... Set dates for landings. Will emphasize technology. First contact will proclaim new banking system.

Three: A timetable for dispersal....

The Timeline Part II

Late Summer, 2012:

Trial Dates Set

Release of Secret Technology

New Business & Financial Infrastructure In Place

Meetings With Earth-based Members of Space & Spiritual Families

Equity Monetary Systems

Based on true, stable value of currency. It cannot be readily depreciated nor evaluated against other currencies. Transitional period 1-2 years.

Currency backed by precious metals that are evaluated at a constant and therefore, a fixed rate.

Debt is eliminated from any consideration in an evaluation of a currency.

Moving to a monetary system based upon equity and sustainability. No longer can be manipulated.

Your values will be transferrable. Just a stop-gap between now and endless abundance.

The New Global Financial System

The key to it: "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Meetings in Europe and Asia created the foundations for a new economy.

A Shift Toward Prosperity

Right Divine Time And Change

The final parts of a long process to release the prosperity funds is at its conclusion. The final signings are ready to happen.

The new financial and banking system is likewise finishing up its final signing off from those who were the last obstacle to it manifesting now!

The old reality is dying. A new epoch for humanity begins.

New Technologies Revealed

Zero Point Generators, Galactic Federation Technology

The Galactic Federation is to add its own Technology to the mix:

Replicator of food, water, beverages, clothing, furniture and other necessities. No dishwashing required, jut return items to the replicator. Just return your clothes to the replicator, no washing necessary. No shopping required.

Any ailments currently existing can be healed in a week or less.

All of this is there. All ready for us to use.

Weather Technology. A number of devices that can clean up our oceans and atmosphere were hidden by the government.

Galactic Federation transportation technology is to be shared with their Beam Ships.

Setting Trial Dates After The Mass Arrests

The Trials And Change

The mass trials are just to separate the dark from its illegally kept power and to permit a new reality to emerge.

The trials are to demonstrate publicly a series of truths ….

Conducting The Trials

Not "show trials" but a way to teach the world about the dark cabal and its various crimes against humanity.

Meeting With Secret Sacred Societies.

Agarthans and Ascended Masters

The has come for the Agarthans great wisdowm and truth to be revealed to Gaia's surface human population.

The real nature of this living entity that you reside on is to be told. In doing this, a whole slew of myths....

At first contact, we will meet the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans, and learn about our hollow world.

Creating New Governance. The "PTB" can no longer rule.

The Timeline Part III

Late Autumn, 2012--

Agarthans Meet Surface World

Abundance Is Common Place

Prepare For Full Consciousness

Change In Gov't

Restore Bill of Rights

New Governance

Legally transfers world from roman law, admiralty courts to common law and common law courts.

Upholds natural constitutional law and sets up the return of your inalienable rights and your personal sovereignty.

Permits the expected open interaction between citizenry and gov't to happen. …

All Arrests Reflect Common Law

New Governance Code

Our true flag.... vertical red and white stripes, blue stars on white field on upper left.

Reorganizing Gov't

Congress is to do its work with all committees and actions open to the public.

New Legislature

Congressional reforms: citizen legislators (no special pension, no special medical plan and no privately funded campaigns).

Legisltors are citizens who volunteer their time and their passions to serve the ….

Make Executive transparent

The Executive is to do its work with all committees and actions open to the public.

New Executive

Executive Reforms: All citizen executives have no special pension, no special medical plan and salaries cease when you resign position with no special gifts permitted.

Executive appointees are best and brightest who volunteer their time and their passions to serve the nation.

There is a close interaction between the people and the executibe appointees.

Abundance is Commonplace.

Prepare for Full Consciousness

Thre Step Process

Mass landings preceded by information from CF and AM on what is full conscious and a brief outline of your true history.

Agarthans explain...

Projected Times For Events 4

Rest of 2012:

Complete Major Reforms

Clean Gaia's Air, Water & Soil

First Contact Announcements

Ascended Masters Manifest

The rise of new governance puts prosperity and disclosure in full swing.

*All times subject to change.

What is the Payoff?

Prosperity, Freedom, Personal Sovereignty

We are to become fully conscious Beings of Light

AM: Teach & prepare us to move beyond the Earth plane and become citizens of the Universe. We are physical angels.


Important to tell people diff b/t common and admiralty law... it allows those in power to limit our rights. Common law says we have certain inalienable rights. There is a natural law and why the law needs to change.

Need a month or two of cash for general needs. Prosperity funds will take about 30 days, good general idea. Be able to take care of your family during this period.

Be open of this entire process.

Achieve your goals

Achieve full consciousness

Be understanding and accepting of it.

How soon healing tech be available...

Once have tech that makes everyone whole, the tech you will initially get, earth suppressed, won't regrow limbs, but later, yes. The blind will see, deaf will hear, missing limbs will be regrown.

Death or old age? No, what's you become fully conscious no death. Just move on when contract is up. You'll always look like 19-20-21-22, when you reach maturity. Always have perfect hearing, vision, weight, always have what you need to achieve your goals. The fall was falling into a limited body, where we could be manipulated. But from that, we have learned. We will become the permanent restorers of light in this galaxy.

When we are fully conscious, then there will be a shift. Sit back and absorb the information that are about to happen in the right divine time and be ready to change with it, to shift into this new reality.

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Vatican Bank chief Tedeschi dismissed

The director of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, has been removed from his post for dereliction of duty, the Vatican says.

The bank's board of directors unanimously passed a no-confidence vote in Mr Gotti Tedeschi, a statement said.

It said he had failed "to carry out duties of primary importance", but it did not elaborate. Read more:

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SaLuSa, May 23, 2012

Ascension has been ongoing for many years, so as not to overpower you. It has gently been increased, and now you are recognizing the difference it is making to you. It is in many ways a delicate process of raising your vibrations, so that you can gradually absorb more, and more. Too much energy too soon could have been detrimental to your progress, upsetting those who are slow to respond. It affects all souls in one way or another, which is why some get symptoms that might otherwise be attributed to malfunctioning bodily systems.

Now perhaps you can understand why at the time of the 21st. December 2012, the high energy influx due to the alignment of your Sun and the Great Central Sun, is going to "separate" those who are ready to ascend, and those who are not. The choice is as ever yours, but do not be concerned if you are one desiring to remain in your present dimension. It will make no difference to your evolution in the long run, as opportunities to ascend will still come periodically. Indeed, if you set your mind on it, by sheer willpower and intent you could ascend anytime as an individual.

God set out the master plan eons of time ago, that would ensure as this cycle ended it would be in triumph for those seeking to return to the Light. Through many lives in the lowest vibrations in your Universe, you have come out of your earthly experiences much greater than you were when you descended into them. You would not necessarily enjoy looking back on some of your lives, as your evolution has taken through some very negative experiences. In all probabilities you would not recognize yourself as the same one you are today. That is not necessary anyway, but nevertheless if you insist all would be revealed from the information kept in the Akashic records.

Each life of every soul is recorded, and naturally it is those that have uplifted you that are considered the most important. Bear in mind that throughout your many lives, as you progress you are each time the sum total of your experiences. Nothing is ever without some value to you, which is why you have a life plan. You choose from what you need to further your evolution, and wiser heads than yours are always on hand to advise you what is best for you.

Your Guardian Angel will normally stay with you for life after life, and that is their way of service to you and God. They protect you, but at the same time guide you through whatever unpleasant experiences you may have elected to go through. It is not in your best interest to avoid them, as they will only come back to you again. Learn whatever it is that you need to understand, and you will not normally be asked to experience it again.

Many of you have so to say, already reached the end of the road now, and you will intuitively know that is so. Your final period on Earth will be well in your control, and it will pass quite easily as you experience an inner peace. It comes from knowing that you have achieved your goals, and have been able to break your bonds with the earthly links that no longer serve you. Indeed, for those who have not yet fully cleansed themselves of such links, the longer they go on the less you will find that they hold any attraction for you.

At this time when some of the most astounding events will take place, we look to Lightworkers to help those who will be fearful of what is happening. For a short while it will seem that all is about to collapse, and in part that will happen. However, it has all been anticipated and planned, as a means to get rid of all that stands in your way to a peaceful conclusion to life. The answers to your problems are known to us, and together with our allies all will be taken care of in quick time. This is the type of information that people will need, and we will soon be addressing the world so that all will hear our voices.

There will be a series of revelations that in different ways will shock you all, as no matter how prepared you feel you that you are, it is almost certain that they go a lot deeper. Some of the claims will be absolutely unbelievable and full details not given to satisfy peoples curiosity, but simply to draw attention to the heinous crimes against you. It will explain much that has puzzled you, and undoubtedly allow you to understand why so much crime has gone unpunished in the last 50 years or so. Indeed, you could go back to the World War Two and wonder why so few top people were called to answer for their crimes against Humanity. It was collusion my Dear Ones, where there was more interest amongst the big powers in capturing information, by allowing the criminals to join them instead of standing trial.

It does not matter how long ago crimes were carried out or the evidence destroyed, as we can go back in time to retrieve it. There is no escape from justice and the truth, and anything other than the truth can be identified for what it is. This is not meant to frighten you, but when you pass over the same conditions apply when a review of your life takes place. You cannot even lie to yourself, as some do to convince themselves that the facts are different to what they really are. You would not have it any other way, as how else will you learn but from your mistakes. You all make them and they are not held against you, but simply put down as experience.

We would say, savor the wonderful experiences that you have had on Earth, as you may never quite get the same again. It is sometimes going from one extreme to another that heightens the depth of your experiences. In the future your lives will be more steady and on an even keel, and there will hardly be any extremes unless you choose it to be so. Adventures will be your way of life, and give you great fulfillment. Yet, no matter how far you travel, your loved ones will be but a thought away, and with instantaneous travel friends are easily reached.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can see the probabilities that are ahead of you, and it is wonderful to be able to report that you have won the day. All will turn out as you have been led to believe, but almost certainly likely to be much better than you can imagine.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Here is more proof of the Vatican, The Pope, President Eisenhower, Bishop McIntyre and Off-World Contact and their warning of a planet that was heading our way ... with a very War-like Alien people



by Cristoforo Barbato Translated from Italian by Robert Morningstar and Matteo Sarti 2006 (original Italian version)

from UFODigest Website 

During the conference I spoke about underground bases in the USA and dedicated the last fifteen minutes of my speech to a very short summary of my work during last five years that had gone in a new direction and is the leading topic of my future lectures.

In the year 2000, I was working in Rome as an editor in the "Stargate" magazine and I wrote many articles about the Fatima Apparitions that took place in Portugal in 1917 and their famous Third Secret, as well as, other Vatican State-related mysteries. After the initial publication of these articles, I started to receive many e-mails from a person who identified himself as a Vatican insider. The mysterious man attempted to contact me anonymously and intermittently because he was interested in me and my research into Fatima.
From those e-mails, a story emerged regarding an enigmatic Vatican Intelligence Agency named "S.I.V.", a code from "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano". In those letters, there was interesting information and in one of these he advised me that I would receive a video tape about observations of a presumed "10th Planet" coming closer to our Solar System. The video was taken by a space craft, part of a deep space program, started in the early 1990s, called "Siloe."
Through these details, I understood that the writer knew much more information than he was relating to me. For about one year, there were informal contacts via email and postal letters during which he revealed to me that he was a Jesuit member of "S.I.V." and worked in Rome for a certain department of the Holy See, which I verified without his knowledge.

Subsequently, I was able (with great difficulty) to arrange the first personal meeting in a public location in the capital (Rome) during which he continued to reveal more information to me.
I greatly desired the first personal meeting, which occurred in 2001, as a condition "sine qua non" because until then I was obviously skeptical (dubious) and untrusting of him even though the information and the video tape were interesting.

It was during that meeting that all my doubts completely disappeared when he showed me his credentials, some of which corresponded with what I had previously checked out by myself. In addition, he revealed to me that he was authorized to supervise the so-called "Secretum Omega" ("The Omega Secret"), the highest secrecy category in the Roman Catholic Church, equivalent to (the military's) "Cosmic Top Secret" in NATO.
As prearranged, the dialogue between us was structured in a question and answer form with a stated agreement that I would pose precise questions. Although the format of the meeting was respected (despite my desire to ask various different questions) in the short time available, some of his answers reversed the original setup regarding some subjects.

However, the following conversation still represents the main part of the dialogue but not all of it because I decided not to reveal some of the details for the moment.

Beginning of the Interview with "The Jesuit"

Barbato [B] : How did you become a member of S.I.V. (Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano)?
Gesuita [G] : The S.IV. is composed of different elements, all of which are connected to the Church and mainly composed, at least the Directorate, of priests, the majority of whom are taken from the Jesuit Order, Benedictine Monks and Nuns; in total, a few more than 100 members.
There could be fewer members but if one considers all parts of the world where there is a priest or a nun, each is also a potential source of precise information. Some elements of S.I.V. were and are taken from lay areas and institutions, internally connected to the Church, for example, humanitarian associations, political groups close to the Holy See, "young Catholics" movements and others. My background was similar to these.
Briefly, the members were secretly overseen, directed and formed according to determined criteria in certain fields. Nowadays, all of us realize subsequently that we had a personal "guardian angel" or mentor.

[B] : Could you give us more details about S.I.V.? Why was it created and how long has it been active…?
[G] : The structure is "Top Secret" but for the moment I can tell you that it is organized in a manner analogous to other intelligence organizations like CIA, MI-6, the KGB, etc. It doesn't have an official seat but new a location for reunion is chosen from time to time, always under the oversight of Vatican City. From a chronological point of view, the spark, which ignited the start of said organization, was caused by an event during the first half-decade of the 1950s in the United States, precisely in February of 1954.
This event was the meeting that occurred in California at Muroc Airfield (which later became Edwards Air Force Base) of an alien delegation with the President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, attended by the Bishop of Los Angeles, James Francis McIntyre.
The meeting was filmed by the military with three 16mm cameras, placed at different points, loaded with color film and spring drive motors; that is because each camera operator had to change the film every 3 minutes and because in the presence of the aliens, electric motor did not work. In total they shot 20 minutes of film in 7 rolls, each of them 30 meters in length.
At the end of the meeting, each member of the Earth delegation swore never to reveal to anyone what he had seen and what he had heard about the aliens. Don't ask me where the film is because I think that you must know the answer. Anyway, some days later, McIntyre, probably disappointed to have sworn himself to secrecy, departed in a hurry with the goal of meeting with Pope Pius XII to inform him of the incredible event.
But in order to reach Italy, Bishop McIntyre had to fly first to New York and then proceed to Rome, always in private aircraft. About half an after take-off from Los Angeles, the airplane suddenly experience technical difficulties and was forced to make an emergency landing at Skyhaven Airport, Las Vegas, NV during the night.

During the time that the airplane was being repaired, a certain person boarded the airplane to confer with the Bishop. The man presented military credentials of the US Armed Forces, a colonel in the USAF, and was received by McIntyre. The conversation lasted 20 minutes during which time this man dissuaded the Bishop from revealing all the details of the meeting in which he had assisted because all the alien matters had already been studied for many years exclusively by the USAF.

The military emphasized that the President had just requested a spiritual opinion and above all an understanding in a situation so anomalous and that his oath of secrecy also included the Holy Father. Not the least of which concerns was the internal infiltration of the Vatican by Soviet spies. The Bishop replied that it was precisely his intention to inform the Pope of the incredible event.
We now believe that the engine problem was previously and intentionally created in order to bring about that meeting, probably organized by certain military officers without President Eisenhower's knowledge. Before departing the military told the Bishop that notifying Rome would create great problems for him and for his safety, which could cost him much. Furthermore, they couldn't know yet if some divine message had predicted the meeting with the aliens.
Two days later, Pope Pius XII received Bishop McIntyre. After having meditated deeply on the possible implications of an exclusive military relationship with the aliens, the Pope decided to create a secret information department with a structure similar to the fascist military intelligence departments, to be called S.I.V. that would gather all possible information regarding the activities of the alien entity and information acquired by the Americans. It was very important to keep open channels of communication with President Eisenhower.
The S.I.V. was basically constituted to acquire and to manage all secret information above all regarding alien activities and matters, coordinating with other intelligence organization in other countries. The main goal of the newly formed department was to manage all aspect of the moral, philosophical and religious points of view.

[B] What made the Pope believe that the American military would have shared such sensitive information with the Vatican? What about the military man who appeared at the airport in Las Vegas?
[G] Understand, that meeting convened in the middle of the night by the President of the United States, seeking aid and spiritual support in a situation, unique in the entire story of humanity, I believe was a sign of esteem and trust. In confirmation of this, I tell you that upon returning to the United States, McIntyre and Archbishop Edward Mooney of Detroit were later the principle coordinators of the operation passing the information to the Vatican.

But these event took an unexpected turn because McIntyre and other S.I.V. members began to have direct contact, in essence without the knowledge of the military, with an alien race of the Nordic Type, apparently benevolent, coming from the Pleiades.

These aliens advised to be careful with the other creatures encountered by the Americans in the California desert. These meetings with the members of S.I.V. happened many times in the United States and twice also inside the Vatican Gardens near the Pontifical Academy of Science, in the presence of Pope Pius XII.
[B] Now, Padre Pio of Pietralcina spoke about the existence of other living creatures in other worlds that had attained a higher evolutionary state because they were without sin… Is that true?
[G] Without a doubt, but these beings, which you refer to, live in a different dimensional plane, different from in not being the angels in the true sense of the word, while on the other hand the Nordic Aliens that I spoke about previously have flesh and bone, even though they are very evolved to a technological and spiritual point, they still have bodies.

These creatures announced to have discovered in the Catholic Church, more precisely in the message of Christ, the pure presence of God and they offered to cooperate, themselves, for the good of humanity.
That firm affirmation on the part of these beings convinced Pius XII to collaborate with them and to consider them as authentic converts to the Christian faith.
The Pontiff probably realized that the Universal Church should communicate its message even to beings coming from other worlds. Besides, these aliens through the years were determined to assist the Church of Rome in all its missions, particularly, in determining the character of social and political situations internationally.

(Author's Note: I suggest that you read what Alberto Perego wrote during his time as Vatican Consul in some of his books.)

Pope John XXIII Thereafter, even Pope John XXIII benefited from the support of these beings who had espoused the Christian cause but he always preferred to keep it secret speaking solely of "angelic intervention."

Pope John XXIII had inherited, in a manner of speaking, an agreement for collaboration between the Holy See and these beneficent aliens of the Nordic Race as stipulated by his predecessor. This situation (the secret agreement) endured throughout the Pontificate of Angelo Giussepe Roncalli, who many times expressed to the leaders of S.I.V. his fears regarding investing too much trust in these beings.

That's why today we believe that one of the main reasons for convening The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council was the need to take a first concrete step toward the renewal of the Church, in view of the possibility of immanent contact.


[B] Can we include in this intervention or "celestial mediation," the presumed contact that happened in 1963 between American contactee, George Adamski, and the Pope?
[G] I was just getting there. Adamski really met the Pope. He went to St. Peter's just once to meet the Pope who at that time had already decided that the Church ought not entertain any further direct contact with these aliens, even if they were positive. Furthermore, John XIII found it unacceptable to reveal this relationship to the Christian populace.

The assignment that the aliens commissioned to Adamski was to try to attain a final agreement with the Pope, who was dying. Adamski was a messenger for those aliens who met with the Pope through him. These beings ordered Adamski to deliver a gift to the Pope. The gift contained a liquid substance, which would have saved the Pope from gastric enteritis, which afflicted him at that time and, worse, in his last hours became acute peritonitis.
The Pope did not drink the substance and said before dying as he beheld the Crucifix:

"Quelle braccia allargate del Cristo sono state il programma del mio pontificato. Un pontificato umile e modesto quanto volete, ma di cui mi sono assunto tutte le responsabilità. Sono contento di quello che ho fatto e di come l'ho fatto...." "The open arms of Christ were the purpose of my pontificate. A humble and modest pontificate as you see, for which I assume all responsibility. I am satisfied in what I have done and how I have done it."

Moreover, this gesture on the part of the aliens convinced the dying Pope, with little lucidity and energy remaining, that the "Space Brothers" might surely conduct positive and benevolent activities toward humanity but that they should operate autonomously and distinctly from the Church and, in general, from human activities, with prayer, actions according to the Law of God and, in particular, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Adamski's attempted mission ended direct contact between these beings and that Pope and his successors, trusting in the insight of John XXIII who established that it was not allowed to have direct contacts.

Later in a secret manuscript from Pope John XIII (Angelo Giussepe Roncalli) to his successor, which contained one special dossier about "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano," the Pope mentioned a passage from the Gospel (of Mark) that clearly explained the position of the Church regarding these benevolent beings coming from other worlds.

Dal Vangelo secondo Marco ( 9, 38 e seg) In quel tempo, Giovanni rispose a Gesù dicendo: "Maestro, abbiamo visto uno che scacciava i démoni nel tuo nome e glielo abbiamo vietato, perché non era dei nostri". Ma Gesù disse: "Non glielo proibite, perché non c'è nessuno che faccia un miracolo nel mio nome e subito dopo possa parlare male di me. Chi non è contro di noi è per noi. Chiunque vi darà da bere un bicchiere d'acqua nel mio nome perché siete di Cristo, vi dico in verità che non perderà la sua ricompensa". From the Gospel of Mark 9: 38 ff.:
"At which time, John responded to Jesus saying: "Master, we saw a man who was casting out demons in your name and we forbad him because he was not one of us."
But Jesus said: "Forbid him not, for there is no man who shall do a miracle in my name that can then lightly speak evil of me. For he who is not against us is for us. For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward."


secretumomega06_03.jpg The High Altar at Vatican II Ecumenical Council

The meaning, in essence, was that the presumed positive activities of these aliens, who accepted the Christic message, should be "blessed" and not opposed (or obstructed) but always kept distinct and parallel to that of the Church. These aliens should be considered as the stranger who rescues in the name of Christ and who should not be impeded from doing so.


Close up Study of Sky Object in Carlo Crivelli's "The Annunciation"


Crivelli's "The Annunciation"

In this course, we could interject the speech, which the new Pontiff gave, in succeeding the late Pius XII, as he proclaimed publicly on the 5th of April, 1961 in St. Peter Plaza before a general audience, saying:

"Some voices were previously were unknown. But this concerns voices, descending from the sky to the Earth, voices which possess and reflect the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father."

[B] Let's talk about your tasks on the S.I.V scene.
[G] My tasks were purely technical, the most important of which were, for example, to take extremely secret information coming from a Vatican radio telescope located in Alaska and forward it to respective destinations.

[B] Just a second, but to which radio telescope are you referring? I did not know that the Vatican owned such a structure in that area.
[G] The Vatican owns and utilizes an extremely advanced radio telescope that is in the vanguard of systems and technology and is only used by Jesuits. It is located inside an industrial park used to store petroleum, apparently abandoned, situated in the state of Alaska. This complex is camouflage because officially the activities that go on inside are not those of the VATT in Arizona and are kept "Top Secret."

Translator's note: I have found a HAARP test application that could possibly be used in a search for Nibiru. HAARP is located in Gakona, Alaska. See "Lunar Radar Experiment"

[B] When was that apparatus built and, above all, what end in sight did the Vatican have in owning so many other astronomical sites around the world?
[G] What I can say is that it was built in the 1990s with the object of studying all anomalous celestial bodies approaching Earth, similar to what the CIA did with one of its "secret eyes," the twin to Hubble, called "SkyHole 12" (a.k.a. Keyhole 12).
Moreover, the S.I.V. was informed during the meetings (of the aliens) with Pope Pius XII of the approach of a celestial body to the solar system in which resides an advanced very warlike alien race. Very shortly, I knew that the material that I should have been receiving in Rome and then analyzing on a computer was very interesting and extremely secret.

It was during the analysis of certain data and information from the Alaska radio telescope that we discovered that one remote deep space probe, part of a deep space exploration program called "SILOE", which was started in 1990 had taken a photograph of a huge planet getting closer to the Solar System.

The information was received in Alaska during October 1995, which is when my problems started. I discovered that I was not chosen to decode that particular transmission and a dangerous situation evolved. At that time, my contact revealed to me that, inside the Vatican, there were two factions struggle over possession and control of this information, which was classified far beyond "Top Secret."

[B] Can you give me some other details on the space program called SILOE? Who proposed and launched it?
[G] The probe called "SILOE" takes its name from an identically named program of space exploration begun in the early 1990s. Furthermore, regarding this, I can add that this program was part of another one, much wider in scope, named "Kerigma."

(Author's note: Regarding the latter ("Kerigma"), nothing was revealed to me.)

For now, I can just tell you that this probe was created in Area 51, has an electromagnetic impulse motor, and it was put in orbit by a space plane, like type "Aurora." The probe did not have any calculations or pre-indications of the trajectory or the precise location of "Nibiru," because its purpose was to approach that planet, correcting its direction to avoid impact and to return to this Solar System to a position close enough to transmit the data and images to the secret radio telescope located in Alaska.

The probe was launched as soon as the radio telescope was and the probe was capable of transmitting images in 1995.

[B] What I am hearing from you reminds me of some theories formulated by researcher, Zecharia Sitchin, regarding the future return of the mysterious 12th planet. Do you know this work?
[G] Yes, I know about the principle aspects. What I can say is that S.I.V. in collaboration with Lockheed Martin launched that probe, which made the images that I later analyzed. These images are of an enormous celestial body whose presence will "felt" within at most 3 years from 2001 in our Solar System.

[B] How did you get access to such information?
[G] Actually, I possess an authorization for the supervision of the so-called "Secretum Omega." This is the highest classification of secrecy in the Vatican, equivalent to "Cosmic Top Secret" in NATO. This is subdivided into 3 levels of information: from the least detailed, Secretum Omega Level III to the Secretum Omega Level I, which is the most complete. My actual goal was to indoctrinate new members of S.I.V., teaching them the use of the communication systems of this organization.

[B] How is the information collected by the radio telescope in Alaska relayed to Italy?
[G] There are some radios and antennas linked to two geostationary satellites over Italy, property of an American telecommunications company, Sprint International, which owns parabolic antennae located in Italy, in the north and in the extreme south.

This company has a special contract with the S.I.V. and a private channel broadcasting and receiving enciphered data using private algorithms and personalized cryptography, used since 1994. Before this, the S.I.V. utilized a cryptographic system invented by a Swiss society, which was subsequently abandoned because one of the members of this society sold secretly to some Israelis. I can't give you other technical information at the moment.

[B] I would like to ask you about a well-known religious legate to the Church. I am referring to Monsignor Balducci who publicly spoke about the extraterrestrial themes. Is it possible that Balducci is working in concert with S.I.V.? And that he has knowledge of its existence?
[G] Surely Father Balducci made his studies and his research in a totally autonomous manner without following any preexisting established program. During his research, he was never obstructed. On the contrary, in certain ways he was actually encouraged.
[B] Just a moment please, it seems to me understanding your words that there exists a program for disclosure. And, maybe, for this reason could it be that you decided to meet me and reveal this information to me?
[G] We are "crazy splintered", according to the system, but we know that certain events are going to happen to all living beings on the planet; no one is excluded. All humanity in this actual period of history is living in a particular circumstance and intimately linked to some key events contained in the Book of the Apocalypse.

The human race must surrender completely to the message of salvation and redemption of Christ, which St. Paul defined as "Kerigma," a message that John Paul II is trying to spread to all nations. Don't you think that the Pope knows how close these events are to us?

[B] But how much does the Pope know about all this information, also in view of the passionate declaration that he made from this year?

(Author's note: the year is 2000 specially concerned the official trip to Fatima for solemn beatification of seers Francisco and Jacinta)

[G] Inside the Vatican there are two different groups struggling one against the other with counter positions; one of these promulgates disclosure of this information program and is defended body and soul by Wojtila (Pope John Paul II), the other tried to block any information from getting out by any means, to the point that some members of this faction take part in occult power groups.

For example, they control the world oil market, actually working in many international economies with the sole purpose of blocking any disclosure of any alternative free energy sources. Groups like that behind the famous and controversial "The Guardian UFO Case" of which you know, dramatically authenticated this information in great measure with the exception of photographs of presumed alien entities.
Anyway, these documents and information describe a real situation. Reality often surpasses the craziest fantasy. Unfortunately, this is the case. And of all these occult organizations, the apex is the SVS.

End of the Interview with "The Jesuit"

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Walking with Popes Pope Pius XII 1939 to 1964

                        by minnie » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:05 am 

Pope Pius XII launched Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano(SIV), an agency at cross purposes with Majestic-12.


In Februari 1954 Pope Pius XII received Los Angelos Bishop James Francis McIntyre, who provided him with an extraordinary report. Two days before, at the request of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the bishop had been part of a delegation witness to a clandestine U.S./extraterrestrial meeting at Edwards Air Force Base. This event was the meeting that occurred in California at Muroc Airfield (which later became Edwards Air Force Base) of an alien delegation with President Eisenhower, attended by Bishop McIntyre. The meeting was filmed by the U.S. military with 3 16mm cameras, placed at different points, loaded with color film and spring drive motors; that is because each camera operator had to change the film every 3 minutes and because in the presence of the aliens, electric motors did not work. In total they shot 20 minutes of film in 7 rolls, each of them 30 meters in length.

At the end of the meeting, each member of the Earth delegation swore never to reveal to anyone what he had seen and what he had heard about the aliens. It was impressed on Bishop McIntyre before reaching Rome, that his oath included the Holy Father. The bishop rejected this, and took his report to the Vatican.

After having spoken with Bishop McIntyre at length, Pope Pius XII meditated deeply on the possible implications of an exclusively American military relationship with the aliens. The Pope decided to launch a secret information department with a structure similar to the fascist military intelligence departments, codenamed SIV(=Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano) that would gather all possible information regarding the activities of the alien entity and information acquired by the Americans. It was very important to keep open channels of communication with President Eisenhower.
The SIV was basically constituted to acquire and to manage all secret information regarding alien matters, coordinating with intelligence organizations in other countries. The main goal of the newly formed department was to manage all aspects of the moral, philosophical and religious implications of continuing ET contact.

An Etherian/Nordic faction of ETs met with SIV and Pope Pius XII inside the Vatican Gardens.

Bishop McIntyre, members of SIV, and Pope Pius XII himself had contact with a faction of ETs, including Etherians (light-emitting and humanlike) and Nordics (humanlike aliens with Scandinavian looks). These extraterrestrials expressed an affinity with Christ and his message, and gave a warning regarding the U.S. involvement with the Greys. Meetings with the members of SIV happened many times in the United States and twice also inside the Vatican Gardens near the Pontifical Academy of Science, in the presence of Pope Pius XII. I find it hard to wrap my mind around this, but the (truly pious) Pius XII considered these aliens as a special kind of converts to the Christian faith.

Stunning as it seems, the Pope effectively had committed SIV (and by extension the Church) to a treaty with Etherians and Nordics, obviously at cross purposes to the American Majestic-12 who began an alliance with the Greys. (Etherians made a similar offer for cooperation to President Eisenhower, stipulating the U.S. get rid of nuclear arms first.) For many years the Church of Rome was to receive assistance in its missions, in particular by getting the ET's views on social and political situations internationally.

This situation (the secret treaty) continued on throughout the Pontificate of Angelo Giussepe Roncalli (Pope Blessed John XXIII), who many times expressed to the leaders of SIV his fears regarding investing too much trust in these beings. That may be one of the main reasons for convening The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council: investigating the need to take a first concrete step toward the renewal of the Church, in view of the possibility of imminent contact.

Pope Blessed John XXIII came to believe it would be too disruptive to the believers to learn of close cooperation between the Vatican and alien visitors. He decided that direct contacts should end, separating the paths of Church and ETs. Before his death in 1963 from acute peritonitis he referred to them as benevolent beings, capable of Christian faith. His dying declaration, conceivably affirming his separate human interpretation of his faith was: "The open arms of Christ were the purpose of my pontificate. A humble and modest pontificate as you see, for which I assume all responsibility. I am satisfied in what I have done and how I have done it."

In a secret manuscript from Pope Blessed John XXIII (Angelo Giussepe Roncalli) to his successor, which contained one special dossier about "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano," the Pope mentioned a passage from the Gospel of Mark that clearly explained the position of the Church regarding these benevolent beings coming from other worlds.
Dal Vangelo secondo Marco ( 9, 38 e seg)
In quel tempo, Giovanni rispose a Gesù dicendo: "Maestro, abbiamo visto uno che scacciava i démoni nel tuo nome e glielo abbiamo vietato, perché non era dei nostri". Ma Gesù disse: "Non glielo proibite, perché non c'è nessuno che faccia un miracolo nel mio nome e subito dopo possa parlare male di me. Chi non è contro di noi è per noi. Chiunque vi darà da bere un bicchiere d'acqua nel mio nome perché siete di Cristo, vi dico in verità che non perderà la sua ricompensa".

Translated to English it reads (From the Gospel of Mark 9: 38 ff.):
'At which time, John responded to Jesus saying: "Master, we saw a man who was casting out demons in your name and we forbad him because he was not one of us."
But Jesus said: "Forbid him not, for there is no man who shall do a miracle in my name that can then lightly speak evil of me. For he who is not against us is for us. For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward." '

Another quote from this Pontiff (St. Peter's Plaza April 5th 1961):
"Some voices previously were unknown. But this concerns voices, descending from the sky to the Earth, voices which possess and reflect the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father."

The body of Pope Blessed John XXIII at St. Peter's Basilica.


If SIV scientists are operating from the Alaska HAARP facility, the U.S. and the Vatican have joined forces.

During the meetings of Pope Pius XII with the ETs they informed him of the approach of a celestial body to the solar system in which resides an advanced, very warlike alien race. In 1990 the deep space probe named Siloe, part of a deep space exploration program called KERIGMA had taken photos of a huge planet with companion satellite getting closer to the Solar System. This information was received in Alaska during October 1995, and has been classified Above Top Secret or alternatively "Secretum Omega", a Vatican designation.

The Siloe probe was put in orbit by a (speculatively) Mach 5, scram-jet driven, Aurora space plane (artist's impression).

The Siloe probe was constructed in Area 51, has an electromagnetic impulse motor, and it was put in orbit by an Aurora type space plane. The probe did not have any calculations or pre-indications of the trajectory or the precise location of its distant target, because it was tasked to close with the huge approaching planet, while avoiding a collision and to return to our Solar System to a position close enough to transmit the data and images to the SIV radio telescope located in Alaska. The probe was launched as soon as the SIV telescope was operational and the probe was capable of transmitting images in 1995. A Vatican source's description of the location of these SIV facilities furthermore seems to suggest they are part of HAARP in Alaska. Meaning that the Vatican and the U.S. have joined forces in tackling the alien problem.

Spaceprobe Siloe had taken photos of a huge planet with companion satellite, approaching our Solar System.


VALUED SOURCES: ... &topic=203

The Vatican, heartland of the Roman Church and SIV.

The alien encounter experience seems almost like an outreach program from the cosmos to the consciously impaired.

John E. Mack, Harvard Professor of Psychiatry

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Selamat Balik! We return! Much is happening on your world. A great confrontation between the dark and the Light is coming to a head. This struggle has thoroughly exhausted the governments of the West. These cabal-controlled regimes are at their wit's end as an immense financial crisis continues to deepen. The multiple threats to their stability have increased as the rigors of keeping to a debt-oriented economy are compounded daily by the on-going rebellion of nations like Greece, Iceland, and Ireland, and this rattles them to the core. The arrogance of the large multinational banks is throwing further monkey wrenches into this tottering global predicament. Meanwhile, these same banks are suffering from their own meltdown as the number of liens placed on them accrues. The whole sorry mess teeters on the verge of collapse! As this house of cards wobbles, those nations focused on bringing down the current dollar fiat system are silently enjoying what they have already accomplished. The Light supports their efforts in this, as do those who have worked to create the new and fairer economic system.

Our task in these proceedings is one of support, advice, and a helping hand that can be used to promote the proposals made by these thoroughly alarmed nations. In the past, the non-aligned nations were considered by the West to be mere 'afterthoughts.' This marginalizing is now changing as the West's once-mighty economies stare over the edge of a seemingly bottomless sinkhole. This present array of potential calamities was deliberately engineered by the dark cabal during the last two decades as part of their arrogant bid for world domination. Now, Heavenly circumstances beyond their control have thrown this goal off course, placing the cabal at the mercy of their own diabolical trickery. Meanwhile, the Ascended Masters' plans to manifest the new monetary system will tie in nicely with the objectives drawn up by the secret sacred societies of those nations that have broken away from the cabal. The die is cast, and your world is living out the final days of a reality that has endured for millennia.

The programs to prepare you for first contact are progressing well. We revise these constantly, to keep up with the ever-shifting profiles in your medical dossiers. The first official broadcasts must be made in such a way as to quell your perplexities and worries. Each of you needs answers that will remove the sting from what we need to do, and we intend to interact personally with all who wish it. This part of the operation is firstly about multiple reunions: the peoples of Inner Earth will be reunited with surface humanity, followed shortly afterwards by the return of your spiritual and space families who, in Love, initially colonized your beautiful planet 900,000 years ago. The veil of amnesia that buffers you on the Earth plane makes you forget who you really are, which is why the first thing is to bring you up to speed on this pivotal issue, and on where first contact is taking you. Then we can more usefully describe how this transformation is to happen. The Ascended Masters will mentor you through this initial stage.

Those who have spiritually mentored you down through the ages will be available to field your questions and qualms about how you are to return to full consciousness. Although the process is complex, you need, and will be given, simple, comprehensive answers to your numerous queries. It is vital that you be relieved of any stress in this regard so that you can complete this adventure in a joyous frame of mind. Our personnel will at first assist the Ascended Masters and, if required, show you where this transformation is to take place. Many of you wonder why these procedures are necessary, and we are fully ready to satisfy any and all concerns and questions you may have. All our interactions with you will be Loving and honoring, and done with your full approval. Heaven also intends you to be wholly comfortable with the reasons for the use of a living Light chamber. This special cocoon will heal you and remove the myriad, artificial blocks to your RNA/DNA which were responsible for your fateful fall into limited consciousness 13 millennia ago.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to explain some of the activities that will bring you your freedom and end your illegal debt slavery. At the end of the 18th and the start of the 19th century, a banking system came into vogue that was based on accumulating great wealth by means of designated debt instruments. Over time this produced a global increase in the trading and amassing of ever-larger debt instruments, the instability of which resulted in 'panics' from time to time. These cycles consisted of a general upturn in the world's trading markets followed by an abrupt downturn which created incredible wealth in the hands of a few. These cycles are now to end as we turn from this debt-driven economy to one based on true equity. The days of this fiat-money world are numbered and will be replaced by true-value money and an end to the whole concept of debt!

There presently exists on your world a series of banking acts that are to make all banking transactions fully transparent and that will regulate the type of funds that a bank needs to maintain in its reserves. All bank accounting is to be open, and a new agency will oversee those banks that operate either domestically or internationally. The funds they either acquire or dispense will be based on equity: precious metals (gold, silver, or platinum), or items that are highly valued, such as diamonds. In order to put this new system in play, an across-the-board debt-forgiveness is an essential prerequisite and will be announced worldwide. This new system is ready to go, but we are sure you understand that what we have described to you is a very simplified general outline of what created the current financial meltdown and the means by which it is to be resolved globally.

This new equity system and its new equity economy are to terminate the present abuses which have allowed the few (the dark cabal) to take over every nation and control it by clever use of its banking system. So therefore, one of our first moves is to take over the major banks of your world in order to secure the viability of the new financial system. But remember, even this fair and prosperity-oriented system is only a stopgap to the state of abundance that lies beyond money. Our over-arching concern here is your return to full consciousness. Heaven has mandated that you return to a state of consciousness that permits you to work with us in unfolding the divine plan for physicality. This supreme task is the basis for all our divine service and we are committed to your return to full consciousness in as short a time as divinely possible. We have acquired the assistance of the Galactic Federation and their capabilities will permit us to achieve our divine goals with great success!

Today, we updated you on what is ready to happen worldwide. Your reality has reached a point where it is no longer viable, and so a very serious intervention is underway which is to transform your world and quickly pave the way for your blessed return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Economy News for Tues 22 May 2012

War-gaming Greek Euro Exit Shows Hazards In 46-hour Weekend

The End Of Inflation-Deflation Debate

Oil Trades Near Two-day Low On Iran Deal, Rising Supplies

USA's Creaking Infrastructure Holds Back Economy

Double Trouble At JPMorgan:  Trader's Losses Could Exceed $7 Billion

Wall Street Ends Flat After Late Volatility;_ylt=AvsAA0whj.SvH7cJhW_XV6WiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTQzODNwMzViBG1pdANGaW5hbmNlIEZQIEp1bWJvdHJvbiBMaXRlBHBrZwM1ZTc4ZmVlOC05Mjk4LTM2N2QtOWM4Mi0xZTFiN2Y0NjFjYWQEcG9zAzEEc2VjA2p1bWJvdHJvbgR2ZXIDMDMyNjJhMzAtYTQ0Zi0xMWUxLWI3NTktOWEwNzcyZDA1MTVl;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

Gold Down Almost 1.5% As Selling Snowballs;_ylt=ArksT0abX0zUm38b8wkWwEaiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTQxZzI5ZTFsBG1pdANOZXdzIFRvcGljIDIEcGtnAzE3OTY0MDBlLTg4Y2ItMzJkNi05MTI1LTI2ODBiZmY5M2M4YQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDTWVkaWFTZWN0aW9uTGlzdFRlbXAEdmVyA2NjMzFlNTMwLWE0NGItMTFlMS1iZTE3LTZlZmRlZWNiMmJjNA--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

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The actuarial tables, designed to maximize shareholder return, regarding loss of life, during building collapse, are inadequate, have false presumptions and lead to false conclusions. Catastrophe is a possible consequence.

Let me explain, so that everyone can understand.

Actuarial tables are corresponding rows and columns of numbers that are quickly consulted to determine price, for a product. (the product being risk/insurance). These tables are the mathematical result of complex mathematical equations that are created, using symbolic logic, to describe the ‘reality’ relating to the ‘risk’ of selling (product) insurance, to school boards, to protect against ‘human’ costs incurred during a destructive earthquake. These tables were designed to contribute towards maximizing shareholder profit, for the owners of the Insurance Company.

I want to inject an example: Credit swap derivatives were designed mathematical equations to describe the relationship between property (collective housing market sections) and their intrinsic value, for trading purposes. These equations were proved to be false because they failed to calculate the desired outcome. Just as these equations were determined to be false; I believe that the actuarial tables used to maximize shareholder return are false.

There are many ‘mathematical inadequacies’, false or inadequate presumptions, errors and omissions. Mistakes have been made.

1) Wrong mathematical system: The most intrinsic error is the use of an inadequate logical and/or mathematical system to describe the problem. An antiquated, inadequate and inaccurate logical system; being , a 2 valued Newtonian type of logical system; rather than a ‘multi-valued logical system. Just as sub-molecular science and scientific ability to ‘directly observe’ has placed strains (inability to adequately describe or predict) upon the Newtonian Logical System; the complexity of ‘big business interaction is following a similar course. A multi-valued logical system is needed to provide an adequate and accurate mathematical model. The Newtonian system in intrinsically determines’ an absolute conclusion’. Relating to Earthquake ‘Risk’, this is a mistake because the ‘reality’ described by the mathematical system will only produce a ‘probability’; as a conclusion, not an absolute. Newtonian mathematics was practically adequate, hundreds of years ago; however, it has become inadequate to describe the ‘reality’ of a complex, enhanced ‘reality’ world. A ‘multi-Valued’ Logical System expressed in a corresponding mathematical model will produce more adequate and relevant results.

2) Omissions: The entire mathematical model failed to describe the entire relevant ‘reality’ towards achieving a reliable result. It is a necessary condition, towards achieving a valid and reliable mathematical conclusion that all of the necessary elements be included in the equation. An entire ‘subset’ of relevant elements have been omitted from the actuarial algorithms used. The validity of the mathematical conclusions becomes more speculative, in certain instances, when logically necessary elements are missing. The mathematical models which the current actuarial tables are based upon have omitted ‘key’ elements. Collectively called the ‘back-lash’ against unacceptable (by the customer and general population) anti-social behavior. Some of these elements deeply effect the mathematical relationship between the ‘political’, ‘marketing’, advertising, good-will, customer respect and loyalty and actual net profit.

3) False presumptions:
All forms of symbolic logic are dependent, for their validity, upon presumptions. This is the key area which has resulted in false conclusions. These false conclusions are due to false presumptions and failures of ‘direct observation’ and information gathering. I would like to,later, address this failure, in more detail. No data from direct observation inside of actual collapsed buildings has ever been used to determine validity. I am the most experienced person, ever to have lived; regarding, the actual scientific analysis of the interior of collapsed buildings. The people who have provided the details, for current actuarial tables, have been understandably, ‘too afraid’, to collect the data.

Consider, my conversation with the VP of Underwriting, at Hartford Insurance Company, in 1989. Based upon the fact that I had searched or crawled into 220 collapsed buildings, I was told that my policy would be $940 per $1,000 of coverage. I said:

” You mean to tell me that you would risk $60; if I paid you $940″.

He replied:

” Yes. As far as we are concerned, , you have already reached the actuarial certitude of death.”

Obviously, I was not going to pay $940,000.00 for $1 million of life insurance. I continued searching inside of another 676 collapsed buildings.

My knowledge and skills of collapsed structures and the risks associated with them is substantiated by the fact that I am still alive. It, also, illustrates the factual inadequacies of the actuarial tables used.

4) Misuse:
Improper dependency upon actuarial tables. Actuarial tables are the result of using symbolic logic to describe the ‘reality’ of the business model. Actuarial tables have no more validity than the value of the inputs, errors, omissions, inadequacies; essentially, descriptive value of the equations and data being used.
The value of the ‘business executive’ , to the shareholder, is his ability to provide insightful ‘human’ judgements with actuarial tables as an important, perhaps necessary; however, not sufficient input into his judgement. Actuarial tables relating to the profitability of assuming earthquake risk; as currently, calculated are giving false and inadequate conclusions. It is dependent upon the ‘business executive’ to make better , more relevant, more accurate and more appropriate decisions.

5) Social Omission:
The ‘long term’, ‘lifetime’ costs to General Society of creating orphans (survivors of dead parents), death and despair of victims and survivors should not be omitted from ‘a civilized’ business model.

6) Moral and Ethical: Willingly, knowingly and purposely endangering children’s lives to maximize profit is wrong. The actuarial tables, of present, have calculated that it is costlier to allow children, to survive earthquakes because survivors seek compensation. This increased cost is calculated; using the current actuarial tables; as reducing profit potential, for shareholders. It has been calculated without humanity.

7) Development of Civilization with a ‘baseline’ of acceptable behavior of individuals within the society being framed: I believe that the ‘baseline used in the calculation of the actuarial tables is; either, omitted or inappropriate. I believe that it is barely above ‘cannibalism’ for ‘ profiteers’ to make calculations and place bets (take risk) in which the goal is to have as many children; as possible, immediately die, in their schools.
In any other circumstance and if the general population were to become ‘fully aware’ of this scenario ‘wrongful death’, genocide, and murder charges would be brought.

8) The Auschwitz Defense:
Years ago, the VP Of Risk, at Munchener -Re, told us, as he paced ‘back and forth’, in his office:

“I can do nothing. I would lose my job. I am paid to maximize shareholder return, not save lives. The Triangle of Life will save lives but it will decrease shareholder return. They would only replace me with someone else. I would lose my job…for nothing. I am sorry. I can do nothing.”

These same words were used to defend actions and collaboration in Nazi Death camps. Death sentences were given.

9) Time is of the Essence: The time for mitigation is now. De-activate the time bomb before it blows up…not after thousands of innocent children have lost their lives.

10) Risk of Catastrophe:
The ‘costs’ of numerous and myriad forms when the public becomes cognizant of the fact that insurance companies have purposely, willingly and knowingly created an environment and/or caused (directly and/or indirectly) their children to be endangered and killed for ‘short term profit could cause legislation to be enacted; a huge scandal and an outrage of public ‘backlash’. The personal consequences, to the shareholders of the Insurance Industry has the potential, to be, a huge magnitude catastrophe.

After, a major earthquake has occurred (in the ‘policy covered’ market) and thousands of children have died, for no reason; other than, maximizing shareholder return and keeping the cost of premiums low; then the ‘costs’ to Insurance Industry Shareholders could include bankruptcy and prison.

Doug Copp
1-902-567-1227 ( home) (personal email)

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78 answers of an alien


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Published on May 21, 2012 by Spezia54

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