Sheldan's Webinar Sunday May 20, 2012
Understanding Our Timelines
Annular solar eclipse.
Timelines not written in stone.
But for today, that's what it looks like.
All dates have possible fluctuations. Could slip a couple weeks either way.
Changing Our Legal System
Based on ancient Roman Law.
Basis for dark cabal's legitimacy through Admiralty Law.
New common law based upon personal sovereignty
The Flow of Natural Law
The law of the people (natural law)
The Divine Time Line
All Time Lines are converging through the divine vortex to a sacred moment in Creation – the birth of your new reality.
The Timeline – Part I
Late Spring, 2012:
Mass Public Arrests
Proclaim New Banking System
New Governance In Power
UFO Disclosure
*All times subject to change--could go into early summer
Mass arrests are to coordinate with the elimination of all obstacles to new governance and new economic system –
Need to bring in new economic system before total collapse of present system. Our economy is collapsing. Greece is what we are talking about.
There are alternatives in place for completing this plan in right divine time.
Ancient Secret Families
Holders of large monies created by the Masters to be given back to them when it is time to spread the new prosperity.
Holders of ancient wisdom and arcane knowledge from Atlantis and Lemuria.
Imbedded within dark cabal only to help destroy it when it is time to manifest a new epoch for the Light and for surface humanity.
St. Germain helped create the modern banking system.
All under control of the Ascended Masters.
What Has Happened So Far
Iceland is a forerunner. It has already nationalized its banks, conducted a referendum that changed the gov't and is setting up a new constitution.
Ireland has sued in International Court to declare all national debt is a result of bank fraud and hence illegal.
The BRIC Nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have proposed a new economic system that ends the power of the global fiat monetary system run by the US Federal Reserve Bank.
The actual transformation is occurring behind closed doors.
Explaining Steps Of Part I
This process was first formalized by conferences and agreements reached in Paris and Monaco in April/ May 2011.
Independent and specialized groups first placed liens on "bankrupted" major corporate and "private" central banks between 2008 and 2012.
The new governance was made possible when major national militaries and police forces came to agreements with liaisons from the secret Sacred societies and the Agarthans.
US Fed Reserve Bank bankrupt in 2008. In 1938, Supreme Court gave US 70 years to handle it.
US gov't is a private corporation, incorporated in Puerto Rico. PR has to stay in its state to keep corporation papers valid. Will always be a territory.
US economy about to implode. There has to be across-the-board debt forgiveness. And new financial system.
The Initial Announcements
One: New governance and new economic system made public. You may need 3-5 days of food and water.
Two: End of income taxes with debt forgiveness and a new currency (3-6 months for refunds with banks closed for 3-5 day to shift to new currency and new procedures).
Three: New technology and Galactic Federation disclosed. Technology to take 3-4 months before made available.
Four: All bank instruments (ex. Credit and debit cards) will not be available at the minimum for 30-45 days. Have at least $1,000 in cash on hand for your needs. Old money okay to use for at least 60 days, domestically. Zero value abroad.
Five: Keep your cars filled with fuel. Gasoline may not be available for at least 10-20 days.
To switch over to new form of electrical ...
Six: All tv and radio stations are only to broadcast official programming for the first two weeks after gov't changes. So no panics, everyone must understand.
Going to true value economy globally. The world we grew up with will be gone. This will be an immense change-over in a relatively short period of time.
New Corporate Structure
What Has Happened So Far
The U.S. Gov't is a private corporation. It and all other corporations are to be disbanded. A new business model, a social responsible partnership is to replace the corporation.
Banks are to be rechartered. The new charters are to limit the financial actions that each type of bank (savings, commercial or investment) can legally take on. All banks are to be fuly Basel III and Basel IV compliant. Rechartering of all banks domestically
To limit type of transactions they can legally take on.
Debt forgiveness is an initial part of this new structure. All commercial organizations start within a new prosperity-oriented system. As this transition happens, moving from debt economy. Massive debt forgiveness, including national debt. Debt used in banking to create illegal banking system. Debt has no value, banks using it like it does.
Not based on profit or loss, based on sustainability of societies and the earth.
Also called equity economics. True value in, true value out.
Formal Disclosure.
Disclosure: A 3-Step Process
One: Disclosure is to be announced after the initial economic and gov't announcements.
Two: The announcement is to lead to broadcasts by the Agarthans, Ascended Masters and Federation spokepersons. Must get out of religious, need to know who we really are, universal laws... Set dates for landings. Will emphasize technology. First contact will proclaim new banking system.
Three: A timetable for dispersal....
The Timeline Part II
Late Summer, 2012:
Trial Dates Set
Release of Secret Technology
New Business & Financial Infrastructure In Place
Meetings With Earth-based Members of Space & Spiritual Families
Equity Monetary Systems
Based on true, stable value of currency. It cannot be readily depreciated nor evaluated against other currencies. Transitional period 1-2 years.
Currency backed by precious metals that are evaluated at a constant and therefore, a fixed rate.
Debt is eliminated from any consideration in an evaluation of a currency.
Moving to a monetary system based upon equity and sustainability. No longer can be manipulated.
Your values will be transferrable. Just a stop-gap between now and endless abundance.
The New Global Financial System
The key to it: "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Meetings in Europe and Asia created the foundations for a new economy.
A Shift Toward Prosperity
Right Divine Time And Change
The final parts of a long process to release the prosperity funds is at its conclusion. The final signings are ready to happen.
The new financial and banking system is likewise finishing up its final signing off from those who were the last obstacle to it manifesting now!
The old reality is dying. A new epoch for humanity begins.
New Technologies Revealed
Zero Point Generators, Galactic Federation Technology
The Galactic Federation is to add its own Technology to the mix:
Replicator of food, water, beverages, clothing, furniture and other necessities. No dishwashing required, jut return items to the replicator. Just return your clothes to the replicator, no washing necessary. No shopping required.
Any ailments currently existing can be healed in a week or less.
All of this is there. All ready for us to use.
Weather Technology. A number of devices that can clean up our oceans and atmosphere were hidden by the government.
Galactic Federation transportation technology is to be shared with their Beam Ships.
Setting Trial Dates After The Mass Arrests
The Trials And Change
The mass trials are just to separate the dark from its illegally kept power and to permit a new reality to emerge.
The trials are to demonstrate publicly a series of truths ….
Conducting The Trials
Not "show trials" but a way to teach the world about the dark cabal and its various crimes against humanity.
Meeting With Secret Sacred Societies.
Agarthans and Ascended Masters
The has come for the Agarthans great wisdowm and truth to be revealed to Gaia's surface human population.
The real nature of this living entity that you reside on is to be told. In doing this, a whole slew of myths....
At first contact, we will meet the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans, and learn about our hollow world.
Creating New Governance. The "PTB" can no longer rule.
The Timeline Part III
Late Autumn, 2012--
Agarthans Meet Surface World
Abundance Is Common Place
Prepare For Full Consciousness
Change In Gov't
Restore Bill of Rights
New Governance
Legally transfers world from roman law, admiralty courts to common law and common law courts.
Upholds natural constitutional law and sets up the return of your inalienable rights and your personal sovereignty.
Permits the expected open interaction between citizenry and gov't to happen. …
All Arrests Reflect Common Law
New Governance Code
Our true flag.... vertical red and white stripes, blue stars on white field on upper left.
Reorganizing Gov't
Congress is to do its work with all committees and actions open to the public.
New Legislature
Congressional reforms: citizen legislators (no special pension, no special medical plan and no privately funded campaigns).
Legisltors are citizens who volunteer their time and their passions to serve the ….
Make Executive transparent
The Executive is to do its work with all committees and actions open to the public.
New Executive
Executive Reforms: All citizen executives have no special pension, no special medical plan and salaries cease when you resign position with no special gifts permitted.
Executive appointees are best and brightest who volunteer their time and their passions to serve the nation.
There is a close interaction between the people and the executibe appointees.
Abundance is Commonplace.
Prepare for Full Consciousness
Thre Step Process
Mass landings preceded by information from CF and AM on what is full conscious and a brief outline of your true history.
Agarthans explain...
Projected Times For Events 4
Rest of 2012:
Complete Major Reforms
Clean Gaia's Air, Water & Soil
First Contact Announcements
Ascended Masters Manifest
The rise of new governance puts prosperity and disclosure in full swing.
*All times subject to change.
What is the Payoff?
Prosperity, Freedom, Personal Sovereignty
We are to become fully conscious Beings of Light
AM: Teach & prepare us to move beyond the Earth plane and become citizens of the Universe. We are physical angels.
Important to tell people diff b/t common and admiralty law... it allows those in power to limit our rights. Common law says we have certain inalienable rights. There is a natural law and why the law needs to change.
Need a month or two of cash for general needs. Prosperity funds will take about 30 days, good general idea. Be able to take care of your family during this period.
Be open of this entire process.
Achieve your goals
Achieve full consciousness
Be understanding and accepting of it.
How soon healing tech be available...
Once have tech that makes everyone whole, the tech you will initially get, earth suppressed, won't regrow limbs, but later, yes. The blind will see, deaf will hear, missing limbs will be regrown.
Death or old age? No, what's you become fully conscious no death. Just move on when contract is up. You'll always look like 19-20-21-22, when you reach maturity. Always have perfect hearing, vision, weight, always have what you need to achieve your goals. The fall was falling into a limited body, where we could be manipulated. But from that, we have learned. We will become the permanent restorers of light in this galaxy.
When we are fully conscious, then there will be a shift. Sit back and absorb the information that are about to happen in the right divine time and be ready to change with it, to shift into this new reality.