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  • This is  so different than what we have been use to so far. Thanks John.
  • SOON, we all know.
  • Thanks again J Miller. This is the real mccoy, real astronomers with real telescopes who has their own source to show, Jonas I agree with you, SkyView team are on my list along with Sydney Star Gazers. Their new footage video is even more interesting, if you haven't check it out already.

    I once made a posting that shows a 'dead zone' concept and said that elenin was probably a non event back in July because the real thing is coming behind elenin. When will that thing get here or will it ever get here to cause disaster is something remain to be seen. 

  • Great videos, thank you for posting them John. This sky view team seems more scientifically based, and perhaps less biased then some of the other groups posting Youtube videos on this subject. I will be following their research with great interest from now on. Excellent find!
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