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"China, the euro zone and Britain loosened monetary policy in the space of less than an hour on Thursday, signaling a growing level of alarm about the world economy, although suggestions of coordinated action were played down."

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This is old news, but the fact that a congressperson brought it to our attention is significant...  she may be one of the good guys  in D.C.  Thanks to John DiNardo for the link....

Weekly Enewsletter: An Executive Order You Should Know About

Mar 30, 2012 Issues: Defense, Global War on Terror

Dear Friend,

With all that is going in Washington these days some things don’t make the news the way they should.  Fourteen days ago President Obama issued an Executive Order that you should know about.  This order gives an unprecedented level of authority to the President and the federal government to take over all the fundamental parts of our economy - in the name of national security - in times of national emergency.

This means all of our water resources, construction services and materials (steel, concrete, etc.), our civil transportation system, food and health resources, our energy supplies including oil and natural gas – even farm equipment – can be taken over by the President and his cabinet secretaries.  The Government can also draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill "labor requirements" for the purposes of "national defense."  There is not even any Congressional oversight, only briefings are required.

By issuing this as an Executive Order the President puts the federal government above the law, which, in a democracy, is never supposed to happen.
As President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he has the Constitutional authority to issue executive orders.  And while similar orders have been made before by presidents from Eisenhower and Reagan to Clinton and George Bush – it has never been done to this extent.
It is still unclear why this order was signed now, and what the consequences are for our nation – especially during times of peace.  This type of Martial Law imposes a government takeover on U.S. citizens that is typically reserved for national emergencies, not in a time of relative peace.
I want you to know I am following this very closely.  If you would like to read the order for yourself please click here.



Kay Granger
Member of Congress

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Daily Paul Liberty Forum

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    JULY 1, 2012


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) may now be invalid because the Supreme Court ruled that it relies on a tax for implementation.

According to the United States Constitution, all tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives. This law originated in the Senate, because at the time the Democrats were selling it as a purchase - not a tax. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that the law is indeed based on a tax increase, it would have had to be initiated as a bill in the House of Representatives.

Consequently, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law is unconstitutional on a different criteria than the ones considered by the Supreme Court in this latest landmark decision. By calling the individual mandate unconstitutional but allowing the law as a federal program to be funded by new taxes, Justice Roberts essentially nullified the law.

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2012 July 2 2:00 am
Posted by Steve Beckow


On Monday, July 2, 2012, I’ll be asking Archangel Michael to comment on Drunvalo’s notion of a pole shift and three days of darkness. (1) I do so because it has become a topic of discussion lately and some people have made important decisions in light of it.

I have posted on the subject before, (2) and have suggested that there is no support among the Company of Heaven for the idea, even if it does appear in certain native traditions.

But I do intend to question Archangel Michael about it on the radio show because of the renewed interest in the matter.  We did have a discussion of it on August 1, 2011. I post an extract from that discussion below.

Unfortunately we misunderstood each other at one point. I was asking about Third Dimensionality and AAM replied as if I was asking about Fifth Dimensionality. I apologize for that part of the discussion being a little hard to follow.

But you’ll see nonetheless that AAM says that Ascension, when it comes, will be sudden, will see us “leave” here and enter the Fifth Dimension, and will result in no Earth being left behind in Third Dimensionality. He does no describe three days of darkness. He does say that the “click” or shift that Ascension represents will seem to take 24-26 hours.

So I reproduce this extract as an extra discussion of what Drunvalo refers to as the shift and three days of darkness and as a discussion of what occurs at Ascension.

S: You understand that on the basis of disclosure having been postponed so many times, really, that some people are saying that December 21st, 2012 is not a significant date and that what is said to be planned for that date won’t happen until — some say 2013, some are saying 2015, some 2030. Others are saying that disclosure itself won’t happen until 2015, 2030, etc. Is there validity to the date December 21, 2012 … or not?

AAM: Yes, there is. Now, we don’t like to play the date game. But this has been — think of it as a line in the sand. Think of it as the first crust of ice that forms on the water. You have to jump at some point. Everybody who is in this frame of mind is having a great deal of fun with the dates, are they not?

S: I think so, yes. And even an upset can be fun.

AAM: Yes, that is true. You see it all the time, in your sports and political sports. But those who are suggesting that this will not happen, say, ’til 2015 or 2030, they are hedging their bets. So if nothing transpires, they can still go forward. What is essential here — and we do not in any way ever wish to sound, be, and certainly not act, judgemental; but let us speak to this, dear heart, because it is important — it speaks to a lack of faith and trust, not only in us, for that is not the issue. It is speaking to a lack of trust and faith also in their sacred selves, in the unfoldment that they are witnessing every hour within their being, and within the beings of their neighbors, their friends.

Yes, we know, it looks and smells and tastes like chaos, and that is the good news. Because everything is boiling on the surface of the water. It is not buried deep within. So for those who wish or feel that they are guided at a future date, that is all right. Give them the compassion. Reassure them that it is all right, but it is also all right to trust that the Universe may shift in a millisecond.

It does not take forever, although it has seemed as if it has. We are not in the habit or in the business of setting up false expectations. It is contrary to universal law, and it is contrary to love. If anything, my beloved friend — and we keep telling you this — you are ahead of schedule. But do we want you to be wedded to a date? No. Do we say that the dates that have been given are accurate and significant? Yes. If you were paralyzed, and let us suggest that in many ways the collective has been paralyzed, if you were paralyzed, and you were praying and praying and doing your sacred practice, and meditating for healing, and you were given the date of December 2012, would you be upset, dear friend, if it arrived in September? I think not.

So look to your dates, but at the same time we are asking deeply of you, keep an open mind to early arrival.

S: So, so the shift that we’re expecting could happen before December 21, 2012?

AAM: That is correct.

S: And is it going to be a shift that happens in a moment, or is it going to be a gradual shift?

AAM: It is already underway.

S: Yes?

AAM: But as you know it has been for some time.

But there is a moment, there is a moment when the door opens. So it is a — has been and is a gradual awakening. You have seen the changes mentally, physically, emotionally; interconnectedness; the shift in the collective. But there is that moment when it clicks. So it is a moment. Actually, it is a period of about 20 to 24, 26 hours.

S: What are you describing, Lord, a moment? Is it an opening of a portal or a change in vibration, or…? What — is it possible to put into words?

AAM: It is a change in the entire collective vibration within which Earth, Gaia and everything upon it comes together. It comes together — In a different vibration. So it is not like going through a portal.

S: Not. Okay.

AAM: So you have gone through many portals, and that has been part of what you think of as these mini-shifts that you have been undergoing.

S: Right.

AAM: And some people have gone through them very eagerly. Certainly the planet has gone through them. Many of the elemental kingdoms have done their work as well. But there is a moment, what we think of as a moment, which for you feels more like a day or so. There is a moment when it is harmonized all together.

S: And on one side we’re in 3D or 4D, and on the other side we’re in 5D?

Or higher.

S: Or higher. And I’ll be coming back to that later, about Starseeds. But people, I think, are hungering for some description of really what –

AAM: Yes, one of the things that we hear very often is, do I have a body? Is there an experience of physicality? Does the Earth disappear? Do my friends disappear? Does my dog disappear?


It is most likely the dog will remain.


S: The dog will have a good time of it!

And there’s questions like, are there three days of darkness, and…. People are wanting to know what the shift entails. Do I get up physically and move to another location? Do I — does the Earth disappear behind me in 3D and the Earth open up in 5D? They don’t know what to expect.

AAM: No, you don’t. Think of it as blinking. Have you ever blinked and the room seems brighter all of a sudden? This happens all the time in your meditation.  It is like a blink. The Earth has already done most of her transition.

And a great deal of the Earth changes that you witness are actually helping the collective souls, the humans, to adjust as well. So it is more like a blink. You may have the experience of physicality — for that is part of the joy of being on this Earth — if you want to. It is a shift in potential of how you operate and how everything…. So it is as if all at once there is a cleanup crew. And what is swept away, what is swept away, my beloved one, is the remnants of the fear, of the hatred, of the darkness.

In that moment, what we are calling a moment, there is a choice. Do you want — and it can happen instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation — do you want to be in the heart of one of love? Do you wish to be in the higher frequency? In the very last second, all they need to say is yes, and allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal wave of energy that will sweep the planet. That is why we say all are invited.

Now, if they choose not, that is all right. It is sad. But they do not need, there is no requirement for them to continue to exist in a different frequency of the planet. But let us be clear, and this is where fear arises amongst people, they cannot stay. So there will be those who choose to leave.

S: What will happen to this Earth, 3D Earth, that they cannot stay? Is that what you meant, Lord?

AAM: Yes, that is what I mean. Understand, 3D Earth, it is not existing.

S: Any longer, after that moment?

AAM: [Describing 5D:] You can have the experience of being in 3D. Of — think of it as living somewhere and projecting and having an on-stage experience. So you can have the 3D experience, but the 3D experience is not including all the old paradigms, the duality.

S: What is it including?

AAM: It is including a physical reality of love, the physical embodiment of joy, of the incredible experience of diversity, of interconnectedness, of love, of community. It is the restoration of what was always intended.

S: Now, it sounds like you’re talking about the 5D Earth.

AAM: That is correct.

S: What about — for the people who say “no”? Will they remain on this 3D Earth, or will they find themselves somewhere else?

AAM: They will find themselves elsewhere.

S: And will they find themselves elsewhere as babies, or as they are now?

AAM: They will return home. They will return out of body.

S: To the astral planes?

AAM: Yes. And they will be counseled and then reassigned as they choose.

S: And there will be no one on this Earth? Or will this Earth exist?

AAM: Oh, no, it will exist [in 5D]. It will exist. Because it is still the possibility of having the experience of demonstrating in physicality.

S: All right. Will it exist as it exists now, or will it be a burned-out shell?

AAM: No, it will exist as it exists now [but in 5D] in her divine perfection. Just as you will exist as you do, if you wish to have this form, although you may do some alterations on it.


S: I can think of a few!

AAM: Many will do alterations, my friend.

S: I’ll be happy to do alterations.

AAM: And that is the difference. It is the ability to create and co-create with love. It is actively using the creation energy to bring forward what you are wishing to experience.

S: All right. Let me just see if I understand things now. The people who say “yes” will go to 5D, the people who say “no” will go to the astral plane. Will there be any life left on Earth [meaning in 3D]?

AAM: Yes [meaning in 5D].

S: And who would that be or what would that be?

AAM: It would be those who are in the fifth dimension, wishing to have that awareness, but also inhabit and have a physical experience.

S: Oh, maybe I don’t understand you. Are we not having a physical experience in 5D?

AAM: Yes. And that is on Earth.

S: Oh, now I’m a little confused. I’m talking about two different things. One is 3D Earth, one is 5D Earth. The 5D –

AAM: The 3D Earth has done her cosmetic change. It is not there.

S: It is not there.

AAM: The same way you, dear heart — as the embodiment of a singularly third-dimensional being — are no longer present. [Because I'll be in 5D and not in 3D.]  At that moment, you both, and all jumped.

S: All right. So is there anything left in 3D?

AAM: No, it is all transmuted, transformed, elevated.

S: Ahhh. Okay.

AAM: I’m sorry. I have not been clear with you.

S: So there is no 3D Earth after that date?

AAM: That is correct.

S: Oh, I didn’t understand that.

AAM: She does not want to duplicate herself and to continue to be the carrier of that energy.

S: Uh-huh. Unlike, say, Venus? (2)

AAM: Yes, there has been a division there [i.e., on Venus], but that is not how Earth is choosing to do this.

S: I’ll be darned. I haven’t heard that before, and I’m just trying to digest it.  There won’t be a 3D Earth. The people who say “no” will go to the astral planes, the people who say “yes” will continue on with Earth.

AAM: That is correct.

S:  That is very much an eye opener for me. Thank you.

AAM: You are all going together. It is a package deal, my friend.

S: Yes, indeed. [Laughs] I see that now. Will there be three days of darkness, or is that just completely mistaken?

AAM: There will be a period of darkness. It is very unlikely that it would be what you think of as three days. It is more likely to be a period of about, oh, 20 hours, a cycle of what you would think of as a day.

S: And what will we be doing in that 20 hours?

AAM: Well, some of it you will be sleeping. Some of it you will simply be — and we guide you strongly — still. Be in your heart. Be in peace. Be with us. Be with those you love and cherish. But do not panic.

S: Right. Okay. Well, that is very helpful. I think for the first time I begin to appreciate what’s going to be happening at that time.

(To continue the reading, go to:

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Cobra: Galactic Central Sun Activity

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Galactic Central Sun Activity
The storms, heatwaves, satellite disruptions and power outages of this weekend are a direct result of increased Sun activity. This is a milder version of the famous Carrington Event, which was a solar superstorm that hit our planet back in 1859:
Inside that National Geographic article you can read:
“The eastern half of the U.S. is particularly vulnerable, because the power infrastructure is highly interconnected, so failures could easily cascade like chains of dominoes.”
Our Sun directly responds to the Galactic pulse. Galactic pulse is a period of increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun which happens every 26,000 years:
Now we are in a period of this increased Galactic Sun activity and we may expect events similar to what happened this weekend during the rest of 2012, but no drastic cataclysms or polar shifts will happen as some people are afraid.
Our Sun is a multidimensional stargate that transmits the energies from the Galactic Central Sun towards our planet. Positive ET races direct and regulate these energies in a way that is most beneficial to our planet and humanity. These energies assist in removal of non-physical Archons and heal quantum anomaly that is surrounding our planet. They also bring to the surface everything that was hidden and will soon expose all actions of the Cabal in a way that will be very evident to everyone and the dark ones will have nowhere to hide.
So the events of the last few days are not a result of HAARP or artificial weather modification as many would like to believe. The Cabal is not that powerful anymore.

Posted by Cobra at 8:55 AM

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Ben's weekly Letter

Benjamin Fulford 7-3-12…”Has revolt started in America? Also, why the Moonies and Nazis tried to kill this writer last week”

by kauilapele

I will let the highlights and Benjamin's article speak for itself. Holding him and his people in the Light.


  • summer of discontent in the US has started with extremely suspicious “forest fires” disintegrating houses and chimneys into white ash but leaving trees and grass intact... near known Nazi underground bases in Colorado and with a “week-long” power outage around Washington D.C. following a “freak super-storm.”
  • ...White Dragon Society has now obtained original documents... allocating the gold to be used to back the accord signed at the “Green Hilton ..., Geneva.”
  • The needle stabbing took place after a talk in which I described...  testimony... given by recently arrested... Aum Shinrikyo...was responsible for ... Sarin gas within the Tokyo Subway system... saying the entire incident was ordered by Kim Jong Il...
  • ...this writer sucked at the needle wound in an attempt to remove any toxins and feels fine as of this writing on July 3rd.
  • Murder by heart attack has been a standard Nazi tactic in the post-war years.
  • The members of the cabal are advised to look out their windows and behind their backs to confirm that they are being followed and watched 24/7.
  • ...the senior members of this sect who were recently arrested have also added to the growing body of evidence that it was this same [Aum Shinrikyo] group that was responsible for the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks against Japan in 2011.
  • This cabal also engineered the Hurricane Katrina weather modification warfare attack on New Orleans to see if Americans could be forced into concentration camps in the event of a “natural disaster.”
  • ...the BIS is under lockdown and no new funny money based on forged Asian (dragon family etc.) gold certificates is being put into the system.
  • The situation in the US is actually harder to read. It seems that Drake has called for drastic military action to make the US free by July 4th.
  • The White Dragon Society... is negotiating with cabalists for a peaceful transition and expects...[this] to drag on through the summer... may be that less forgiving and more impatient forces will make changes... before these negotiations conclude.
  • Europeans and Americans need to take note and learn from Iceland, debts owed by bankers are not the people’s debts.


Has revolt started in America? Also, why the Moonies and Nazis tried to kill this writer last week Benjamin Fulford, July 3, 2012

The long expected hot summer of discontent in the US has started with extremely suspicious “forest fires” disintegrating houses and chimneys into white ash but leaving trees and grass intact

near known Nazi underground bases in Colorado and with a “week-long” power outage around Washington D.C. following a “freak super-storm.”

Also, the White Dragon Society has now obtained original documents signed personally by US President John F. Kennedy and President Sukarno of Indonesia allocating the gold to be used to back the accord signed at the “Green Hilton Memorial Building, Geneva.”

Plus, this writer was approached after a speaking engagement on June 30th in Tokyo by an English speaking Asian man (probably Korean judging by accent) who asked to shake my hand and then stabbed my wrist with a needle. Read more...

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In deference to his stated desire that people not copy and paste material from his website, please see the info dated "July 02 Posting" near the top of his page at

He sees no reason for this wild storm and suspects someone has been playing with laser satellites.  He also notes that not just satellite feeds, but entire websites have been taken down.  And the current solar flares are minor but are all supposed to hit July 4th.  He's been expecting a solar flare false flag.

He raises many, many questions.  Read it in his words.

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It was James McCanney who first used the term "himmicane" many years ago, back when one hit out in the Western U.S., and then a ferocious one hit the Tetras Mountains of Slovakia in 2004.



Remember John Moore's research associate Ann Morrison from that "Skywarn Training seminar" back in 2005 and what she was told PRIVATELY by a young meteorologist in the hallway ?????? Land Hurricanes aka 'Himmicanes' will become EXTREMELY common as Planet-X draws ever so closer & starts creating UNPRECEDENTED effects to our Atmosphere...

Emergencies were declared in Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington because of damage from a rare "super derecho" storm packing hurricane-force winds across a 700-mile stretch from the Midwest to the Atlantic Ocean.

Powerful storms that brought wind gusts of up to 90 mph on Sunday knocked out power to more than 200,000 Commonwealth Edison customers in northeastern Illinois.

Utilities in Ohio, Virginia and Maryland described damage to their power grids as catastrophic.

AccuWeather, a weather forecaster, said the "super derecho" storm that caused the widespread damage had raced 700 miles from northern Indiana to the Atlantic coast in 12 hours.

A derecho - Spanish for "straight" - is a long-lasting wind storm that accompanies fast-moving thunderstorms or showers, AccuWeather said. The most powerful derechos are called "super derechos," described by AccuWeather as a "land hurricane."

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Some Good Advice...

This is Where I’m NOT Listening to Drake Today…

Click to enlarge

Sometimes the Guidance is to get out and away from all the stuff flying around and just be. And BEing at this place is pretty fine, with the mocha and the ocean and the sunshine and the sound of gentle ocean waves.

Many who read these ocean view blog posts “get” the same sense that I have right now. I suppose that’s one reason I often feel like sharing these photos from here (at, of course).

I really got a lot from hearing Scott Mowry on The Light Agenda. More and more keeps unveiling itself to me from what I heard there. And the prime point that stuck was this:

Stay Positive

We determine what’s going on here by our consciousness, collectively. We attract what we put out. It’s an attitude thing here. Hundredth Monkey kind of thing. Scott described that well. For me, at least.

So maybe it’s time to stick close to the monkeys. At least the Hundredth Ones.

Speaking of Hundredth Monkeys, now the Drake, and friends. And I include myself as one of them. And one of the newer kitties at our house is named “Keko”, which I understand from someone who lives at our house, means “monkey”. So I live with monkeys and assure you that all monkeys I associate with are Hundredth Ones.

Drake is such a monkey. He has unveiled the plan, which has caught fire in the imaginations of people all around the world. What is especially important from my view, is that he is bringing together a bunch of folks with WIDELY varying life viewpoints. I’ve not ever associated with those that talk of militias, freedom fighters, US Constitutional supporters, anything military, and so on. Even saying things like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones may be part of the Freedom Plan for this planet. So……….

Here we have Lightworkers of all kinds, militia folks, Fox News watchers, MSNBC Rachel Maddow watchers, military people, flag waving US patriots, European, Asian, South American, African, probably even Antarctican, listeners, all coming together, for one purpose.

To Bring Forth Unity on this Planet.

So all the differences, I say, it’s time to set those aside. It’s time to release any and all judgement about what a Lightworker is, or who a Freedom Fighter is, about who is this and who is that.

We’re all coming together now. All of us Hundredth Monkeys. Truly it is,

All for One… and One for All.

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Regarding The Mass Arrests

From a David Wilcock 7-1-12 article reposted here:


Another one of my insiders pointed out how curious it is that a “land hurricane” hit Washington, DC after Drake’s announcement of imminent arrests prior to July 4th.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions across the mid-Atlantic region sweltered Saturday in the aftermath of violent storms that pummeled the eastern U.S. with high winds and downed trees, killing at least 13 people and leaving 3 million without power during a heat wave.

Power officials said the outages wouldn’t be repaired for several days to a week, likening the damage to a serious hurricane.

Emergencies were declared in Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, the District of Columbia and Virginia, where Gov. Bob McDonnell said the state had its largest non-hurricane outage in history, as more storms threatened.

“This is a very dangerous situation,” the governor said.

Power has been knocked out until as late as next Friday, July 6th, and all cell phone communications went down. Here is the front page of Drudge Report as of this morning:


What do you think this means? Nothing?

Is it possible that the “good guys” gained control of a technology such as HAARP — which allegedly can create severe weather — and used it to knock down Washington, DC for the greater good?

You have to admit it is quite a convenient “coincidence” that this happened after Drake got the word from three of his top insiders that at least some arrests were imminent.

The people would not be upset by seeing emergency personnel in the midst of a disaster like this.

Power is down, cell communications are down… and this would be an ideal window of opportunity for certain key people, at least, to be brought to justice.

Bear in mind that these people may not be elected officials. We may not even know, at first, that anyone has disappeared. This could be the first stage of a multi-pronged campaign.


Again — even the staunchest skeptics must admit how strange it is that this all happened AFTER Drake was given the “green light” announcement.

Many of the top arrests would be in the Washington, DC / Northern Virginia / Maryland area, by necessity. Let’s read more and absorb the details:

WASHINGTON – It could be a week or more without power for some of the more than 1 million customers in the D.C. area that lost power during Friday night’s powerful storms.

The three largest power companies in the region say everybody’s power won’t be back on until next weekend.

The governments of Maryland, Virginia and D.C. have declared a state of emergency. President Barack Obama called the governors of Maryland and Virginia offering federal assistance….

Pepco says that extra crews are scheduled to arrive Monday from as far away as Oklahoma, Florida, Georgia and Missouri. They’re also reaching out to crews in the northeast and Canada.

Graham says crews are working 16 hour shifts, 24 hours a day. He adds that the storm was not predicted several days in advance [, and this] made it harder to get extra crews ready ahead of the storms.

“This came on us pretty quickly and pretty hard,” Graham says….

BGE has brought in nearly 900 out-of-state crews from as far away as Florida, Mississippi, Michigan, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Canada. The utility says restoration efforts are expected to last deep into the week….

You Can’t Hear Me Now

Verizon says Friday night’s storms also wreaked havoc on their system — knocking out landline service for many customers.
“However, due to extensive commercial power outages across the entire region, our crews have had to deal with a number of technical and mechanical challenges, in addition to storm damage such as downed poles and trees on our wires,” writes Verizon spokesman Harry Mitchell….

In addition, many Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile customers say they are having issues with phone service.

AT&T technicians are “mobilized and currently working to resolve the issues,” according to a company release.

“Due to damaging storms that have knocked out power across the Midwest and Northeast regions of the country, some AT&T customers in impacted areas in Virginia and Washington D.C. may be experiencing issues with wireless service,” the company says.

Cable TV and internet service in the area is also experiencing problems….

State of Emergency

The governor of Maryland called it “a historic storm,” and Virginia and D.C. have declared a state of emergency.
“This is the largest non-hurricane power outage in Virginia history,” Gov. Bob McDonnell says. “Virginians need to be on guard and to be working together … and to find out where the shelters are.”

“The severity of the storm damage necessitates the declaration of a public emergency to enable District government to respond to emerging issues as expeditiously as possible,” said D.C. City Administrator Allen Y. Lew.


Yes. I hear you. It is possible that this could be nothing but a meaningless coincidence.

It’s also possible that it has nothing to do with HAARP, but could be some form of divine intervention — sending out a powerful signal that very rapid changes can and do take place sometimes.

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SaLuSa 2-July-2012

Think the severe storms that have hit D.C. recently is a cover up for the mass arrests?  The reference to Obama is, well, beauty in the eye of the beholder...

The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place. Your rights are such that you have the authority to remove those who have committed acts of treason against you. These are clearly very necessary steps to allow important changes to take place that will move you on to the next phase in the plan. There is no way that the actions can be ignored much longer, and our allies are looking for sources that are keen to cover what is happening. Certainly with an announcement that is intended to set peoples minds at rest, we expect the media to pick up on it. There will soon come a point when the news can no longer be hidden or ignored, and we know that there will be a mixed reception to it. However, we expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the actions are positive and in everyone’s interests to restore world peace. It will go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag it.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light will for a time continue to work in the background, but look for the first opportunity to introduce disclosure. It not only covers our history of working for you and with you, but also the general interest shown in your evolution over a period of thousands of years. However, it will give us the chance to present some of the different civilisations that you are to meet. All will have some link to you if only to have had a hand in your genetic evolution. At a soul level we are all from the Source, but have traveled different paths according to our choice of experience. Differences between us do therefore exist but we are all evolving like you except that some souls are at higher levels than others.

In leaps and bounds you will quickly find yourselves being elevated to the next stage in your upliftment. Many of you have already been primed for a new way of life, and it will set you up for your return to the higher realms that will come with Ascension. A wonderful fulfilling life awaits you which will seem like heaven after your experiences in duality. You will not only understand how energy comes into your lives, but also how to use to use it for your needs. The emphasis will be put on the different ways it can be used, and not least of all as a means of space travel.

On Earth you spend huge amounts of time traveling around in what we see as antiquated forms of transport, It will no longer be necessary to waste so much time in that way, and you will be gifted with technology that allows for almost instantaneous travel. All are based on the use of free energy which is clean and non-polluting. The dark Ones have already developed some craft of this type, and the technology known to them for a very long time. You have been denied its use so as not to affect the standing of traditional methods of travel, and to ensure they keep their power over other countries.

Your dreams will come true and the most wonderful changes will come with freedom being returned to you. You have become so used to being controlled in virtually everything you do that you have forgotten what it is like to be free. You will get a taste of it before Ascension, but remember that with freedom comes responsibility not to indulge in activities that cause danger or harm to others. With the coming of your higher levels of consciousness, will also come a more compassionate and balanced understanding of how to relate to other souls. It is the desire to be at One with all life that will enable you to take your place amongst those you will be joining. We know that the harshness of the Earth's vibrations is not conducive to a peaceful existence, and you are continually challenged to keep calm and in control of your emotions.

You have been tested and tried for millennia of time, often repeating the same lessons many times over. You have proved that you can exist in an advanced civilization, and you are welcomed into the higher realms. You have raised your vibrational levels and it will ensure that you are ready to ascend. Those who are not ready will have no inclination to leave duality, and will by choice continue their experiences at the same level. The paths open to you are clearly defined and you cannot move beyond your station. However, all is continually in a state of change and you will eventually make progress as all souls do.

Let go of your earthly attachments and instead be in readiness to expand your consciousness to take in what will be a new way of life. As you learn more about us and get an opportunity to visit us on our ships, you will see first hand how we live and intermix with other civilizations. All act in service to one another and it is a blessing to be able to do so. The ego’s have been tamed and the needs of self are not put ahead of any others. We are a community in harmony and putting our energies into serving the Supreme Creator. We get great satisfaction from doing so, and do not for one moment think that it restricts our freedom in anyway. We love our work and the contribution we make to All That Is helping to uplift all other life forms.

Our lives are full and most satisfying and it is by choice that we serve in our own particular way. It is no more or no less than you would do helping your own brothers and sisters. We are after all one big family who acknowledge the gift of life given us by our Father/Mother God, and have been provided with all that we could possibly need to enjoy our existence. We are also co-creators with God having reached a higher state of being and able to use such powers with complete responsibility. On Earth few really understand the potential powers they have, and do not realize that they are responsible for the way their civilization has evolved. Consequently you also reap what you sow, which is why you have ended up in duality. However, you have found your way out of it and many are now able to take the opportunity to ascend.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you the most happy times that release from duality will bring you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity

“I’m now afraid that I might be in physical danger”

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 2, 2012

The undercover journalist who blew the whistle on G4S, the security company responsible for the 2012 Olympics, along with shocking plans for an evacuation of London, has revealed his identity following fears for his safety.

‘Lee Hazledean’ – the whistleblower who exposed how he had infiltrated G4S as an employee and uncovered how security preparations for the Olympics were so poor that they were inviting a terrorist attack, has revealed himself to be Ben Fellows, an acclaimed director who has worked with Stanley Kubrick. Fellows has also appeared in numerous popular television and theatre shows.

Fellows made the decision to reveal his identity, after having gone under a pseudonym for the purposes of radio interviews conducted over the last week, because of fears over his safety.

“With all sincerity I’m now afraid that I might be in physical danger from G4S,” Fellows told Infowars, adding that he feared the mainstream media was about to launch a character assassination campaign. “My only protection is to go public…. I have done nothing wrong and I stand by everything that I have said,” added Fellows.

Fellows also revealed that Andy Davies, Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent, demanded that he retract statements made during a radio interview with BCFM’s Friday Drivetime in which Fellows said of Davies, “I sent him an email, I called, he wasn’t interested and he said there’s a media blackout on this kind of story, that nobody would be interested in running it.”

In a telephone conversation provided to Infowars, Davies claims that he never read Fellows’ original email and that the two never had a conversation about the issue.

“I emailed Andy Davies on the 13th of June and pitched the story to him, he then called me back and we talked,” claims Fellows, who is now going public to offset his concern that his name may have been privately passed to G4S.

Fellows’ revelations about how he infiltrated G4S and what he discovered were nothing less than astounding. However, the mainstream media chose to run a whitewash, focusing instead on relatively tame security lapses and ignoring Fellows’ story altogether, despite the fact that it had already gone viral in the alternative media.

During his time working for G4S over the past several months, Fellows learned of numerous disturbing developments.

- Fellows was able to get the job of a security officer via a simple application process. No background checks were carried out and his personal references were not checked.

- Fellows was successful in taking guns, knives and explosives through both metal detectors and body scanners on numerous occasions during dummy runs.

- Fellows was told that metal detectors and body scanners would be deactivated at peak times in order to get crowds into the Olympic venue quicker.

- Fellows was also informed that 200,000 casket linings that can hold four dead bodies each have been shipped into London in preparation for the Games.

- Thousands of foreign troops under the auspices of the United Nations have also been brought into London.

- Plans for an evacuation of London in the aftermath of a deadly terrorist attack have been discussed at great length. G4S employees were briefed on the evacuation plan to a greater extent than the time spent on training them to conduct security screening.

- G4S security staff have been caught doing drug deals while in training with no retribution. Uniforms have also been handed out to unauthorized personnel as well as uniforms being stolen. G4S staff have also been caught taking photographs on their cellphones of secure locations.

- Fellows was told that Predator drones of the type used in Afghanistan and Yemen would be circling London during the Olympics.

- Fellows believes G4S security staff are so poorly trained and the security operation as a whole is so lax that terrorists could quite easily stage a “massacre” during the Games.

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