What do you think? They say drone.
What do you think? They say drone.
July 23, 2012 by Bob Livingston Source: Personal Liberty Digest
In the public’s mind, the war trials following World War II demonstrated that evil must be vanquished and punished. But the Nuremberg Trials were simply a propaganda showcase. In reality, the only difference between the “good guys” and the “bad guys” was that the “good guys” had more guns.
What the people of the world did not see and still do not understand is that the real issues of World War II were never allowed to come up for public debate — certainly not at the Nuremberg Trials. The issue was that both sides prosecuted the war with paper money.
What are the facts? The facts are that both combatants were equally guilty of promoting esoteric warfare on their own populations as well as on each other. Someone(s) who wanted to initiate a new world human drama lined up and supplied both sides [the same people, by the way]. The cost of human life was incidental to the money creators. But if there is a “cause,” people will die and sacrifice their own flesh.
Both the United States and Germany should have been on trial at Nuremberg, Germany in 1945 for war crimes. Oh, the German high command was guilty all right — but no less so than the U.S. or British high command.
It is not debatable that both sides sent millions of their own young soldiers to an early death. Both sides also killed millions of civilians. And the allied powers, fighting ostensibly to keep Europe free from Nazism, condemned millions of Eastern Europeans to years of suffering the oppression of communism under Russia’s boot heel.
Forget all the propaganda and all the blame and consider the honest answer as to who was at fault on both sides. Do we want the honest answer? Can we stand the light of day?
The people who caused the great world wars and all wars that have brought death and suffering to millions of people were the central bankers in other countries and the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.
Central banks create paper money and credit for government and politicians to spend for war and their socialist agenda. All of the money and credit now crushing the American people was created by the U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal, nor does it hold reserves). It is owned, as it has been since its beginning, by a few bankster families in the United States and Europe.
Your local banker is probably innocent in this scheme. I doubt if one person in 1,000 — and that includes most bank employees — has a clue as to how money is created by banks.
Banks don’t have loads of paper money in their vaults. When they start to make a customer loan, they just create the money with a bookkeeping entry. It costs the bank nothing, but the customer has to pay interest.
Bankers big and small love this system, as do politicians. This gives them a silent and unfair advantage over the people.
Paper money and credit are the licenses for all the evil that the human mind of man can conjure up and create. Central bankers have demonstrated in the past 100 years that with a stroke of a computer digit they can create trillions of dollars as easily as they can $1. Yes, they create these dollars out of nothing, but you have to work for your dollars.
Printing-press money is the means and motivation for endless wars and endless death and suffering, courtesy of the banksters. This is banker blood money and with it they devalue all the money in circulation. It is an insidious confiscation of wealth that not one person in 1 million understands or is even aware of.
Devaluation of the currency is the prime and silent purpose of banker-created money. Even at this hour, devaluation is impoverishing Americans by reducing and diluting the purchasing power of their money. This goes on all the time, even while we sleep.
You can’t bury your money deep enough to save it from the money creators. It is all very simple. The more money the banksters create, the less yours is worth.
The point of this article is that World War I, World War II and any war that we can think of — including the wars in the Mideast — would not last more than a few days without the banksters creating money to prosecute war. Wars have to be funded.
Bankster-created money is the blood of war as well as the impoverishment of the people. All central bankers create the money for war and death.
Paper money appears in the absence of the gold standard. Banksters and politicians hate the gold standard because the gold standard disciplines them and the bureaucrats to the rule of law.
Banksters create the money for war and death. The discipline of the gold standard would have prevented all the wars of the past 100 years. Millions of soldiers have died for nothing, as have millions of civilians.
Did your history book mention this?
The Red Pill
I have been delaying the release of this for as long as possible because this intel is very disturbing. But people have the right to know the truth. That is the only path towards healing.
So you have a choice. You can take the blue pill, forget about this and go on with your daily life. By clicking on the links you take the red pill. Be aware that what you read here will shatter your world view quite dramatically and you will need some time to digest this. But after you do, you will become a pillar of strength for people in this world because every human being will have to deal with this intel sooner or later at least to an extent. Please understand that I can take no responsibility for those who read this information and their psychological reactions to this.
Both links are very reliable and very close to the truth.
First you can read about the real background of the Nazi-Jesuit holocaust:
Then you can read about the Illuminazi mind programming, which was the backbone of the Illuminati power until very recently:
The Cabal must be exposed and things like this must never happen again. The coming victory of the Light will make sure that they will not, and healing for many victims of this will finally be available.
Posted by Cobra at 3:52 AM
This article was dated back in May. It contemplates another earthquake that could take down reactor 4.
Reason: Their lips say earthquake, but their eyes say radiation.
Poetic justice.
One step in a good on
My deepest regards to all that had to experience this, and what I can't really understand is that so little simple info has not been reported. With the amount of casualties is for me hard to figure. 12-14 dead and 50 wounded. For a handgun unrealistic, but for a shotgun more believable, and for both maybe realistic, but you can't fire a pistol and cock a shotgun at the same time. Finger size holes in the wall? I don't know, and don't know what to believe of what is being said. As far as I know it may be a really super sick way of the entertainment media to make it the blockbuster that they want it to be, and another reason to confiscate private arms from arms holders. After all, I want to feel safe taking my family to the theator, don't you?
Again, my deepest regards.
Uploaded by JustEnergyRadioon Sep 5, 2011
Dr. Claude Swanson joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he discusses the nature of subtle energy and its effect on us and the world around us. Dr. Swanson also describes scientific studies which support the concept of subtle lifefore energy or chi.
About Dr. Claude Swanson
For the last twenty years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science.
Published on Jul 19, 2012 by wish
On Daybreak, Anchor Lauren Lowrey asks some of your questions regarding the drought and water shortage to Indiana Department of Homeland Security and Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Email from Sheldon Day.....
The latest swarm started 6/25/12 & appears to be substantially subsiding, but the ISLAND LIFTED UP during the swarm & I think this may've been a Factor in the Military dependents of the "Continuity-of-Government Contingency Planning" being placed on alert to prepare for "BUG-OUT" Orders ( Per John Moore show from 7/10/12 )...
Please review summaries below-
Volcanic Activity Lifts Canary Island: Following days of almost continual earthquakes, residents of the small Canary island of El Hierro are once again living in fear of a volcanic eruption as their island begins to lift. According to the National Geographic Institute of Spain, increases in seismic activity on the island has seen literally hundreds of earthquakes, known as a swarm, shaking the island and gradually increasing in strength since June 25. Around 750 earthquakes have been recorded although few have been strong enough to be felt by the residents until the last two days. The island has been placed on yellow alert by the security committee in charge of operations as the earthquakes increase. The largest so far was registered at 4.0 on the Richter scale on Wednesday June 27. more
July 1, 2012 – CANARY ISLANDS - The pressure of the magma detected in El Hierro has caused in the past four days on the island deformation of four to five inches vertically and three to four horizontal, as reported by the Security Directorate of the Canary Islands. The energy released has reached 420,000 million joules, a fact which, together with the ground deformation evidence magmatic process acceleration on the Canary Island, where there is an inflation process is centered in the area which earthquakes occur. The General Directorate of Security, who coordinates the Civil Protection Plan Risk Volcanic Islands, said that since the beginning were found in magmatic process, last Sunday, have occurred in El Hierro over 750 earthquakes. The earthquake with greater magnitude of 4.0 degrees on the Richter scale occurred on Wednesday at 18.55 hours in the Sea of Calm, 2 km from the coast and 20 kilometers deep. The seismic activity began in the Sea of the Gulf (north of El Hierro) and then move to the center of the island, coinciding with the point of intersection of the ridges, to subsequently migrate to the west. From noon on June 25 the seismicity is concentrated in an area that includes the west and the dorsal side of the Julan, and from 1200 hours on June 27 the focus of the earthquake begins to migrate towards the Sea of Calm. –World Mysteries
50 more quakes reported on Sunday: The volcano monitoring network monitoring 24 hours of National Geographic Institute (IGN) recorded a total of 50 earthquakes of small intensity in El Hierro, the strongest of them a 2.9 magnitude tremor was felt by the population. The 2.9 magnitude earthquake on Sunday occurred at a depth of 19 kilometers southwest of El Pinar. –Canarias
Update 03/07 – 15:41 UTC – very interesting Press Conference
IGN expects new strong earthquakes (up to M4.5-M4.6) for the next 7 days. This has been said at a press conference today. Pevolca does not have the intention the meet soon again if only these earthquakes are continuing as this is expected from now on. Pevolca asks the population of El Hierro to be ready for whatever eventual urgent communication which Pevolca may decide. The Grupo de Emergencias y Salvamento (GES) will be at El Hierro to reinforce the local groups, this to be prepared for whatever crisis to come.
María José Blanco (IGN) has said that an eventual eruption at the present seismic center (Las Calmas sea south of the lighthouse), where depths of the hypocenters are still measured at 20 km, can be excluded at this moment. She said that it also lasted quite some time last time before an eruption took place. The epicenters of the earthquakes had to migrate more than 20 km to the south before the magma found his way up. María José Blanco also said that an eruption on land can be excluded at the moment but that IGN follows up the situation very consciously as all the events are going much quicker than during last years eruption. (compiled by ER from a number of local press reports like Diario El Hierro)
- Already 123 earthquakes so far today
Update JULY 6TH – 14:28 UTC
- A new Pevolca reports confirms what we have written earlier today and yesterday. Additionally IGN has reported that also the islands of Tenerife and La Palma are moving horizontally. The El Hierro activity cannot be the only reason for this horizontal deformation. IGN also sampled air and water in the earthquake epicenter area and has found no abnormal values.
Update 04/07 – 11:58 UTC
- Joke reports that a GES Helicopter with divers on board has left Frontera a short-while ago. IGN and Pevolca are taking no risk this time and do all they can to clarify the situation.
- Also the IGN GPS stations are showing all a strong vertical uplift today.
- Earthquake epicenters are still concentrated to the south of the lighthouse area, no change in depths.
Update 06/07 – 14:28 UTC
- A new Pevolca reports confirms what we have written earlier today and yesterday. Additionally IGN has reported that also the islands of Tenerife and La Palma are moving horizontally. The El Hierro activity cannot be the only reason for this horizontal deformation. IGN also sampled air and water in the earthquake epicenter area and has found no abnormal values.
7/12 SWARM Ends
Update 15/07 – 10:13 UTC
- 1 earthquake so far today. A M2,1 at a depth of 21 km at 01:06
- We cannot say that it is completely over as 2 stations (Pinar and Frontera) are still showing positive vertical deformation values.
I was listening to Mike Harris again and a listener asked about the approach of planet x although I have posted this information before it is worth posting it again.
Mike was told by a director of a foreign intelligence organization that the two dates to watch out fr when thus object will be closetst to Earth are August 17, and September 26.
so, a few more pieces of the jigsaw. it is one of this things we can only verify or disprove when the actual date come but seeing how close they are, well, we have been warned.