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Compare the care and caution used with this relatively small amount of radiation with what's coming out of Fukushima and the US response. Insane.
Last week Pope Francis replaced four out of the top five officers overseeing the Vatican Bank in a move that sent shock-waves through the public leadership of many countries. In probably most countries of the world, when a new leader is installed, that person gets a visit from a cabal officer like Henry Kissinger who hands them a Vatican bank account book containing a huge bribe, according to sources including former CIA chiefs. The leaders are then told that if they do not accept the money and follow cabal orders they will be assassinated, driven out by scandal, or failing that, have their country invaded by US troops. For that reason, the change at the top of the Vatican bank is a sure sign something big is coming down.
Also last week Queen Elizabeth announced she was going to hand duties over to Prince Charles as well as to Princes William and Harry, starting a “gentle succession.” Elizabeth is thus following Queen Beatrix of Holland and the King of Belgium in resigning in recent years from positions that are traditionally held for life. The generational change in royal families is in preparation for a change at the very top of the financial system, a Rothschild family source said.
Another interesting thing these sources had to say was that the Chinese government was thinking of starting up a state religion combining elements of Christianity, Confucianism and Mohism. The aim was to improve moral standards in China and strengthen social unity, they said.
There is also something brewing in North Korea and the Chinese are not happy about it, one official said. Two top North Koreans who were close to China were executed last week as part of the ongoing purge of perceived threats to Kim Jong Un, he said. In response China staged a massive military exercise with more than 100,000 troops along the North Korean border. “China now views North Korea as an enemy state,” he said. This will be followed by a joint US and South Korean military maneuver also aimed at North Korea.
Also, basketball star Dennis Rodman was nabbed and taken in for questioning last week immediately after returning to the US from his well-publicized visit to North Korea. The official story is that he went to “an undisclosed alcohol rehabilitation center.”
Rodman was visiting North Korea as a personal representative of Barack Obama, according to North Korean sources. No doubt his “rehabilitators” will be trying to find out what that message was.
North Korean sources in Japan also say the new North Korean regime had threatened to hit Shanghai and Beijing with nuclear weapons as part of a power play to force the reunification of the Korean peninsula.
This may also be the real reason why government leaders in China and South Korea are willing to meet with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is closely linked to North Korea through his ties with the unification church.
The situation in Asia will probably not resolve itself until the removal of cabal control from the dollar and euro based financial system is completed.
To this end dramatic changes are continuing in the Middle East, power base of the US petrodollar. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been purging Turkey, the original home of the Sabbatean mafia, with increasing success. He has removed 350 police officers and 20 prosecutors and is now purging Bankers and TV propagandists.
The Gulf Cooperation Council also sent a delegation to China last week to negotiate a surrender and were told to end the rift with Iran and the Shia/Sunni split in general. Responding to this, the Muslim world invited Iran into “full membership in the Al Quds (Jerusalem [i.e. Israel]) Committee of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is also going to visit Iran soon to help bring peace to the region.
The ongoing shift of Middle East power away from cabal control is of course going to affect Israel and the controllers of the old petro dollar system. Perhaps that is why the White Dragon Society was contacted last week and asked if it would be possible to go through Canada to make liquid some now frozen funding. This request coincided with the start of a four day visit to Israel by Zionist slave Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
The WDS is insisting on a jubilee, a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets and the immediate start of a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The other move that is making cabalists nervous is the German government’s ongoing investigation of what happened to the 300 tons of gold it deposited with the Federal Reserve Board. So far only 5 tons have been returned and attempts to intimidate German Chancellor Angela Merkel with a beating in Switzerland (according to a CIA source) will
probably backfire by driving the Germans into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and out of NATO.
Another front in which the cabal is under severe attack is the ongoing exposure of elite pedophile networks in the UK and in the Vatican. In the UK, politicians are now being investigated in the ever widening scandal that is expected to eventual lead to Tony Blair and his fellow Nazis. In the Vatican, 400 priests have already been defrocked and the purge of child abusers is continuing.
The Cabalists will be gathering this week at the Davos World Economic Forum where they will make noises about the dangers of income inequality. In doing so, they will be like Marie Antoinette at the time of the French Revolution asking why the peasants did not eat cake, in other words they don’t have a clue about what is really going on and their sudden concern for the poor will be way too little, way too late.
In a sign that all is not well with the forum, Daniel Dal Bosco tried last week to contact the Dragon family about cashing historical bonds. Dal Bosco was followed very closely in 2009 after he absconded with a trillion dollars’ worth of Dragon family bonds and that trail led to a certain Giancarlo Bruno, head of the financial services division of the Davos forum. The fact that he is once again initiating contact can only be taken as a sign of desperation behind the scenes at Davos. Message to Dal Bosco: “you are being watched 24/7 and can be picked and arrested at any moment.” The same will be true of any other cabal official attempting to steal assets that belong to the people of the world and not to a criminal cabal.
The other ongoing sign of unravelling cabal control is the snowballing trend to legalize marijuana. Now that Colorado, Washington State and the nation of Uruguay have joined North Korea (they never made it illegal in the first place) in legalizing marijuana, and did so without facing any reprisals, many more countries (last week Morocco for example) will join the band wagon. The loss of illegal drug revenues, combined with the loss of control over oil, will devastate Sabbatean cabal finances. Vive la revolution!
Turkey Feds hose protesters with water cannon in freezing temperatures
A medical bill has been signed into law in Turkey that requires doctors to obtain government permission before administering emergency first aid. Critics have blasted the bill as a crackdown on doctors who treat activists injured during protests.
The bill, which was drawn up by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), punishes health care professionals with up to three years in prison or a fine of almost $1 million if they administer emergency first aid without government authorization.
It also bans doctors from practicing outside state medical institutions and aims to stop them from opening private clinics.
President Abdullah Gul signed the legislation into law Friday. It has prompted a flurry of accusations from rights groups, condemning it as an attempt to criminalize emergency health care and deter doctors from treating protesters.
a cop is a cop is a cop...
Interesting ....
"What is this that exploded near San Diego? I filmed this while filming chem planes spraying very low and the object appeared after the second, higher, trail was laid. Whatever fell from the object rained down into a very urban area full of houses."
Activist Post
The prolonged beating death (37 minutes) of a homeless and mentally ill Kelly Thomas was an atrocity recorded for the world to see. The sheer viciousness in full view of an appalled public may be one of the worst cases of pre-meditated and coordinated police brutality that they world has been able to witness. What came after is considered by many to be even worse: the full acquittal by a supposed jury of Kelly's peers of the police officers who took part in the torture-killing. In so doing, all involved in this injustice have given the green light for police to attack and murder others.
In August, 2011 Rady Ananda reported that the family of Kelly Thomas had refused an offer of $900,000 not to pursue civil action, such was the presumption of likely guilt for those involved. Protesters have been gathering since the murder - and their numbers are swelling in light of this latest travesty. However, when a crowd of more than 200 assembled yesterday in Fullerton, police moved in and made in excess of 12 arrests. While some arrests seem to be legitimate, the rest were taken into custody after simply refusing to leave the (public) protest site. The video below details the pursuit of justice where the traditional justice system has failed thus far.
Kelly Thomas didn't deserve what he was subjected to; and an outraged public certainly deserves a far better police force than currently exists in Fullerton, CA.
Note to future protesters - please respect the wishes of Kelly's family who would like to see the size of "Kelly's Army" continue to grow, but they urge you to demonstrate your power through positive political action. You can raise awareness about this case and intelligently demand that changes be made inside the Fullerton PD without to resorting to the violence you are protesting against. And by all means keep your cameras ready to document any other episodes of police brutality, so that the world can identify the criminals masquerading as real police.
The mainstream media coverage of flu shots is inherently dishonest. Although all medical interventions (such as flu shot injections laced with mercury) carry inherent risk of harm or even death, there is almost never any mention of risk whatsoever in mainstream media coverage of the subject.
Instead, every media article sounds like a broken record: "Get a flu shot. Get a flu shot. Get a flu shot..." in a mindless droning voice of insanity.
Today, I reveal how a real scientist would think critically and skeptically about flu shots and the neurotoxic ingredients they contain, including mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde. See this article and check out the video:
by Jon Rappoport
January 19, 2014
Remember a researcher named Gilles-Eric Seralini, his 2012 GMO study, and the controversy that swirled around it?
He fed rats GMOs, in the form of Monsanto's Roundup Ready corn, and they developed tumors. Some died. The study was published in the journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology. Pictures of the rats were published.
A wave of biotech-industry criticism ensued. Pressure built. "Experts" said the study was grossly unscientific, its methods were unprofessional, and Seralini was biased against GMOs from the get-go. Monsanto didn't like Seralini at all.
The journal which published the Seralini study caved in and retracted it.
Why? Not because Seralini did anything unethical, not because he plagiarized material, not because he was dishonest in any way, but because:
He used rats which (supposedly) had an inherent tendency to develop tumors (the Sprague-Dawley strain), and because he used too few rats (10). That's it. Those were Seralini's errors.
Well, guess what? Eight years prior to Seralini, Monsanto also did a rat-tumor-GMO study and published it in the very same journal. Monsanto's study showed there were no tumor problems in the rats. But here's the explosive kicker. Monsanto used the same strain of rats that Seralini did and same number of rats (10). And nobody complained about it.
Michael Hansen, senior scientist at Consumer's Union, explains in an interview with Steve Curwood at
"Well, basically what Dr. Séralini did was he did the same feeding study that Monsanto did and published in the same journal eight years prior, and in that study, they [Monsanto] used the same number of rats, and the same strain of rats, and came to a conclusion there was no [tumor] problem. So all of a sudden, eight years later, when somebody [Seralini] does that same experiment, only runs it for two years rather than just 90 days, and their data suggests there are problems, [then] all of a sudden the number of rats is too small? Well, if it's too small to show that there's a [tumor] problem, wouldn't it be too small to show there's no problem? They already said there should be a larger study, and it turns out the European Commission is spending 3 million Euros to actually do that Séralini study again, run it for two years, use 50 or more rats and look at the carcinogenicity. So they're actually going to do the full-blown cancer study, which suggests that Séralini's work was important, because you wouldn't follow it up with a 3 million Euro study if it was a completely worthless study."
I can just hear Monsanto felons gibbering: "Well, we the biotech industry people published our study. We used 10 rats and we used the Sprague-Dawley strain. And that was fine. It was especially fine because our study showed GMOs were safe. But then this guy Seralini comes along and does the same study with the same kind of rat and same number of rats, and he discovers tumors. That's not fine. That's very bad. He...he...used the wrong rats...yeah...and he didn't use enough rats. He's a faker. Well, I mean, we used the same kind of rat and same number of rats, but when we did the experiment, we were Good, and Seralini was Bad. Do you see?"
Looks like we will be taxed to give prisoners health Ocare and the statistics will start looking better. We loose again.
Excerpted from Backers have promoted the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion as a way to reduce health care costs for many Americans.
Multnomah County officials expect national health care reform to cut the county’s medical bills, too.
By enrolling jail inmates in nationally subsidized healthcare — best known as “Obamacare” to both the President and his critics — the county could bill the federal government for the cost of providing some of them medical care.
County health department officials briefed Multnomah County commissioners on the issue this week.
In addition to saving the county money, enrolling inmates in Obamacare would also mean a significant percentage will now have insurance when their jail stay is done.
The county’s corrections health care team has begun a push to enroll jail inmates in Medicaid or other forms of coverage. Seven “eligibility specialists” began working this week to help inmates complete their insurance applications, and they signed 22 inmates up for continuing care during their first day on the job.
County health officials say they hope to create a “warm handoff” from in-custody care to civilian care. Often, uninsured inmates who can’t afford medical bills forego treatment once they are released from jail.
“The jail is the primary place where many inmates receive care, and we are trying very hard to change that, said Nancy Griffith, the county’s director of corrections health.
National jail standards require governing bodies to provide healthcare for inmates. Historically, the cost has fallen upon the local government running the jail.
Multnomah County pays to provide mental health, dental, and medical care to 35,000 inmates yearly, at a cost of $15.7 million to the county, county spokeswoman Julie Sullivan said. Keep Reading
"This recording was part of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session. The subject is Ron Head and is deep in hypnosis. The practitioner is Suzanne Spooner.
When Ron is hypnotized he accesses the Creator or God energy. Each session, Suzanne guides Ron into trance and then asks questions on a topic. Each time he gives beautiful, deep and profound answers. They place these recordings on their website,
This recording was made at the end of their 9th session on November 6th, 2013. Suzanne had thought the session was complete and had turned off the recording. On a whim she asked one more time if there was anything else that needed to be discussed.
After a long pause Ron, still in trance, starts to speak again. Suzanne quickly starts to record again mid-sentence."
Three recordings are provided on this web page:
Have you guys been listening to these guys?
I'm not gunna' comment til I am able to discern a little more...
anyworm there are 4 parts so far...
Jan. 18, 2014
You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.
The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree…and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
–Jay Leno
America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
–Jay Leno
Q: Have you heard about McDonald’s’ new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
–Conan O’Brien
Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser.
–Jay Leno
Q: What’s the difference between Obama’s cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society.
The other is for housing prisoners.
–David Letterman
Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America !
–Jimmy Fallon
Q: What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers.
–Jimmy Kimmel
Q: What was the most positive result of the “Cash for Clunkers” program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.
–David Letterman