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We are the Arcturian Group Nov 24 2013

NOVEMBER 24, 2013

Dear ones, once again it is that time on earth where the many are preparing to celebrate gratitude.  It is therefore time that you understand gratitude in a more enlightened way, for gratitude is simply the other side of love--they work together.  Gratitude is the flow of love  returning to you and thus creating a  circle of energy that flows out from and then flows  back to you.  It is spiritual living.
Everyday commerce is actually the flow of love and gratitude  interpreted by mind in a material way.  The service someone performs, or the product he sells is a 3d dimensional sense of love and your payment or barter is  the gratitude.  It is a circular and complete flow (out as love, back as gratitude) and the failure to express gratitude blocks this.
Businesses can only be truly successful when functioning in this flow of love and gratitude, especially as the vibrational level of Gaia rises.  Businesses that function only for their own self interests will no longer survive because the necessary energy flow will not be there to sustain them.  You are all familiar with business that you love to pay (gratitude) because they are so pleasant, honest, and have done a fine job (love).  You are all familiar with the other sort as well.
Gratitude is not simply about giving thanks for something that has been received, but is a state of consciousness that reflects unconditional love--that regardless of any appearances to the contrary,  all is spiritual and of Divine origin.  Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell reflects a Divine idea as interpreted by the state of consciousness of  individual as well as universal  mind.
Those who are unable to receive on any level, have accepted the false belief that they are  not worthy or that this view represents a state of humility.  Being unwilling or unable to accept love in all or any of its forms, blocks the flow and leaves an individual unable to experience the full circle of love and gratitude.   False beliefs about love can act to block this flow and happens to those  individuals  riddled with concepts of what love must look like in order to be love--concepts  thrown at you daily from  media in all its forms.  Those living in this universal illusion try unsuccessfully time after time to create love according to these false ideas and fail, because concepts have no underlying reality to them and  arise from false information.
Believing oneself to be unworthy of love or gratitude is a facet of the duality and separation belief system--the  belief that  one is born a sinful being undeserving of gifts and blessings until clawing his way painfully to salvation.  These ideas are obsolete dear ones, do not fall into this trap for you are well beyond  this now. Those  unable to experience self-love or express it through love and gratitude  frequently manifest their inner pain as violence, lashing out at the world in frustration.  Through ignorance of spiritual truth, they feel "unworthy" of love (energy of duality and separation) and do not understand why or what to do about it.  They do not yet realize that ALL are worthy because ALL ARE... 
True self love  only comes with the  realization that the self is really SELF--in and of the Divine, and that no circumstance or appearance can ever change this regardless of what one may of been taught or told, and regardless of any popular beliefs. 
As an individual unfolds into truth and learns who he really is ,  self-love  begins.  Self becomes  very easy to love once it no longer carries a heavy burden of judgement and criticism toward self and the world.  He begins to recognize that the Divine Light of the masters is the same  Divine Light he carries for there is only one--manifested in and through individual consciousness but always the One.   He  understands that mistakes he has made along the way were simply facets of his learning process and are now tools with which he can assist others.  He  begins to understand that nothing has the power to  make him unworthy for there is only ONE power and that is the Divine.  It was all a dream...   It now becomes easy to give and receive because he knows that there is no limit to the flow that never was his personally ( this is the erroneous belief that results in poverty) but is in and of an Infinite Source.  There is Infinity to release and an  infinite capacity to receive from Self...the One. 
An important facet of love and gratitude lies in allowing others to  give.  If you know you need nothing, but someone wants to express by giving to you, allow them to do this for the lesson of love and gratitude is something that all must learn.   It begins with  baby steps-- simply giving away something or  saying thank-you for blessings received, then when the student is ready it moves  into a deeper understanding of the underlying energy . 
Love and gratitude are the same energy and flow from Divine Consciousness which is infinitely complete and whole.  Love is the activity of Oneness, interpreted by the state of consciousness of the individual--examine and ponder this statement for it is the basis of evolving out of the old and untrue.  Gratitude is simply an openness to, and reflection back of the energy of love whatever its form.  
Energy will bounce back to the sender if not received.  This can work to keep you from negative outside influences for when you keep your energy field filled with the  high resonating vibrations of truth and light,  negative energy  will simply bounce back to the sender finding nothing to attach to at its lower level of vibration.  This  information explains how many  superstitious practices (hexing, evil eye etc. etc.) actually work...the receiver through his superstitious belief in the power of these things opens himself and invites the negative energy sent  in. 
Gratitude--study, ponder, and meditate into its deeper meanings  and then celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving at a new level. 
We see you having much change shortly in your world.  All is proceeding according to plan with many awakening to new ways of seeing and doing and believing.  Old energies are quickly dissolving into to the Light of  more global awareness.  Keep your light high and bright dear ones. We send you much love and gratitude on your celebration day.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                       11/24/13
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Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA

This is crazy and very, very twisted!!!

Will all healthy foods now be declared drugs (requiring FDA approval)?

The FDA should be disbanded - IMO it has no right to tell people what they can and can't consume - especially in regard to natural foods.

I guess none of the GMO foods will ever be declared "drugs" (requiring FDA approval) - as their health benefits are greatly reduced - maybe this is the ultimate aim - that is, the only foods not controlled are GMO - what a disaster that would be!!!!

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Email from Sheldon Day...

Radio Talk Show Host John Moore's "research associate" Ann Morrison revealed some outstanding info on John Moore's show yesterday revealing what our SUN is doing to our Weather down here on the deck.
( only 4.5 minutes long )

Yeah, overall, the current Solar cycle has been a "dud" but at the same token, its' behavior has been EXTREMELY BIZARRE because  whenever filaments, Crochets & UV Bursts are happening, it's REALLY AFFECTING Weather down here. And Stan Deyo asserts that the Current C and M-Class Flares put out something like 1000X More energy than prior to 1992 levels.

Something is wrong with the Sun’s irradiance figures in this grand solar maximum. UV bursts and new irradiance emissions in the UV band since 1992 are a fact and this is a worry when the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening at an alarming rate.



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Also, comet ISON is approaching its perihelion. This comet is heralding the shift of the ages. Its energy is triggering an awareness of the completion of important cosmic cycles. The Cabal is trying to diffuse that awareness with spreading disinfo about the comet. So let me clarify a few things: this comet is NOT Nibiru, will NOT crash into Earth, will NOT trigger any kind of Earth changes or cataclysms, is NOT the cause of severe weather some parts of our planet are experiencing lately, is NOT a spaceship, is NOT the playground for cosmic battles between Reptilians and the good guys, is NOT accompanied with visible decloaked spaceships, is NOT (…you can insert whatever more disinfo you can find on the internet…).

There are many fake videos of the comet circulating on Youtube, some of them supposedly coming from the Chinese National Space Administration. Let me clarify that Tian Lian 1 is a very old Chinesedata relay satellite which does not have radar imaging capabilities which many of these Youtube videos claim to quote as a source of their ISON images. Also, I did some image processing on early Hubble ISON photos and did not see any spaceship images in the end result, only a dimmed comet nucleus. Also, I did not find any scientific reports about any ISON behavior that would be untypical for a comet.

With all the volcanoes popping and earthquakes, don't you think ISON has been influencing earthchanges?

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ISON's Inner Coma

Whilst I am not promoting fear about Comet ISON - as I have said previously - all information needs to be received with a degree of scepticism - I believe it is worthwhile keeping updated on this object. BPEarthWatch seems to be the main provider of this information, and although he has his own opinion - it is still presented honestly IMO.

What will it's effect be? It may be good, bad or indifferent - what ever it is we will know very soon - in the mean time I'm certainly keeping one eye on it.

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It is well-known at the top levels of the Executive branch of the US government, that the Obama Presidency is disintegrating in disarray. Responsible people inside the White House itself are alarmed at the deepening chaos swirling around a psychologically deteriorating Obama, who is disengaged from reality and surrounded by an inner coterie which is impossible to deal with. (Note for example how this festering mess has plunged relations with Egypt, with Iran and with Afghanistan all into disorder over just the past few weeks.)

On November 20, American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche took note of this reality, and issued the following emergency statement.

"Given the fact that we are on the verge of the complete breakdown of the economy, we cannot tolerate a chaotic situation under this President. Therefore, there must be an impeachment now. There are plenty of grounds to do so,— the paramount reason is that the United States must be saved. There must be a moratorium on foreclosures, and there must be a review of the outstanding claims of Wall Street circles, but the key to survival is to get Obama out of office before the collapse occurs.

"There is every grounds to do so. His administration has been a systematic failure, so that his competence must be challenged. In fact, he is a completely unstable person that can't continue to function. He has to be kicked out because he is doomed in any case.

"The key thing is that we can't have the collapse occur with such a President in charge."

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littleton-green_2743305b Parents Donna Ward, left, and Tracy Ward, right, with their children (left to right) Caitlyn Lakin aged 8, Chloe Ward aged 8 and Harry Lakin aged 9 outside the school Photo: NEWSTEAM

Excerpted from THE TELEGRAPH: Parents have criticised a school after children as young as eight were told they would be punished for racism if they did not attend a religious workshop about Islam.

Angry mums and dads were sent a letter by Littleton Green Community School, in Huntingdon, Staffordshire, warning their children would be considered racist if they did not go on the school trip.

The visit to Staffordshire University – for Year 4 and Year 6 pupils – had been arranged as part of the children’s “cultural education” on November 27.

Headteacher Lynn Small wrote to parents and said if kids did not attend a “racial discrimination note” would be made on the pupil’s records and would remain there for their school careers.

On top of that, they were also ordered to pay £5 towards the cost of the trip. Parents have criticised the school’s “ludicrous” threats and accused the school of trying to blackmail them.

Stacy Waldron, 26, who has an eight-year-old daughter at the school, said: “I feel my child will be racist if I don’t allow her to go.

“This is my choice, not hers, and she shouldn’t have to pay for it.”

Mum-of-four Tracy Ward added: “I was shocked by the letter. To be told my kids have got to attend this workshop is disgusting.

“Everyone should have a choice but that’s my opinion and I don’t want a stain on my kids’ record as a result.

“They are not old enough to be called racist.”

Her sister Donna, whose daughter also attends the school, said: “It’s not our religion. We should have a right to stop our children going.”

Another parent Gillian Claridge, 55, added: “To be told we had to pay for the trip as well was just a kick in the teeth.

“How dare they threaten to brand the children racist at such a young age. Its going to make them feel like little criminals.

“The very nature of religion is all about choice – on this occasion they were not being given any choice at all.

“It was draconian move and its left a lot of parents fuming.”

Around 100 pupils across four years were expected to take part in the course – which would have involved them being shown Islamic artifacts. Keep Reading

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DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents.

The book, which supplements the school’s Common Core curriculum, blames television for the negative behaviors the first African-American president picked up as a teen:


The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said.”


The Bluffview Elementary students were told the book’s content would be tested for grades. That brought outrage among parents just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, one of the “MAD” moms reported. Keep Reading

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