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thought some of you might find it interesting:
If It Was My Home is a mapping tool for visualizing the oil spill. Viewers can “relocate” thespill over their own location to see how big it is. For example, ifcentered in New York City, the spill would currently blanket the eastcoast from about Philadelphia to Boston. (HT: FP Passport)
Sorry, I haven't learned how to do pictures yet.
I'll leave these here a few days, and then move the links over to Karen's blog where she is compiling all this data.
Crews Prepare to Evacuate Gulf
Workers on Doomed Rig Voiced Concern About Safety
Alabama Shoreline Faces Economic Disaster Without Aid, Say Mayor
China Oil Spill Doubles in Size, Called 'Severe Threat'
Not pretty, but hope it is functional enough, I hope...
OMG, Here it is folks... Now I know for sure I am not nuts... the second pic down is what happened to me.. I just had to post this here because anybody else would not believe... over Rt 80 going to NYC outside of Clarion, PA. 9.11.82. 5:30am.
Okay I checked this link and it works
We've been so busy connecting with each other all day, that I realized I had not yet looked at the IRIS.
Here it is, also, when you pull up the map, it looks like I've got a realtime link.
Click on EarthQuake Headlines
There's been a small swarm of quakes with over 20 aftershocks in Mammoth.
And there is an article there about a 5.8 in Iraq,
This is just what I noticed at first glance.
Hello Gerard,
I just logged on to find this email in my inbox and am a little perplexed as to why itwas sent to me in the first place. I know of the drama that has transpiredbetween this ning and the other and I have friends on both which is pretty muchwhat I have expressed. I also stated that I have made it a point to staycompletely out of the politics that are occurring.
I come to these nings for information and possibly a community of like minded individualsnot to be placed into the middle of drama that I had no hand in causing. SorryGerard but I feel it is completely without merit that I received this emailbecause at no point in time have I gone out of my way to recruit anyone foreither ning. I have strived hard to focus simply on what matters which is survivaland if you take the time to read through the post I have put up you will noticethat it keeps to that trend aside from minor deviance when I first started onthis ning.
I respect you and everyone involved in this ning but I also respect some of those involvedon the other ning. What I am having trouble reconciling is why is there adivide if it all comes down to expressing ones opinions, shouldn't all of ouropinions carry merit?
I find myself having to choose between this site and that one which is a true travestyseeing as how we all have the same goals which is simply to survive the earthchanges. I know you have your own personal feelings for handling matters theway you have and I hope you have taken the time to acknowledge that mud hasbeen slung both ways. That at times you may be of a different opinion thansomeone else but that does that take away from the contributions that they havemade.
Going through some of the post on this site I do not fail to see the aggression insome of the post regarding those on the other ning which I guess includes mefor some unbeknown reason. Simply because I wanted to stay in touch withfriends. I ask you now Gerard are you my friend, are you here to help mesurvive or at least attempt to prepare?
Because I see the email you sent more as a threat than as a warning. I see it as if Idon't do what I am being told I will be suspended. Which to me is cut off fromfriends that I have made. I don't know about you Gerard but if I told you thatI would cut you off from the friends that you have made would you react calmlyand simply move on or would you be offended that I would do such a thing for sosimple a matter as posting my opinion.
We are all striving to be STO are we not? Then where does it state that being serviceto other includes banishing of those who do not follow our precepts to the tee.Sorry Gerard but this is not how I was raised nor how I live my life. Thank youfor this ning and with a heavy heart I say goodbye. May this ning inspiremillions and my the light shine on you all.
From Gerard Zwaan to Alex Cortes
Sent 18 hours ago
I ask you not to recruit for cheryl's ning. Not on a comment and not by sending out messages.
If you decide to to it anyway, i will have to suspend you from this ning.
guess me posting it as a blog was a bit much :)mt st helens has been dormant for some time. but on sunday it was venting and again today it is.
Sorry if pictures did not post.
Crop Glyph as Man invents NEW Life Wilton Windmil Wiltshire
Reported 22nd May
Since its initial decoding by “Grail Seeker” one week ago (see psychedelicadventure or, a new crop picture at Wilton Windmill on May 22, 2010 has literally astonished the world (see or
However, one mathematician from University College in London was quoted as saying: “Looking at the crop circle, its link with Euler’s famous identity seems to make perfect sense. Yet the way in which the formula has been executed is partly incorrect. One of its discrepancies is that part of the formula translates as ‘hi’ rather than ‘i’, which could be somebody’s idea of a joke” (see Thus the academic classes on Earth today still do not believe what is right in front of their faces.
Here we will resolve that important issue, by reporting on the detailed nature of a second hidden code within the 96-digit binary ASCII message shown at Wilton Windmill. The possibility of a second code at Wilton Windmill seems perfectly obvious, since there were two extra codes buried within the 1386-digit binary ASCII message which appeared at Crabwood in 2002 (see time2007n or time2007o). Some basic mathematical observations are summarized below:
The primary ASCII code shown at Wilton Windmill contained 96 binary digits, as 12 ASCII characters of 8 binary digits each. And it gave a close approximation to Euler’s Identity from advanced mathematics. Yet it also contained nine anomalous binary digits, if we take a precise difference between what we would expect for Euler’s Identity, and what was actually observed!
Those nine anomalous digits equal 011010001 or 011-010-001 in octal base-eight meaning “3-2-1”. The usual way to read unformatted binary is to take a square root of the total number of digits, then read in groups equal to that square root. For example here we have 9 anomalous digits, so we can read in groups of 3; whereas at Crabwood in 2002 we had 25 anomalous digits, so we could read there in groups of 5.
What might this new hidden code from Wilton Windmill mean? Clearly it would appear to represent a countdown of some kind, since Euler’s general formula resembles a “clock” more than anything else in mathematics. Likewise the four vanes of a nearby windmill would seem to suggest “a clock hand turning”. And when the hands of that clock reach an angle equal to 180 degrees, or pi in radians, then Euler’s general formula goes to zero as for Euler’s Identity:
After some discussion with my colleagues, a general consensus seems to be that we may be approaching the end of an age in late 2012. In other words, those crop artists seem to be reminding us that there are now only three years left until the Mayan Fifth Sun ends in December of 2012, and a new Sixth Sun begins:
2010 (3) - 2011 (2) – 2012 (1) – 0
CMM Research (with thanks to Marina and Mike) 29/05/2010
A new crop picture at Wilton Windmill on May 22, 2010 showed the famous "Euler Identity" from complex mathematics in 8-bit ASCII computer code
"Beautiful!" the author writes there. Yes, it is a simple equation of great mathematical beauty, which is used today in everything from x-ray crystallography to engineering to DNA. And the crop artists showed it to us in a field of oilseed rape in southern England on May 22, 2010. If we cannot now appreciate the great beauty of their high intelligence, and their yearnings to make contact with other advanced scientists or mathematicians on Earth (for whom it was clearly meant), then our local, often-struggling human race here will be the worse for it.
UPDATE:- 25/05/2010
A professional mathematician whom I work with pointed out that "Euler's Identity" is just one of many related equations, some of which are listed below:
e (i 0) - 1 = 0
e (i pi / 2) - i = 0
e (i pi) + 1 = 0 < Euler's Identity (crop picture)
e (3 i pi / 2) + i = 0
e (2 i pi) - 1 = 0
e (5 i pi / 2) - i = 0
(with thanks to M.B.)
CMM Research
UPDATE:- 25/05/2010
A little further research into a possible DNA-connection lead to this little collage (props to Richard Amber for pointing at Euler's formula for a general angle). Visualized in 3D it's a vortex, connecting it to the windmill, our DNA and even the solar system when viewing it's trace through space and time. The question which remains is: why is there an error in the binary ASCII code? (segment H1, 00101001 = ')', not 00101011 = '+') - is it intended to be fixed by adding a line to the crop circle?
It’s just a hunch, but I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if this somehow relates to the fact that we have just created actual artificial life for the first time. For those that missed it - just Google it. It’s been all over the news on the 22nd - same date. This one from the BBC - science_and_environment
“For the first time ever, we are truly “playing God” , was the quote from one of the scientists. Artificially created DNA was placed in a separate bacteria and we literally created a new organism.
Now, if the circle makers saw enough importance and relevance in the Swine Flu virus to give us an impression of that last year, how much more important is the fact that we have now “created life” and made ourselves “like unto God”? Virtual “gods”, as it were. To quote Dr Frankenstein, “It lives! It lives!”
Scary stuff... Without a doubt. And a bona fide milestone.
Such a step might surely elicit comment from our friends, it is more than reasonable to suspect.
I see the initial CD impression. But then I see slices, a pizza with 12 slices - to be read either in sequence (where is the starting point?) or - and I have a real “urge” to do this - to stack them, one on top of the other. I don’t know why.
And I also see, not slices, but “rays” emanating out from the centre and a curious 3D effect, I think. I also want very much to spin it. To centre Andreas Mueller’s diagram and make it spin. Very evenly, set times and revolutions. Very visual I suspect. Even hypnotic...?
Also, from the aerial shots, there appears to be a weave or patterning in the wide, outer, main ring.
Thank you to those on the ground and in the air.
Administrative Note: There is MUCH MUCH more knowledgable insights in the link above. It is important to document this phenomenon, and this glyph in particular now, because of the anouncement of Human Creation of "NEW" life on same day of Glyph.