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The three stages of revolution manifest in the following manner:

1. A minimum number of the persecuted population becomes aware that they are victims and a share a collective consciousness with their fellow victimized citizens. Ten percent is the minimum number needed to successfully complete stage one (see below for documentation).

2. Awareness leads to action in the form of civil disobedience.

3. Civil disobedience is met with opposing force by the power elite and the conflict leads to open hostilities culminating in revolution.

It is the hypothesis of this paper that America is transitioning between stage one to stage two.


Scientists from the prestigious Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have determined that if just 10% of any given population holds to an unshakable idea, that the idea will become adopted by the majority of the country.

{This is the 100th monkey effect.}

The more that we show that humanity is awakening, the harder the elite are going to push back. We know that on October 1st, FEMA had just completed training 386,000 troops in FEMA Region 3. Their primary focus was on urban warfare and teaching the troops to speak English. They are coming for our guns and we cannot let that happen, because every genocide in the 20th century was preceded by gun confiscation. Gun confiscation is a hallmark “push back” by the elite in response to a rising tide of opposition.

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Now GM Insects - What Next!

I assume this company has good intentions and in theory it sounds good - reducing / eliminating the need for pesticides and reducing / eliminating disease carrying insects - but ultimately at what cost?

There always doesn't seem to be enough controls on these things at least until ongoing effects can be studied. If the company is so confident about their "product" why do they want to distance themselves from any possible repercussions through regulatory processes.

Oxitec (the organization involved) is a private UK company - one which Monsanto would like to acquire I'm sure (that's if they are not already involved - no proof of this though).

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Please allow me to pause for a moment and remind everyone that these vets showed up to pay respect to their fallen friends and comrades and they were denied their right to do so by a President who kept his own federally funded golf course open

Old souls/star seeds are selfish bastards, aren't they? 

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Bring It On: I Will Not Comply with Obamacare

Now, based on reports we are getting from people who did sign up for Obamacare, they are being offered policies that cost about $500 a month, and have a deductible in the tens of thousands. That means that for the vast majority of Americans, they will be paying $500 month for insurance that will in fact pay none of their medical costs.

I have Medicare and couldn't sign up for Obamacare if I wanted to (which I don't).  However, I saw that while the Medicare premium for Part B didn't go up this year, the annual out-of-pocket expense was raised $2,200, from four thousand something to six thousand something.  Office visits doubled, from $5 to $10, specialists went up from $35 to $40.  While that's still not bad, it will be the co-pays on more expensive procedures that will hurt.  For those of us on SSDI, just where does the gov't think we will find $2,200 more when we're just barely surviving as it is?  No, it will be the hospitals and labs that take the hit when people can't pay their bills.

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Best Obama Joke

A man died and went to heaven.  As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.  

He asked, "What are all those clocks?"

St. Peter answered, "Those are lie clocks.  Everyone on Earth has a lie clock.  Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said the man.  "Whose clock is that?"

"That's Mother Teresa's.  The hands on her clock have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

"Incredible," said the man.

"That's Abraham Lincoln's clock.  The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe only told two lies in his life."

"Where's Obama's clock?" the man asked.

"His clock is in Jesus' office.  He uses it for a ceiling fan."

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Email from Sheldon Day ...

LADEE SPACECRAFT REACHES THE MOON: The team flying NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission is among the select few at the space agency who have exemptions allowing them to work during the government shutdown. Early this morning, October 6th, they fired LADEE's main engine in a braking maneuver known as the Lunar Orbit Insertion burn. This slowed the spacecraft's velocity enough for it to be captured by the Moon's gravity. This critical burn went flawlessly and LADEE is now in lunar orbit. Two more main engine burns, on October 9 and 12 will adjust LADEE's trajectory, settling it into its commissioning orbit. LADEE is on a mission to study the diaphanous lunar atmosphere, which is mightily affected by space weather: NASA video (Preview) .
We need to see "how far away" Comet ISON will pass by our Moon.. Very interesting that this Nasa team is "exempt" during the shutdown.. I suspect that NASA is interested to see how this comet will be interacting with our moon next/...

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Prof. McCanney ISON Update 10/5/2013

October 05, 2013 ... early AM ... the storm systems that have been raging over the USA (tornados all over the place and severe thunder storms) and the gulf of mexico (tropical storm Karen) ... could they be a result of comet ISON ??? it is clear that comet ISON interacting with Mars the other day was the key that triggered the solar storm that produced low latitude auroras around the world on october 02 to 03 as i announced on my show this week ... what appears to have happened is that the solar pulse went by earth but as we catch up to it in the solar system we are then being affected as we discharge this local flare ... oddly enough a couple of shows ago a listener asked the question and i went into detail about exactly such a hypothetical event ... the sun itself is very low energy and is not directly causing the severe weather we are seeing ... this tells me it was the CME that left the sun about a week ago and that earth is reacting to it ... this is enhanced by the new moon passing tonight ... a little earlier than normal other words ... earth is "going comet" and our severe weather is the end result ... jim mccanney

October 03, 2013 ... my show is now posted on the archive sub-page ... tonight's show is dedicated to comet ISON ... listen and learn as the federal gov is shut down ... jim mccanney

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Read with discernment.  The link to the USDA says the website is not funded, not that they are going to not fund the foodstamps.  Don't know if they are related.  If you know anyone who gets foodstamps, let us know.  My son gets his on the 9th, so I'll let you know.  It does, however, look bad for those who recent WIC (foodstamps for women, infants and children). 

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Folks, whether it's war news or disaster news, use it to make your own What If scenarios... what if a meteorite hit near me, what would I do?  What if we go to war, how would that affect me?  What do I need to prepare?  Use the doom and gloom to your advantage... to prepare!

Why FEMA is preparing for the worst

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Excerpted from INFOWARS: A man who attempted to sign up for Obamacare online was told that a fine of over $4,000 dollars a year for refusing to take out mandatory health insurance could be taken directly from his bank account, and that his drivers license would be suspended and a federal tax lien placed against his home, according to an entry on the Facebook page.

If true, the implementation of Obamacare is going to be a whole lot more draconian than Americans have been led to believe.

Will Sheehan claims that when he tried to sign up for Obamacare and then register to opt out, he received an ominous warning. Sheehan’s full Facebook post reads;

“I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 “Silver Plan” and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I “opt-out” and chose to continue along with no insurance.

I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the “REPERCUSSIONS PORTION” for “non-payment” of yearly fine. First, your drivers license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with “Non-Payment” and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy “Automatically withdraw” your “penalties” weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is “Free” or even “Affordable.”

Sheehan went on to point out that the site makes you input all your personal information before giving you an indication of the costs, meaning a database of the “uninsured” is being built. He added that he could not afford to pay the premium so would have to break the law and pay the fine, leaving him with no health care coverage.

The federal government has consistently denied that any fines pertaining to Obamacare non-compliance could be seized from bank accounts, despite reports last year that the IRS had hired 16,500 new agents to harass citizens who attempt to evade the new law. Keep Reading

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There are many people out there just reading the blogs and missing the comment section and I feel sorry because the group of people on this site have much more valuable information to give you and do a lot of research to get it for you. We are in a very dangerous position in our life here on earth and it is time to speak out or scream because if we don't we will be overrun by the people who want to depopulate this planet. By hiding in the shadows you become part of the problem. This site has more valuable information than any on the internet. The real information is in the comment section, Join us You don't need to comment just get the real information, were all in this together.  

    There are several more trails above this picture. There message is clear WE WANT YOU DEAD,SICK OR CONTROLBLE.

10958047466?profile=originalTHE DATE STAMP IS WRONG IT IS TODAY THE 6TH 

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