dinardo (15)

8.9 Earthquake In Libya A Bunker Buster?

*** First see earlier blog for context at https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/84-earthquake-in-libya-obama ***

Now, this...

Email from John DiNardo....

This is a message I got from a seismic analyst regarding this UNreported 8.4 magnitude earthquake in or near Libya. He asked me to withhold his identity. He may be correct.  I recall the massive bunker buster bombs and "Daisy Cutters" that they used to penetrate Saddam Hussein's bunkers, about twenty years ago.



A quick message. Probably not an earthquake, although it may have registered like an earthquake on local seismographs, and even some distant seismographs. It was likely the shock wave from one of the United States "classified" bunker buster weapons, and this YouTube and information is being sent out to mislead the people. NATO and the U.S. want Ghadafi dead, and Ghadafi, like Saddam was, is known for building heavily fortified bunkers to stay in. I am going with a bunker buster on this one because of its location.

This all started when Steve sent me this message:

> John,
> here is the proof... watch the video
[Dutchsinse caught it on the European earthquake agency]

Crying conspiracy:  http://dailypaul.com/165321/84-earthquake-in-libya-was-all-over-all-the-siesmic-sites-now-gone


from another email from John...

And in addition...
NATO sunk 5 Libyan warships today...

Robert M.


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In a recent email, the current Hercolubus (PX) location was calculated from the Avebury Manor Crop Circle of UK.

Here are John's thoughts on the matter...
This information is incorrect.  I estimate, from several diverse fields of study, that Planet X is just below or in the Ecliptic plane right now, between Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt. The fields of study that seem to converge on this conclusion are: Sitchin's TWELFTH PLANET references (around p. 240) to R. Campbell Thompson's "The Reports of the Magicians and Astronomers of Nineveh and Babylon" (this title is from memory); another field of study is my seven-year study of the jetstream patterns.
In 2009, the jetstream patterns changed abruptly from five years of bizarre, but a consistently bizarre, pattern to a much different and much more worrisome pattern. The third field of study is from observations of comet crashes into the southern hemisphere of Jupiter on July 20, 2009, and a couple times later in 2010, I believe. So, here you have three different fields of study all suggesting that the current position of X is between Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt. A fourth field of study is the existence of the Asteroid Belt itself, which suggests that a planet once resided in the orbital path now occupied by the Asteroid Belt, and that planet was smashed by comets among X's accompanying swarm of celestial bodies which are always gravitationally dragged along with the Big Guy.  Also, Hercolubus is seriously mistaken when he says that it travels at 6.25 AU per year. Actually, by Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation, the gravitational force of attraction between two masses increases as the inverse of the distance between them, squared. This irrefutably means that X is constantly accelerating, and at a mind-boggling pace, at that. So, it's distance per year cannot remain constant.


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Earthbound Planet X Is Now Near Jupiter

From:  John DiNardo

Sent: Tue, March 1, 2011 7:44:00 AM
Subject: Earthbound Planet X is Now Near Jupiter
The big earthquakes are coming very soon -- maybe in a few weeks. I am rather sure that Planet X is coming up into the Ecliptic from below the Ecliptic. It should now be shoulder-to-shoulder with Jupiter on one side of it, and the Asteroid Belt on the other side of it. Because X is being gravitationally sucked toward the Sun, this means that Planet X will be traveling over the top of the orbital paths, first, of the Asteroid Belt, then of Mars, then of Earth, then of Venus, then of Mercury, then over the top of the Sun and then back down over the orbital paths of these planets in the reverse order.

Prepare by feeling the presence of God all day, each day. He promises to protect you from this wrecking ball which He has told us is His doing, which He has told us, in ISAIAH 63, in REVELATION, etc., is His plan, to bring people to embrace His invisible presence due to sheer fear. In PROVERBS 9:10, God spoke these words through King Solomon: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (i.e. faith).        
                     John DiNardo 

{John asks others for information that they may have regarding this suspected position. He says, "I think I had detailed my reasons for this estimation in a previous email which I can look for. There are about four reasons all pointing to this position. It may even be as far as over the orbital path of the Asteroid Belt by now, and I can only surmise that from the recent changes in the jetstream patterns.}


Steve Quayle has picked this up as well:  http://stevequayle.com/News.alert/11_Global/110301.alert.Planet.X.html

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Fellow researchers have sent me this photo (see link below) of what appears to be a baby sun in the line-of-sight of our Sun. It is likely a comet among the comet swarm which is gravitationally captured by what NASA has termed "a probable brown dwarf star" (see 2nd link below); or this second baby sun may even be NASA's announced brown dwarf star, itself.  

On the Ecliptic -- that imaginary lazy-susan in space, on which our nine planets revolve around the Sun -- visualize yourself as Earth itself on the Ecliptic with all the other planets when this brown dwarf star arises, like a porpoise, from the depths of the cosmos, below our disc-like Solar System, piercing the Ecliptic plane near the orbital path of Jupiter. When we are in some particular month of our yearly orbit, baby star X could arise on the far side of the Sun, with the Sun being in our line of sight, if X's emergent timing is right.

For the four reasons I mentioned in previous commentaries, we can be fairly certain that X is piercing the Ecliptic about now, or has even arisen over the Ecliptic by now; so, we would expect to see X superimposed -- framed in a family photo shot with the Sun -- during some specific monthwide angle of arc in our annual revolution around the Sun.

This gravitational and magnetic field-wielding wrecking ball treats us like a piece of trash in the gutter of its roadway with each cycle around its elliptical celestial racetrack -- a racetrack which stretches from billions of miles below us in deep space (at one end of its racetrack) to our Sun (at the other end of its racetrack).  A twenty-million mile close pass by us is considered an astrometric duster ball. There is nothing that humankind can do to divert this thousand-earth-mass baby star from its gravitationally ordained rendezvous with our one-third-of-a-million-earth-mass Sun -- because gravity works. And, in this case, gravity sucks.  Gravitation sucks neighboring masses toward one another.

Atlantis: it's "deja vu all over again."  When you google Plato Timaeus Critias Atlantis you will find Plato's ancient historical records of the sinking of Atlantis, which the best (not the most) ancient historians, geologists of antiquity, and anthropologists estimate occurred around 9,000 B.C., three duster pitches ago of this brown dwarf star on a cometary orbit. A comet, by definition, returns predictably, repetitively, and punctually. Halley's comet is one of many examples of such a celestial pendulum of regular, uniform orbital periodicity. Now, since three global ruinations ago spans about 11,000 years, then two ruinations ago would have been around 5,300 B.C., a date estimated by geologists Pitman and Ryan to have been the time of the global Great Flood of Noah's day. And one global ruination ago would have been circa 1,650 B.C., when geologists estimate that perhaps the greatest volcanic caldera explosion in known history occurred: the great Santorini volcanic explosion, which eradicated the Minoan civilization in the Aegean Sea. Tree rings from that time are known to have drastically narrowed for several years, due to the blanketing of skies with volcanic ash, ash not only from Santorini, but probably from Mount Merapi, Mount Vesuvius, the Yellowstone caldera, and hundreds of other volcanoes, worldwide.

As this brown dwarf star sails over the orbital path of Mars, then of Earth, and ultimately loops over the top of our Sun, X is the smooth stone in David's sling, our Sun is David's slingshot, and God is as David. The ruination of Planet Earth is inevitable. It is inexorable.

However, as one of many who has studied the Bible and prayed the Bible from end to end, God promises everyone that they, personally and individually, will be supernaturally protected if they will consciously make themselves aware of God's constant, beckoning presence, beside them and inside them. No need even to talk TO God. Simply listen FOR God.

              John DiNardo



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Well, it's all over the mass media: CNN, FOX-News, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, etc. The astronomers at the Minnesota Planetarium have released an announcement, which is actually a cover story, as to why Earth's wobble has accentuated inexplicably and alarmingly. They have concocted a glib, erroneous explanation to preempt public fear and to obscure the real cause of the ongoing barrage of worldwide geological and meteorological disasters which is currently wreaking (not "wrecking" as The Weather Channel mistakenly mispronounces the word) . . . wreaking havoc upon populaces around the world: earthquakes, chart-busting heat and cold, record-breaking drought and snowfall, torrential rains, epic flooding, and a litany of every imaginable extreme weather event.

The mass media is quite suspiciously hyping this outlandish explanation for the rather recent changes in the zodiacal positions vis-a-vis the historically constant astrological calendar dates demarcating the various signs of the Zodiac: They are claiming that the Moon's gravitational pull upon Earth has shifted the geographical North and South Poles of Earth.

Well, if the Moon has shifted Earth's poles, then this shifting would have been extremely slight, extremely gradual, and consequently would have occurred over many, many centuries. So, ONLY now, as Earth has just recently been beset by these decade-long meteorological and seismic disasters . . . only now do they blast out this sour-sounding fanfare of fanciful non-astronomy showcased in the cheap facade of astrology.

NASA knows full well that deep-space incoming comets, laden with heliospheric plasma, from beyond the outer bounds of our Solar System, have already caused polar shifts on Neptune and possibly on Saturn, caused unprecedented changes in Jupiter, and have now penetrated deep enough into the inner Solar System to excite solar hyperactivity and cause incipient gravitational shifting of Earth's magnetic and geographic poles. It will get worse, but if the men gripping the reins of power around the world can keep us ignorant for just a little while longer, they will have bought enough time to escape to their underground cities which are becoming known to inquisitive people around the world.

Just take a look at this underground television film footage taken by the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura.   

John DiNardo

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Something just clicked in my mind!  I have, on CNN videotape, the testimony of witnesses during the great Chilean earthquake, a year ago. This woman said, "We saw colored lights in the sky just before the earthquake."
As an electrical engineer and high school physics teacher, I surmise how these two phenomena could be related.  There is an electro-mechanical phenomenon termed "the piezoelectric effect." When crystalline solids are impacted, the shock causes the instantaneous generation of thousands of volts of electrical energy for a fraction of a second. The piezoelectric principle is used to spark your gas stove and gas grill, as well as your cigarette lighter, when a tiny hammer strikes a crystal. Well, deep inside the Earth's crust are fissures that separate rock formations, the largest of which are crustal tectonic plates, twelve of which comprise the entire crust of the Earth.

When the magma filled mantle below the crust becomes disturbed, these adjacent rock masses, and even the tectonic plates, are banged up against one another, and the result is the generation, across their marginal gap, of many thousands of volts of electrical energy.

Now, when a high voltage is generated in an abrupt time step, almost instantaneously, an *extremely* strong electromagnetic field is generated which billows outward from the voltage arc, and this field can easily travel very high up into the sky, as well as through the surrounding ground. This could explain the abrupt death of many birds. And yes, flashes of greenish colored light accompany this electromagnetic burst. But remember, birds are dying all over the  world, so are we to suspect that earthquakes are beginning to fulminate all over the world, simultaneously? 

It is very important that you look at this photograph taken before the great earthquake in China. Swarms of toads are fleeing out of the ground. Why? Because they are being zapped!   

The link below should be clickable. Incidentally, or not so incidentally, what would cause tectonic plate disturbances in many sectors of the World around the same time? Huge solar coronal mass ejections, spewing forth electrically charged particles which, when their electric waves sweep through Earth's magnetic field, they conflict with our magnetosphere in a physical fashion,
like poking a crowbar in between the spokes of a rotating bicycle wheel. The result is an actual jerking and jolting of the entire
planet in its rotation. This phenomenon was noticed, but not understood very well, by Dr. Stephen Plagemann thirty years ago, as described in his book, "The Jupiter Effect: The Key to Earthquakes."      (below, clickable link to toad swarms)

The New Madrid earthquake could be looming. Waiting is too risky.  We need to assemble teams of activists to look for frenzied animal behavior: squirrels, chipmunks, birds, dogs, cats, etc. What were birds doing flying at night? Were they crazed because of an  electromagnetic burst into the air, originated by an underground piezoelectric disturbance, that drove them out of their nests? 
Look for toads and insects swarming out of the ground. This amazing phenomenon was described in the Book of Exodus when earth disturbances ravaged ancient Egypt.  California Geologist Jim Berkland predicts earthquakes partially by charting the number of lost pet reports in the newspapers. In January of 2005, The Washington Post reported that not one animal died in the Asian tsunami of Christmas 2004. They all sensed the impending tsunami and the ground vibrations and fled to high ground an hour or so before it struck.   

Please check the earthquake data vis-a-vis the dates, times and locations where bird flocks fell over Beebe, Arkansas, as well as over places in Louisiana, Florida, South America, Italy, Sweden, and China. If seismic activity and bird falls coincide in both time and place, then this may be a way of saving lives. If there is no relation, then we need to continue investigating other possible explanations.   
                      John DiNardo

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From John DiNardo:

The U.S. Geological Survey geologist, referred to in my past essay, recently told my friend Mark that gases are pressing upward beneath Earth's crust throughout a vast region. This lithospheric pressure is the real cause of the natural (not man-made) eruption of oil and methane from the Gulf of Mexico sea bed. Please examine the map below and let me know if the earth-rumbling areas of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri lie within the following territorial outline which he described to me. This territory is identified by placing three index points on the map of North America. The three points are:
1. The Yellowstone Super Volcano, in the northwest corner of Wyoming
2. Off the south coast of the Dominican Republic
3. Off the east coast of Texas

Now, take your ruler and determine whether the earth-rumbling areas of the United States and the site of the claimed BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico lie along the line joining points 1 and 2. Here's the map: http://mapofnorthamerica.org/

Now, please read the key revelations below, which help us to understand why many millions will be killed by gaseous and magma expansions pressing upward and erupting beneath the crustal regions of the mid-western states and the Gulf of Mexico sea bed.
John DiNardo

Subject: Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise
From: John DiNardo
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2010 11:35 am
To: *

Please stay with me on this scientific analysis of the mechanism which will cause land masses to arise out of the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. The conclusion of my theory:
"Land masses will arise out of the Gulf of Mexico," was related, three to four years ago, to Mark, my acquaintance who
received this information from his geologist friend who works for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The resultant tsunamis and methane gas bursts will annihilate many millions of unsuspecting residents within miles of the coast, all the way around, from Mexico to Florida, to Cuba, Haiti, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. I hope to inspire you to relay this analysis to concerned people everywhere. I plead with you to study this analysis and pass it on, in order to spark public action movements to save lives, for these seabed upheavals can occur any day from now.

John DiNardo

~~ Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise ~~
Gulf of Mexico effluents display a mysterious white substance, yellow sulphur, and red iron, probably from the Earth's molten iron "outer core," plus other substances from the "lower mantle," which is right above the outer core. At the core/mantle boundary (CMB), large avalanches of the quasi-solid mantle edge of the CMB break off, due to heating, by electromagnetic induction, of both the molten iron outer core and the solid iron inner core, the latter being Earth's innermost mass, residing at the center of the Earth. The heating of the outer core is also intensified by the long period cyclical buildup of thermally insulative mantle magma, solidifying along the edge of the lower mantle, bounding the upper edge of the outer core, this margin being the CMB. Hence, this solidifying magma margin acts as a thickening insulative blanket, further heating the molten iron outer core. However, it is important to realize that most of the heating of the outer core is now being generated by the well known phenomenon of "electromagnetic induction," now generated by plasma-saturated comets which have been observed by scientists over the past five to ten years. So now, Earth's CMB has these prolific avalanches of loosened magma, sloughing off from the lower mantle margin into the molten iron outer core, and the obvious effect is that this mantle erosion proceeds like a drill bit, boring tunnels up through the very thick viscous mantle, all the way up until the tunnel eventually reaches a blockage presented by the lithosphere, which is the rigid crust of Earth's surface, overlaying the less rigid uppermost mantle margin. Understandably, molten iron from the outer core, plus newly molten magma encircling this hot newly drilled tunnel, flows like a slow oozing fountain, all the way up to the blockage at the lithospheric crust, and eventually the super heated liquified column of magma rock and
iron mixture melts the solid lithospheric crust like a gushing hot spring would melt a surface layer of ice. This rising hot fountain is called a "mantle plume," or "thermal plume," one of which also exists at the eastern tip of Indonesia, showing that mantle plumes are prevalent worldwide. A mantle plume is similar to the lava plume that you see within a common household lava lamp, wherein an electric heating element at the base of the lamp heats up a puddle of lava, causing the puddle to rise up toward the surface in a plume of lava. When this iron/magma column rises as a mantle plume, from the outer core/lower mantle boundary (CMB) to the uppermost edge of the upper mantle, the plume is initially blocked by the thin crustal layer, the "lithosphere," at the Gulf of Mexico seabed. Eventually, the molten mantle plume dissolves or liquifies the thin lithospheric crust, effectively punching a hole in the seabed. This is the hole in the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, which British Petroleum deliberately drilled into!
Why deliberately?? I have testified to you that, THREE TO FOUR YEARS AGO, a U.S. Geological Survey informant relayed to me, through Mark, that they expect land masses to arise out of the Gulf of Mexico. The reason why they drilled into the volcano was to TEMPORARILY PREVENT THE PEOPLE FROM REALIZING that this is actually a burgeoning catastrophic worldwide oil bursting phenomenon, and the powers-that-be are now in great fear that inevitable public realization will awaken the peoples of the World to the evidence that exists (if they are willing to examine it) that this is just one of many types of natural disasters which are now about to break out in a growing drum beat. The powers-that-be want you to think that BP caused these globally bursting natural oil gushers, with just a puny seven-inch drill pipe. How gullible do they think we are? The ruling elite would rather have you believe that man caused this disaster, because when the people find out that they are in a game of natural disaster dodgeball, they will break free from their psychological matrix cage of obedience to the tyrannical illegitimate imposters raping them from the power stage of central government. These ruling rapists are afraid that we may no longer be forcibly obedient to them, and that we may not pay our taxes, because, when people realize that these are natural disasters, and NOT just one BP disaster, the people will then fear a greater master than the ruling elite, the people will then fear the Master in the heavens, because that is the source of the electromagnetic heating of Earth's core. This electromagnetic source is plasma engulfed comets being drawn into our Solar System by the immense gravitational pull of our incredibly massive Sun. It is strikingly obvious: the apple fell down from the tree, and hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, due to the mutual pulling force of gravity, which universally exists between two or more masses. Likewise, comets are being drawn in from deep space by the tremendous pulling force of gravity between these comets and our Sun. Getting back to the subject of Gulf of Mexico land masses arising, the consequences of a mantle plume punching through the lithosphere, at the Gulf of Mexico seabed and elsewhere, are two-fold:
1) undersea volcanoes erupt, and indeed, oceanographers and volcanologists are now expressing alarm over the drastic increase in undersea volcanic eruptions, all over the World;
2) seabeds begin to bulge upward, due to the profusion of gases, such as methane, into newly formed pockets where the uppermost mantle margin meets the lithospheric crust, both at surfaces of seabeds and at crustal surfaces of land areas. There are now many reports of methane gas coming out of the ground, in Texas, in Colorado, in Pennsylvania, etc. There is a recent report of methane gas shooting out of a home water faucet, being fed from a private well. These newly formed pockets of rising gases strikingly explain the recent avalanche of reports of seabeds bulging all over the World, as indicated by drastically diminishing footage readings transmitted by ocean buoys, worldwide.
Notice, that the powers-that-be will never tell you what the day-by-day buoy depth readings are in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice, that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC-TV reported that the Corexit was promptly laid down to mask the depths of the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we were permitted to view that seabed, we would notice bulging and major fissures, from the Texas coast to the Florida coast. Notice that methane gas has been reported to be rising to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. This is an ominous sign, since any spark from a boat's ignition or such will cause the greatest surface fire cloud explosion ever witnessed, as well as a catastrophic coast-gobbling tsunami, if the concentration of methane gas builds to high enough levels. Such a catastrophic sea surface methane explosion has already occurred in 1998, and has been reported by Steve Quayle on his web site, stevequayle.com. The ruling elite have been as suppressive of the science community as of the mass news media. Hence, the people of the World remain unaware until mega disasters send them suddenly reeling in fearful panic. You and I, therefore, have a humanitarian responsibility to disseminate this analysis and to urge others to examine it, and to promote a growing public study of this and so many other alarming
meteorological and geological events, which have transpired from the unusual to the commonplace over the past six years. In a forthcoming message, I will email you a photocopy of the actual New York Times newspaper report, from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, stating that the reason why they launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite was to detect the infrared light images emitting from this approaching brown dwarf star, this celestial dodge ball (of a mass estimated to be at least 1,000 Earth masses), which is now in our Solar System, menacing Earth, both electromagnetically and gravitationally. Finally, please click on the .jpg photo, attached above, displaying my photocopy of the actual Washington Post front page newspaper report, heralding the discovery of this giant brown dwarf star, on a cometary orbit into our Solar System.

John DiNardo

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Planet X's Location And Size

Planet X Washington Post p.1.pdf

From today's emails from John DiNardo:
First let's look at the evidence indicating that Planet X is a brown dwarf star, then we will be able to see why it cannot be located between Earth and the Sun. Rather, it must be nearing the Ecliptic at around "the station {orbital path} of Jupiter," as the ancient Mesopotamian records state, according to Zecharia Sitchin in his landmark book, THE TWELFTH PLANET. Planet X, being very large, and on a cometary orbit, always traces the same orbital path every 3,600 years or so. So, if it came into our Ecliptic between Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt in ancient times, then that's where it will come in again. It could not have traveled above Earth's orbital path yet, along its course across the top of the Sun, otherwise we would have seen it in the northern skies, and felt much more powerful effects here on Earth (even if we would have been so fortunate as to be furthest from it in our orbit, as it passed over Earth's orbital path). The reason why we would have seen it and felt such powerful effects is because Planet X is probably at least one thousand Earth masses. Here is some strong, though inconclusive evidence of its mass, from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration back in January of 1983 and then again in December of 1983. First, read NASA's report in the New York Times: that it is likely a brown dwarf star,


then read the pdf attachment above from The Washington Post, wherein NASA again says that it is likely a "protostar" -- a forming star or a brown dwarf. In 1991, Dr. Harrington said that it is about five times the size of Earth. I guess he meant "diameter," by which estimation, it would have been 125 times the volume of Earth, since volume is: (4/3 times pi) times [(diameter divided by 2) cubed]. Yet, the volume still does not factor in its mass. Brown dwarf stars are very dense -- much more dense than Earth, so X's mass would have been, by Dr. Harrington's estimation, many times more massive than 125 times that of Earth. That oft-quoted figure from Dr. Harrington -- "125 times Earth's mass" -- somehow got mixed up by the people who first quoted him, because it is X's volume (assuming that Harrington said its diameter is 5 times that of Earth) . . . it is X's volume that is 125 times that of Earth, not its mass.
Dr. Harrington could well have been thereby estimating X's mass to be one thousand Earth masses, if, quite conceivably, X's density is eight times greater than that of Earth: V=125 times greater; D=~8 times greater. 125 times 8 is a thousand.
Now, if you look up the broad estimated mass range of a brown dwarf star, you'll find that even a puny brown dwarf star is about 3 Jupiter masses or nearly one thousand Earth masses.
John DiNardo

From: gil

To: jadinardo
Subject: RE: Planet X is Now Located . . .
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 16:45:53 -0700


The alignment for Jupiter would work at the beginning of 2008 but not for the end of 2009. Observe: 2008-01-01 with Jupiter just a tick past RA 18.


So when you are using a planet as a position indicator you have to specify a date so that the ephemeris for that date can be determined. Jupiter doesn’t move very fast compared to Earth or Mercury but it does keep moving.

The other problem is that if Wormwood was underneath Jupiter last year (2009) or in 2008 then it would probably already have moved past Earth in its inbound perihelion maneuver. But that hasn’t happened. Another image you might want to consider is attached… just for fun. Compare that with the orbital trace on the website… http://www.millenniumprophecy.com/gallery.html .

As for the Anthony Wesley images of the Jupiter impact, Wormwood could do that from a much greater distance south of the ecliptic plane since it probably has a node ring set that reaches out similar to the Sun... but not quite as far… since it has less mass and EM power. So it can be striking all the planets from quite a distance away. It doesn’t have to get very close to send space junk crashing through to one of the planets in the ecliptic. And it doesn’t have to be sitting underneath Jupiter to slam space junk into Jupiter either. But it helps if Jupiter is close to RA 18 because then it would be in the Solstice Danger zone… like all the other planets.

The comet that hit Jupiter last year probably came from another source since Jupiter had moved away from the RA 18 vicinity. It is possible that Wormwood added some “gravitational influence” to the inbound path of the comet (since WW is an “equal opportunity perturber orbiting bodies in our solar system) but NASA probably would not want to admit that in any public forum. Too bad we can’t be privy to some of the “private memos” inside NASA. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

From: jadinardo

To: gill
Subject: RE: Planet X is Now Located . . .
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:38:33 P.M.

My estimation of Planet X's position below the Ecliptic and relative to Jupiter is inexact, and based upon the comet collisions into Jupiter. I had gone to the Astroviewer last year and had picked up the basics on how to use it. From what I saw, it appeared that, in July 2009, Jupiter was in line with the constellation Scorpius, Scorpius being one point on the straight line and thED Sun as the other point establishing that line. This suggests that Jupiter was passing somewhere over X's field of objects at that time. This does not tell me how far below Jupiter it was. As you know, comet collisions into Jupiter had never been observed until the observation of the collision into Jupiter by comet Shoemaker-Levy, back in the 1990s. My point is that here you have two comets, the first crashing into Jupiter's deep southern hemisphere, and then the second crashing into the upper southern hemisphere, both less than a year apart. So, this rare event now occurs twice in less than a year. Anyway, let us both go to the Astroviewer and try to see if Jupiter was somewhat above X's path in July 2009. Just plug in the date July 20, 2009, and plug in some southern city on Earth at the right time of day that will show the Sun, Jupiter, and the constellation Scorpius or whatever point on the celestial sphere Jupiter and the Sun together form a straight line with that point. Just go to astroviewer.com, click on MORE INFORMATION below Astroviewer 3.1.2, and test it online.

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This reminds me of Prof. McCanney stating in one of his books that creepy crawlers would be fleeing the ground because of the excess presence of electricity. From an email from John DiNardo:

Check the soil for an absence of, or extermination of, insects and worms. When earth vibrations and stresses occur, there is a percussive/pressure related effect on huge masses of rock against one another. These rock-against-rock percussions and stresses result in what is known in the field of electricity and magnetism as the piezo-electric effect,
wherein electric voltage is generated. Considering the enormous masses of rock involved in these geophysical actions, not only are high voltages generated, but high electric currents can result from these voltages, when the electrical conductivity of the ground is great enough due to soil moisture and accompanying soil and rock salts disassociating from
the state of electrically neutral ionic compounds to electrically charged ions, which act as electrolytes, electric charge carriers, greatly increasing the electrical conductivity of the ground soil and rock. The piezoelectric voltages generated are on the order of thousands of volts, so it becomes obvious that these phenomena would electrocute underground life forms, such as insects, worms, and toads. Those that are not electrocuted would be severely stung so as to cause them to flee up out of the ground. This is one of the signs that I suggest your Missouri and New Madrid fault zone listeners look for. And the extermination of insects and worms could be a sign of an impending earthquake following severe ground stresses. As for the complete absence of birds, imagine a bird scratching and pecking into the ground for insects and worms, and being mildly stung, while finding unpalatable dead and rotting insects and worms. This would cause the birds to migrate to other areas for food. Now, if what your caller says is true, that the birds have gone to nearby wooded areas for better eating prospects, visit the woods close by and report your observations to the audience.

John DiNardo



"For some time, earthquakes and piezoelectrics have been associated, and it is generally postulated the effect was associated with quartz-bearing rock. Earthquake lights are often cited as evidence of the piezoelectric output, but little is known on how the electric charge associated with an earthquake moves in the earth and what determines its polarity.
The big 1960 Chilean and 1964 Alaska earthquakes produced observable effects in the ionosphere and serious studies have been underway to identify the mechanism."

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San Bruno Earthquake Identified

{JD: Here's a quotation from the page linked above. It documents the
exact hour and minute of the San Bruno explosion.}
" At 6:14 p.m., Stephanie Mullen, Associated Press news editor for photos based in San Francisco, was attending children's soccer practice with her two children and husband at Cresmoor High School when she saw the blast.
`First, it was a low deep roar and everybody looked up, and we all knew something big was happening,' she said. `Then there was a huge explosion with a ball of fire that went up behind the high school several thousand feet into the sky.' "

{Now, pull up the following earthquake map,}

{and move the white-glove index finger cursor onto the clay colored diagonal line just west of San Francisco. The words "San Andreas fault zone" will appear. Now, move the index finger cursor onto the tiny yellow square lying south-by-southwest of San Francisco, and right on the San Andreas fault. San Bruno is just a hair due east of that yellow square, which reads:
"Magnitude = 1.1 2010/09/09 18:11:12 UTC, which is equivalent to 6:11:12 Pacific Time." So, first this earthquake occurred, and then the San Bruno explosion occurred less than three minutes later, considering the time it took for the underground shock wave to travel the fraction of a mile from its epicenter on the San Andreas fault line, due east to the San Bruno underground gas main. Bingo! There's your reason for the San Bruno explosion. Guaranteed, the federal government, which has hijacked this investigation from the rightful jurisdiction of the State of California, will never ever tell you what I just told you. Below is the history of my reports on the earthquake which caused the San Bruno inferno. I posted the first report a couple of hours after the event. [See https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/earth-rumblings-implicated-in.]

John DiNardo
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Two articles, listed below. San Bruno is on top of the San Andreas fault.

This also raises the question, how does one prepare for such an event?

Short of you and/or your family and home being blown up initially, it is survivable. First, just like with earthquake preparedness, you should educate your family on the now increasing MULTIPLE types of disasters that can happen. Have your bug-out bags packed and ready to go. Make sure you have a burn kit in your medical kit. Pre-plan where you will go if your house is destroyed or threatened,where you will regroup if separated. Having a pre-supplied retreat is the best, but Grandma's farm or a friend out in the country can also be pre-supplied.

From: jadinardo@
Subject: Earth Rumbling DID Cause San Bruno Inferno!
To: jadinardo@
Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 10:40 PM

My theory, posted last night, soon after the explosion, seems to be correct. Earth rumblings DID break the gas main, causing the San Bruno inferno! Major earthquakes may be about to erupt SOON around San Francisco!
That gas main was just yards away from the San Andreas Fault! Please see yesterday's two postings, appended below:
"Gas Main Broken Due to Earth Rumblings!" AND
"Look for San Francisco Pre-Earthquake Signs, Now!"
John DiNardo


----- Original Message -----
Date: Thursday, September 9, 2010 11:31 pm
Subject: Earth Rumblings Cause California FireStorm
To: Undisclosed List

> The first few slides suggest that gas burst from the ground and and ignited. Earthquakes and ground rumblings can easily break gas mains, just as they have been breaking water mains all over the country. People, realize that these earth rumblings are rapidly intensifying, so we must unite to alert the people to plan ahead to protect themselves from these proliferating disasters. A massive brown dwarf star is approaching our inner Solar System, exerting gravitational and electromagnetic influences upon the core, mantle, and crust of our planet. The closer this brown dwarf star comes to us, the larger and more widespread will be the resulting natural disasters.

John DiNardo

> http://www.ktvu.com/slideshow/news/24949310/detail.html

----- Original Message -----
Date: Thursday, September 9, 2010 11:43 pm
Subject: San Francisco Earthquake Imminent??
To: Undisclosed
> Now, look for signs that major earthquakes might occur in and around San Francisco.


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Why Gulf Of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise

From an email from John DiNardo:


Please stay with me on this scientific analysis of the mechanism which will cause land masses to arise out of the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. The conclusion of my theory: "Land masses will arise out of the Gulf of Mexico," was related, three to four years ago, to Mark, my acquaintance who received this information from his geologist friend who works for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The resultant tsunamis and methane gas bursts will annihilate many millions of unsuspecting residents within miles of the coast, all the way around, from Mexico to Florida, to Cuba, Haiti, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.

I hope to inspire you to relay this analysis to concerned people everywhere. I plead with you to study this analysis and pass it on, in order to spark public action movements to save lives, for these seabed upheavals can occur any day from now.


John DiNardo

~~ Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise ~~

Gulf of Mexico effluents display a mysterious white substance, yellow sulphur, and red iron, probably from the Earth's molten iron "outer core," plus other substances from the "lower mantle," which is right above the outer core. At the core/mantle boundary (CMB), large avalanches of the quasi-solid mantle edge of the CMB break off, due to heating, by electromagnetic induction, of both the molten iron outer core and the solid iron inner core, the latter being Earth's innermost mass, residing at the center of the Earth. The heating of the outer core is also intensified by the long period cyclical buildup of thermally insulative mantle magma, solidifying along the edge of the lower mantle, bounding the upper edge of the outer core, this margin being the CMB. Hence, this solidifying magma margin acts as a thickening insulative blanket, further heating the molten iron outer core. However, it is important to realize that most of the heating of the outer core is now being generated by the well known phenomenon of "electromagnetic induction," now generated by plasma-saturated comets which have been observed by scientists over the past five to ten years.

So now, Earth's CMB has these prolific avalanches of loosened magma, sloughing off from the lower mantle margin into the molten iron outer core, and the obvious effect is that this mantle erosion proceeds like a drill bit, boring tunnels up through the very thick viscous mantle, all the way up until the tunnel eventually reaches a blockage presented by the lithosphere, which is the rigid crust of Earth's surface, overlaying the less rigid uppermost mantle margin.

Understandably, molten iron from the outer core, plus newly molten magma encircling this hot newly drilled tunnel, flows like a slow oozing fountain, all the way up to the blockage at the lithospheric crust, and eventually the super heated liquified column of magma rock and iron mixture melts the solid lithospheric crust like a gushing hot spring would melt a surface layer of ice.

This rising hot fountain is called a "mantle plume," or "thermal plume," one of which also exists at the eastern tip of Indonesia, showing that mantle plumes are prevalent worldwide. A mantle plume is similar to the lava plume that you see within a common household lava lamp, wherein an electric heating element at the base of the lamp heats up a puddle of lava, causing the puddle to rise up toward the surface in a plume of lava.

When this iron/magma column rises as a mantle plume, from the outer core/lower mantle boundary (CMB) to the uppermost edge of the upper mantle, the plume is initially blocked by the thin crustal layer, the "lithosphere," at the Gulf of Mexico seabed. Eventually, the molten mantle plume dissolves or liquifies the thin lithospheric crust, effectively punching a hole in the seabed. This is the hole in the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, which British Petroleum deliberately drilled into! Why deliberately?? I have testified to you that, THREE TO FOUR YEARS AGO, a U.S. Geological Survey informant relayed to me, through Mark, that they expect land masses to arise out of the Gulf of Mexico. The reason why they drilled into the volcano was to TEMPORARILY PREVENT THE PEOPLE FROM REALIZING that this is actually a burgeoning catastrophic worldwide oil bursting phenomenon, and the powers-that-be are now in great fear that inevitable public realization will awaken the peoples of the World to the evidence that exists (if they are willing to examine it) that this is just one of many types of natural disasters which are now about to break out in a growing drum beat.

The powers-that-be want you to think that BP caused these globally bursting natural oil gushers, with just a puny seven-inch drill pipe. How gullible do they think we are? The ruling elite would rather have you believe that man caused this disaster, because when the people find out that they are in a game of natural disaster dodgeball, they will break free from their psychological matrix cage of obedience to the tyrannical illegitimate imposters raping them from the power stage of central government. These ruling rapists are afraid that we may no longer be forcibly obedient to them, and that we may not pay our taxes, because, when people realize that these are natural disasters, and NOT just one BP disaster, the people will then fear a greater master than the ruling elite, the people will then fear the Master in the heavens, because that is the source of the electromagnetic heating of Earth's core. This electromagnetic source is plasma engulfed comets being drawn into our Solar System by the immense gravitational pull of our incredibly massive Sun.

It is strikingly obvious: the apple fell down from the tree, and hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, due to the mutual pulling force of gravity, which universally exists between two or more masses. Likewise, comets are being drawn in from deep space by the tremendous pulling force of gravity between these comets and our Sun.

Getting back to the subject of Gulf of Mexico land masses arising, the consequences of a mantle plume punching through the lithosphere, at the Gulf of Mexico seabed and elsewhere, are two-fold:

1) undersea volcanoes erupt, and indeed, oceanographers and volcanologists are now expressing alarm over the drastic increase in undersea volcanic eruptions, all over the World;

2) seabeds begin to bulge upward, due to the profusion of gases, such as methane, into newly formed pockets where the uppermost mantle margin meets the lithospheric crust, both at surfaces of seabeds and at crustal surfaces of land areas. There are now many reports of methane gas coming out of the ground, in Texas, in Colorado, in Pennsylvania, etc. There is a recent report of methane gas shooting out of a home water faucet, being fed from a private well.

These newly formed pockets of rising gases strikingly explain the recent avalanche of reports of seabeds bulging all over the World, as indicated by drastically diminishing footage readings transmitted by ocean buoys, worldwide.

Notice, that the powers-that-be will never tell you what the day-by-day buoy depth readings are in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice, that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC-TV reported that the Corexit was promptly laid down to mask the depths of the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we were permitted to view that seabed, we would notice bulging and major fissures, from the Texas coast to the Florida coast. Notice that methane gas has been reported to be rising to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. This is an ominous sign, since any spark from a boat's ignition or such will cause the greatest surface fire cloud explosion ever witnessed, as well as a catastrophic coast-gobbling tsunami, if the concentration of methane gas builds to high enough levels. Such a catastrophic sea surface methane explosion has already occurred in 1998, and has been reported by Steve Quayle on his web site, stevequayle.com.

The ruling elite have been as suppressive of the science community as of the mass news media. Hence, the people of the World remain unaware until mega disasters send them suddenly reeling in fearful panic. You and I, therefore, have a humanitarian responsibility to disseminate this analysis and to urge others to examine it, and to promote a growing public study of this and so many other alarming meteorological and geological events, which have transpired from the unusual to the commonplace over the past six years.

In a forthcoming message, I will email you a photocopy of the actual New York Times newspaper report, from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, stating that the reason why they launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite was to detect the infrared light images emitting from this approaching brown dwarf star, this celestial dodge ball (of a mass estimated to be at least 1,000 Earth masses), which is now in our Solar System, menacing Earth, both electromagnetically and gravitationally.
... John DiNardo

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From George Ryskind, a bio-chemical engineer at Northwestern University: "The warning signs of an impending planetary catastrophe — of such great magnitude that the human mind has difficulty grasping it -- would be the appearance of large fissures or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a rise in the elevation of the seabed, and the massive venting of methane and other gases into the surrounding water. Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble containment; it can then permit the methane to breach the subterranean depths and undergo an explosive decompression as it catapults into the Gulf waters." All three warning signs are documented to be occurring in the Gulf.
Oil Spill Done to Conceal Buckling Seabed
From <jadinardo@optonline.net>
Date Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:03 am

. . . . . ., as this brown dwarf star accelerates into our inner Solar System, being gravitationally attracted to our Sun, its enormous magnetic forces are increasingly boiling and churning Earth's magnetic core, while this brown dwarf star's enormous gravitational pull is plucking upon Earth's crustal surface, buckling seabeds, such as in the Coral Sea and in the Gulf of Mexico, generating sinkholes all over China, and generating unprecedentedly frequent high-magnitude earthquakes. At least three years ago, Mark, a veteran of the Persian Gulf War who maintains contact with certain acquaintances in the government, told me that a geologist friend with the U.S. Geological Survey told him that they were surveying the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico for great oil drilling opportunities, and that they expect to see land masses rising up from the Gulf of Mexico seabed. So, it seems that pieces of this puzzle are fitting together. The global power elite foresaw the Gulf of Mexico seabed rising, were overcome with oil greed, but knew that in the next few years they would have to flee the Gulf when the newly popping undersea volcanoes start to break out, like hives, all over the planet. And they knew that, in order to forestall (not preempt) public panic, they would have to make it look as if corporate recklessness had caused the Gulf of Mexico to burst up, bleeding . . . because if the people were to discern that natural disasters are exploding all over the Earth, then these power elite controllers of the masses would have the reigns of global enslavement abruptly yanked out of their greedy fists, as the docile masses panic into a state of crazed chaos and defiant rejection of tyrannical tethers. The power elite are scared, because they know that there is no way that they can keep the global masses from panicking, as this approaching brown dwarf star (formally named "Planet X" by the world's community of astronomers) increasingly molests Earth's land masses, seabeds and molten magnetic core. The elite can only forestall public panic for a short while. And it is becoming conspicuous that their Plan B is to go underground, a fact which Gov. Jesse Ventura has vividly documented with his TruTV film footage of the elite's elaborate underground cities beneath the Denver Airport, and deep within the bowels of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. This brown dwarf star's plasmatic (electrified gas) coma is both electrostatically and electromagnetically exciting the Sun, provoking the Sun to sneeze forth blasts of solar flares which the National Academy of Science and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration officially state will likely damage or destroy the world's power grids and the associated electronic global canopy overdraping modern civilization's luxurious bed of comfort. The result will be abrupt reversion to primitive life for anyone who can shelter themselves from the lethal solar scorching. Those of us who do not protect ourselves from the solar scorching will not have to worry about primitive living. Conversely, the power elite have long been prepared to weather the coming solar scorching by making us pay for their underground shelters. Although the N.A.S. and N.A.S.A. say that 2012 is the year to expect this solar scorching, the Sun will not switch from normal to scorching in an instant, like the flipping of a light switch. Rather, the solar scorching is already gradually intensifying. It is imperative that we, the citizens of the human race, establish a widespread correspondence network, in an effort to protect ourselves from the coming scorching, since the power elite told Gov. Jesse Ventura that the people are welcome to knock all day on those multi-ton underground steel doors.

John DiNardo planetxnow@yahoo.com
~~ The Movie, KNOWING graphically depicts this solar scorching ~~

Remember to view the Washington Post announcement, attached above.
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