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Bill Gates

Bill Gates

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(Michael Allen) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation says on its website that it “works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives.”

While the Gates Foundation has invested in many worthy projects to help people worldwide, some of the Gates Foundation Trust investments seem to contradict its admirable goal.

Mother Jones recently analyzed the Gates Foundation’s 2012 tax return to see where it was investing its money.

Probably the most surprising investment was $2.2 million into a private prison company, The GEO Group, which has been accused of numerous human rights abuses and violations.

According to the Palm Beach Post, The GEO Group has a laundry list of incidents in its private prisons.

The State of Texas even canceled an $8 million contract with The GEO Group because of a juvenile jail where officials found feces on walls and floors, locked emergency exits and excessive use of pepper spray on minors.

“[The GEO Group] knowingly put workers at risk of injury or death by failing to implement well recognized measures that would protect employees from physical assaults by inmates,” stated Clyde Payne, OSHA’s director in Jackson, Miss.

Mother Jones also found that the Gates Foundation invested $2.4 million in G4S, a UK-based company that operates private prisons for juveniles. G4S has had its own scandals over the deaths and abuse of children, reported the BBC and The Guardian.

The defense contractor DynCorp received $2.5 million from the Gates Foundation, even though DynCorp has a long history of scandals.

In 2010, DynCorp employees hired Afghan boys to dress up like girls and dance, and possibly provide sexual services, noted The Guardian.

In 1999, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia where DynCorp employees were accused of raping and buying girls as young as 12, noted The Huffington Post.

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Ascension Time is NOW, Keys to Ascending,
Mastering the Ego, Allowing,  Joining with Others
to Achieve the Higher Realms



We lovingly invite YOU to join our Sananda's Eagle family team and to work with us on our global ***Project: Eagle Triad***  We are looking forward to you emailing: janisel(at)

Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***


By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
(channeled though the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles)
(public channeling)

The energies, during this energetic shift, are marvelous to
‘watch’, but I am sure they are very crunching to endure,
especially when you do not breathe well enough, or drink enough
water, or pray enough, or meditate enough, or allow enough.  I do
wish to say that we are proud of each and every one of you, and I
am including even those that are not in this room.

However, we can tell you, it is time.  It is time to do what you
feel your Creator tells you to do, because the more you fight it
the harder it shall be for you to work and survive within these
energies.  These ARE the times that the prophets of old spoke of.
These ARE the times that all the dreamers have dreamed of.

All we can do is make suggestions to assist you in coping.  We
cannot do it for you, and we understand that for some it shall be
work.  But it is time to face fears, it is time to begin allowance,
it is time to ease control, and it is time to do what needs to be

Some of you...are strong enough to bear the burden.  You’re strong
enough to bear the burden for many, but what are they doing for
you?  For you see, if you feel in turmoil even when you are closest
to God, that turmoil is your soul speaking to you, telling you that
you cannot learn the lessons for all, no matter how badly you want
things to accelerate, no matter how much your heart cries out to go
Home... It is time to concentrate only on your Mission -- with others --
and then
YOU and the planet will Ascend together!




By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
(channeled though the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles)

We will call this lesson "Ascension". I put a lot of thought into
it to get that. <grin> Ascension is nothing more than the state of
rising. Rising what, you may ask. [One primary way to **rise**in
Ascension is to do your Mission for the Creator.]

You can be climbing a ladder, you can be walking up stairs, you can
be raising your vibration, you can be raising your consciousness,
or you can be 'flying high'. They're all the same. We have given
you the lessons that explain intricacies that have never been
explained fully before.

When you say 'Sananda Teaches Ascension', we ask the question
"What is it that Sananda would really wish for us to truly
understand about Ascension?" I think I can answer that. <grin> So…
we shall make a list, not necessarily in the following order, for
each individual is different. But I will give you the list of the
items that I, personally, find it helpful and beneficial for each
and every one of you to know concerning Ascension.

Strive to master your ego, for it is your ego, in this reality,
that tends to muddle things for you. It is your ego, in this
reality, that tends to hold you back, that tends to make you wish
to 'mirror' all things that are sent to you, instead of allowing
you the opportunity to discern what can be mirrored and what can be
transmuted to be a different reflection of who you are. Egos are
wonderful things once they have been mastered.

Allow. Allow yourself the opportunity to be who you really are. And
at the same time, allow all others that you interact with to be
exactly who THEY truly are… without your interference, that is,
because you would not wish to have their interference for you. If
you allow yourself to be who you truly are, or at least begin that
journey, then it also assists you in seeing the best in others. And
once you can begin seeing the best in others, then naturally they
will begin seeing the best in you… or vice versa.

This, and mastering your ego, are the two truly solitary things for
you to do on the ascension path. All the rest have to do with
becoming one with each other again, assisting each other, and
loving each other. For if you can begin the two on your own, to
master your ego and to allow yourself and others, then your soul
puts out a call to all others. It puts out a call saying, "We have
begun the process… come to us, help us, then we shall help you. You
sing the chorus and I'll sing the melody, or vice versa, depending
on who you are and who I am with you."

One of the hardest lessons for those in this reality to learn is,
you spend most of your lives here striving to be looked at,
striving to be noticed, striving to become 'someone'. And what it's
truly all about is to do this exact same thing but to see who has
the biggest 'group', the biggest choir. We do not encourage anyone
to be the best teacher, to be the best student. We encourage
everyone to be the best at calling out to all the rest, for the
more that you can call into yourself, the quicker this job gets

The ASCENSION of mankind and the ascension of this planet are NOT
acquired by individual progress. That goal shall be accomplished
by… the "team" having the most players shall win. <grin> THAT is
what I wish for all that have learned my lessons to realize...

We love patting each and every one of you on the head… and that is
not meant in a condescending manner… for we love dearly each and
every one of you. We hug you all the time, however we cannot allow
you to feel that energy when we hug you. Some of you get glimpses
because, when we do hug you, it raises your vibration so high that
you just might 'tweak out'. So we can caress, and we can pat, and
we can hug 'unofficially', because we DO understand that this is
not an easy job.

We do understand that, as far as YOUR MISSIONS are concerned,
some of us probably have had a better go of it than some of you.
And for that we are truly thankful. Not because we're thankful it
was not us that had the hard job, it is because we are thankful
that the right person got the hard job. Because that hard job is to
be done by the best, and the best ones here have those jobs. And we
understand that, we acknowledge that. The only ones that do not
truly and fully understand that and acknowledge that are those that
have those jobs. And they pray, and they beg, and sometimes they
stand outside and yell, scream, and holler at us. <grin> But that's
OK… we have it all recorded for you for later. We honestly feel
you'll have a full appreciation of the entertainment value of that
once this mission is over with. <grin> And while we lounge around
on our ships, and we eat our chocolates, and drink our Arnk, <grin>
we have more compassion for you than you'll ever know.

There have been times that some of us have crossed the line
occasionally to make things just a little bit easier for you,
however, we cannot do that without permission. And that permission
is usually given unless there's some sort of contractual snafu in
there that keeps it from being taken care of. But we do wish for
you to understand that for every prayer, or 'beg', or sometimes
vile words that get thrown our way, it is OK because we are doing
the exact same thing for you and with you. However, what gets the
job done is 'perseverance'. And if you can master your ego, and
allow yourself and others, it DOES make it less of a struggle.

Now, I'm going to ask a couple of questions. And I wish for these
questions to be pondered before answering. So it, technically, is
not possible to have you answer these in your classroom unless you
do what we've always encouraged you to do, and that is to read the
lessons beforehand. So I guess we'll know then, won't we? <grin>

a) I have, or have not, begun mastering my ego. Yes or No?
b) I allow myself to begin to see who I truly am. Yes or No?
c) I allow others the opportunity to see and be who they truly are
without interference from me. Yes or No?




If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)

Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***





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From Sheldon: More Banker Resignations

(Unconfirmed at this point):


Plus folks, I just learned via 'The Nutrimedical Report' show on that aired yesterday that 1,204 Senior Bankers HAVE RESIGNED...  This COULD be a BIG RED FLAG that the Elites are NOW HEADED TO THE HILLS in anticipation of some BIG EVENT, whether it's the pending passage of the Brown Dwarf Star or WW3 or a BIG Quake going off ???? STAY ALERT !!!!!!!
Listen here-


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This strange weather phenomenon, which you will see in the video below, happened in Newfoundland where the waves were actually frozen as they crashed on the beach. This is exactly what one would expect at the end of the warmest year on record, right?"


Forecasters say this winter could be the coldest Europe has seen in the last 1,000 years. The change is reportedly connected to the speed of the Gulf Stream, which has shrunk in half in just the last couple of years. Polish scientists say that it means the stream will not be able to compensate for the cold from the Arctic winds. According to them, when the stream is completely stopped, a new Ice Age will begin in Europe. Some are saying that day has come and gone already, meaning Europe, at least, is in for some very big trouble. I reported a few weeks ago that indications are the stream has completely stopped in terms of completing its journey to Europe.

Collapse of cities and even societies is possible in the near future though almost no one anywhere is entertaining the idea that where they live today might not be livable in the near future. Ecosystems can and will fail. Predictably we will see failing infrastructure; food, water and fuel shortages, infectious disease, war, civil disobedience and conflict, and outright collapse of livable climate conditions. Extreme climatic events (including extreme rain events, floods) can do more to level humanity than nuclear attacks.

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Pacific El Nino Growing More Intense

"El Nino" and "Climate Change" are cover-ups for the increasing earth changes. Read between the lines, substitute "Planet X" for those other words and you will be closer to the truth. Thus, this article should read "Pacific Growing More Intense Due To Planet X Getting Closer."

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