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Youtube Shuts Down Terral's Account...

...allegedly for copyright infringement.  Discussion going on at GLP.

I followed the GLP link and it did look like his account was shut down, but I just tried his threat assessment video and it works.  I haven't had time to check his other videos.

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We'll never know for sure, but I'm expecting earth-directed solar flares from it, at the very least.  Could concurrent problems come from the BDS said to be following behind Elenin?  Of course, the potential is certainly there, but the debunkies steadfastly refuse to acknowledge there is something following Elenin.  That way if the situation goes south they can backpedal and say, but we said Elenin was nothing.  But just remember that, at this point, they haven't ever acknowledged a large object following Elenin, much less the artificial crafts seen by Chinese scientists in Elenin's tail.

Anyway, the recent debunking sessions are pushing the messages channeled from Nancy through her alleged Zetas that Elenin is nothing, that we should just ignore that comet. Their assertions that Elenin is nothing is rather amusing considering that Nancy proclaimed Hale Bopp didn't even exist and her later ZT stated it would fragment. Not only did Hale Bopp exist, it was huge, and billions of people saw it, naked eye. And it didn't fragment.  So, before you make any decision on what the anti-Elenin theorists claim, consider their source: (good page, 33 footnotes) (note:  known to edit her erroneous predictions)
(Jim McCanney interview, he is an astrophysicist, fascinating read...mentions Chuck Shramek also died of the same rapid onset, lower-back cancer Dr. Harrington died from, another PX cover-up, among many things.)

McCanney:  "The only non-NASA site that he lists is Zetatalk, which is, literally, a NASA site—the Nancy Lieder site, which was built by NASA to create more disinformation about the topic of Planet X."

(Digression, also search "plasma tubes" for some interesting information related to those filaments/tubes recently seen on the sun.) ....

"McCanney: It’s a whole consciousness thing. I keep saying, the idea of Planet X—and that’s why the government has created Nancy Lieder: because they want a date when it’s NOT going to happen. That’s why they created Enigma. They want a date, they want a time. They want to go in the newspapers and on the media and say: “Look at these crazy people. Look at all this stupid stuff that’s coming out of the Internet. Listen to us, because we’re the ones who will tell you the real story here.”

So, as you can see from the above links, there are many reasons to not believe anything Nancy Lieder says. Further, her statements to "not look at the sun" and saying that PX has been hanging out in Venus's orbit since last year can now be considered to be intentional distractions, deliberately pointing everyone in the wrong direction.  Does she work for NASA?  Her actions appear so.  And also consider that she was caught, red-handed, for having in her possession NASA images she shouldn't have had.  So, how would she come by those images if she wasn't part of the NASA team? 

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ULF-ELF Elenin

This is from PatR...

Please take note of this, I have more to share about Comet Elenin.  Will post shortly.



Re: [ULF-ELF] Elenin

Hi Dick,

It looks like I'm getting Elenin signatures in my data. I'm getting numerous mfxd pulses during the day when Elenin is in view. The pulses die down at night when Elenin is out of view. Something about Elenin seems to be sending out magnetic shock waves.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Richard Adler wrote:

> **
> Dave and the Group,
> When do you expect to be able to record the electrical nature
> of Elenin with your equipment?
> Could some of the effects seen on the recent uploads of HAARP
> and satellite instrumentations be attributed to the coment?
> Thank you all for your interest and keeping us infromed,
> Dick
> On 7/8/11, David Thomson wrote:
> > Here is a web site of a PhD author who is predicting earthquakes based
> upon
> > the positions of the planets and comet Elenin:
> >
> >
> > We are presently in an alignment that may produce a M8 earthquake.
> >
> > Dave

David Thomson
Quantum AetherDynamics Institute
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The History Of The House Of Rothschild

History and Timeline of the House of Rothschild


The link above answers the question of just who is at the top of this play to own and control the world. I don't believe you can have a discussion about the Illuminati without understanding how the Rothschilds fit in to it. For myself, this was the connection between what I saw happening in the world around me and who would be capable of achieving this world hegemony I saw unfolding. I am sure there are others involved, but I have not found any higher up so far. Just a warning to those that read this: The Rothschilds have long shrouded their financial and political machinations in the guise of being a persecuted minority, I.E. Jewish. I in no way believe people of Jewish descent are to blame for the worlds ills. I abhor inequality and hatred of any human being based on race, sexuality, or religious belief. The only people I cannot abide are those that would kill, enslave and prey upon innocent people for their own gain. Just wanted to clear that up. Please proceed with your critical thinking caps on and your eyes open.


If the above link does not open try pasting this one:

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Money As Debt Part 1 of 5


Ever wonder why the Elites continue to build wealth while everyone else sees their purchasing power disappear? Ever wonder just how this is accomplished? When I first saw this video several years back it answered many questions I had about why the world is so screwed up. A recent post by Desertrose reminded me of it, so I thought I would share it with any here who are interested. The runtime for all 5 parts is about 45 minutes. I'll try to address the the question of who is doing this on a separate post.


If the link above doesn't work try pasting this one:


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Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force

The federal government has supplied local police departments with military uniforms, weaponry, vehicles, and training.


Just after midnight on May 16, 2010, a SWAT team threw a flash-bang grenade through the window of a 25-year-old man while his 7-year-old daughter slept on the couch as her grandmother watched television. The grenade landed so close to the child that it burned her blanket. The SWAT team leader then burst into the house and fired a single shot which struck the child in the throat, killing her. The police were there to apprehend a man suspected of murdering a teenage boy days earlier. The man they were after lived in the unit above the girl's family.
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And  here  come the  Elite  to help keep everyone from  losing  everything  .  They  will take  the " flooded " land off their  hands.  Scheme  much ??????   They  have   no  scruples and no humanity!!!!


There has  to  be  a very special  place  for these Elite  and their  minion.

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"Such planet-wide weather disturbances are rare on Saturn, where the atmosphere is typically hazy and calm. Since 1876, astronomers have observed only five other megastorms on Saturn.

“This is a one-of-a-kind storm,” said Andrew Ingersoll, a self-described planetary weatherman at the California Institute of Technology, who was part of the discovery team."

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NWO FoodWars! - FDA Want to Ban Thousands of Foods - Transhumanism Depopulation Agenda 2011 2012



Update 7/8/11  This  video is no longer  available  because  the  account on  you tube  has  been  terminated.  I have  been  unable  to  find a  copy of it  on you tube. I  will continue  searching.  However, in the mean  time  I  have located  the  original  article  of the  Health  Ranger who appeared  on the  Alex Jones  Show  in the   original video  I  posted  here.  As  soon  as  I  find a  copy  of the  video  I  will  post  the  link.


FDA's scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements created after 1994 would destroy millions of jobs and devastate economy

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Black Listed News
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