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Montague Keen - May 18th, 2014 MORE LEY LINE WORK!

zon.jpg Montague Keen - May 18, 2014

The Light of Truth is spreading, my dear. The awakening is speeding up. We have waited a long time for this. There is also a massive overshadowing of key people in order to prevent or slow down the ascension into the light. They want to block my words from reaching the people. This was to be expected. I always said they would put up a fight to the end. They concentrate on key people and push them off course. It's tough, but we in spirit are determined to guide you through this. It was never going to be an easy path; but together, we will succeed.

The scientific world now realises the great importance of Ireland. I ask that you now share a little from one such report as it will help so many to see clearly the great importance of our ley line work.

"For some, Ireland represents the first country colonised by Alta-Ra, the scientist-priests who were able to leave Atlantis before it disappeared under the ocean. Known today by the name of DRUIDS, they left their mark on Ireland with their knowledge and their powers. This land has more Holy Places, more Sacred Sites, more megalithic and medieval constructions than any other country, and in each one of them a DIVINE purpose can be found. These buildings, often millennia old, are all located on land or fields of force, where the mineralogical composition, the underground water systems, the tellurism and its cosmic connections are optimised to receive a "construction" destined to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The activation of these important energetic centres of Ireland has created a resonance effect between all the other sites which have been activated in the past. It is now a very dense network made of a multitude of transmuted telluric lines (curtains), Ley Lines and Gold and Silver lines that are spreading across Ireland and the world: a radical transformation of the Collective Consciousness of the Irish population as a whole. These sites, which are the spiritual heritage of a unique past in humanity's history, have now awakened to their heavenly destiny, driving the Truth-Consciousness to the depths of Beings and Matter."

The author of the above text is known to Veronica Keen but wishes to remain anonymous at the present time.


It must start there. I say to the Irish people: come together, learn who you are, your real history; then it will become clear what was done to create the illusion you find yourselves in today. Discard that which has imprisoned your minds through fear. Become who you were created to become. Be proud of who you are. The ancient Irish knew all the answers. They were complete. Look at your past to learn how to create a better future for all mankind. Remember, mankind is depending on you to do this.

The expedition which you and Andrew [Bartzis] have discussed is of the greatest importance. It will unlock all that was used to control humanity. It must be filmed so that it can go out live to the world, to all who wish to connect with it. The Irish drums will once again beat out the rhythm of truth as they release the energy that will restore your planet. Ireland, the future of humanity and the future of your planet, is in your hands.

Are you up to what is being asked of you ?

I believe you are. You took on the banks. Now it is time to take on your captors.

My dear wife had a stroke on Tuesday, and once more, Robert's "magic formula" worked beautifully to ensure a complete recovery. She has had so many requests for the formula that we are happy to share it with you. It worked for me, also, when I was on the Earth plane.

As soon as you are aware that you have had a stroke:
take 400 mgs of Vitamin Q10
400 mg of Vitamin E
400 mg Vitamin C
3 Kyolic Garlic
3 Cardio Aspirins
Recovery starts within half an hour. Complete recovery occurs in 3 hours.

Your body is in distress when you have a stroke. So you support it immediately with these vitamins. Always have them with you. Tell your nearest and dearest to see to it that you take them as soon as possible. My daughters call me each hour to ensure that I am okay when I have had a stroke.

Veronica will be in Ireland next weekend. I ask the people of Ireland to ensure that she gets the assurances she needs that you are prepared to step forward and do what is asked of you. Do not look to your government as they do not serve the Irish people. It is you, the people, who will set the world free. No more wars; no more hunger or homelessness; no more poverty. Let this be your driving force.

A Message from Veronica

Please understand that I cannot reply to everyone. I file any emails which concern the Expedition to Ireland. I work alone, and I have a health problem at the moment which is causing me intense pain. Your offers of help will be dealt with, either by me or one of Andrew's team.

So many countries are ready and willing to join us, and are willing to be part of our Ascension into the Light.

Rest, my dear. You have a difficult week ahead. Enjoy being with your family as you celebrate Marcia's wedding. I wish Marcia and Paul every happiness in their future life together.

Be happy, my love. Our hard work is coming to fruition.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

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HAARP Dismantling This Summer: Air Force Claims To Be Tearing Down HAARP

FAIRBANKS — The U.S. Air Force gave official notice to Congress Wednesday that it intends to dismantle the $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Gakona this summer.

The shutdown of HAARP, a project created by the late Sen. Ted Stevens when he wielded great control over the U.S. defense budget, will start after a final research experiment takes place in mid-June, the Air Force said in a letter to Congress Tuesday.

The University of Alaska has expressed interest in taking over the research site, which is off the Tok Cutoff in an area where black spruce was cleared a quarter-century ago for the Air Force backscatter radar project that was never completed. But the school has not volunteered to pay $5 million a year to run HAARP.

Side Story – HAARP may or may not be dismantling, but other projects exist across the planet.  HAARP Status will remain detecting those.  Where they are coming from we do not know, but Alaska is not the only station that has bombarded the world with HAARP Frequencies.  HAARP is the generic name for any project in my eyes that operates the same as the Gakona project.

- See more at:

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All are One. You all know that, you accept it as a basic fact or concept, and then you dismiss it from your minds as you go about your daily affairs. But you need to make it a part of yourselves, an aspect of yourselves that you carry in your conscious awareness at all times, otherwise it remains as meaningless to you as any field of study of which you have only vague knowledge and that holds no interest for you; an idea that is unimportant and is therefore readily dismissed and forgotten.

The fact that all are One is an aspect of Reality that you cannot afford to dismiss off-handedly, and as of no interest, while you go about your daily routines. Awareness of it needs to be an important and distinctive characteristic of your personal field of sentient consciousness. If you shut it out of your awareness then you are putting yourselves on auto-pilot, allowing your egos to rule your attitudes and behaviors, as the real You, the eternal part that is One with Source takes a nap. Then later, maybe, it becomes apparent that something strange has happened and you find yourself struggling with issues and conflicts that are quite disturbing, and wondering what could have caused them.

Then ego suggests to you that nothing untoward has happened that it cannot cope with on your behalf, so you bury the cares that disturbed you in your unconscious, that vast dump where so much junk, gathered and disposed of over the years, festers and grows rancid. But eventually that junk dump is going to make its presence felt, and you will have to deal with it. In fact for many of you now, all that buried and denied garbage is blasting its way into your awareness causing you considerable discomfort.

When you find yourselves experiencing long forgotten painful memories just allow them to flow, like the weather they will pass, do not judge them or yourselves, but if you find yourselves unable to resist doing so, then forgive yourselves afterwards. Remind yourselves yet again that the environment that you appear to inhabit is illusory, as are all the pain, sufferings, conflicts, and betrayals. You are, and always will be, the beloved children of God created perfect – not your bodies which are basically ego-driven vehicles in which you are riding – and therefore remaining eternally perfect. Those memories, however painful, are part of the games of separation that you have been playing, and are unreal. When you awaken they will be gone.

However, while you remain within the illusory world of distrust, suffering, and betrayal, forgiveness is your steadfast and constant ally. Practice it, become adept. Your ego’s shrill protests that you either need to feel intense guilt for what you have done, or that you need to be recognized and compensated for wrongs done to you are distractions that attempt to divert you from your path to awakening. Reality is a state in which only Love is present, and by forgiving you divest yourselves of all that is in opposition to It, of all the judgments and anxieties to which you are clinging in fear and anger, thus clearing your hearts so that Love may enter.

When ancient issues, long since buried and only faintly remembered, seem to overwhelm you remind yourselves that they are coming up for release, and not as a punishment for bad behavior to fill you with guilt. Feelings of unworthiness, for instance, that you use as a cloak or veil under which to hide because you believe that Love, God, your Father would reject or shame you if you entered into His presence. Ask your friends in the spiritual realms – whoever is your favorite saint, angel, guide, or mentor – to help you to feel the field of Love in which you are eternally held safe and secure. When you ask for this, when you seek to know that you are dearly loved, you release some of the blocks to Love and allow It to flow through you once again bringing you peace and certainty of your divine connection. It is a bit like aerating stagnant water to refresh and revitalize it. However, allowing Love to flow through your hearts, even if only temporarily as you take a break from your feelings of guilt and unworthiness, is far more uplifting and invigorating.

The distractions of the illusion consistently draw your attention to all that is unloving – distrust, deceit, corruption, hardship, etc. – and when you focus there fear and helplessness can easily overwhelm you. But you are coming Home, you are going to awaken into Reality; it is inevitable, unavoidable, and for that give thanks, and then focus your attention there, tell yourself: “I am going to awaken!” Deep within yourself you do know this, so to reaffirm it is a most valuable exercise in preparation for this inevitable, imminent, and awesome event.

You are dearly loved, you always have been, and you always will be. However, momentarily, the truth of that eludes you, and so we in the spiritual realms are constantly reminding you, bringing that truth back into your awareness through myriad channeled messages, and by giving you a loving squeeze when you make contact with us during your periods of prayer, contemplation, or meditation.

You have not been abandoned, left alone, forgotten. That could never happen. But you have allowed yourselves to become very deeply immersed in the unreal and nightmarish world of the illusion, and it is from that you are to awaken. Forgiveness is an essential part of your awakening process because it frees you of the guilt and shame with which you have so heavily burdened yourselves, giving you the courage and the desire to turn towards the Light instead of feeling afraid of it and turning away to avoid rejection.

Fear of rejection is a major aspect of the illusion with which many of you are dealing almost constantly, and within the illusion you do experience it. However, like all aspects of the illusion it is unreal! You are all divine beings eternally and infinitely loved and embraced by God, and that can never change. So turn towards the Light which will never reject you, wake up, and rejoice in the wonder of knowing yourselves once more as you truly are.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Galactic Transmissions From Our SELF

Galactic Transmissions From Our SELF



Since we are multidimensional beings, it is only logical to realize that at least one, or perhaps many, of our multidimensional expressions of SELF are members of the Galactic Federation. We may think these expressions of our SELF live in what we consider our past or our future.


However, the truth is that most of our galactic expressions resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond, which is beyond time. "Time" as we know it does not exist in the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, most of our galactic expressions of SELF live in the NOW. 


It does not matter if the following information is from my, from yours or from someone else's Galactic SELF, as we all resonate to Unity Consciousness. Within that Unity we are all members of the ONE and no longer perceive our selves as "separate from others."




Many of our Inter-planetary Ships have been in the higher fourth dimension of Earth since before 9-11-2001. The Galactic Federation was very aware that a world war could have easily arisen from that incident. It was not within the Divine Plan to stop the incident, but the Galactics were able to work with the consciousness of the awakened ones to avoid a world war. Fortunately, there were enough Lightworkers on Earth at that time to who we could send our light in order to override the threatening waves of darkness. 


Therefore the possible reality of WWIII split off into a parallel reality. Because the awakened ones of that timeline were willing to expand their consciousness enough to commune with their higher expressions, they could move through that dark period without the major cataclysm of that parallel reality. However, there were many hardships and constant threats between 9-11-2001 and 12-21-12 that dampened many of the Lightworker's auras.


Fortunately, the higher light is now flowing into Gaia and all Her inhabitants. This multidimensional light is slowly and surely healing the residue of fear with the power of its unconditional love. In fact, many of the earth vessels that our galactic members are wearing are deep into the process of transmuting into Lightbody. 


Since many of you have made so many changes in your lives, diet and primary states of consciousness, you are beginning to consciously feel symptoms of your earth vessel's transmutations.We have been encouraging you to remember your visits to the Ship so that you can gain a sense of community with others who are having similar sensations.




We will take this opportunity to share how we bring you, our Lightworkers, aboard our Ships during your sleep. Since Gaia is a free-will planet, we can only give this assistance to those of you who ask to visit the Ship in some level of your Multidimensional SELF. 


Therefore, we begin our relationship with the frequency of your Multidimensional SELF that asked for our assistance. Then, once you begin to communicate with this expression of your SELF, your desire to return to the Ship often arises in your daily consciousness. We call these awakened ones the 'volunteers.'


However, since the desire to visit our Ship is often within the your unconscious or superconscious mind, you do not usually carry the memory of your visit into your daily life. However, since your unconscious mind is the source of most of your third dimensional desires and behaviors, you often begin to feel an inner urging to make changes in your life. Likewise, you may begin to receive inner messages from your higher expressions that are often on the very Ship you are visiting. 


Once, you begin to listen to your own inner voice, the process of ascension is initiated.  This process begins with a curiosity within your conscious mind about the source of these inner messages. This curiosity creates a connection between the conscious and unconscious mind. Also, as you begin to align your daily life with your inner messages, you develop a connection between your conscious and your superconscious mind. 


This interconnection and unity of different states of consciousness it what initiates the action of making changes in your life. These life changes signal that you are ready to begin visitations on the Ship. When you come onboard a Ship, it is usually the one on which one of your many higher expressions is serving. However, each of you must come to this realization when you are ready. 


Since life in the third dimension is so challenging, many of you do not remember your visits to our Ship because you are concerned that you would withdraw from your mission on 3D Earth. Most of you who are remembering, desiring to remember, or even wishing you could visit a Starship are members of the Galactic Federation. 


You are having these thoughts and feelings because you are beginning to remember that you are a galactic being who was born into, or walked-into, your human earth vessel. 


THE THIRD MESSAGE: How Volunteers Board our Starship


I have regressed from my description of how you, the volunteers, come aboard our Ship, but it was necessary to give the appropriate background. Remember that we would never take anyone who has not asked to visit us. There were many who were taken by the Zetas between the close of WWII and the mid-1990s, who suffered great trauma from that experience. 


In fact, these people were often galactics in human disguise that volunteered on a higher level of consciousness to assist the Zetas. Unfortunately, the human military became involved, which generated a great deal of experimentation and fear. 


I say this now to remind you that your visits to our Ships are voluntary and filled only with multidimensional information and unconditional love. All the volunteers are aware of this fact in their higher consciousness. In fact, some of them were taken by the Zetas and are coming to our ships to heal that experience.  


The volunteers' visits to our Ships begin while they are asleep. The deeper the level of their sleep, the less possibility there is that they will remember their experience. Therefore, they usually begin their visitations while they are in delta wave dreamless sleep so that their experiences will not interfere too much with their daily life. 


Remember that all those who are visiting us have volunteered to assist Gaia during Her ascension. You will not voluntarily surrender your earth vessel until you have completed your Mission. 


Therefore, the visitation to our ship offers an opportunity for you to stretch your primary consciousness into your deep unconscious and subconscious, as you simultaneously expand your consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies of our ships.


In this manner, your physical body remains safe in your bed while you raise your consciousness into the higher dimensions. Usually, your higher expression lowers his/her consciousness into the mid-fourth dimension to assist the consciousness of your dream body to merge with your higher expression on the Ship. 


Once you have merged your consciousness with the component of your Multidimensional SELF, who is fully aware of your innate multidimensional abilities, your united expression can instantly transport into our higher fourth dimensional Ship. We remind you that all of these events occur within your consciousness. Your physical form is still in your bed, and your higher expression of SELF is still on the ship. 


In fact, the you that is visiting our ship is wearing a fourth-dimensional astral body, whereas the you that is serving on the Ship is usually wearing a lightbody. Our volunteers are not likely to meet their higher expressions of SELF who are serving on the ship until they are fully aware that they are living a multidimensional life. If that meeting comes before they are ready, it can be too difficult for them to return to the daily challenges of their physical life.


THE FOURTH MESSAGE:  Partnership with your SELF


The higher expression of your SELF who initiates each journey protects your sleeping earth vessel and, also, serves as the grounding force to guide you back to the location from which you began your journey. In this manner, you develop an intimate partnership between your third-dimensional self and the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF who is serving on the Ship. 


It is important to note that creation is infinite. Hence, no matter how evolved a being may appear, there is always a higher expression of that SELF. Therefore, you will not run out of expressions of your Multidimensional SELF nor different realities to visit/create. 


Because you have grown accustomed to wearing a physical form, when you first become aware that your astral body is on the Ship, you may choose to perceive it as a physical form. In reality, that form is not physical. Your form is an encasement for your Essence, Spirit and/or Light that travels inter-dimensionally. Therefore, your "form" is actually your consciousness. 


Essence, Spirit, Light and Consciousness are all terms that actually mean Creation. You are a force of creation. The remembrance of this fact is pivotal for your inter-dimensional journeys, as well as for your ascension. In fact, multidimensional journeys and ascension are the same experience, but they are experienced differently. 


However, it is difficult for you to fully embrace that you are a 'force of creation while you are wearing a third dimensional form.' Therefore, you will likely label your experience as expanding your consciousness into a higher frequency of reality. Once you have remembered that you are an experienced inter-dimensional traveler you will use the term 'traveling' as opposed to the term 'ascending.'


THE FIFTH MESSAGE: You Are A Force of Creation


It appears that I have strayed away from the topic of visiting our Ships, but I must continually explain terms and concepts so you may begin to deeply understand how you have been chosen. Yes, rather than THEM choosing you, YOU have chosen for yourself. It is important to remember that YOU are a force of creation. You are creating your earth-bound reality. You are creating our journey to the Ship, and you are creating your inter-dimensional travel and/or your ascension.


Your greatest challenge is your third-dimensional thinking. Your third-dimensional thinking tells you that you can only experience one reality at a time. Therefore, you can have the reality of visiting the Ship OR the reality of sleeping in your bed. The Cosmic Truth is that you are doing both. You are sleeping and you are visiting the Ship. 


Just to confuse your third dimensional thinking even further, you are experiencing more than two realities. You are the sleeping physical form in your bed. You are your astral body visiting the Ship, and you are a crewmember serving on the Ship. 


All of these realities are occurring simultaneously within the fifth dimensional NOW. Unfortunately, your third-dimensional thinking still believes that you must choose just one reality, or at least make one reality more important than the others. The choosing and the rating of importance is, also, third dimensional thinking.


THE SIXTH MESSAGE:  Multidimensional Thinking


When you are thinking multidimensionally, you know that all of your realities are of equal importance. No one reality is more important or rules over the other realities. All your expressions of SELF are connected. Are your feet more important than your hands, or your stomach more important than your lungs? No, all of these components of your SELF live in unity consciousness with your physical body.


What your third dimensional thinking does not realize is that your physical body lives in unity with your etheric body, your astral body, your mental body, your spiritual body and your fifth dimensional Lightbody. In fact, even if you are not aware of it, your physical body exists in total unity with your entire Multidimensional SELF. 


Your Multidimensional SELF is infinitely and continually having myriad experiences of countless realities. However, since you are wearing an old fashioned physical vessel you cannot read or understand all that data. Just as an old fashioned car could not read all the data that the modern computerized automobiles can, your physical body is not calibrated to read information in your higher dimensional bodies.


Fortunately, your higher frequencies of SELF can read multidimensionally. Therefore, if you have a question you can ask your unconscious instincts, as well as your astral body's psychic nature, your mental body's all knowing, your spiritual body's spiritual memory, your fifth dimensional Lightbody and on and on. There is NO limit to you. The only limitations are your third dimensional thinking.


When you visit our Ships you have a body that is so completely calibrated to the Ship that it appears to be physical. For the same reason, the Ship appears to be physical. When you merge with your Lightbody on the Ship you will have access to your higher expressions of self, as well as access to the area of your multidimensional mind in which you have stored all the advanced galactic concepts.


THE SEVENTH MESSAGE: Your Multidimensional Mind


Since you are the force of creation, you can look into your multidimensional mind to commune with the myriad dimensional expressions of your SELF. Then, you can project that image outwards so that it appears that you have another separate body. However, none of your bodies are separate from each other or from whatever realities they are experiencing.  


Just as a holographic projector can project an image of a "separate" person, you can also project holographic images of all your expressions of SELF. All of these holographic images are totally real, as all of them are expressions of your SELF. 


"But," you may ask. "How can I forget some of my holographic projections and remember others?" The answer to that question is that you can only perceive the realities and holographic projections that resonate to your current state of consciousness. In other words, you cannot perceive realities that resonate to a state of consciousness to which you are NOT calibrated. 


Many of your childhood memories are not perceivable because your consciousness is not calibrated to your unconscious and subconscious mind. Furthermore, many of your past, parallel and/or alternate lives are not known to your third-dimensional thinking because they are calibrated to a slightly different frequency of reality. 


You cannot perceive these realities with your physical perceptions because your third dimensional thinking believes that you can only experience one reality at a time. Therefore, you forget your past and future selves so that you can focus on your present self. 


When you think in a multidimensional manner, you are free of time and can experience infinite realities within the NOW of the ONE. As your 97% multidimensional DNA continues to switch on, and as your consciousness expands into more and more dimensions of your SELF, you will know that the concept of "either/or" is obsolete. Then, your multidimensional thinking will expand into the concept of  "everything/always." 


THE EIGHTH MESSAGE: Remembering Your Visits


One of the best ways to 'remember' your visits to the Ship, as well as any other higher dimensional adventures, is to convince your third dimensional thinking that you are always having many simultaneous experiences. A good tool to help you remember this fact is to STOP for a moment to ponder what is occurring in your other realities. 


Once you stop your busy life to ponder your higher dimensional reality, you can project a holographic image of that reality into your aura. You can tell your third dimensional thinking that you are just using your "imagination" to create this holographic picture. You physical thinking will accept that information because it does not know that your imagination is actually your fifth dimensional thoughts.


By giving your 3D thinking an explanation that it can accept, you can check in on your higher expressions of reality in the midst of your daily life. You will need to expand your consciousness in order to have this experience, but once you do so you can view other realities in the same manner that you would watch your self on television. 


Your aura is similar to a huge movie screen on which holographic light matrixes, thought forms, can be projected. When you were children you naturally projected your imagination onto your aura, which is why you could so clearly live what your imagination was experiencing. 


Therefore, take a long, slow breath to clear you mind and focus on your inner life. As you do so, you may realize how often you become lost in your 3D life. Release that realization now so that you can close your eyes to your outer world to better look into your inner world. 


As you turn your mind around to look inside, "imagine" that you are onboard our Ship. You may see yourself being greeted as you enter the Ship, or gathered in a group meeting or even as a crewmember doing your job. You can also choose to "imagine" another fifth dimensional reality. 


Project that inner image onto your aura so that you can experience it inside and also look through it as an overlay of your daily 3D life. In this way, you can keep track of some of the other adventures you are having within the NOW. We say "some of the others," as you will need to slowly wean yourself off of third dimensional thinking and surrender to the vastly superior multidimensional thinking. 


Your brain is a biological computer. As with every computer, you can download new files, update new information, delete unwanted data, pull up information from archived files, continually expand your memory and download faster and faster operating systems. Since you are a force of creation, the first thing that you should create is a link to your Multidimensional SELF. Then, be sure to save that link to your desktop!



The above writing is an excerpt from Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension books, 

 By Suzanne Lie PhD


You can purchase these books as ebooks or download them as free PDF files at:


You might want to check out the free downloads of the classes we have presented to accompany the books at:



Enjoy our story. And, feel free to invite your Galactic Expression to our Webinar!



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This trial was meant to get to the truth about Pope Francis but took a turn for the worse when so many witnesses came forward and implicated so many others that had murdered children in sacrificial ceremonies. The trial was not even finished and it was stopped to issue warrants for the guilty and stop more murders. The light is shinning down on our children. This alone will wake many in the world.  


May 14, 2014

Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 02:25:32 -0400

Subject: Breaking News Action Alert - Child Killers Identified, Targeted for Arrest - Bulletin from the Prosecutor's Office of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels - youtube attached - please post




Breaking News Synopsis, May 14, 2014: Child Killers Identified, Targeted for Arrest - The International Common Law Court's case against Pope Francis and others revealed today the identity of members of the Ninth Circle child sacrificial cult, as well as the location and dates of their murderous rituals. In response, a call for Special Deputies to stop the Ninth Circle and arrest its members has been issued by the Prosecutor's Office of the Court.


Community Action Alert from the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ)

ICLCJ Public Information Bulletin No. 4 

May 14, 2014

Ninth Circle child sacrificial cult members, locations and dates are identified to the Court Prosecutor issues a call for Special Deputies to stop the Ninth Circle's trafficking and murder of children


As the third session resumes in the Court's historic case into child trafficking and cult murder, the Prosecutor today introduced remarkable new evidence that names the identities of top Ninth Circle cult members.

The same evidence also positively identifies when and where some of the Ninth Circle rituals are being conducted, involving the routine rape, torture and murder of children and newborn babies.

“Senior Ninth Circle members include Jorge Bergoglio and Joseph Ratzinger, so-called popes of the Church of Rome, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, two British High Court judges, at least one Catholic bishop in Canada, senior government ministers in Belgium and England, and members of the British, Dutch and Belgian royal families” stated a news release from the Prosecutor's Office today.

“The most recent gatherings of the Ninth Circle occurred in the crypt of Caernarfon Castle in Wales, and within a subterranean vault beneath Marie-Reine-du-Monde Roman Catholic cathedral in Montreal, Canada. At least two of the primary defendants were identified at these recent gatherings, where children under five years of age were ritually killed. The next major conclave of the Ninth Circle at the Montreal cathedral, at 1085 Rue de la Cathédrale, is scheduled for August 15, 2014.”

cleardot.gifIn response to this startling evidence, the five Court judges adjourned the trial proceedings today to allow the Prosecutor's Office to issue a call for special deputies to take immediate action to stop the murderous rituals of the Ninth Circle.

As Kevin Annett, special assistant to the Prosecutor, describes,

“I was awoken after midnight by a call from Brussels, alerting me to the Prosecution's demand that Special Deputies be immediately sworn and prepared to take direct action to stop the Ninth Circle's murder of children. So I've instructed all thirty nine of our local chartered common law groups to do exactly that.

“We want the men and women who are now being trained as our police force to realize that children are dying horribly as we speak. Protecting those children will be the first job of our trained sheriffs. They will be detaining and incarcerating the guilty. And they will be deputizing other men and women to form Direct Action Units to enforce the standing arrest warrants against criminals like Joseph Ratzinger and Elizabeth Windsor. We can only protect our children by tracking down and stopping those who are raping and killing them, starting with the sick monsters known as the Ninth Circle.”

Offers to assist in such direct action against the Ninth Circle have already been received from policemen and politicians in Europe, and local sheriffs and active service marshals and soldiers in America.

cleardot.gifLast week, the Court commenced training programs for common law peace officers in thirteen countries. For information how to join the nearest training program and their Direct Action Units, write to or phone 386-323-5774 in the United States.

Issued by the Public Information Agency of the Prosecutor's Office

The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

May 14, 2014 8 am GMT


See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at, and at, the site for the Common Law court network.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:


The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada

Kevin Annett is a Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013). Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA). His personal website is .

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba


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The TRUE Size Of Africa – An Erroneous Map Misled Us For 500 Years!


Although featured in ‘The West Wing’, this map dishonesty is anything but fictional. The video below will give you an accurate look at the size of Africa.



People are often not aware of how large Africa continent really is. The image below is an accurate look at Africa relative to some major countries:

The map shows how Africa (30,3 million km²) is larger than the combination of China (9,6 million km²), the US (9,4 million km²), Western Europe (4,9 million km²), India (3,2 million km²) and Argentina (2,8 million km²), three Scandinavian countries and the British Isles (map gives no surface for these last two areas). Map Source

The Peters Projection World Map

The Peters Projection World Map is one of the most stimulating, and controversial, images of the world. When this map was first introduced by historian and cartographer Dr. Arno Peters at a Press Conference in Germany in 1974 it generated a firestorm of debate. The first English-version of the map was published in 1983, and it continues to have passionate fans as well as staunch detractors.

The earth is round. The challenge of any world map is to represent a round earth on a flat surface. There are literally thousands of map projections. Each has certain strengths and corresponding weaknesses. Choosing among them is an exercise in values clarification: you have to decide what’s important to you. That is generally determined by the way you intend to use the map.The Peters Projection is an area accurate map.

A simple change in the look of a map can cause a reconsideration of your fixed ideas about a place.

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New information on emails from Senator Carl Levin show he is directly involved in the IRS scandal and the biggest player. This is very big news and a lot of heads are going to roll on this one. Remember Carl Levin was the sponsor of the NDAA. This goes straight to the White House and senate. Yeah for the light team. Short video well worth listening to.  THIS IS THE BIGGEST BREAK IN OUR HISTORY OF OUR CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT.    

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Spanish Computer ....Funny

May 12, 2014

A Spanish language teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish,

unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.


"House" for instance, is feminine:     "la casa."  "Pencil," however, is

masculine:       "el lapiz."



A student asked, "What gender is 'Computer'?"


Instead of giving the answer, the teacher divided the class into two

groups, Male and Female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether

"Computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun.  Each group was asked

to give four reasons for its recommendation.




*The men's group decided that  "Computer" should definitely be of the

feminine gender ("la computadora"),  because:*




*    1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;*




*    2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is

incomprehensible to everyone  else;*




*    3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for

possible later retrieval; and*




*    4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending

half your paycheck to buy accessories for it.*







*The women's group, however,  concluded that computers should be

masculine ("el computador"),  because:*





*1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;*




*2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;*



*3. They are supposed to help you solve problems,  but half the time they

ARE the problem; and*



*4. As soon as you commit to one,  you realize that if you had waited a

little longer, you could have gotten a better model.*


  *The women won.*

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