Sheldon (6)

After the Bankers, What's Next?

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Dratzo! We return! The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal. This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and telling you about in these updates. The power spheres of this cabal are to be broken! The initial thrust is presently toppling bankers and will continue with the resignations, shortly, of major governments. The secret sacred societies' vast resources, both spiritual and physical, are being unleashed and we expect the present flurry of low-level resignations to escalate, as the domino-effect of the takedown moves ever higher through the vast hierarchical web that is the dark cabal. We intend to oversee this exciting phase of the operation and assist our allies in whatever way they feel is most appropriate to their cause. To this end we have assigned various liaison teams to them and these will assure the dark ones that there is no way out of their predicament except through their mass resignation.

The rise of new governance paves the way for the new economic system and of course, disclosure. These new common-law governments have an immense task before them, starting with securing your freedom and reestablishing your natural sovereignty. Next comes ending the vast and highly illegal system of debt which has inadvertently brought down the present economic system. This will kick-start the redistribution of wealth to create universal prosperity. Here the goal is to create a monetary system that soon becomes obsolete, as fully conscious Beings do not require banks or money in order to meet their needs. As you grow in consciousness, you come to see the Earth not as a resource but as a living Being who has graciously permitted you to reside upon her. In turn, you gladly accept the responsibility of sustaining her. This sacred covenant lies at the core of galactic society: to sustain our home world while at the same time creating a society that honors and sustains each one of us.

Our sacred purpose is to unfold the divine plan throughout physicality. You have been allowed, by divine dispensation, to take a temporary turn through the realms of limited consciousness. This placed you at the mercy of the dark and its earthly minions, but now the divine right time to transform this onerous situation has arrived. You have absorbed great wisdom during this trek and can now employ this knowledge to assist others who dearly wish to transform themselves as you are doing now. Your Agarthan cousins rejoice at the fact that this long-awaited union is close. This next step toward your new star-nation is to happen after you are fully conscious. Until then, relax, and participate in the preparations for your metamorphosis into your natural state of full consciousness. We look forward to teaching you about this and introducing you to a quite different history, not only of your time on Gaia but also about your origins as humans, which occurred long ago on a planet in the Vegan solar system.

The history of Galactic Humans is tied closely to the fortunes of a species of land cetaceans that resided on your world some eight million years ago. When their civilization was destroyed, they took to the seas and became the whales and dolphins that you know today. In so doing, these cetaceans became the guardians of Gaia. However, each cetacean asked the local Spiritual Hierarchy for a suitable land guardian. This quest, after a two-million-year search, bore fruit in the guise of an aquatic primate nearing full consciousness on the third planet in the Vega system. Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy and representatives from the cetaceans saw in this species a true future land guardian for Mother Earth. Thus, some three million years later, and after the Earth had been ravaged by the dark Anchara Alliance, the now-human colonists of Lemuria arrived on Earth. The desires of the cetaceans for a land guardian had been met and your return to guardianship fulfills this ancient prophecy!

Namaste! Blessings to all! Your Ascended Masters return. Our divine associates are finishing up the details that remain before the prosperity funds can be distributed. The dark has signed off on a series of agreements that acknowledge that their hold on the governments of Mother Earth is over. Further, these ones have also agreed to permit a new economic system to be adopted worldwide. This new economic system will be announced formally by the new governments which our space cousins are helping to bring into being. This gives us great joy! The freedom we have worked toward for millennia is, at long last, to be manifested on our world. As part of this process in the coming weeks, important arrests will be made which are indicators of the change that is overtaking this reality. An epoch of prosperity, freedom, and sovereignty is coming into being for all to see!

As we move toward the mass arrests promised to you, a great many documents will be revealed which demonstrate just how corrupt and arrogant this dark cabal is. Spirit is moving across your globe, shining the Light of revelation into all the dark crevasses where droves of misdeeds are recorded which provide testimony of massive illegality. These documents have been seized and, along with a mountain of similar evidence, will be used to produce the warrants that will take down the dark-oriented governments and the politicians who so obligingly supported their wayward policies. The real agendas contained in these policies will now be exposed and much-needed course corrections imposed by our associates. A number of deadlines are in effect. Once these dates are reached, the arrests and many shocking charges will commence.

This new day dawning will bring announcements not only of debt forgiveness and a new prosperity but also of the existence of your Inner Earth and space cousins. We are all, in fact, 'aliens' to this world, who came in peace and divine service to Gaia nearly a million years ago. At first we experienced a 'Heaven on Earth' and later, near the end of Atlantis, we began our long sojourn through the dark realms. We of Spirit have held the Light for all these millennia, and now are to be redeemed by the Light and returned in joy to the realms of the Light. This process is a great undertaking which we, as one, have taken with the divine grace of the Creator. Now we come to the point where our 'Labors of Hercules' are to be fully rewarded! Rejoice in these Blessings and know deep within you what a grand future is before you!

Today, we continued our weekly missives about Spirit, the Light, and our return to full consciousness. We are, together, defeating the dark and turning you back into fully conscious Beings. All of us in the Galactic Federation bless you for your patience and for your help in making this divine moment manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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From Sheldon: More Banker Resignations

(Unconfirmed at this point):


Plus folks, I just learned via 'The Nutrimedical Report' show on that aired yesterday that 1,204 Senior Bankers HAVE RESIGNED...  This COULD be a BIG RED FLAG that the Elites are NOW HEADED TO THE HILLS in anticipation of some BIG EVENT, whether it's the pending passage of the Brown Dwarf Star or WW3 or a BIG Quake going off ???? STAY ALERT !!!!!!!
Listen here-


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Falling Satellites Or Fireballs?

Another email from Sheldon Day:

I'm now convinced that these satellites falling out of orbit "just doesn't happen".. I now believe that this is  a COVER STORY put into place to Coverup all the Fireballs coming in from Planet X's debris field of rocks OR the Solar activity is  "knocking" these craft out of orbit..And of course these things will look like FIREBALLS as they disintegrate, so it's a PERFECT COVER STORY for the Elites up until the Earth Changes get sooooooo severe, that a point will come when they'll no longer be able to cover it up !!!!


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Sun Threw Out An X20+ Flare Last Night

From Sheldon Day.....

Strongest Flare to come off the Sun since 2003 !!!!!!!!  Back then, it was an X40... I believe this Flare came off Sunspot 1166, which is rotating behind the Sun's Western Limb at this time, so apparently NOT Geo-Effective, but after this Region ReEmerges in about a week from now, WE NEED TO WATCH IT !!! This Same Sunspot was PROBABLY ATTRIBUTABLE to the BIG QUAKE in Japan..Now, I just discovered after refreshing the Website, that they took it off but I CAPTURED A SCREENSHOT of the Page just in case they decided to take it off, as I've witnessed them take off a Near-Earth Asteroid posting already... !!!!!! PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT !!!!!!! LOOK IN UPPER LEFT CORNER.... SpaceWEather now showing the strongest 24-Hour X-Class as an "M4"..
Maybe they decided not to alarm the Public toooo much ???
Also, 7 Planets ALIGN in our Solar System today & rumors are scattered around the Net of a POLE SHIFT Today, but I doubt that.. Always be LEARY of folks putting out DATES for BIG EVENTS !!!!!
Sheldon Day, Former Host of 'THE LIGHT OF DAY' Online-Based Radio Shows

Devoted to exposing the Inbound Passage of the L-Class Series Brown Dwarf Star aka 'Planet-X' & The Ruling Power Elite's preparations for the Cosmic Event...


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Is A Several Hundred Foot Elevation High Enough?

Hey, have you heard about a rogue planet in our inner solar system called Planet X? It's a brown dwarf star, said to be 4 times the size of Earth and 23 times its mass. It's heavily magnetic and in the not-too-distant future it will be passing Earth. It's the source of escalating Earth know, bigger and more frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and bizarre weather, just to name a few. Many of us are preparing for this event and the purpose of this talk is on preparation. Today's topic is safe distances from bodies of water.

Over the past 7 years or so, I've researched many sources about this incoming planet and recently read a review of Erich von Däniken's newest book, Twilight of the Gods, and noted an interesting comment. The reviewer says, "Erich von Däniken speaks of the Bolivian archaeological site of Tiahuanaco and the platforms at Puma Punku, both located some 13,000 feet above sea level.... Despite the altitude, the Bolivian sites show strong evidence of flooding." Could the flooding have been caused by rising sea levels or tsunamis caused by a prior passage of Planet X, such as we saw in the movie 2012?

While von Däniken speculates that the huge stones which pave those locations could have been used as a dam, consider the Noahic flood, which is said to have occurred during a previous Planet X passage. Noah's ark is said to have come to rest on top of a mountain as the waters receded. This mountain historically is believed to be Mt. Ararat in Turkey, which has two peaks: Greater Ararat (the tallest peak in Turkey with an elevation of 5,137 m/16,854 ft) and Lesser Ararat (which has an elevation of 3,896 m/12,782 ft). That's over two miles above sea level, folks! Now factor in that some sources are indicating that the upcoming passage of the dark star is going to be worse than previous passages! Yikes!

Another source indicates that the Appalachian Mountains show signs of having been on the sea bed in it past history--

"The Appalachians are old. A look at rocks exposed in today's Appalachian mountains reveals elongate belts of folded and thrust faulted marine sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and slivers of ancient ocean floor."

But how do we know for sure what a safe elevation will be? Well, one way to find out is to observe what those in the know are doing. For instance, the U.S. Gov't is moving its base of operations to the high peaks of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It has been said that U.S. Navy personnel in the know are relocating to the Ozark Mountains. Those should give you ideas of safe elevations.


Okay, so one example I gave of flooding at high altitudes might have been a dam breaking and another example was a tale of a flood of Biblical proportions. But, are there any other historical records that speak of how high the water rose?

At this link,, in the Update: The Eltanin Impact, 2.15 mya, it is stated: "The evidence of the effects of large tsunamis, in terms of relocated rocks, is found widely. The most extreme example being in Hawaii where unconsolidated coral is found at 326 metres above sea level." That's nearly 1,000 feet above sea level! Thus, you need to get away from coastlines. How far? From what I have read, it would be prudent to be at least 200-300 miles from any coastline and well above 1,000' in elevation.

That's today's tip for those who are preparing to survive the coming passage of Planet X. Forewarned is forearmed. Planet X is survivable if you prepare, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.




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From an email from Sheldon Day:

These sinkholes are popping up all over the place and they're usually attributable to a "water main breaK"... I believe that the 'Red Comet' out by Jupiter is behind this..And BTW, Jupiter got hit AGAIN by another Fireball 5 days ago-UNPRECEDENTED.. The 'Red Comet' or 'The Planet of the Crossing' is causing more & mre Earthquakes to occur here, causing more Water lines to break underground, thus creating the Sinkholes.....

Even an OFFICIAL in THE Phillippines has stated this-
Berador said a sinkhole can only occur if a corroded limestone area is disturbed by natural tremors such as earthquakes or by human-induced activities

Sheldon Day, Host of 'THE LIGHT OF DAY' Online-Based Radio Show
Saturday nights 9-11 PM, West Coast Time

Devoted to exposing the Inbound Passage of Planet-X & The Ruling Power Elite's preparations for the Cosmic Event...
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