gases (3)


Connector Waves Forest


The SubGenius boasts about Time Control always sound like a bunch oftall tales, until you get a firsthand taste of the High Volt Age. One of "Bob's" Friends from the Future just clued me in, partway at least, and my scrambled synapses still haven't settled. How do I apply some of these crazy new ideas in time to help prevent or at least personally survive you-know-what?

Sometimes it seems like your luck has to balance out somehow, where you have to undergo a total bummer to set you up for something great you'd never have run into otherwise.

I was hoping this would be one of those times. A blown head gasket on an empty desert highway should be worth some sort of break to even things out, preferably before the sun melted me into the asphalt.

But so far all I was getting was a new and deeper appreciation of the word barren. Even the occasional scragglebush looked like it really resented being here, and wasn't about to put any more than the bare minimum of survival effort into it.

So much for shortcuts. I'd been walking for three hours and had seen only one car. The expressions glimpsed on the flyby were of dull surprise that anyone would even try to hitch a ride in this time and place-a feeling I could appreciate.

It was getting rather obvious that years of city life had left me in Pitiful shape. Only a few hours out in a hot but otherwise ordinary American desert and I was nearly wiped out already.

This was no longer just a matter of missing a long-shot job interview that might have helped me postpone lifting anything heavier than a paintbrush a little while longer. It was starting to look like all my stubborn resistance to changing times had caught up with me. When their basic survival necessities get threatened, most folks' interest in "art" evaporates quicker than piss on a desert bush, which got the unpleasant surprise of discovering that it could get even more resentful than it already was.

Shortly after that so did I. My crude pack of stuff salvaged from the car got its fill of bouncing and bellyaching, split open and scattered feeble expressions of American "culture" across the gravel. How appropriate. The phrase "World Without Slack" kept taking on new and more exasperating significance.

While I was crouching there, telling various inanimate objects how stupid they were and patching the pack by tying my shirt around it, all my arm and neck hairs suddenly stood up.

I turned around, and there was the smoothest-looking sports car I've ever seen, standing with the passenger door open. Instant floods of relief stmggled with major danger signals for control of my legs. There was no way I could have missed seeing that car miles ahead of its arrival. I'd been looking back a lot oftener than any logical expectations could justify. And even with all the smog that's crept into the desert basins, visibility was still at least twenty miles, on a road going straight over the horizon.

Want to read the rest of it go here:

part two:

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Please read this entire document.  It is a wealth of information about the two types of shifts.  It also confirms my suspicions that to survive we need to be as far away from coastlines as possible and as high in elevation as we can possibly be, without risking exposure to solar radiation. 

There are two types of poleshifts:  (1) geographic (aka geophysical) and (2) magnetic.

Here are a few excerpts:

The first type, if 180 degrees, is called a "slate wiper." 

..."can take as little as a few hours to a few days! As we are now in the Galactic Plane, we may have several Pole Shifts of type one and type two."

"What would result from a pole shift? We can describe it as 'the ultimate disaster.' Enormous tidal waves would roll across the continents as the oceans became displaced from their basins. Electrical storms with hurricane winds of hundreds of miles per hour would sweep the planet. Tremendous earthquakes and lava flows would wrack the land. Poisonous gases and ash would fill the skies. Geography would be altered as seabeds rose and land masses submerged. Climates would change instantly. And if the shift were less than a full end–over–end, the polar ice caps, exposed to strong sunlight by having moved out of the frigid zones, would melt rapidly...[Emphases added]

[Gives details about the types of poisonous gases and how to deal with them...Very Important Information especially if you are considering sheltering in caves!]

"...a Geographical Pole Shift could generate a Geomagnetic Pole Shift."

"A Geomagnetic Pole Shift, if it occurs rapidly, could cause plasma TVs to burst into flames; electricity and the things it serves would be affected on Earth in a negative manner. The reason would be because of induced current, which would "fry" transistors and delicate electronics and electrical systems. The magnetic fields, as they shift quickly, would cause (induce) a current across conducters carrying current. This induced current would be so large that it will burn out delicate wires and the electric parts they are serving. The magnetic pulses cutting across conductors can cause capacitors and transitors to burn out by generating more current than the transitors and capacitors are capable of carrying as well as their conductors. We would experience fires in vehicles, airplanes, and even witness planes falling out of the sky because their motors stop due to the small delicate electronics burning out. Motors are generally geared to take a brief surge of overcurrent.  With large induced currents in the world's electrical system, whole grid blackouts would be evidenced across the entire planet."


[I have mentioned about how we will undergo assaults on our minds...crime will escalate, insanity will become rampant... finally here is some scientific details showing the processes involved and possible countermeasures...]

"As the Earth goes through The Galactic Plane, the pineal gland may experience a disruption from powerful ElectroMagnetic Fields and ElectroMagnetic Pulses causing a massive die–off and/or a species extinction of all species. We may well experience significant changes in function of the organism in all species. The weak will not survive, we surmise. The sleep–deprived will drop like flies when "push comes to shove." The stress will be horrendous. Melatonin will help. We feel it is best to get it from one's own body biochemically, if the body still can produce it sufficiently. During this horrendous time, supplementation would definitely be advisable. What we are about to write is not for the squimish! Go to the next bullet if you don't like that which is dire...very dire. What we just spoke about, "dropping like flies...," we feel people and whole cities going down—people just dropping on the streets. It won't be because of the rocks falling, etc., but the extreme stress and the EMP/EMFs that may be caused by the rocks, the Galactic Ripple(s), heavenly bodies passing near our Earth, and other things interferring with our normal Central Nervous System's Biofield. One problem will be the young. Mostly they will not make it. They are not prepared in mind, body, and spirit for what is about to befall them. First, and almost, if not simultaneously, the economy of America, then the world's, drying up. Cities, states, and whole governments bankrupt, such that they print ridiculous amounts of money, and to no avail. Remember this! That is one of the reasons you prepared. And, the tremendous effects of The Galactic Plane not even felt yet nor witnessed. This is still to come. Those who survive this initial insult against the chemistries of the body will probably be those few in the cities that have prepared and are following various advices of the sages of time: Watching the for "Signs of The Times." The people who survive this mainly will be those rural Americans, including those who have gotten out of the cities and joined them in a convent relationship, who by current standards, are poor. They have one land–line phone; few appliances; some cows and a Jersey or two and have real milk and real meat; real crops that produce real food native to the area and have real organic chickens with real organic eggs. These rural Americans have not been weakened."

"All the cells of the body, including the brain and muscle tissue, need adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the body, to drive the metabolic machinery and creatine phosphate (CP). You can recharge your energy of the muscle cells and others with creatine monohydrate powder. But, wait...why are we talking about this just now? It is because we just finished discussing what is going to happened to the sleep deprived. During sleep deprivation, CP levels quite often go down too, such that there is a decrease in:

  • Mental functions.
  • Decision–making.
  • Short–term memory.
  • Mood suffers.
  • Coordination and balance suffers, and...
  • Reaction time.

"Creatine supplementation helped thwart these problems for the sleep deprived. — Physiology Behavior, 90: 21–28, 2007. Another supplement we suggest to be on now is Glutamine powder. This and creatine powder can be mixed with plain protein powder or just water and downed. the glutamine has now been suggested from preliminary studies to reduce excess Cortisol from a chronic stress–response. With what is coming, the stress will be chronic soon, and cortisol, high. We further suggest to eliminate polyunsaturated fats from your diet in the form of cooking oils, tablets, pills, capsules, etc. Get it naturally in the foods you eat. We suggest to strengthen the cellular health with butter and coconut oils, in moderation, and eat about a tablespoon or less of cooked fat on red meat."

"There Will Be Waves 3 and 4 Miles High. This is 15,840 feet high to 21,120 feet high as The Oceans Bunch Up on One Side of The Planet as It Capsizes from Whatever Cause.

"There will be, due to turbulent forces of the Pole Shift, geoclimatic winds of hundreds of miles an hour.

"Huge Forest Fires Will Rage From the GeoClimatic Sudden Change caused by violent electrical storms, magnificent volcanic eruptions, and sudden changes in temperature.

Please read the article for more information.

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From John DiNardo:

The U.S. Geological Survey geologist, referred to in my past essay, recently told my friend Mark that gases are pressing upward beneath Earth's crust throughout a vast region. This lithospheric pressure is the real cause of the natural (not man-made) eruption of oil and methane from the Gulf of Mexico sea bed. Please examine the map below and let me know if the earth-rumbling areas of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri lie within the following territorial outline which he described to me. This territory is identified by placing three index points on the map of North America. The three points are:
1. The Yellowstone Super Volcano, in the northwest corner of Wyoming
2. Off the south coast of the Dominican Republic
3. Off the east coast of Texas

Now, take your ruler and determine whether the earth-rumbling areas of the United States and the site of the claimed BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico lie along the line joining points 1 and 2. Here's the map:

Now, please read the key revelations below, which help us to understand why many millions will be killed by gaseous and magma expansions pressing upward and erupting beneath the crustal regions of the mid-western states and the Gulf of Mexico sea bed.
John DiNardo

Subject: Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise
From: John DiNardo
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2010 11:35 am
To: *

Please stay with me on this scientific analysis of the mechanism which will cause land masses to arise out of the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. The conclusion of my theory:
"Land masses will arise out of the Gulf of Mexico," was related, three to four years ago, to Mark, my acquaintance who
received this information from his geologist friend who works for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The resultant tsunamis and methane gas bursts will annihilate many millions of unsuspecting residents within miles of the coast, all the way around, from Mexico to Florida, to Cuba, Haiti, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. I hope to inspire you to relay this analysis to concerned people everywhere. I plead with you to study this analysis and pass it on, in order to spark public action movements to save lives, for these seabed upheavals can occur any day from now.

John DiNardo

~~ Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise ~~
Gulf of Mexico effluents display a mysterious white substance, yellow sulphur, and red iron, probably from the Earth's molten iron "outer core," plus other substances from the "lower mantle," which is right above the outer core. At the core/mantle boundary (CMB), large avalanches of the quasi-solid mantle edge of the CMB break off, due to heating, by electromagnetic induction, of both the molten iron outer core and the solid iron inner core, the latter being Earth's innermost mass, residing at the center of the Earth. The heating of the outer core is also intensified by the long period cyclical buildup of thermally insulative mantle magma, solidifying along the edge of the lower mantle, bounding the upper edge of the outer core, this margin being the CMB. Hence, this solidifying magma margin acts as a thickening insulative blanket, further heating the molten iron outer core. However, it is important to realize that most of the heating of the outer core is now being generated by the well known phenomenon of "electromagnetic induction," now generated by plasma-saturated comets which have been observed by scientists over the past five to ten years. So now, Earth's CMB has these prolific avalanches of loosened magma, sloughing off from the lower mantle margin into the molten iron outer core, and the obvious effect is that this mantle erosion proceeds like a drill bit, boring tunnels up through the very thick viscous mantle, all the way up until the tunnel eventually reaches a blockage presented by the lithosphere, which is the rigid crust of Earth's surface, overlaying the less rigid uppermost mantle margin. Understandably, molten iron from the outer core, plus newly molten magma encircling this hot newly drilled tunnel, flows like a slow oozing fountain, all the way up to the blockage at the lithospheric crust, and eventually the super heated liquified column of magma rock and
iron mixture melts the solid lithospheric crust like a gushing hot spring would melt a surface layer of ice. This rising hot fountain is called a "mantle plume," or "thermal plume," one of which also exists at the eastern tip of Indonesia, showing that mantle plumes are prevalent worldwide. A mantle plume is similar to the lava plume that you see within a common household lava lamp, wherein an electric heating element at the base of the lamp heats up a puddle of lava, causing the puddle to rise up toward the surface in a plume of lava. When this iron/magma column rises as a mantle plume, from the outer core/lower mantle boundary (CMB) to the uppermost edge of the upper mantle, the plume is initially blocked by the thin crustal layer, the "lithosphere," at the Gulf of Mexico seabed. Eventually, the molten mantle plume dissolves or liquifies the thin lithospheric crust, effectively punching a hole in the seabed. This is the hole in the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, which British Petroleum deliberately drilled into!
Why deliberately?? I have testified to you that, THREE TO FOUR YEARS AGO, a U.S. Geological Survey informant relayed to me, through Mark, that they expect land masses to arise out of the Gulf of Mexico. The reason why they drilled into the volcano was to TEMPORARILY PREVENT THE PEOPLE FROM REALIZING that this is actually a burgeoning catastrophic worldwide oil bursting phenomenon, and the powers-that-be are now in great fear that inevitable public realization will awaken the peoples of the World to the evidence that exists (if they are willing to examine it) that this is just one of many types of natural disasters which are now about to break out in a growing drum beat. The powers-that-be want you to think that BP caused these globally bursting natural oil gushers, with just a puny seven-inch drill pipe. How gullible do they think we are? The ruling elite would rather have you believe that man caused this disaster, because when the people find out that they are in a game of natural disaster dodgeball, they will break free from their psychological matrix cage of obedience to the tyrannical illegitimate imposters raping them from the power stage of central government. These ruling rapists are afraid that we may no longer be forcibly obedient to them, and that we may not pay our taxes, because, when people realize that these are natural disasters, and NOT just one BP disaster, the people will then fear a greater master than the ruling elite, the people will then fear the Master in the heavens, because that is the source of the electromagnetic heating of Earth's core. This electromagnetic source is plasma engulfed comets being drawn into our Solar System by the immense gravitational pull of our incredibly massive Sun. It is strikingly obvious: the apple fell down from the tree, and hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, due to the mutual pulling force of gravity, which universally exists between two or more masses. Likewise, comets are being drawn in from deep space by the tremendous pulling force of gravity between these comets and our Sun. Getting back to the subject of Gulf of Mexico land masses arising, the consequences of a mantle plume punching through the lithosphere, at the Gulf of Mexico seabed and elsewhere, are two-fold:
1) undersea volcanoes erupt, and indeed, oceanographers and volcanologists are now expressing alarm over the drastic increase in undersea volcanic eruptions, all over the World;
2) seabeds begin to bulge upward, due to the profusion of gases, such as methane, into newly formed pockets where the uppermost mantle margin meets the lithospheric crust, both at surfaces of seabeds and at crustal surfaces of land areas. There are now many reports of methane gas coming out of the ground, in Texas, in Colorado, in Pennsylvania, etc. There is a recent report of methane gas shooting out of a home water faucet, being fed from a private well. These newly formed pockets of rising gases strikingly explain the recent avalanche of reports of seabeds bulging all over the World, as indicated by drastically diminishing footage readings transmitted by ocean buoys, worldwide.
Notice, that the powers-that-be will never tell you what the day-by-day buoy depth readings are in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice, that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC-TV reported that the Corexit was promptly laid down to mask the depths of the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we were permitted to view that seabed, we would notice bulging and major fissures, from the Texas coast to the Florida coast. Notice that methane gas has been reported to be rising to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. This is an ominous sign, since any spark from a boat's ignition or such will cause the greatest surface fire cloud explosion ever witnessed, as well as a catastrophic coast-gobbling tsunami, if the concentration of methane gas builds to high enough levels. Such a catastrophic sea surface methane explosion has already occurred in 1998, and has been reported by Steve Quayle on his web site, The ruling elite have been as suppressive of the science community as of the mass news media. Hence, the people of the World remain unaware until mega disasters send them suddenly reeling in fearful panic. You and I, therefore, have a humanitarian responsibility to disseminate this analysis and to urge others to examine it, and to promote a growing public study of this and so many other alarming
meteorological and geological events, which have transpired from the unusual to the commonplace over the past six years. In a forthcoming message, I will email you a photocopy of the actual New York Times newspaper report, from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, stating that the reason why they launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite was to detect the infrared light images emitting from this approaching brown dwarf star, this celestial dodge ball (of a mass estimated to be at least 1,000 Earth masses), which is now in our Solar System, menacing Earth, both electromagnetically and gravitationally. Finally, please click on the .jpg photo, attached above, displaying my photocopy of the actual Washington Post front page newspaper report, heralding the discovery of this giant brown dwarf star, on a cometary orbit into our Solar System.

John DiNardo

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