AUGUST 17, 2013

The Arcturian Group message today is one of hope because dear ones, many of you are losing hope.  You look out at  the world and say nothing is changing, but much is changing dear ones.  We see the light of your world becoming increasingly bright each day as more and more souls awaken to truths far different from that which you were led to believe was truth in the past. 
Much of the chaos you see reflects the actions of those who stand to gain from dissension (sense of separation)  because they sense that they are losing ground--their false words are no longer so easily believed by the majority.   All that holds duality and separation in manifestation is the belief in it--the state of consciousness of the individual manifests as...  You have not known that you are creators, powerful beings who create with the energy of your words and thoughts, but now you are awakening to your power as expressions of the Divine.  This is evolution.  As mankind awakens to the realization that there is only ONE--one life, one mind, one consciousness, one reality, one law,  the source  of duality and separation will  have no substance and can no longer exist.
It is not the intellectual knowledge of truth that makes the changes, for that is but the first step.  It is the practice--the pondering, reflecting, living of truth until it becomes your state of consciousness.  That is the work dear ones, the practice and living of truth in each and every moment. With time this will  become very easy because it will have integrated into your being and will be the "new you". This is why things do not yet appear to be changing, for there is work yet to be done before it can manifest, but it is coming dear ones, you are creating a new world with your awakening.
Do not spend a lot of time listening to the news or reading about  negative manifestations in the  world, for this allows appearances entrance into your consciousness and unless you have evolved beyond being affected, simply adds your energy to them.  Be aware of world events, but do not enmesh yourself in them, translating world appearances instead into truth.  For example;  when becoming aware of current war and conflicts, say to yourself; "Yes I see this chaos, but I know the truth is that there is no law to support this, that it is the manifestation of the belief in duality and separation. Every person involved is a Divine expression but they do not know it and therefore are seeking peace and love in the only way that they are aware of at this time according to their belief system."  Send light and the violet flame to these people and places without placing any directions on it as to what it is to do. 
Understand,  you do not deny appearances, but you translate them by knowing the truth behind them.  This is the  way you break the back of  appearances born from the belief in duality and separation and this is how you help move the world into a higher dimensional energy and the corresponding higher dimensional manifestations. 
All is proceeding according to plan.  Never fear dear ones, for this journey of awakening is proceeding whether or not you believe it.  A soul cannot remain forever in darkness and ignorance unless it is their  choice.   Every soul is  evolving  toward living and understanding the truth of their being--it could be no other way for this is the only reality--there is nothing else. 
There is much to come very soon, changes in the world that will help you to see beyond appearances and recognize that change is indeed taking place.  Try not to see world events  as backward steps, but as a lifting up of  all that is old and finished to be  examined with new eyes and seen for what it is. Dark holes long within governments, churches, corporations, military, and etc. are now experiencing the light being shone into them and what is being seen is often shocking.  The world has lived ignorantly  with these dark holes for a long of time,  believing that they were either not there, or were simply the way things function--but no longer. Many brave ones are now shining  light into these holes of darkness and it is the job of an evolving world to take notice.   
We of the Arcturian Group along with many others watch and bless you at all times.  Many are assisting you in this transition and soon you will become more aware of us.  We cannot step on your planet and say; "Hi, here we are", for the present state of your world would not welcome us, but soon enough of you will be ready.  There are many from other systems among you now but you do not recognize them for they are so much like you. 
You need not fear the old predictions and false teachings about the end of the world, for your efforts have brought about changes to the energy that was in place  many years ago.  You have earned the right to ascend while in your physical bodies and any who would interfere from other less evolved planets are no longer allowed to be here at this powerful time.  You are  protected from those not of the highest level, so welcome your brothers and sisters from other planets when they arrive.  They too have moved into the higher energies through evolution and understand what you are experiencing.  They hold only the wish to help you with what they have learned spiritually and technologically and want be your neighbors. 
It is important to center yourselves and learn to meditate if you do not already, for in your silent awareness of I AM you open yourself to the higher energies, align with your Higher Self, and give permission to  receive more guidance and help.  Remember, guidance does not usually come in loud words as your movies often depict, but comes as a subtle "knowing"-- information that you then translate into words.  That is why meditation is often called; "Listening for the still small voice".    
With love and blessings we send you our brothers and sisters, Light and truth. 
We are the Arcturian Group. 8/17/2013
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  • Yes indeed, the Dec 21 2012 was worth rereading. It is very much current with what we are experiencing now.

  • Found one from back in Dec 21 2012 down toward the bottom is very informative. I like all of the Graphs as well.

  • Rosemary I don't let it affect me as much as you may think and have given up trying to figure out the Muslim world. As far as Egypt is concerned the Army is killing the Brotherhood. I think that is the only way to get rid of them Mubarak and Gadhafi both had to do that to keep there countries safe.   I think I have been waiting for a couple years for things to happen that were almost here and just around the corner too many times. They are very clever at writing these channels they always say what I want them to also.    

  • Good response, Rosemary. 

    Don, sometimes these messages hit me that way, too. 

  • Basically Byron it is our ability to give energy to negative news. If we look at Egypt, we can see a lot of unrest and death, but these are also great news. The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is being push out of power is an indication that people have enough of Religions' control and want it to stop. Separation is being challenged to its limit. All those souls who are protesting are thinking the same thing. They want unity and no discrimination, no division between men and women and freedom of religion. The Egyptian are gaining strength in their will for change. They are also finishing their own karma the best way they can. They are also showing the way to other countries who are caught in the same scenario. Not too long ago, Turkey  was having protests and riots in their streets. Tunisia is in that process too. Morrocco is next. See

    At work, we have a couple who, every week, is creating negative feeling with their co-workers. I have to admit, they are very smart at creating division. Since I work closely with them, I have the opportunity to maintain duality and separation by getting mad at them and telling them off. This is exactly what they want because they literally feed on this. To them, it is like a big joke. To maintain good relations with my co-workers, I decided to acknowledge their will to divide us, but I tend to ignore their antics. Yes I do talk to them but I tell them my way of resolving issues in a very gentle way.  It does block, to a certain extent, duality and separation.

    This is basically what the Acturians are saying. We know their is wars, famines, religious division and sexual segregation, but by praying and sending positive energies to the people who are working to change things, we are actually giving them strength. I hope this helps you Byron.

  • It is interesting how channeled messages always say exactly what I want to hear.


  • This may be the most confusing message I have ever heard from the Arcthurian group ever. I find it almost impossible to look away from the vile news being thrown at us and have no sane way of ever figuring out what is true or not unless I look at all of it dear ones. 

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