ICE (9)

2020 is now behind us, but what is in front of us?

Dane Wigington

2020 is now behind us, but what is in front of us? We are being told that new and far more contagious strains of the pathogen are popping up, the latest in the UK and Africa. Fauci has just stated that these new strains are going to “rip through America”. Dr. Fauci always knows, right? The World Health Organization is now trying to make the case that only the big pharma injection can give us immunity from the virus. Physicians that challenge the official propaganda are being fired. If the CV-19 scenario doesn't work as planned, do the controllers have a plan B waiting for us all? In the meantime weather warfare continues unabated, “Winter Storm John” is the latest example in the US. This so called “winter storm” produced snow in South Texas at above freezing temperatures with moisture flowing directly from the record warm Gulf of Mexico. How can this happen? Chemical ice nucleation elements are being seeded into cloud moisture by the climate engineers, welcome to winter weather warfare. For these and other front line breaking reports tune in to the latest installment of Global Alert News.

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The current severe weather in the northern hemisphere provoked this question.

Where is a safe location if a significant portion of the northern hemisphere is buried under snow and ice?  Have we been misled that there is such an animal?  Have we ever been advised to prepare for heavy snow and ice in addition to a safe location (traditionally meaning safe from rising seas, large bodies of water, mountain building, extraordinary earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.)?  Did NZT miss some important factors to consider in determining a safe location?

Further, will a trench covered with a metal roof and sod keep us from drowning in heavy rains or keep us from freezing to death if a mini ice age does indeed blanket the northern hemisphere during the passage?

ZT hasn't talked about the Gulf Stream slowing/stopping, yet the phenomena has been known since at least 2005.  There was a recent mention that it wouldn't be a source of problems, yet look at the winter the UK/Europe is having...predicted to be the coldest in a 1,000 years, when another mini ice age occurred. 

And all the "lowlands" expected to flood?  How do they flood if they are frozen before the passage?  I understand that water could wash over them, but my point is that the data was presented as something people would have to plan for and evacuate from.  However, now it looks like they will need to evacuate because of the deep freeze.  In other words, NZT did not see climate change/freezing temperatures coming.  She didn't see the Gulf Stream slowing/stopping as significant and brushed it off.  And she was blindsided, proving again that she is not getting her information from intelligent extraterrestrials.

We need to rethink our safe locations and factor in protection from the elements as well.

And check out this link to see if a several-hundred-feet-in-elevation is really high enough if you are anywhere near large bodies of water. 

UPDATE:  06/21/2011:  Terral Croft has a map in his latest video, 7-7-11 Warning, that shows areas, such as the Appalachians and East Coast, in extreme danger zones, contrary to the Safe Locations document published by ZetaTalk.  Please examine Terral's map and decide if you need to alter your plans.  I am in the Appalachians, touted by ZetaTalk as being a safe area.  I don't buy the Zeta "water will dilute radiation" theory and think Terral's map makes more sense.  Of course, that is just my opinion.  You need to see the map: and decide for yourself.

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