All Posts (42)
Sorry if pic is not large enough, did not want to take up too much space. :)
Hope all are well and in place folks...looks like it is getting close!!!!!
Love and Peace to all!
9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik
Saw this shark shape in the sky 22.55pm GMT ON 05/August/2017 in the UK. The moon was its eye and the shark body the clouds. It lasted for about 30 seconds. Wondered if it was an omen. Sharks signal danger - was it Gaia warning of danger.
Regardless, it was a great cloud to see and made me think for a few days!!
here in southwest Virginia. A friend took a snap through welder's glasses. It appears on the right side of the sun, presumably will be moving to the left side. It is 1:59 and the outside light still looks normal. We are in the 90% of totality range.
Ashtar: There is No Separation Between us!
"Have you ever wondered why you are here NOW? Well, unless you've been asleep until this very moment, you have the answer. It's to be a participant! And have you ever wondered why you're here in this Gathering? Well, it's because you have connection! You might be a commander, or an ambassador, or a member of our healing units, or an educator - or whatever your particular role is - but you are members of the Ashtar Command. Make no mistake on that!
June 2-3-4 2017
Lee Carroll - Marilyn Harper - Prageet Harris - Robert Coxon
Photos - Monika Muranyi
I like the last one quick & to the point!