star (8)




Alright, nobody has this up for discussion and I am dying to hear feedback. I have my own personal opinion, which I will reserve for later so not to taint the masses. What do you all make of this bit of news? Real? Disinformation? Fantasy? Delusional?


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It's my mission to educate and lead by example.  I started this blog as a response to The Master Plan For Earth Revealed blog and it kept growing until it became too big, so I turned it into a blog.  While The Master Plan article sounds lovely, it just wasn't resonating with me.  It sounds too pie-in-the-sky. Remember the saying, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is."  A well worn saying, I know, but still just as true today. 

The people of Earth have to grow up, to mature, to become citizens of a higher state.  In regards to the light chambers which are said to speed ascension, how is doing the work for us immature humans going to accomplish maturity?  Does doing your child's or grandchild's homework for them make them more educated or disciplined?  Of course it doesn't.  It's a temporary, easy out for the child but it doesn't give the child the skills needed to build upon.  It seems to me that raising the vibration of beings without them having raised their own responsibility and discipline levels would be like giving children guns, or nuclear weapons, to play with.  Does it make sense that's what will really be going on in the "ascension/light" chambers?  Think about it.  It sounds like "dumbed down" education.  Pass the kids through and graduate 'em as fast as you can.  Don't worry about quality or ensuring a good, solid foundation.  I can't prove it, but I remain wary of it.  (In my past, I have been healed by light therapy, but that is a different thing.)

What about those who aren't ready to leave 3D?  Are they going to be forced to ascend?  Does this not violate free will, a universal principle?  But it's a special dispensation from heaven, it's being said, because we've gone through so much.  Okay.  It's being said.  But have you asked yourself who is saying it, and for what purpose?  The devil can have blue eyes and wear blue jeans.  Didn't Stephen King's The Stand prove that, lol?  But it's true.  Negative entities with higher powers can appear as they wish (even appear angelic or benevolent), they can put thoughts in your minds, they can put thoughts in the minds of channelers.  So, channeled information needs to be discerned very, very carefully. 

From what I am getting, those ETs who are truly benevolent aren't coming to save us.  They will manage the nuclear problem because of its far-reaching impact beyond Earth, and they will help where they can if (i) they are asked and (ii) it would not be considered interference, but our efforts are required, too.  Remember the saying, "Beware Greeks bearing gifts" (a reference to the Trojan horse*).  Today, the principle remains the same, but the actors are different:  "Beware ETs bearing gifts."  It's likely a lure, not a gift.  Benevolent ETs expect us to use our own ingenuity, it's part of our evolution, taking responsibility for ourselves.  Think of ETs bearing gifts as drug dealers... get you hooked, then they own you.

I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, and it is really up to you to choose what to believe, what resonates with you, but from what I am discerning there is a spiritual war going on for the souls of humanity and great deception is afoot.  Humanity has to be very, very careful, and very, very discerning from here on out. 

I say this because from everything I've read, heard, experienced, etc. over the past four years, I have found only a few sources that don't push the easy ascension and easy money buttons, nor become involved in politics.  They focus on how to spiritually empower humankind and nothing else.  These are the Arcturians, the Pleiadeans (esp. Laarkmaa), and possibly the Andromedans (while not totally sure about them yet, I've not seen anything against them). 

Maybe it's just my sensibilities, but the Arcturians and Laarkmaa Pleiadians messages have a sweetness and an uplifting, empowering tone about them that no other sources have (that I've found).  That sweetness, I think, is genuine love.  If you are not detecting the high vibration of love in what you read, consider that the source may not be coming from love, which would be a way to tell if the source is from benevolent ETs or other beings, or not.

So, I am wary of the  mantra of easy money and easy ascension "because we are so deserving."  A powerful tool to being deceived is Ego Stroking 101.  Cults use it all the time to snare their victims.  And most of us know the reality of "easy credit," right?  How easy is credit?  It's not.  It's bondage.  But the bondage is sold to people as "easy."  It is a deception that preys upon people's natural laziness and preference to take the path of least resistance.  What?  Work and be disciplined and save up the money to buy a car (or furniture or appliances or electronics, etc.)?  Remember:  "Easy credit" = "Easy bondage." 

Another point about the $$$ abundance is that it pushes people's need and want for money, gets them to focus on it instead of their own spiritual development, it raises expectations only to lower them when the next delay is announced, which lowers emotional vibrations (and is food for some negative entitites) and keeps people from progressing spiritually. 

Mythi is a case in point.  He strung everyone along, even giving out a radio frequency to tune to if the internet went down, and in his last message he basically said goodbye, you're not going to make it.  What a tremendous let down for those who actually believed him.  That is not how positive beings behave. 

Add into the mix the contradictory messages on how ascension will play out:  from ascension (or light) chambers (Nidle, Dr. May) and everyone will ascend, to ascension being a process, vs. Tolec/Andromeda Council saying it will all take place in January 2014, to everyone will go, vs. those who choose not to go will be transported to another 3D world, etc., so there is no real agreement on how this will play out, if it does at all.  Remember, 2012 came and went and suddenly the new song was it was the beginning of the process, not the end all.  But very few that I know of (Jim Self, actually, is the only one I know of) said that before the fact.  No, it wasn't the messages of an all-knowing, benevolent ET race, but a scramble and regroup of a failed lie. It reminds me of that 7 of 10 fiction that was pushed as something that would definitely happen at the end of 2010, but when it didn't, the story was changed to it was the beginning of the process.  Remember that?

So, for me, I am tuning out the noise about abundance ($$$) and ascension chambers and Obama-is-an-old-soul-star-seed.  (If he's a star seed, he's a GMO star seed owned by Monsanto and corporate America.  In fact, if he is really a star seed, I'd have to say that we were better off with earlier, non-star-seed presidents.)  However, I'll still be posting Poof (as annoying as it is) and other stuff for the benefit of those who choose to follow it, so nothing dramatically is changing.  I'm just sharing where I am at at this point as a part of my continuing mission.  And there is no judgment in what you choose to believe.  I've just moved beyond it, that's all, so take it FWIW. 

Nor does this mean members can't post what resonates with them.  Everyone has to find their truth and walk their own paths.  I went through a lot of "Mythis," ascension material and ET stuff before having enough information to form a conclusion, and I know it is not perfect or fully formed, but it is good enough at this point in my journey to allow me to focus on that which I have found to be worthy to focus on.  It was hidden beneath all the disinformation.  In other words, I have enough information to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff reasonably well.  This narrows it down and makes it easier to focus, and not have my mind cluttered with useless or confusing stuff.  And, if some of these things actually do come to pass, then that is great, as long as humanity benefits from it and there are no strings attached.  I can be wrong about Obama, but I don't think I am.  If it turns out he is a good guy, then that's great.  It will still blow my mind how a star seed came through Chicago politics.  Go figure.

My best advice at this time is to meditate, learn to still the ego chatter in your mind long enough so you can hear your inner guidance, and to keep learning until you compile your own base of information that will assist you in distinguishing the difference between wheat and chaff.

Carry on.

P.S., from what I have gleaned, you can distinguish positive ET craft from less-than-positive ET craft.  The less-than's are more mechanical and don't resonate love.  The positive craft are shimmery and resonate love.

* Trojan horse (from 

1.  Classical Mythology:  a gigantic hollow wooden horse, left by the Greeks upon their pretended abandonment of the siege of Troy. The Trojans took it into Troy and Greek soldiers concealed in the horse opened the gates to the Greek army at night and conquered the city.
2.  a person or thing intended to undermine or destroy from within.
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Connector Waves Forest


The SubGenius boasts about Time Control always sound like a bunch oftall tales, until you get a firsthand taste of the High Volt Age. One of "Bob's" Friends from the Future just clued me in, partway at least, and my scrambled synapses still haven't settled. How do I apply some of these crazy new ideas in time to help prevent or at least personally survive you-know-what?

Sometimes it seems like your luck has to balance out somehow, where you have to undergo a total bummer to set you up for something great you'd never have run into otherwise.

I was hoping this would be one of those times. A blown head gasket on an empty desert highway should be worth some sort of break to even things out, preferably before the sun melted me into the asphalt.

But so far all I was getting was a new and deeper appreciation of the word barren. Even the occasional scragglebush looked like it really resented being here, and wasn't about to put any more than the bare minimum of survival effort into it.

So much for shortcuts. I'd been walking for three hours and had seen only one car. The expressions glimpsed on the flyby were of dull surprise that anyone would even try to hitch a ride in this time and place-a feeling I could appreciate.

It was getting rather obvious that years of city life had left me in Pitiful shape. Only a few hours out in a hot but otherwise ordinary American desert and I was nearly wiped out already.

This was no longer just a matter of missing a long-shot job interview that might have helped me postpone lifting anything heavier than a paintbrush a little while longer. It was starting to look like all my stubborn resistance to changing times had caught up with me. When their basic survival necessities get threatened, most folks' interest in "art" evaporates quicker than piss on a desert bush, which got the unpleasant surprise of discovering that it could get even more resentful than it already was.

Shortly after that so did I. My crude pack of stuff salvaged from the car got its fill of bouncing and bellyaching, split open and scattered feeble expressions of American "culture" across the gravel. How appropriate. The phrase "World Without Slack" kept taking on new and more exasperating significance.

While I was crouching there, telling various inanimate objects how stupid they were and patching the pack by tying my shirt around it, all my arm and neck hairs suddenly stood up.

I turned around, and there was the smoothest-looking sports car I've ever seen, standing with the passenger door open. Instant floods of relief stmggled with major danger signals for control of my legs. There was no way I could have missed seeing that car miles ahead of its arrival. I'd been looking back a lot oftener than any logical expectations could justify. And even with all the smog that's crept into the desert basins, visibility was still at least twenty miles, on a road going straight over the horizon.

Want to read the rest of it go here:

part two:

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This message is undated but since I found a picture of Asheoma te ka Meata, I did a search and found this message, so I thought I'd link them here.  In the message further down, there is a distinction between Zetas and Greys, and this interesting statement: "Ego Humans are working pretending to be Zeta and will hurt other Humans for their own agenda."  So says a Star Nations High Council member.  Nice to know I'm not the only one saying there are different Zetas (some good, some bad) and some humans are pretending in the name of the good Zetas.  P.S.  Dr. Boylan appears to be a member of the Star Nations High Council, according to this:

Read the entire message because it is excellent and speaks much truth.




Friends and Star Kids,

   The following is a direct message to you from a member of Star Nations High Council who most recently served as a Watcher (observer-reporter) on Earth to Star Nations. His sage advice derives from bitter experience watching his own planet fail its Transition, and he wants us to make it through our Transition now happening on Earth.
    - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata: 

Light Warriors,
    It has been a small amount of time since I have spoken with you.  It is my heart's desire that each of you is met in health and wellness of heart, mind, and body.  If in any of these you lack, know the love of the Star Nations is with you in fullness.
    My heart wishes to speak with you on a tender subject.   I will speak with the holding of the Eagle's Feather on this as was done while I served your Home Earth as a Watcher.
    In the days before the time of my service with Star Nations, the world I called home was unfound.  By the time the Star Nations located our small Planet, the movement towards a collapsing sun had already begun.  While we were taught many things and given instruction and advisement, our people were unable to make our transition.  The transition would not have prevented the natural process of the one of two Sun Beings.  But the transition would have allowed our species to move forward inside the Grand Dream of Source to further service and into our next level of Being.  It is known to you that the transition failed.
    The reasons for this failure are many.  And the lessons of the failure have been with me in the form of lessons carried to many other worlds in service.
    As I continue to observe my own brothers and sisters who call themselves Humans, I am aware of patterns which require me to share words of warning.   While few might hear my words, and with some fewer the words might go further than the ears, it is my obligation to share them.
    Your species are beginning to awaken to the understanding that your own transition is upon you at this time.  You have started to look around and you are identifying those who are your own kind who have not acted in the interest of your whole species.  Your first instinct is to bring them to a swift justice.  This is fair and understandable.   My words on this will be to use also the Law of Love with these items.   For those who are repentant, allow forgiveness to come in  totality.   The one who has sinned and is truly sorry for the crimes committed will be the strongest to stand next for the rights of others.   This is not to say they should not work to set right their actions.  In truth, those who are in their hearts repentant will be those who will insist on making corrections as they are able.
    Next, I will share that a serious error with my species was with the division of those attempting to serve and bring us through the transition.   But each group had its own leader, and each leader had an idea.  Some groups would talk with other groups.  Some groups would not talk with any group.   I will tell you that each group help a part of the whole answer.  But without the groups able to share and learn the truth of this, there was no chance of our species being able to move forward as a WHOLE through our transition.
    Humans are now at this same point.
    Do not allow the Ego inside your Beingness to override the Wisdom and Light of your Spirit.  You are all together one species in all truth.   Even with the need of the Star Nations to set aside for our service to you those who are Ego from those in Awareness, you are one flesh and one blood.   The transition will be or will not be for all Humans.
    Learn to better work with those who are attempting to serve all.   You now understand in your hearts the clarity between those who serve their own Ego and those who walk in the Awareness of Source.   Use this as your benchmark for communication.   Learn to listen outside the labels set upon you by the requirement of Human language.   When one says to you "Last night a Gray visited me and showed me love."   Do not judge with your heart "They are wrong because it was Zeta and not Gray."     At this time of Human transition, there is no energy extra to spend on small matters such as a simple word or phrase.     However, if one says "Last night a Zeta came to me and it hurt me."  You will know what is wrong.  You can then use your understanding to rightly work for your transition and say "I know Zeta. or you can say "I know one who was taught by Zeta, and Zeta do not do what you have said.  The truth of this is that Ego Humans are working pretending to be Zeta and will hurt other Humans for their own agenda."      Are you able to see the difference here?
    Again, work in love and compassion with all others in all communications.   Do not divide yourselves further apart.   You must come together through understanding of your situation at hand.   After you have moved into your Fifth World, that will be your time for establishment of universal Human protocol if that is still desired.
    Finally, I ask of you to hold compassion for the leaders of your Light Groups.  Do not be so ready to take offense if a thing is said which hurts your Ego for a short time.   Please understand that this was also a point of failure for my own people.  Your leaders are the same as you in many ways.  They are brave to put their energy on the front line of these great battles.   They are the first to take direct hits from the Ego Humans who hide their own leaders behind armies of weaker Humans who are used in slavery.
    If you desire to serve your leaders, offer your own energy to shield them from your heart.  They will not ask for this because they are not as the Ego Humans.   But this is a thing you can do with your own freedom of will and the energy Source has given you.   Your leaders are strong and they have been taught how to use gifted energy in the right manner for this transition.
    When your leaders are weary from the battle, give to them the fullness of understanding and compassion.   If a word is spoken by a leader who is in battle and that word is taken as being harsh against you, you must be wise to understand the entire situation.    If someone is pulling a child from a burning building and you stop to ask them what time it is, do you expect them to look at their watch with a smile and answer you?
    Humans have the skills and the wisdom to make it through this time.  Do not allow the Ego to take from you the future you are creating.    It is seen  with each report to the Council by Zeta that your success is closer and more obtainable.   This is not said with simple words.  Understand that I speak to you as a Watcher who was shown a Planet Earth that was to fail.   And now I am shown a species called Human who now have their future again in their own hands.   Do not throw away your chance for any comfort of ego.
In service to Star Nations,
Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata
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Aug 19, 2011 and why not neutron star bit?

ESA has posted a neutron star they estimate 5 mile diameter accidentally being photoed in orbit of blue giant 1,000 ly away from Earth, and is NOT drawing from primary, possibly not magnetically active at this time?

Please stop with the gravity waves, as are not.  Magnetic field around neutron bit has wash over effects like sea tides.  Front effects compress, back side effects expand.  Brown dwarfs do not roam our galaxy or any other.  Neuton bits do and may be the unseen but felt mass and energy.  Yes, neutron stars have both magnetic and gravitational fields.

Hopefully the Electrical Universe is pursuing a theory that allows neutron star creation other than the nefarious Zpinch which in actual practice has proved to be too unstable to be of practical use.  No there are no black holes. 

Since our basis of quantum physics stops at compressing hydrogen, everything else like black holes is theory. 

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ELEnin/Dwarf Star JPL Event Timeline

NOTICE:  This blog is complex and has been on-going for a long time.  Before this blog, there was another blog just as big, but it was deleted as Amy explains below.  It was reconstructed in part and continued here.  We encourage you to read and/or participate.  However, you are expected to have read this blog and all the comments from page 1 forward BEFORE you start asking questions.  There is much technical and background data you need to know in order to understand.  Please DO NOT jump in and start asking questions without having read this entire blog and comments first because it creates too much of a distraction to have to stop what we are doing and explain every time someone has a question that could have been answered if this blog had been read first.  Thanks for your cooperation.


Here's Amy...

I am really sorry for deleting the other ELE timeline post ... Terral did not have permission to post certain information, and it came back on him in the %$&. ... which led to a cleansing of the post on a few groups :( But, as sometimes happens, there is a Silver lining under this pile of .... the Brown Dwarf Star has been spotted, and was ID'd from a selection of mug-shots ... it is coming

This post covers almost all of the last posting, and was also by Terral.

The timeline below tracks the movement of the ELEnin dwarf star in our solar system through 2011 using the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Data for their ELEnin Comet Psyop (link).;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#cad



March 2 Dwarf star passes through celestial plane. 0.0 declination. 2.261 AU from Earth.

March 11 Saturn, Dwarf Star, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trench for volcano/earthquake/tidal events to escalate. First Alignment. 2.1 AU from Earth.

May 11 Earth, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in alignment to create optimum conditions for seismic activity. Diagram

April 25 Earth crosses ELE orbit to match ELE orbit at 1.8 AU, or about 170 million miles. 1.835 AU from Earth.

May 28 Earth reaches ELE outside orbit position. 1.836 AU from Earth.

June 27 Dwarf Star crosses Mars orbit. 1.789 AU from Earth.

Diagram #2

July 7 Saturn, Dwarf Star and Sun are in alignment where Saturn should show signs of the dwarf star assuming polarity control. 1.74 AU from Earth. Saturn Diagram.

Aug 3 Dwarf Star crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Dwarf Star perigee orbit angle position. 1.489 AU from Earth.

Aug 21 Dwarf Star crosses Venus orbit. 1.198 AU from Earth.

Sept 11 Dwarf Star reaches perigee position and breaks ecliptic plane at Mercury orbit. 0.708 AU from Earth.

Sept 19 Dwarf Star equidistant from Sun And Earth. 0.523 AU from Earth.

Sept 26 Dwarf Star passes between Sun and Earth for second alignment for anticipated Geological Pole Shift Event. Second Alignment. 0.396 AU from Earth. ELE = 0.0 declination with Sun = -1 declination.

Diagram #3

Oct 2 Dwarf Star at Venus orbit. 0.316 AU from Earth.

Oct 17 Dwarf Star at Earth orbit and nearest position. 0.232 AU from Earth @ 21.57 million miles.

Nov 14 Dwarf Star crosses Mars orbit. 0.46 AU from Earth.

Nov 22 Dwarf Star, Earth and Sun alignment for Pole Shift Reversal Event. Third Alignment 0.58 AU from Earth.

The Dwarf Star will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on Feb 29, 2012 marking 163 days from Sept. 19, 2011 that Dwarf Star is nearer our planet than the Sun.

A dwarf star between Jupiter and Sun mass is approaching Earth from @ 10h 38m 24.48s +7 00' 49.68" (link) coordinates at 100,000 miles per hour covering 2.4 million miles each day from the Leo Constellation moving towards 44 Leo to break through the ecliptic plane on March 2, 2011. The dwarf star with a planetary object (Planet X) and multiple moons (pic is currently on an inbound trajectory between Jupiter orbit and Mars orbit to reach Mars orbit on June 25, 2011.

The dwarf star being currently tracked by NASA as the Psyop Leonid ELEnin Comet that came into alignment with Sun and Earth at the first of three alignments on March 11, 2011; which is what all the false flag psyop disinformation is calling the pole shift. The dwarf star was still too far away (2.1 AU) to assume polarity control of the Earth from the Sun. This March 11 alignment coincides with the February 27, 2010 ELE/Earth/Sun alignment that shifted earth aquifers and shifted Earth axis 3 inches with the 8.8 Chile Quake. The magnetic poles of our planet are not shifting, but are 'migrating' from the approach of the dwarf star mini solar system and the powerful magnetic field and polarity entering our inner solar system; which has been going on since 2004. The dynamic gravitational Tug-of-War between the Sun, Earth and Dwarf Star is enhanced by the near-alignment of seven planetary/solar bodies at this alignment shown in the first diagram above and demonstrated by a red alignment line depicting extreme gravitational force. These orbiting objects are connected to the Sun by magnetic portals (link), which the Earth passed through on 2/27/2010 and 3/11/2011 that connects the dwarf star to the Sun. The next major event for Dwarf Star is June 27, 2011, when the dwarf star crosses the Mars orbit. Then on July 7, 2011 the ELEnin dwarf star passes between the Sun and Saturn orbiting above the ecliptic plane, which should reveal some evidence that the dwarf star is attempting to gain polarity control over the ringed planet.

Diagram 2 starts at August 3, 2011 when the dwarf star crosses Earth orbit to then cross Venus orbit on August 21, 2011. Then we see the ELEnin dwarf star reach perigee position nearest the Sun on September 11, 2011 exactly ten years from the 9/11 attacks (What Really Happened, when the dwarf star begins the 3600-year orbit once again. September 26, 2011 marks the day of the next alignment, when the dwarf star is only 0.396 AU from Earth (36.8 million miles); when the dwarf star is expected to gain polarity control over the Earth and cause the Geological Pole Shift. This marks the time when the Earth will bow to the dwarf star's awesome magnetic field/polarity, so the northern hemisphere experiences many days of darkness; while the southern hemisphere is drawn nearer the Sun. There are 14 days between the dwarf star reaching perigee position and this alignment with the Earth and Sun being equidistant to the dwarf star on the 7th day (Sept. 18).

October 2 is the day that the ELEnin dwarf star crosses Venus orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of Earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the Sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive dwarf star gravity well. Two weeks go by (Oct. 17) and the dwarf star crosses the Earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 21.57 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The dwarf star crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third alignment on November 22 where the Earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 11. This marks the time of the Geological Pole Shift Reversal that tips the Earth back to near the current position, as the Sun regains polarity control from the dwarf star racing away from the inner solar system.

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For those who asked, here is the image with the date and time.The camera is SOHO EIT304. Follow the upcoming news from Amy about wormholes, stargates, and starships on this blog ... (under Pinned Posts). This blog also has the enlarged and color analyzed versions as well.

This opens a third possibility for the sun's quiescence this solar now appears Sol's turbulence from the inbound dwarf star may have been being calmed by our friends "out there," at least in part.

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