All Posts (152)
This makes me weep inside!
This will cripple the citrus growers! not to metion all the other plants we eat!
I feel this is MURDER!
No bees!! we are finished
4 breed of bees have gone instict\
Mysterious, Massive Disappearance/Death of US Honey Bees – Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
this link is from 3/23/11
Just an FYI for everyone so you are all kept abreast of Cheryl and her whereabouts......;)
She has asked that we post this message for her so that everyone is made aware
The move is almost over, I am still having to use the library internet and half the time I can't seem to post.
I hope you will not think me crazy, but, about a month ago, I prayed hard before sleep for some kind of information to help me with the coming tribulation. I don't remember the dream but I do remember the word Zeta. It was repeated many times in my dream and I was told to remember it.
I got up the next day and I was thinking Zeta, Zeta, Zeta.
I looked it up and found only things about College Fraternities and greek letter meanings. I didn't use google, I don't trust them.
Well, tonight I looked again and here is what I found
VERY Interesting info
Is it strange I did not find this before but am glad I searched again