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Solar Eclipse

I received this article by an esoteric astrologer who also mentions the New Madrid line. For those of you who are into astrology or predictions, you may find this interesting.

The solar eclipse of Cancer 2010 takes place on 12 Jul 2010 at 5:33 AM AEST (10 Jul 10
7:33 PM

UT). It is a total eclipse, but will only be visible from the southern part of the Pacific
Ocean. It is a member ofthe 146 Saros family of eclipses, which began on 19 Sep 1541. That series is

marked byuncertainty in loyalties, a need for reassurance, fickleness, but also the

ability to move through that andfurther cement bonds as a result of emotional trials by fire, so-to-speak. This

eclipse is the complementto the lunar eclipse we just had (and it was a lovely one to watch here in the

southern lands). Theproving or disproving of ideals and attachments is a key theme with both of

these eclipses,but particularly with the one under consideration. This indicates a marked

disillusionment, hopefully ofa positive sort, and it will eventually bring healing, although a ‘healing

crisis’ will be inevidence first. The first eclipse of the 146 series had a stellium in Libra,

with Venus at the midpoint ofMercury and Saturn, with Neptune opposing, indicating the disillusionment.

However, Mars was insextile to Saturn (rebuilding and building for the future) and Venus was in

applying sextile withUranus (help from unexpected sources, unusual alliances and sudden insights).

Mars and Uranuswere conjunct then, further highlighting the suddenness of events, independence

of thought andaction, and the healing crisis.

In the present eclipse we see the Sun and Moon at the 20th degree of Cancer, the
Sabian symbol for which reads:

Venetian gondoliers giving a serenade.

This festive symbol would appear to be in stark contrast to the somber tone represented by
the Saros series. It would also seem to be contraindicated in the figure for the present eclipse, with the t-square on cardinal points and the Saturn clash with Chiron and Neptune, both of which are opposed by Venus, and with that same Venus/Neptune opposition being a feature of the first eclipse of the 146 series. No, the image of singing gondoliers just does not seem to fit with present astrological conditions. What exactly is there to sing about in the world? Well, there is much more to this symbol than singing and romantic images.

Water is always a symbol for emotions and life in general. As Dane Rudhyar in An Astrological Mandala hasrightly pointed out, Venice is a city that literally sits on top of the water, like a lotus risen formthe muck and mud of the pond. What this symbol is really trying to impart through this eclipse isthe idea that, instead of getting lost in the water (life in general) and the twists and turns of the citycanals, we should rise above any emotional concerns, keep our course firmly in mind and use the oarof calm-abiding to see and propel us through. This symbol is a distinct reminder of the happinessthat can be had when one conquers inner turmoil and gets on with life unperturbed by the surrounding karma working out. To use an analogy, water is
not an obstacle if we have a sound boat and a good oar. The ‘boat’ and ‘oar’ in this case are simply whatever techniques we have to place the mind in calm and focused state.

In the eclipse figure the Sun and Moon are in a close sextile with Mars which accelerates anything that comesup around the event or its subsequent activations. That sextile can be a bit overwhelming for people, but if the eclipse falls on planets or angles of your own chart be assured that you will have whatever energy you need to work through whatever challenges the eclipse represents. At the same time, though, we do not want to overwhelm those around us who may not have anything they have to particularly work out as a result of this lunation.

There is no eclipse lord by conjunction in this figure, but Neptune is the esoteric ruler
of the sign the eclipsefalls in (Cancer), thus making that planet, along with the Moon (the orthodox

ruler), the lords ofthe eclipse. The Moon and Neptune both rule over the oceans, hence we would

expect some kind ofevents associated with the oceans or big water, and both planets have dominion

over the emotionsin some way. The general state of the emotions in this chart is not exactly


Although the Sun/Moon conjunction is well-aspected to Mars, Venus (the other indicator of

emotions) is opposed to Chiron and Neptune, as has been mentioned. Also, there is a classic
Magi heartbreakclash with the Saturn linkage to Chiron and Neptune. However, Venus is trine to

Pluto and linkedwith the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, indicating powerful magnetism and help.

People will bethere for us if there are trials to come from the eclipse. That conjunction is

part of the t-squarementioned before, however, so its benefits to Venus depend upon how the rest of

the t-squareimpinges upon it.

Regarding water and the emotions in connection with this eclipse, I had a look, as I previously mentioned,over the past week at various countries and some of the states within the US.

There is a fairamount of spin going around on the net about the possible ramifications of the

spill in the Gulf ofMexico, and I wanted to see what the astrology showed around it over the next

few months, if notyears. It was quite interesting, especially with regard to the southern states

along the coast of the Gulf, and I will get to that in a moment. There was one particularly dire possibility

that has been mentioned on the net that bore investigation, and that was that the cracks appearing in the rock seams surrounding the oil volcano might theoretically trigger an earthquake in the New Madrid seismic area in the Bootheel region of Missouri.

The New Madrid Quake of 1811 was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the US
and there were over one thousand quakes in that area from 1811-1812, to the extent that a lake

was created due to the shifts in the earth’s crust in that area (Reelfoot Lake). The

Mississippi River runs through that area and it was actually seen to run backwards at one point during the


According to one source, earthquakes in the New Madrid region have their origin in the Gulf.

Whether the Deepwater Horizon event will cause a quake in the New Madrid region is
debatable, but I willtell you that my preliminary astrological investigations do not show that a

major quake in the NewMadrid seismic area is immanent – certainly not in the State of Missouri.

Instead, what I see is agreat amount of upheaval for the Gulf States, especially with regard to the

populace, the national mood and agricultural issues in the area.

The general theme that runs through the states that lie along to Gulf of Mexico for the
next year or so is one ofgeneral discontent and public outrage. It is fairly obvious anyway, is it not?

Tourism is a bigdraw to the Gulf as well as the fishing industry, and if the water is fouled

with oil it tends to put adamper on people’s holidays and jobs in that region. I don’t mean to seem

flippant here.

I see a particularly difficult period in store for Louisiana and Mississippi, with
major solar arc activityfrom Mars and Neptune for Louisiana and Saturn to the Descendant of

Mississippi. I do not, Ishould reiterate, see a major earthquake at this time, although I do not have a

foundation date for NewMadrid, MO, only the year (1808). Interestingly, San Francisco is in for major

events in 2012-2014with first Mars and then Saturn progressing to its horizon in that period. The

eclipse will affectthe Gulf States of Mississippi, Florida and Texas via the Moon in their charts

and New Orleans viaits Chiron. New Orleans had Neptune on its ascendant by solar arc when Katrina

passed through andit will have Mars on its meridian in a couple of years. It might interest

astrologers to know thatthe Moon of the Deepwater Horizon event was conjunct the MC of the New Madrid

Quake (22 Cancer), not that there is any physical connection, but the real point to be
made here is that the fewdegrees on either side of this eclipse are strongly indicated in both events

and several US states.In fact, the third quarter of Cancer seems to figure powerfully in major world

event charts,especially bombings and disasters.

If you want to know how this eclipse will affect you, if at all, look back at your life
from the period of Oct1992-Oct 1993. In October of ’92 there was a triple activation of the Jul 1991

solar eclipse at the 19thdegree of Cancer by Mars, Uranus and Neptune – life-changing stuff, that. It

was ‘finished’, by the finalpasses of Uranus and Neptune over that point toward the end of ’93. It ushered

in the constitutionalcrisis in Russia under Yeltsin, the nuclear test by China which ended the de

facto nuclear testban, a large battle in Mogadishu, Somalia with US forces and the Killari Quake

which killed 10,000.If your life was uneventful during that period then this eclipse will likely

not affect you. Thateclipse was of a different Saros series (136), which is particularly hard

series, having its start at0º of Cancer. The present eclipse and series is nowhere near that tough. If

your life was completelyturned around in the early ‘90s, then breathe a sigh of relief, for this time

around it will not benearly as difficult. The present eclipse we are considering receives only Sun

and Mars activations.The Mars activations come at 2Jan11, 2Sep11, 13Dec12 and 12Aug13.

The Chinese astrology for this new moon and event bears a look, too. The auspices of the
45th /46th tetragramsfor the 11th/12th resp. read as:

Enlarging a house on crooked foundations still produces a crooked house. (nighttime)

All thingsleft unattended, however great, fall. (daytime)

The two symbols are similar in a way. Both of them refer to the foundations upon which
our actions takeplace. If we are inattentive to or ignore what underpins them, then the outcome

will be questionableat best. At worst the entire structure of a course of events could come

crashing down.

What is to be done, then? To pay attention to what wells up within us is paramount at this
time and with theactivation times just noted. One should take careful notes on what is taking

place at the moment ifone is to know what to expect at the activation times. If one’s own chart is

unaffected then nospecial care is needed after the eclipse. Basically the main course of action

is to stay calm in the midstof any difficulties that might arise and to stay one’s course if the course is

correct. As theBuddhists say, keep a calm mind and let the karma work out around you. If the

course one is on is notcorrect for what one needs in life then one will soon be shown the need for a

change. If we do not buy intothe dramas then we create nothing that has to be worked out in the future,

regardless of whether we have to abandon an endeavor or not. In fact, if we can
keep a cool head and see the best possible outcome, work toward that and
celebrate it, then we can live to the best result of the Sabian symbol for the

This eclipse refers to possibly having to make adjustments to one’s course, but never to the
ultimate outcome ifwe can see that we are on a sound course and footing. It is a bit like crossing

a running stream. Wemight have to jump back and forth across the rocks on the way across, but the

object is not to fallin and ultimately to get to the other side. There is no need to fear the

stream, or to have trepidationsabout what we are doing. All this might sound a bit trite, but I have seen

firsthand what the eclipseholds because it affects my own chart strongly and the attitude just described

worked quite wellfor me. Nineteen years ago when I last had an eclipse on that point my life was

turned upside down.It was both painful and joyful at the same time. I left an entire life behind,

but the one I createdafter the fact was better than I could have hoped for, and that was a powerful

South Node solareclipse. If I had known then what I know now I could have made even better

effect of how I have livedsince then, but I knew what had to do and that my course was sure, even though

there was nocertainty in the outcome. There have been many ‘bends in the road’ for me since

that time, but at leastI have learned to have an easier mind about things and just let certain matters

work their way through.

Every ‘karmic interlude’, as it might be termed – that is to say, every situation
that we have to go experiencerather than freely choose to go through (and yes, it does seem are certain

things we have toexperience and that are ordained before we come into this life, both because of

our own choices inpast lives and because of the collective choices that were made when we were

members of groups,communities or nations) – has several main features: a time element, certain

actions that must beundertaken and mental/emotional resolutions as a result of actions undertaken and

time allowed. Afriend mine has said on several occasions that time is the great healer. One of

the biggest problems wehave when we encounter one of our karmic interludes is that we want it to be

finished almost assoon as it starts if it is a difficult one. We do not wish to allow enough time

to let the lesson, the true blessing, soak in. We want it all and we want it
now. How much better it would be if we couldjust enjoy the ride and listen to the gondolier (an analogy for one’s higher Self) sing our cares awayand give us some answers. Everyone around us and especially those locked in a drama with uswould appreciate if we could do that, and vice-versa. The journey would go a lot quicker.

Our friends in the Gulf States are in no mood for singing, though, needless to say. The oil
spill willeventually ruin BP or cause its restructuring, more from post-disaster civil suits than anything

else. Theastrology for the company is very stressful and indicates either a ‘death’ or a

major restructuringof the life of the company. The ramifications of the oil washed up on the

beaches and the loss ofanimal life will be with us for many years to come. People living in those

areas are angry and rightlyso. Maybe this collective anger is what is needed to effect a major change in

our energy policies. Ido not know what will happen around it all and I can see many possible


There is very big money involved, many lives encumbered and affected, basic power
structures ingovernment and industry that are directly threatened by a negative outcome from

the spill and subsequentsuits. There is talk of a possible coup if a hurricane comes through and

disrupts the area.

I think that is a lot of scaremongering, but stranger things have happened. You can believe
this, though: Thegovernments of Britain and the US had better think things through very

carefully and not act tooharshly or foolishly. I wonder how many people see the ultimate stakes here.

BP employs tens of thousands of people and they are not the only players in the Gulf. If BP is shut down itdirectly affects hundreds of thousands of people through loss of income and the uncertainty that wouldgenerate. People calling for the seizing of BP should realize that would not be likely to happen andthat it would have international ramifications. There are some very vexing matters to be addressedabout the spill and none of it will be effectively solved by calling for blood on any side. Yes,those responsible need to be held accountable. Yes, the mess needs to be cleaned up. Yes, safeguardsneed to be upgraded and enforced, and on and on. None of the answers will be easy and all of itwill take a lot of time. Draconian measures will not help and will only exacerbate matters.

Yes, this event ups the ante on a lot of fronts. I do think Deepwater Horizon is going to
bring about majorchanges in many areas of life, especially for the US, but that in itself will affect the rest of the world. Watchwhat happens around that scenario carefully, for the ripples from it will affect us all for a longtime to come.What isbeing called for through this eclipse and this period in world history is a
more measured way ofacting and clear heads. The only thing we ever really have any control over is

our own mind, but wehave no idea the power that a calm mind can wield in a troubled world. It is a

remedy that cansweep away a lot of negativity. Only a calm mind can create better conditions

for the future, bothin this life and in future lives – especially in future lives. Perhaps a brief

quote from A Bodhisattva’sWay of Life might be helpful in that regard:

Now, having paid my body its wages,

I shall turn my life to something meaningful

And, relying on the boat of the human body,

Free yourself from the great river of pain.

As it is hard to find this boat again,

This is no time to sleep…

My wish for us all is peace of mind and true happiness. Every birthday and Christmas my Dad always saidthat was basically what he wanted. It’s not a bad wish, I have found. I always thought he was a bitflippant in his answer when I was younger, but the years have shown me that he actuallyreally meant what he said. The path may be crooked, but a calm mind will always assure a goodultimate outcome. May it be thus for us all. I hope this eclipse and its legacy is a source of joy when all issaid and done.



11 Jul 2010

These letters are sent out as a gift and a service. If you feel so inspired, feel free
to pass them on, but do sowithout charge or alteration. If you wish to be added to or deleted from the

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Who can be invited

I am not sure on the dynamics between this ning site and the other but I do sense a break of sorts. So I am asking one and all as I believe in a democratic society, who can and should be invited over here to share in our discussions. One person in particular I would love to invite and that person is Steve G. Why, because I feel his focus is on the right material, from the post I have seen him make on the other site, I feel he has information that is valuable to all of us here. I am asking everyone if it would be ok for me to extend an invitation to him.
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there are two dreams that i have had that puts me in the frame to believe them. five years ago when i was diaognoised with diabetes, before i attended any classes on the subject, or knew anything about it, i had a dream. idreamth that my right leg was cut off below the knee and sticking out of the back of my head, with a giant eyeball chasing me.five years later i lost my right leg below the knee to diabetes. my second dream was four years ago. in this dream my girlfriends ex-husband, who is a former boxer, and is solid muscle, was standing on a little hill. there were dead bodies all over, he was directing clean up crews to stack themand to burn them. we, jan and i had set up two blue tarps as a tent. he was directing the injured. minor cuts and scrapes went off
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Coronal Holes:
A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole should hit Earth's magnetic field on July 13th or 14th. Credit: SDO/AIA…..OUR PLANET EARTH CAN FIT VERY EASELY INSIDE OF THIS HOLES….is this amazing!
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The South Pacific eclipse of July 11th is over. During the 5-hour event, sky watchers spent as much as 4 minutes completely enveloped in the Moon's shadow watching in awe as the solar corona revealed itself to the human eye. Eclipse-chaser Janne Pyykkösends this picture from a hill overlooking Lago Argentino in Patagonia, Argentina:


"The eclipse was not easy to catch here because the total phase occured at sunset when the sun was only 1o above the horizon," he says. "To increase my chances, I hiked to a hill 400 meters above the lake--and there it was! The eclipse was easy to see just above the usually-cloudy Andes. I was very lucky indeed."

Physics professor Patricia Reiff of Rice University witnessed the eclipse from the deck of the Aranui 3 cruise ship just off the coast of Tahiti. She sent this picture directly from the ship using her iPhone.

Photographers, submit your images here.

Solar Eclipse Photo Gallery
[NASA: South Pacific Eclipse] [animated map] [det

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Preserving this post....

From this week's ZT. I have a problem with the bolded text...uh, it already has started destroying lives in the Gulf...the marine life, the economic lives of the people there, as well as human life itself.

These two links suggest that aerial spraying of Corexit dispersant is carrying off the Gulf inland where it is
destroying vegetables particularly and vegetation in general.

Is this true, and what will be the total extent of the damage, and will it stop? Studies show it is 4 times as toxic as the oil itself, and can poison water supplies and objects left outside will be coated with it. What steps if any do the Zetas recommend to protect people. I know this is all before the pole shift, but it seems like a very real problem. If it gets into the ground, does it have a residual effect in the ground, or is all of this just another sad detail in a leadup to the poleshift which will dilute and ameliorate all toxins anyway?

What should be considered is the scope of such pollution and the concentration of such pollution. Any discharge or fumes will be more concentrated in one place than another, or spread by the winds to concentrate in one area but not in another. Are you poisoned by the gas fumes coming from your gas tank? If you stand over the fuel pump and breathe deeply, you may get fumes, but otherwise not. So is your whole day, your whole association with your car, such a poisonous moment? Take this to the extreme, and apply it to this situation. Everyone is in a panic because the Gulf is oozing oil and gas from many places, not just those involved in the BP drilling disaster and not just those involved in oil drilling itself. This matter of methane in the air and oil sheen on the water would be occurring even if man had not drilled in the Gulf! This is not expected to destroy live in the Gulf, and is certainly less of a threat than what is coming when the pole shift happens and the New Madrid rips up the center of the US. Put things into perspective!

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The China (Hangzhou) UFO

Is China really getting UFO visit in its eastern city Hangzhou that air traffic was disrupted on July 8? If not what was the thing they saw? [and from another] Insider reveal that the UFO could be seen by naked eyes. Actual how the incident was reported: around 8 pm, a private jet pilot on the runway spot a UFO about the height of 450m above. He reported to the control station. And the control station decided to secure the airport to prevent flights colliding with the UFO. They also inform the military to launch a search for the UFO. After 1 hour of search, they found nothing. Inflight radar show no UFO indication, only military planes. It's advise that nothing had been found and the government did not hide anything. And on another post, some confirm that the UFO objects appears as a BOL (confirm with latest update from media), and sights from Vietnam sea near Guangxi, reported around 8pm. Another sighting at Guangdong around 4am on the 7th. The object was moving quite fast. My take is: military have found nothing, yet know its a real UFO. So just covered some of the loopholes and say its not visible to naked eyes.

Hangzhou is on the line of breakage as the tongue of the Eurasian Plate is pulled down and under the Indo-Australian Plate. This is the line so active in sinkholes lately, from the point where the Himalayas are pushing into China across to the coast. Hangzhou is also on the coast, at the end of a bay which will surely have tidal bore or tsunami compressing to a point at Hangzhou when the Pacific does any degree of adjusting. The UFO was reported, sighted, as far south as Guangxi and Guangdong provinces, which are likewise along the coastlines in the regions being drawn down as the tongue of the Eurasian Plate is being bent. These regions, and Hangzhou, are clearly being warned about tsunami and a suddenly rising sea level as the plate is bend and pulled down. In sightings such as this, telepathic warnings are given to those below. The plate bending is at present gradual, and only exhibited by dramatic sinkholes that have developed. But plate movement, accompanying earthquakes, produces sudden changes, and it is then that those along the coastlines will experience sudden tsunami and loss of sea level.

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