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Food Stamps Cut $11 Per Month

Confirmed:  I forget where I mentioned it, but my son's food stamp benefit was cut $11 per month beginning in November.  The rules have changed and now, unless you are disabled, you have to get a job of at least 20 hours per week within three months to keep your food stamps.  I think this is the result of the earlier sequester, but not sure. 

New rumor:  He heard today that SSI will be cut 15%.  I'm looking for a source, but haven't found one yet. 

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NaturalNews) We have already established that  is not a functioning database application that allows people to shop for  competing health plans. It is actually a government-run Trojan Horse that  suckers people into creating accounts where they hand over:
• Name and  address • Email address and password • Social security number • Private  bank account details • Employer details and other information
During  the enrollment process, your computer also hands over your IP address which is then tied to your social security number.
This IP address is  then handed over to the NSA thanks to its new mega-black-hole data center in  Utah, where your IP is cross-referenced with all website visits,  including:
• "Anti-government" websites • Porn sites • Gambling  sites • File sharing sites • "Terrorism" support sites • Encryption  service sites like Hushmail • Chat rooms, message boards and  more
Armed with this information, the NSA can then link your  seemingly-anonymous online chats, comments and posts with your social security  number. Linguistic algorithms can "score" your online posts to create red flags  that call for additional investigations of anyone using words like "liberty" or  "patriot."
This information can then be turned over to law enforcement,  as is found in the fine print of the Maryland Obamacare exchange, which  states:
...we may share information provided in your application  with the appropriate authorities for law enforcement and audit  activities.
Thus, by enrolling in Obamacare, you are voluntarily  surveilling yourself and handing over the data to the government while also AGREEING to terms of self-incrimination.
Ponder the  implications of this for a moment...

Obamacare is actually a self-incrimination surveillance program designed to  ensnare the American people in a devil's contract

Obamacare is the  meta-level con of tricking Americans into thinking they're signing up for free  health insurance when, in reality, the website primarily exists to scrape  personal financial details, passwords, emails and social security numbers from  Americans who will later be targeted by the government itself.
All the  emails registered with, for example, will likely be used by the  Obama administration to  spam people with political propaganda or contrived "terror alerts" that  use fear to concentrate more power in the hands of government.
All the  financial data will be turned over to the IRS for criminal investigations of  Americans who are suspected of under-reporting their incomes (or supporting  "patriot" groups with financial donations).
All the passwords used on will be turned over to the NSA and matched up with individual IP  addresses so that NSA operatives can hack into private bank accounts, encrypted  email accounts and other private data, based on the assumption that most users  use identical passwords across all the websites they commonly access. (A  person's password under Obamacare probably has a  50% chance of also working for their online banking. And since the NSA has your  social security number, it's a no-brainer to match up your online surfing habits  with your phone number, home address, investment holdings, tax returns,  international travel history and so on.)
In essence, Obamacare allows the  government to gather a goldmine of private data that can be exploited to  target, punish, incriminate, blackmail or steal from any desired  target.
As this is a federal government that believes it now has  total power to do anything it wants without limit, there are no boundaries of  what it might do with this data. Remember, Obama is the president who literally  maintains "kill lists"  of Americans to have terminated. This is openly admitted and confirmed. The  Obama administration also believes it can bypass Congress and simply create new  law by executive order, concentrating all power into its own hands with no  regard for the separation of power upon which this nation was founded.
As  is common with tyrants, the Obama administration truly believes the People have  no right to privacy, no right to due process, no right to representation in  government and no right to determine your own engagement in commerce. This is  why Obama is playing such hardball to shove Obamacare down everybody's throats:  the government desperately needs to gather all this surveillance data so that it  can leverage it to blackmail members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Senate, the  House, and even federal judges. Blackmail is essential to maintaining power in a  corrupt society. And is the portal for scraping passwords, IP  addresses and even financial details from anyone gullible enough to actually  hand this over to government (i.e. democrats).
As far as I'm concerned,  the IRS can fine me all they want. I'm never voluntarily enrolling in Obamacare,  even if you put a gun to my head like Obama is doing to the entire nation right  now with this insane, contrived government shutdown that treats our own veterans  like dirt.
All dignity is now gone from the Obama administration.  Zero credibility remains. The government has all but openly declared war on the  People and is actively using tricks like to coerce people into  incriminating themselves. The Obama administration is out of control and a grave  danger to society. It must be lawfully stopped from damaging America any  further.
Now is the time to seriously discuss impeachment, not just of  the President but of every U.S. Senator and House member who voted for this  unconstitutional, "Trojan  Horse" health care system that's destroying America's economy and wasting an  unprecedented amount of time, money and effort. End Obamacare now and restore  dignity and justice to America.
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Community Organizer Runs Amok

Very good article, discusses the law regarding the shutdown.


..."Thus, the House deemed, as representatives of the people, that Obamacare was not ready for implementation nor was the timing right given the high levels of unemployment and the national debt and deficit figures creating a financial crisis.

"Let me repeat: The House authorized funds to operate the government except for ObamaCare; the Senate refused to accept the money for operating the government unless funds were also appropriated for Obamacare. As Sowell notes, “That is their right. But that is also their responsibility.” 

"In other words, the Senate chose to shut down the government rather than delay funding for Obamacare. And, even if the Senate had voted the same as the House, the President said he would veto that vote.  The bottom line is that neither the Senate nor the President would accept the appropriations authority of the House.

"Thus, the Senate and the President bear sole and complete responsibility for the government shutdown.  If they had been willing to accept the constitutionally determined role of the House of Representatives, there would have been negotiations on the controversial issues while government operated as usual. A reporter who worked for two decades as a New York Times reporter described the Obama Administration as the “most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered.”

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VA chief: Shutdown could hit millions of vets

Army veterans disabilities during shutdown: U.S. Army veteran Bob LeBlanc of Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts, stands at attention as he views the name of a fallen soldier from his hometown on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
REUTERS: Mike Theiler
U.S. Army veteran Bob LeBlanc of Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts, stands at attention as he views the name of a fallen soldier from his hometown on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

AP 2 hr ago By Kevin Freking of AP

Over 3 million veterans will not receive compensation next month if the shutdown continues into late October, according to experts.
WASHINGTON — About 3.8 million veterans will not receive disability compensation next month if the partial government shutdown continues into late October, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki says. Some 315,000 veterans and 202,000 surviving spouses and dependents will see pension payments stopped.
Shinseki is spelling out some of the dire consequences of a longer-term shutdown in testimony Wednesday for the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. The short-term consequences have meant that disability claims production has slowed by an average of about 1,400 per day since the shutdown began Oct. 1, and that has stalled the department's efforts to reduce the backlog of disability claims pending for longer than 125 days.
In all, more than $6 billion in payments would be halted with an extended shutdown.
"In some areas, like health care delivery, there are fewer adverse effects. In others, such as reducing the claims backlog, we have already seen a negative impact," Shinseki says in written testimony obtained by The Associated Press in advance of the hearing.
The House has passed legislation that would provide veterans disability, pension and other benefits in the event of a prolonged shutdown. But the White House has urged lawmakers not to take a piecemeal approach to continuing government services.
Shinseki plans to make that case as well, saying it's not the best solution for veterans. He'll note that even if the VA were fully funded, some services to veterans would suffer.
His written testimony says the Labor Department has largely shut down its VETS program, which provides employment and counseling services to veterans. The Small Business Administration has closed 10 centers focused on helping veterans create and operate businesses. And the Housing and Urban Development Department is not issuing new vouchers to homeless vets, though those relying on vouchers to pay rent will be able to continue using them.
"Veterans, of course, are affected like other Americans by the government shutdown — more than 600,000 veterans are employed by the federal government, many others work for impacted federal contractors, or work for other businesses that are suffering from the shutdown," Shinseki says.
Veterans groups have largely avoided taking sides in the battle, supporting both the Republican-controlled House's efforts to pass legislation extending funding specifically for certain VA benefits as well as the Democratic-led effort to fund the entire federal government.
Some groups have expressed frustration with what they described as incomplete or inconsistent statements from the VA about the impact.
"These inconsistencies have left veterans confused, concerned and dismayed," says the written testimony from Alex Nicholson, the legislative director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
Nicholson says his organization has been fielding countless calls and messages from veterans worried about the shutdown's impact.
Shinseki says the VA planned for an orderly shutdown but has confronted "unprecedented legal and programmatic questions" and would do its best to keep lawmakers informed.

Related: Veterans face frustrating battle over claims

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----- Original Message -----

From: AMM
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 7:24 AM
Subject: Fuxnet and Obama Care


    Oct. 9, 2013

FUXNET is a most interesting creation as the basis of it is, it activates when using the Obamacare sign up and in all other instances it simply lays dormant.


I can not go into details nor would I in assisting the dismantling of this virus put into place by MIC to liberate Americans from the regime, but I will mention aspects of this to explain it's far reaching effects.


FUXNET is such a virus, that it can not be detected. If it were attempted to be removed, it would literally shut down the computer operating system.

That is why the regime shut down Obamacare the first weekend and admitted they were trying to gut the system as it is embedded.


FUXNET literally in order to remove it would require the gutting of every computer in government. It is now on every computer which accessed the regime website and it is spreading by stealth, but I repeat, that it is of absolutely no harm to your system as it only triggers by accessing the system to upload information and affects that system by replicating, so that users see that "spinning circle".


I find that amusing in a great part, because in psyops the regime has constantly used time outs and that spinning circle to terrorize me. Now the same principle has been unleashed against them.


Literally, to stop this, every computer would have to be destroyed. While this is not an Apple based system, Apple is a part of this as it accesses OS Microsoft platforms.


The cute part in this is though, that one little flashdrive plugged into this system would reinfect it all, starting this all over again.


This is from the people who created the operating systems at their core levels. They are the ones who put in all the doors to spy and manipulate with. They created the viruses for their own use in testing cyber warfare...........let that soak in for a bit in another Lame Cherry exclusive as when they sprayed you with nuclear waste in Minnesota to test nuclear fallout, they also can create viruses for actual real time cyber testing.


This has been all before you, and you will notice that only this blog has been the exclusive source for this information which has all been covered up. There is a real coup being staged in these Disunited States by a faction in their own survival interest. A faction which did shepherd the mob in better care than what is of this regime making jihad on Americans.


It is bothersome to me that no rich people will relieve my burdens and that most of you did not pay attention to ANTIXERXES in all it will mean. You do not get it in your stupidity.

Bob Woodward had one Watergate by the Mockingbird for the fortune given him. I have not kept track of the dozens of Watergates broken here, and all ignored or stolen in stealth as the censor cap is kept on.


If grease came for the squeaky wheel, I would be a grease tycoon.


I have sympathies for the Jeff Rense crowd who bit into the propaganda of the Military Industrial Complex. MIC was supplanted by arrogance and allowed itself to be portrayed for it's worst which it could be. It is though better than the gulag of murder which the Socio Conglomerate has supplanted it with.

At least MIC allowed you to have a decade of life and dreams on a vacation, before it gleaned you, before making you work for it all again.

What has captured America now is the vilest feudalism ever to rape the world.


The lesser of two evils until Christ returns. For now it benefits Americans what is taking place in this internal battle against the regime, and it has all been calculated by the Europeans for effect, as America has been designed to self faction implode for their rise.


I remember two assholes on Newsbusters when I posted there making fun of Lame Cherry for using the word CARTEL to describe this. Those two ignorant asses had no idea that cartel is a Germanic word for a syndicate working together, and that by Inspiration is what I was warning the world of in Berlin Obama from the start of this.

I hope for the day of their ashes under my feet like the majority here, and would settle for your rotting corpses in the streets appearing as dog shit the next day as packs eat you.


There will come a time in your existences when even sights like that will not phase you in being "uncomfortable" or whatever the word was that poster on Rayelynn's Rumor site was prattering on about in judging me. 


The day will come when you will do things you never dreamed the civilized you would ever do. The fact is you are already prepared as a beastly people in what you have degraded to.


FUXNET is a direct attack upon the regime of Birther Hussein. They have covered up that attack. That is an attack upon the nuclear warfare backed complex of America, including Homeland and the Pentagon. That is warfare in pure form of a cyber attack.

Those behind it are sufficiently protected from direct exposure in the military. Edward Snowden being alive is proof of their offensive stance yet. If Snowden is murdered, it will mean a direct assault will begin on MIC in America in a counter coup.


I have warned you of the primal scream of the regime next year. They are not going to give this Fang Jinn up. Their mission has been to make America a pariah state and Ecuador just called America a Nazi camp.


FUXNET matters in all it says and defines as a group did this, and is powerful enough to do it, to protect their military, economic and police state interests against the feudal regime in Washington.


Lame Cherry the greatest Prophetic voice and they will only know after the events consume them.

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