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hey everybody...i am kathy from ny..i have been observing the sloshing of the earth for a while now.... Sunday night a large object appeared under the chemical haze..within seconds chem planes were there to fill in the gaps..but it was too late..this object appeared to be setting at 8 pm in the east/south sky..on both sides of this object lighting of extreme nature appeared..this may have been from the massive chemical applications to that area...on Monday morning the moon was in the 3 am position at 5am...and at 9am was in the 5 am position...the same on Tues and Weds.

 ..this morning at 5 am we had sloshed west and the time was about the same for the position ...this push may be from that large object i saw setting...

Humans with or without the aid of beings from other worlds are capable of many things..deceptions through technology is accruing daily ...Dr. Vincent Shaeffer ..patented a sliver film ..this patent has been expanded apon  and is being used to image the sky...they do this in combination with the massive influx of electrons

...electrons have been of high interest to those who get there kicks controlling since the German scientists came here in the 40's..the original light of creation is stored in the we know electrons appear to have a shape similar to dna...and will do as they please so to speak when not being observed...this sounds to me like living consciousness

Humans have used the electrons in the ionosphere for the passing of information ....but now so much is going there they have to manipulate it to a greater extent...this is causing massive problems for the living entity we call earth...the dogs of greed are also addicted to experimentation with the electrons ....looky ma...looky at what i kin do...sorry could not resist...i equate this unruly unsupervised children locked in a candy far in advance of what the average human can comprehend...

As for the weather...yes they can create storms...but it is not easy due to the extreme heat...this heat is from both aspects.. human and planetary..nasa will not say what is pushing in the energies from outside the solar system..or is it a pull..a like energy attraction...

 with the power over earth and sky..those who control us have become insane...but we have this of the rarest of rare...the galactic center alignment..this includes the object I observed with my own eyes..the switch of ages....

so we wait..and with one mind set we shall be...of this earth ..for this this earth

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update on Wisconsin booms

I talked to a friend today who lives close to the Dells who told me that the booms are back as of Monday.  This time the police reported that they saw a flash in the sky and then heard the booming.  My opinion is that the sky quakes could possably be, a time door opening to another dimention used by a space ship, or spirits. Perhaps that is where the cigar shaped craft that I saw came from.  Or it could be the atmosphere ignighting from magnetic energy or solar energy.  Or it could be from aliens and humans fighting in the upper atmosphere with lasor weaponds.  Or some new aircraft with X-ternal combustion engins fireing.  What ever it is, we may never know!

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Drake Update

Received in email...

Drake just outed the ongoing operation details formally Classified

Must listen to show. Military has confirmed armed lock down of southern borders with tanks. X military Generals & other flag personnel have been recalled for the fisrt time in history for this operation for command positions. Tampa Florida will be the site of announcements 27th-30th. This is a huge operation on going now. This is all about taking out the Cabal. It's about 3 weeks before you hear on the news after the absolute end of this long planned for operation.

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UFO Update

I tried to update this on the post but was told that 140 letters was the limit, so here goes!


That is true Lothar!  But I also know of one that is only 100 feet long.  Now to keep the facts percise---It was actualy traveling from West North West to East South East and had a godly spiritual, heavenly glow about it.  Sort of like a floresent shop light.  I told my son about it and he said that he and my grand son saw the same object on the same day.  But it was high up and traveling North!  Now how cool is that! 

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Das Papieren, Bitte! (Your Papers, Please!)

Das Papieren, Bitte!

It happened to me today; i ran smack into the fascistic wall being built around the USA, formerly known as the 'land of the free'.

While ALL of the patriotic rhetoric of my youth is suspect, i had not anticipated ever running into the dreaded 'papers check'...that in the old Nazi movies begins with the phrase:

Das papierien, bitte!

Of course, they do say, 'please', but it is a command nonetheless. "Hand over your papers!".

In this instance is was a drivers license that was demanded, but the sense is the same....das paperien, bitte!

Get used to it. For the remaining months that government has (above ground), at least here in the former land of the free range deluded patriot, the screws are tightening down all over.

Government is force. But, they can never actually afford to use force against more than a few citizens at a time without risking the 'Anaheim response' in which local residents battle police over brutal tactics being applied en masse, otherwise known as rebellion, or even worse, revolution. You see, they, the government HAS to be sneaky about their use of force, usually targeting people that they make into object lessons in order to coerce the rest of us into staying under control.

But that is breaking down. Probably due to teevee and the baby boom generation and beyond being desensitized to threats as a result of warped brains, but the cause is actually not pertinent. Government is scared. The systems of control are breaking down, so the natural response of the control freak is to try to grasp harder than ever as they feel the control leaking from their fingers... which leads inevitably to:

Das papierien, bitte!

So there i was, innocently minding my own business when the demand came. First i could not believe, in America? Demands for identity papers?

"Who asks?" i ask?

Thurston County (state of Washington, Pacific Northwest USA) commissioners demand, came the response.

My own county commissioners?!? Now they are fascists! It was simply inconceivable!

While i had, of course, prepared myself for the inevitable intrusion of federal fascism into my life these remaining 8/eight months, it had never, in my wildest imaginings, occurred to me that it would be my own county commissioners who would sell my body to FEMA for harvest.

But that is where we are heading. No doubt.

It has to do with the level of oppression that the government HAS to use in order to maintain control. You see, the more desperate (and dangerous) they get, the more that the control freak becomes obsessed with minutia and triviality. As a military brat in the American Zone of Occupation in Southern Germany in the 1960's, i had occasion to reside in an apartment building that also housed an aged SS Colonel. We eventually got to talking over time, and one thing he said has always stuck with me.

The spark of the conversation had been when i, rather rudely, asked him why he had been a Nazi? Didn't he know they were the bad guys?

His response was unexpected in that he told me he joined the SS to save his life and that of his wife. "You see", he said, "we had always planned to get out of Hitler's vision, but we left it too late."

He went on to say that one day it dawned on him just how late it was when he went to buy 'postage coupons' (stamps to us), only to find that he had to sign his name on a government form to send a letter outside the country. It was then that he decided to join the Nazi apparatus as a safety measure. His thinking being that he (and his wife) would then be part of 'them', rather than 'against them'.

"Und so kinder", he said to me, "when you see that they want your papers to mail a letter, it is too late to get out."

Today i had the same shocking insight when they demanded my papers to dump my trash at the local landfill.

i shit you not. Some nutter fascist Thurston County commissioner (acting for Agenda 21 at the local level here in WA State) has decided that before citizens can throw away their trash, or recycling, they must present their identity papers.

i shit you not.

So, i had, on the spot, early on a Monday morning, after a terrible weekend with no sleep, to decide how to respond. The way my brain saw it at the time, there were 3/three basic options: i could comply (nope, that did not feel right); or i could fight it, which of course meant NOT dumping the trash, and probably would lead to me being involved with politics trying to defeat the retarded politician county commissioner dumb enough to put his name to this 'papers to dump trash policy', and, also given the touchy state of the militarized police.....; or, option 3.

It was option 3 that i scam the system.

Actually i was pretty proud of my poor brain for coming up with it...but what i did was to claim 'federal protected class' status....

"sorry, i am illegal, and have no driver's license". The idea was to have one part of the system now dealing with another.

"ok", said the Land Fill employee. "But i have to fill in something here to let your truck get by, so what's your name?".

"Barak Rodrigues".

He did not bat an eye, and typed it in.

"Address?" he asked?

"Don't got one. Homeless".

"Ok, fine" he said, and passed my truck on through.

Today's drive to the landfill changed everything about the USA for me.

Das papierien, bitte!


Oh, and if you had been we is too late to get out.


August 6,2012

Copyright...all rights reserved, no copying without attribution. And as i point out, one would be courting folly claiming words as the above. In times such as these, thinking is its own punishment. As the fascistas will demonstrate to us all...


Skype: susanpx

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Top of the heap... Mark Zuckerberg;_ylt=AtT1KaSvq66s3VyM7pJje62iuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTNycm1rbWt2BG1pdANGUCBUb3AgU3RvcnkgTGVmdARwa2cDZWJmMzZjZjItY2Y3Mi0zNjYwLTg0MGQtZGZlMmE4ZWU5MWUyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN0b3Bfc3RvcnkEdmVyA2Q3YmVlN2IwLWRmZGItMTFlMS1iZGQ3LTkxNzU5NWZkNzIyOA--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

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Cobra: Window Of Opportunity 2

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Window of Opportunity 2

Second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is Day of Decision on October 21st. The turning point for that window is the Eleventh Gate of 11:11 on November 22nd. The exit point of that window is Day of the Contact on December 21st. While this window is open, the Source will be sending constant flashes of Light directly to Earth through linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system of AN conversion. On December 21st, AN conversion dimensional translation system will be fully functional on this planet.

This time window is a very probable time frame for the Event. I can give you no guarantees that the Event will happen within this time frame, as we live in free will universe and the war between Light and Dark on this planet is not over yet. However, this Window of Opportunity is exatly that - a great opportunity that we as a collective make this breakthrough.
It is not the time yet to speak about the Day of Decision and Day of the Contact. They may or may not be related to the First Contact.
Eleventh Gate of 11:11 is the final dimensional gate within the doorway of the 11:11. It is a dimensional gateway that accelerates the final completion of duality for this dimensional universe, including planet Earth. You can read more about 11:11 here:
Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is one of the most complex periods in the known history. Also, Sheliak timewave goes to zero at the end of this window and a major Mayan calendar cycle is reset back to zero as well. This means that it will be the most volatile, inpredictable time with greatest potential ever. All the major players are involved and stakes are high. 

This is one possible model how things could develop:

Posted by Cobra at 9:31 AM

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