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If anyone is still so deluded as to think Obama actually cares about the poor, this should extinguish your delusion for good...

The (un)Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare and more truthfully should be called Lucifercare, will fine charitable hospitals that provide healthcare for poor people — for free.

The fines can be as high as $50,000.

After that, Lucifercare — via its minions in the IRS — will remove the nonprofit status from those hospitals. Currently, some 60% of U.S. hospitals are nonprofits.

Of those, a sizeable number are Catholic. 615 Catholic hospitals account for 12.5% of community hospitals in the United States, and over 15.5% of all U.S. hospital admissions.

No one is going to get medical care outside the new system.  Of course, there are cracks in the system and not everyone is going to be able to get coverage.  Where do these people turn?  It reminds me of the movie Independence Day when the President asks the alien, what do you want from us? and the alien says, "Die!"

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We saw what ISON did to Mars when it passed.  It caused the entire planet to glow with plasma.  Electrically charged particles even discharged from Mars and shot into space.    Is it possible that  if the Earth gets charged from ISON    we could suddenly find ourselves transported to a higher vibration, a new realm, a different dimension?   Or if the air is so highly electrified  could it electrocute everyone on Earth?  Or will it just turn out to be a very interesting and large auroral display to put all others to shame?   Still more could happen. Could such an electric jolt actually cause the pole shift?  Still more speculation, could the results of a plasma ball enveloping the Earth be called the EVENT?   Will it put everyone in a state of higher consciousness  fore a time?  These are the things that I ponder as I view pictures of a glowing Mars. What do you think will happen here on Earth?   OH, just one more thing!  Do you think that this government shutdown has anything to do with the arrival of ISON?   It seems to me that they are getting everything in place  (FEMA region 3)  ( everyone home from work)   (Escape roads blocked to parks.)  What will the next logical step from them be?  An announcement!  Probably one saying that our money just went digital, or perhaps that it lost 75% of it's value. ( ABOUT NOV 5)  And then lastly, the BIG announcement,   From the comfort of their bunkers!   RUN FOR THE HILLS!  Of course this is all just speculation and wonderment.  What do you think?

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Thanks to SusanPX...

‘You Should Have Expected U.S.’: Series of Attacks Hit Midwest Ahead of Massive Electric Grid Drill


The FBI is offering a $25,000 reward after the third in a series of power grid attacks in Arkansas left 10,000 residents without power over the weekend.

The attacks began back in September:

In the early morning hours of September 29, 2013, officials with Entergy Arkansas reported a fire at its Keo substation located on Arkansas Highway 165 between Scott and England in Lonoke County. Fortunately, there were no injuries and no reported power outages. Investigation has determined that the fire, which consumed the control house at the substation, was intentionally set. The person or persons responsible for this incident inscribed a message on a metal control panel outside the substation which reads, ‘YOU SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED U.S.’ (source)

These attacks are especially troubling considering their timing ahead of a massive joint power grid drill scheduled for next month to include the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The GridEx II grid security exercise set for November 13-14 will involve FBI antiterrorism units, National Guard, thousands of utility workers and business executives, as well as government officials from all three nations to simulate widespread grid takedown scenarios.

More troubling is a sudden talking point shift to the vulnerability of the U.S. power grid by multiple government officials, including outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who recently issued an ‘open letter’ to her successor warning that a cyber or physical event that takes out the power grid will occur — stating that it is not a question of “if” but “when”.

Napolitano is not the only one talking about how a grid attack will forever alter life as we know it, as SHTF Plan recently reported:

We are only one act of madness away from a social cataclysm unlike anything our country has ever known.
-Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ), Senior Member House Armed Service Committee

EMP is one of the small number of threats that could hold at risk the continued existence of U.S. civil society.
-Dr. Robert Hermann, Commissioner US Congress EMP Commission

Just one violent active region on the sun can cause continent-wide, perhaps even planetary-scale impacts to our critical infrastructure.
-John Kappenman, Principal Investigator US Congress EMP Commission

The likelihood of a severe geo-magnetic event capable of crippling our electric grid is 100%.
-Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Senior Member House Homeland Security Committee

If the power grid were to be taken out, it would throw this country into total chaos. Unlike in the times of the Great Depression, when people farmed their own land and grew food gardens, somewhere between 96-98% of the nation is dependent on the other 2-4% for their food. Many people do not keep more than a few days worth of food and water on hand, and survival and preparedness skills aren’t exactly taught in schools these days.

Regardless of how the power grid goes down, the important thing is to make sure you and your family are prepared if or when it does. As Daisy Luther of Organic Prepper wrote, “You’ve been warned“.

- See more at:

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The Downside of America’s New Spirit of Civil Disobedience

Dave Hodges

October 10, 2013

The Common Sense Show

The spirit of civil disobedience is being resurrected in the former land of apathy and acquiescence. People from every walk of life are saying “No” to their out of control federal government with increasing vehemence. But as you will see, it is not all a bed of roses. There is a price to pay for our new spirit of civil disobedience.

Ted Nugent Can Carry the Tune of Liberty

Legendary rocker Ted Nugent recently told the Associated Press that “The government is so out of control. It is so bloated and infested with fraud and deceit and corruption and abuse of power…   “The American government today will go down and the American people, it breaks my heart to say… will go down as the dumbest, most unappreciative society in the history of humankind.”  Nugent’s commentary is sad, but much more true than not. However, the worm is beginning to turn and even Nugent might be surprised at the rising tide of civil disobedience in the USA.

The Grand Canyon Shutdown

The Grand Canyon National Park has been closed for over a week now due to the government shutdown. Locals, whose livelihoods depend on the revenue generated from the National Park, have had enough and are speaking out through organized protest.

The Vets Are the First and Last Line of Defense Against Tyranny

Chis Cox loves the veterans enough to risk being arrested for trespassing by mowing the lawn near the Lincoln Memorial.

Chris Cox, the man pictured above, who is pushing a lawnmower, told CBS’ DC affiliate that his actions weren’t politically motivated. Instead his actions are a symbol of respect for the veterans who are set to converge in the nation’s capital this upcoming weekend for the Million Vet March.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder and director of Oathkeepers, has thrown his organization into the controversy in a very conspicuous manner as Oathkeepers recently issued a statement which encouraged all veterans to go to Washington DC and support the WWII veterans against the tyrannical enforcement of the government’s shutdown of the war memorials. Below, is an except of Rhodes’ call to action.

“Calling all Oath Keepers (and any other veterans) to back up our World War II veterans at the Washington DC area memorials, such as the World War II memorial, the Iwo Jima memorial, Arlington Cemetary, the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, and anywhere else that that the Honor Flights go. Go there and put yourselves under the command of the WWII vets. If they want the barricades down, they should come down, come hell or high water. No WWII vet should be denied access to the Iwo Jima memorial, the WWII memorial, or to any other memorial they want to visit. For many of them, on those Honor Flights, this will be THEIR LAST TRIP to go and pay their respects to their brothers who did not make it back. It is intolerable to let Obama block their access for his petty partisan manipulations over the govt “shutdown…”   

Hey NSA, “We Can’t Hide From You, but You Can’t Hide From Us”

The following people belong to a group called the “Restore the Fourth”.  The organization is protesting the NSA spy facility in Utah.

Restore The Fourth-Utah is also responsible for picking up litter on the 2-mile stretch of Redwood Road that includes the main entrance to the Utah Data Center and Camp Williams, where most of the spying takes place. they adopted the road in order to protest the NSA facility and their egregious violations of the Fourth Amendment.

Look at the faces in the crowd. The new found spirit of American civil disobedience has crossed from special interest groups like veterans to include average, everyday citizens. What we see below is a significant development in terms of average citizens standing up to the tyrannical federal government.

“We do not consent to having our Fourth Amendment right taken away by the NSA.”

The Trucker Strike

The truckers are threatening to block traffic on the Beltway and arrest Congressman for violating the Constitution.

U.S. News & World Report spoke with Earl Conlon, a Georgia trucker who is handling the logistics for the three-day protest which is to begin on the morning of October 11. According to Conlon and others participating, truckers will clog the inner loop of the Beltway and circle I-495 at the 55mph speed limit “to seek the arrest of congressmen for allegedly disregarding the Constitution.”

It Is Too Early to Celebrate

On one hand, it is exciting that Americans across the entire spectrum are beginning to speak with a unified voice. However, do you really think that the globalists, through their minions like Obama, are just going to sit back and allow the “people”, the “useless eaters”,  people like you and me, take back our country? Marijuana is now legal in Colorado and Washington and one would have to be high, or delusional, to believe that the central bankers are going to give us back our country without a bloodbath. In fact, they (the central bankers and their minions) have been preparing for this day for a long time!

They have been preparing for your awakening for a long time.

What most Americans don’t realize is that you are already living in a police state and as a result, your nation has already been conquered. We were conquered when we allowed the bailouts to go through. We were conquered when we let Obamacare pass. We were conquered when the statistics show us that, despite only having 5% of the world’s population, we have 25% of the world’s prison population. You were conquered when you allowed the NDAA and Executive Order 13603 to be passed.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, we have entered into Stage 2, civil disobedience, on the path to revolution. It will not be the American people who take this conflict to and all-out Stage 3 Revolution, it will be the central bankers as they will see this as a possibility to stamp out all opposition to the New World Order.

Has the light come on yet? DHS purchases 2.3 billion rounds of ammunition to go with their 2700 armored personnel carriers. Every federal agency is arming to the teeth. Wake up America, your life will soon change. Remember the sequence that I have been speaking about for a year; First there will be false flag attacks, financial collapse, martial law followed by WWIII. You are entering the hard core martial law period. How can I be so sure, because this is what happens in every country, in every situation like ours. The best predictor of the future is past.

And please spare me the testosterone inspired hubris that we will have a person with gun behind every blade of grass. That is a joke, we are a soft country. The only hope for the people of this country lies in the fact that the military might revolt, but that is a long shot because Obama has rid the military of any leader who he perceives as a “pro-constitutionalist, protect the American people” kind of soldier. As a result the sell-out bureaucrats are running the Pentagon.

What will this martial law crackdown look like? That is an easy question to answer because, this too, has happened before and the pieces for our subjugation have already been put in place. More on this in the next article. I will leave you with one clue. Brzezinski recently said, “It is easier today to kill a million, rather than try to control a million.

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ObamaCare declared “unconstitutional” by US Supreme Court

First, of all, the subtitle is mischaracterized.  ObamaCare, en toto, has not been declared unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.  Only two provisions were so found:  the individual mandate and the penalty on states to not embrace the Medicaid expansion.  It is interesting reading and a link is provided in the document.  It is true that forcing young adults to buy insurance has its basis in smoothing out the costs for doctors and hospitals and insurers; however, the law does not authorize Congress to compel anyone to enter commerce, only to regulate it.  The other issue is that states have the right to choose, or not, whether they want to participate in the expanded Medicaid provisions without penalty

So, the entirety of the Act is not defeated by two provisions being found unconstitutional based on the principle of severability.  The two issues are simply severed from the Act and the remaining provisions stand.

This article is based on a misunderstanding of what the Supreme Court actually did.  ObamaCare in its entirety is not a tax, only the penalty for not having insurance is considered a tax.  And the Supreme Court did not "rewrite" ObamaCare.  It severed from ObamaCare that which it considered unconstitutional. 

Another inaccuracy is that CJ Roberts did not write a 193-page opinion.  His opinion ends on page 65, and J. Ginsburg's dissenting opinion begins.  After that follows more dissenting opinions, but Roberts' opinion is the majority opinion and thus the law. 

Another inacurracy is the following:

Specifically, the following parts of the 193 page decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts are as follows.

1) Congress did NOT pass ObamaCare by constitutional legislative process, but rather by a heavyhanded strictly partisan process which completely eliminated half of the US Representatives from the process in the dark of night. Further, it did NOT pass as a “tax” bill under the Direct Tax authority of congress, which must initiate in the House.

Paragraph 1) is nowhere in that decision but it reads like the author is saying that it is.  Supreme Court justices don't write emotionally. 

The emotional discussion of "extortion" is based on this text:

"Our precedents recognize Congress’s power to regulate “class[es] of activities,” Gonzales
v. Raich, 545 U. S. 1, 17 (2005) (emphasis added), not classes of individuals, apart from any activity in whichthey are engaged, see, e.g., Perez, 402 U. S., at 153 (“Petitioner is clearly a member of the class which engages in‘extortionate credit transactions’ . . .” (emphasis deleted))."

Roberts is not suggesting that ObamaCare is extortion, he is drawing a distinction between classes of activities and classes of individuals. 

Here is a total misconstrual of what was said:

Part 2 of the Ruling

“CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS concluded in Part III–A that the individual mandate is not a valid exercise of Congress’s power under the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause. Pp. 16–30.”

"This part of the ruling establishes that the Act as passed in original form by congressional Democrats is beyond the scope and authority of congress under both the Commerce Clause (used by Democrats to pass the Act) and the Necessary and Proper Clause, (used by Democrats to defend the Act). Once again, as written and passed, the Act is ruled “unconstitutional” as-is under the constitutional authority granted in these two clauses."

This is author commentary.  The italicized part speaks of the individual mandate being invalid, not all of ObamaCare (which he refers to as "the Act.")

I stopped at the "Original Jurisdiction" section.  Who the heck is

Anyway, this was an exercise in showing how much misunderstanding and emotionalism is making the rounds.  Don't believe everything you see or hear without verifying it.

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