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El Hierro update

A chart of M3+ earthquakes, by depth. Show a Clear trend of upward movement of Magma, since 9/29/11. Using a polynomial trend line suggest an eruption around Oct. 11, 2011. This event could die down or accelerate. Eruption will likely be underwater. The magma is Fluid and likely to move quickly. This information is from MY reseach and should only be CONSIDERED for private use only. JOHN
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Millions of bees mysteriously die in Florida

This makes me weep inside!

This will cripple the citrus growers! not to metion all the other plants we eat!

I feel this is MURDER!

No bees!! we are finished

4 breed of bees have gone instict\ 

Mysterious, Massive Disappearance/Death of US Honey Bees – Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

this link is from 3/23/11

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Message From Cheryl 10/02/2011

Just  an FYI  for  everyone  so  you  are  all  kept  abreast of  Cheryl and her whereabouts......;)

She  has  asked that  we  post this message  for her  so that  everyone is made aware





The move is almost over, I am still having to use the library internet and half the time I can't seem to post. 

I'm okay, been moving last week and having to use other internet and have had trouble posting? 
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Zeta Advice on Locations

I hope you will not think me crazy, but, about a month ago, I prayed hard before sleep for some kind of information  to help me with the coming tribulation. I don't remember the dream but I do remember the word Zeta. It was repeated many times in my dream and I was told to remember it.

I got up the next day and I was thinking Zeta, Zeta, Zeta.

I looked it up and found only things about College Fraternities and greek letter meanings. I didn't use google, I don't trust them.

Well, tonight I looked again and here is what I found

 VERY Interesting info

Is it strange I did not find this before but am glad I searched again


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