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Includes an explanation of why ETs haven't helped us before now.
Thursday, July 26, 2012 While it would seem that KenMcClellan's webpage is about the antichrist? One must read between the lines! The ancients believed planets and stars to be gods, and to enforce their beliefs, there were ET's who came down to earth in many different kinds of spaceships. Which in themselves could be pictured as a Thunderbird,with the flames coming out of the tail of the ships. But this is not what impressed these ancients so much? As every so often a celestial battle amongst planets and stars is what is really being described in so many ancient text and pictures! As i said you must use your intuition and read between the lines, its not all that difficult.
Is it possible that the white dots are stars in their constellation patterns as seen by ancient peoples?
Were ancient peoples depicting in human terms that they could understand, the Clash of planetary and large comets or very small Browndwarf star? In a Cosmic flyby causing great distress to many of the planets in the Solar system.
While Wormwood is not to scale and Our Sun is really 11 times larger than Wormwood this depicts what a solar system would appear like in close orbitary confluence to its binary Star twin. Which Scientist now agree that most Stars have binary twins and some even have three star systems! If Our Sun moves thru the galaxy at over 100,000 miles an hour and yet we dont feel it, we are used to our Solar system. The Earth goes thru its orbit around the Sun at around 67,000 MPH. We dont even notice? So what can stop a binary twin Star to Sol at buzzing past us around 100k MPH or more. As the smaller twin Nemesis,Wormwood? Would be picking up blinding speed as it approached the much larger Sol in an elliptical orbit! As Binary Stars orbit each other! Then all of a sudden the repulsion issue of large magnetic bodys would come into play, and Wormwood would slow way down and slowly continue its orbit around the Sun untill it was far enough around in its orbit to pick up Speed once again! There are also the issues of conflicting Magnetic portals interacting with each other? As every Planet in our solar system is conjoined in its orbit with Sol by very powerful magnetic portals, Jupiter is probably playing the big brother in this balancing act. Disregard gravity as it is the much weaker power in this battle of cosmic forces! The Universe is Electric and Highly Magnetic. Who could not be impressed to their very Souls! Having stood upon the Earth and seen this Cosmic dance play out? Is it possible that this is the Great Red Dragon, Satan of olden times, Wormwood of Revelations? For ancient peoples Worshipped the Stars and planets as Gods!
The green Dragon? Just a comet, a planet, a very large Spaceship? Or perhaps a much smaller dead 3rd Star in this possible Trinary Solar system? I would like to advise anyone to peruse Ken McClellans Websites with great diligence as he has told the truth between the lines as well as out side of them! Yes he does have his own beliefs and opinions? But dont we all? I would put forth if you will, that this picture of Wormwood and its planetary body Nibiru, is much closer to the truth than any scientific body would like to inform you of! The Ancient peoples left us the Truth!!! The Governments and many Scientist of this age leave us only lies. They know the Truth, but the Truth is not in their hearts to share with the common person.
While it would seem that many Nibiru naysayers can show a lack of proof? Where is it? we should be able to see it so its not there! The recent proof is that there are likely more Rogue planets in the galaxy than there are Stars. While this post is just to show to those who dont know that Rogue planets exist. It also lends much possibility that Nibiru or PlanetX or Wormwood, Can exist and there are many other evidences down thru history for those who take the time to study! While i dont believe NL thats its next to the Sun? I do believe the possibility of a large planetary or a very small brown dwarf being inbound in a cyclical highly elliptical orbit. Now while we dont have to worry the vast majority of Rogue Planets or Brown Dwarfs of the Galaxy, causing us any harm. I am only concerned with one, that much evidence from the past has shown to have visited our planet before? No, its not going to hit us! It doesnt have to come any closer than 30 million miles away to cause great destruction on the Earth. Even at the orbit of jupiter it could cause earthquakes and very bad weather patterns if it was as highly Magnetic as is supposed? Im interested in all of your input, so tell me what you think?
This is serendipity. I found this web page while doing a search on the Chandler Wobble. I was just planning on writing an essay on my theory that Earth's solid inner core has been driven off center by persistent magnetic influences external to our planet. I was going to explain how I think that this solid metal ball, floating in the midst of the molten metal outer core, is now rolling off-center in this liquid, thus generating increasing frictional heat and is now causing the jetstream to remain northerly, and parked over the entire midwestern United States, while the temperate zones of other continents are feeling extremely freakish weather -- floods and cold. It is the rotational motion of the solid inner core and the molten outer core that constitute the circular hoola-hoop-like electric currents which, in turn, generate the geomagnetic field, which in turn, powers the jetstream. When Earth and its core are rotating smoothly and evenly, this smooth circular swirling motion shapes a jetstream having a smooth hoola-hoop-like wind flow, because it is the magnetosphere and the ionosphere which steer the jetstream. But when Earth's molten and solid core has been set in turmoil (in this case, by eternal magnetic influences), the jetstream becomes correspondingly chaotic. I sense, but who can prove, that the solid inner core is lodged way off center, at the core-mantle boundary, hundreds of miles deep down, aligned below the U.S. midwest. Remember that highly mobile "pineapple express" jetstream that was featured on the Weather Channel from 2004 to 2011? Well, now the pineapple express has come to a complete stop, causing seemingly endless heat and drought over the entire midwest. These thoughts have not been fully developed, yet. More later. But this guy, Ken McClellan, seems to be thinking along the same lines.
John DiNardo
"McClellan served in the U.S. Air Force from 1972 to 2004. In the military, he worked 12 years as a journalist and public affairs specialist and 20 years as a public affairs officer, resource manager, war planner and Pentagon spokesman."
If anyone is interested.
"With regard to the so called "planet-sized object" referred to by Mike Harris from his source in a foreign intelligence service, it is beginning to look like this may actually be in the infrared spectrum and it may not be a planet at all but instead a very large craft. Which might be what Norm Bergrun was talking about from the rings of Saturn... as big as 7,000 miles across. I am looking into this."
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
I must tell you, I am skeptical of specific date predictions. I suppose the most popular date currently is December 21st, 2012. As I have said in every single article I have written, there will not be a specific event on Dec. 21st. This date will be no different than Dec. 20th or Dec. 22nd. It was never meant to be. It is simply a signpost-on-the-road - to be used as a point of reference.
Recently, I have been notified by some who study the Mayan calendar, to watch for something significant to occur on July 25th or 26th. Usually, notices like this hit the delete file after a brief glance. On occasion, I might send a reply saying something like: "Okay, if something happens on the date you mention, I will make you a star. However, if nothing happens, I expect you to make a full public apology." Oddly, I never hear from them again.
Having said this, the notices I received have tickled my curiosity. So first, since I am bringing this to the forefront, I will make this pledge.
If anything significant happens on July 25th-26th, I will reduce the price of ECM annual memberships to $25. In addition, I will give away 25 Free memberships on a first come first serve basis.
The following is what is being said by those who believe in the Dreamspell calendar which is somehow connected to the Mayan traditional 'Tzolkin' long-count calendar. There is significant disagreement between those who believe in this new Dreamspell calendar made up by José Argüelles and his wife Lloydine - and the traditional 'Tzolkin' calendar.
Here is what the Argüelles followers say about the next two days:
"July 24th is the last day of the calendar, and July 25th is a day out of time and also a time for celebration. It is New Year's Eve for the Dreamspell. I think it is very important to pay attention to those days and connect with this energy. It's time to move out of pain, suffering, and all of that old third-dimension stuff we don't need any more.
This Dreamspell calendar is lined up and starts with the star Sirius rising over Egypt and the Pyramids. Sirius was a very important star for the ancients. The Mayan glyph for July 25th is 'Caban' - the Red Earth. It is the point-of-perfect centeredness in the eternal present from which all alignment and magic manifest. Your center, the Earth center is the secret of gravity's magnetizing force. From the center point within self, you align with this galactic center.
The Mayan glyph for July 26th is 'Cauac' - the Blue Resonant Storm and is ruled by the planet Pluto, which is a very powerful planet. It is the initiation by fire, the lightning path, and the arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, Cauac represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality."
It is this last paragraph that grabbed my attention. Words such as blue resonant storm, fire, and lightning could have a scientific relevance. As I have documented, the connection between modern science and ancient text has become more apparent each day. So let's see if something significant happens within the next two days. As for me, I'll be watching the Sun - and perhaps following earth changing events.
What's Happening on the Sun?
It is the Sun's 'farside' which is currently the most active. Sunspot region 1520 is still firing off solar flares and cmes as it rotates around the backside of the Sun. In most every case, solar events which occur on the farside, do not have an impact on Earth (although there are exceptions). Below is the link showing a strong and fast CME (coronal mass ejection).
July 23rd CME Farside Sun Region 1520 - CLICK HERE
The 'earthside' of the Sun has been generally quiet with small solar events mostly from sunspot region 1529. Perhaps over the next two days we will see a spike in solar activity. If that happens, I will be more than happy to initiate my offer above.
Could this be the beginning of MSM coming clean?
See storm hit Chicago in Seconds
We had a powerful thunderstorm. Lightning struck very close to my house. It sounded like a bomb going off.
Eyewitness: Mysterious Booms Return To Wisconsin
“Like someone slamming the earth with a big machine”
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Mysterious booms that plagued several towns in Wisconsin earlier this year appear to have returned, with an eyewitness reporting hearing the strange noises repeatedly over a 30 minute period last night.
The booms, described as a rumbling noise coming from deep underground, stoked intrigue earlier this year and a US Geological Survey investigation after being reported over several weeks in the town of Clintonville. The strange noises were also heard and felt in Baraboo and Montello.
The USGS eventually concluded that the booms were caused by an unusual “swarm” of earthquakes that hit a region not noted for its seismic activity. However, a separate seisometer study conducted when the booms briefly returned following the conclusion of the USGS inquiry found that the sounds were not being caused by earthquakes.
Despite the fact that a number of residents rejected the earthquake explanation, noting that the booms were reported before the first earthquake was measured, the story disappeared when the booms ceased.
However, the phenomenon appears to have returned with a Wisconsin resident telling us how they experienced a series of sustained booms last night over a period of half an hour.
“I live about 60 miles from Baraboo and my family and I heard some booms last night just a little after 1am,” writes Shawn McConaghy
“Sound and shaking didnt appear to be from the same central point…it was weird! It went on for 30 minutes or so and we heard about 20 booms. To me they sounded like someone slamming the earth with a big machine,” added McConaghy, noting that the booms also sounded like “a giant walking”
“We live out in the country and i’m not aware of anyone else hearing it,” he adds.
Over the last year, there have been a rash of reports concerning strange noises heard both underground and in the sky.
From bizarre “groaning” sounds to trumpet-like noises, a lot of the reports can be explained away as hoaxes or some form of mass hysteria as we approach the end of the year and fever builds over widely discussed Mayan prophecies about end of the world scenarios.
However, the booms heard in Wisconsin are by no means a figment of people’s imagination. They have beenmeasured and documented by audio engineers.
Theories as to their cause have ranged from the mundane to the exotic.
Some think the booms are caused by underground tunneling machines which are being used to drill subterranean military bases.
Others point to CO2 sequestration or fracking as the culprit, noting that both have been known to cause small and moderate man-made earthquakes.
Some also think that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which is often blamed for unexplained weather and seismic events due to its highly secretive nature, is causing the booms while others point to the myriad of geoengineering programs currently being conducted across the United States as a possible explanation.
What do you think? Have you experienced the booms in your area and what could be causing them?