Several Theories For The Sun's Quiescent Period

There are two theories that I know of that explain the abnormally quiescent sun these past years:

"Per the Zetas, the reason for the low sunspot activity has to do with the magnetic poles of Planet X."

Per John DiNardo in March 2009, "...Planet X is in a fleeting interlude in its incoming travel, wherein it is gravitationally, electrically, and electromagnetically interacting with Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus, thus diverting its previous fire away from the Sun, but only temporarily."

In the same blog, in January 2010, he said, "...the reason why the extraordinary solar hyperactivity of the past decade had recently fizzled into a period of extraordinary quiescence is because inbound/sunbound Planet X was passing below Jupiter during 2008 to 2009, resulting in an electromagnetic and gravitational flirtation between the giant X and the gas giant, Jupiter, as evidenced perhaps by the great comet collision into Jupiter on July 20th of 2009, the comet presumably being just one member of the bee swarm of Planet X's gravitationally gripped horde of celestial bodies."

{Just from some research I did for John, another shred of evidence arose concerning the escalating rate (since 2001) of water main breakages which rate decreased in 2009, another indication that PX was "doing something different" that year.}

So, just within my knowledge (meaning there may be other theories I am unaware of), there are two schools of thought. One is that PX was actively hosing the sun with particles from its N Pole (thus, the sun's quiescent was caused by action on PX's part) and the other theory is that PX turned its affections away from the sun and directed them toward Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus (the sun's quiescence was caused by inaction on PX's part, i.e., it not interacting with the sun).

My first question is...could a planet (albeit a brown dwarf, heavily magnetic and allegedly four times the size of Earth and 23 times its mass) affect the Sun that much? Here is a perspective of the size differences....

{I reworked the questions in the next section after posting this...for those who may have already read this blog...}
Second question concerns absorbing magnetic particles...

"Now the magnetic N Pole of Planet X is pointed outward, as Planet X has risen to the Ecliptic and is into its first 270° roll. Thus, it is pointing its magnetic S Pole toward the Sun, which absorbs magnetic particles and thus has a quieting effect."

Can a planet that size actually shoot enough magnetic particles at the Sun the size of ours to calm it? Looking at the comparison images above, that just doesn't make sense to me, that Planet X could affect the Sun like that. And, another question, does shooting magnetic particles at the Sun even have a calming effect? Also, what about PX's N pole? It was pointed at the Sun too at some part of its journey. They say it is magnetic, like the S pole. So why only the S pole particles having a quieting effect? In any event, if PX was shooting magnetic particles at the Sun, it would only hit a small area at best. How would that affect the entire Sun? I think John DiNardo's theory makes more sense. What do you think?

A third theory surfaced after I wrote this. Take a look at the picture here Since Planet X (brown dwarf) entered our solar system in 2003 and since the "winged thingy" (an artificial vehicle aka "UFO") was captured shooting a beam at the sun, this solar period's quiescent certainly could have been influenced by help from our friends "out there." I think that John's theory about 2009 being "more quiet" is also valid. So, these two theories (UFO help + PX being turned away from the sun temporarily) are the most credible theories.

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  • I agree, Teresa. We are probably just guessing at just a small portion of the forces really at play.
  • For sure John's theory. Px effecting the sun would be like a pea effecting a basketball. Maybe if it was 4 times the size of Jupiter. Even Jupiter is pretty small compared to the sun.
  • Amy Evans and John DiNardo believe PX is around Jupiter's orbit. See their respective blogs. The object we have been seeing (with the wings and tail) on NASA's images, which we were told was PX, may not be PX. See for reasons why not. If that is the case, then PX is not between Earth and the Sun, in the orbit of Venus, as is being said.
  • The Zetas have stated that Planet X has been in our inner solar system since late 2003 for many times.but I doubt that why it is so difficult to see till now?It should be seen by us now. I am thinking that It is too small compared with the sun ,how could it affect it so much? Do Zetas are always lying to us? PX has not in the inner solar system yet?
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