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This is scary!! I saw this first video and I'm thinking NO WAY
so I look up Geminoid!
Their next step is to give them emotions
Imagine that! They deny as it is now they are going to be able to COMPLETELY DENY!!
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20111024: Private “trading platforms” have been shut down in preparation for new financial system
The highly secretive “trading platforms” used by the self-appointed rulers of the world have been shut down in preparation for the revamping of the global financial system, according to sources in the CIA and in Japanese military intelligence. This shut down took place earlier than the previously announced date of November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) in order to prevent any possible sabotage by the beneficiaries of the old system, the sources say.
According to them, over 100 countries have now subscribed to the new system. Mass arrests of people linked to the old system are supposed to begin by November 15, they say.
Some new names of key players in the old system have also now emerged as the international investigative dragnet continues. One of these people is a Belgian prince by the name of Zvonko Berdik. Another key signatory at the top of the old financial system was the Duke of Kent, who signs on behalf of Queen Elizabeth, the CIA sources say. The third new name is Alan Barr, a man who is wanted by the government of Vietnam for having tried to set off a coup d’etat there.
Meanwhile, a senior member of the royal bloodline families (a cousin to Queen Elizabeth and the Rothschilds) had some very interesting information about Adolf Hitler. He says “Hitler was a Rockefeller man,” and ads that Hitler lived in Argentina until 1967 and that he actually visited Hitler at his house there. He further claims that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter. Hitler himself was a son of King George the V, according to King Edward the 7th’s daughter. If true, this would mean secret rule of Germany by the British/German royal family throughout the 20th and into the 21st centuries. If you look at photographs of Kaiser Wilhelm, King George the 5th and Hitler, you will notice an uncanny resemblance.
This is the sort of revelation that could come out of a truth and reconciliation committee once the secret fascist government of the West is removed from power. The process of removal is still only about 30% complete, according to a well-placed White Dragon Society source.
The signs of the collapse of the old system are becoming increasingly visible. The problems with the Euro are still the main case in point. Greece has now asked to leave the Euro. Even if banks cut the value of their Greek debts by 60%, thereby bankrupting the French banking system, the problems will still not go away. Greece is just a tiny country compared to Italy, Spain and Portugal. Furthermore, the media is not even looking at the problems in the five Baltic States including Latvia.
The fact of the matter is that all of the countries in the Euro bloc have already begun printing their own national currencies in preparation for the collapse of the Euro. Nor is this just going to be a crisis limited to the Euro currency.
Russia is negotiating with Germany to create a Russian/German dominated Eurasian union that will shift the balance of power in Europe towards the center. The Russian government has announced they expect this union to be up and running by 2015.
In the United States as well, there are signs of imminent regime change.
The multiple legal actions against the fascist corporate government based in the city state of Washington D.C. are being supported by both the Pentagon and the agencies. Thus, for example, the recent move by Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan to each take $81 trillion of their derivatives fraud from their books and dump it on the American taxpayers, has been duly noted.
Queen Elizabeth was also prevented last week from stealing $1.6 trillion from Mitsui-Sumitomo bank in Japan, according to an MI6 source.
The corporate media cartel is also falling apart. As mentioned earlier Rupert Murdoch’s Fox TV and other outlets have begun exposing information, such as the legal actions against attorney general Eric Holder, that other networks are withholding. Now it turns out the Sumner Redstone’s CBS network is interviewing a White Dragon Society member for an upcoming 60 minutes episode as part of an expose of the high-level fraud that has been taking place at the very tip-top of the global financial system (he will not be identified by the network as a White Dragon).
The Pentagon is also continuing the process of making sure the elite cannot run and hide in any of their underground bases while the rest of humanity gets slaughtered. The big underground explosion near San Antonio Texas last week (reported by local press as an earthquake that made a “boom” sound) was a part of this process.
The US is peppered with underground bases but the two big ones in Virginia and Colorado have already been shut off to the elite. Another dozen have also been dealt with. The Pentagon has informed the elite that “if they go hide underground then so will everybody else.” The last really big underground facility still under fascist control is in Norway.
The fascists, for their part, are still not planning to go quietly into the night. The murder of Muammar Ghaddafi last week was just part of a plan to re-establish colonial control over Africa. Hillary Clinton is now trying to claim the role as signator to the $200 billion or so that was in Gaddafi’s name. In order to access much of that money, 5 African nations, including Somalia, Zaire and Uganda, will have to be invaded, CIA sources claim.
There are also still plans in the works to start major wars in the Middle East. For example, the fascists want to split up Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran to create a new nation of Kurdistan. To prevent this, a Turkish, Iranian, Syrian, Egyptian attack on Israel is now likely unless fascist agent Benjamin Netanyahu is removed from power.
On a different note, the self-described Illuminati who claim to want a global meritocratic government got a public boost from Michael Gorbachev who called for a New World Order last week. The problem with their planned “meritocracy,” of course, is the issue of who exactly gets to choose the meritocrats. Such a system would only work in the context of a real-time live interactive democracy and full media transparency. In other words, a global awakening of the human race and an end to Babylonian style tyranny enforced by criminal secret societies.
We are now witnessing the death throes of a dangerous beast. No matter what, though, humanity will be freed.
High tides and rains are said to blame. These floods have been on-going since mid-summer.
OMG!!!! They are going to make our children their slaves????!!!!!!
I missed them. DARN!!! Any how I heard they were visible as far south as North Carolina. Did anyone get to see them on the east coast??
Gilliland says we need to watch out for Earth changes but that the dark structures on the planet are collapsing with assistance from friendly visitors. Here is yet another positive message indicating the darkness will no longer be able to exist on a planet whose frequency is increasing.
Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.”
The high level banksters known as the Rothschild family offered the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,” they answered, without hesitation, “sure whatever you want.” The problem is the WDS cannot accept either stolen money or money that was fraudulently created. In any case, the Rothschilds and the Bush crime syndicate are just playing for time because they are both still trying to start WW3. Israel has been given the green light by Obama gang boss Rahm Emmanuel to attack Iran. Bush/Rothschild agent Ahmadinejad will then be given the green light to destroy most of Israel, according to high level Pentagon sources. They hope this tragic course of events would then set off their Gog/Magog fake end times scenario. The Israeli people need to prevent this insanity ASAP by removing the gangster Benjamin Netanyahu from power.
The situation in the US, meanwhile, is moving closer to open revolt. The legal actions against Obama Justice Department head Eric Holder are meant to remove the first legal obstacle to impeaching Obama and his cabinet, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. This legal action is being reported by Murdoch’s Fox TV but not by other corporate media outlets. Murdoch is currently allied with the WDS.
The lawsuit involving the theft of funds belonging to the non-aligned nations of the world is also being readied for filing in early November. This lawsuit is supposed to lead to hundreds if not thousands of elite arrests, according to the filers but, it has been delayed often and the proof will be in the pudding.
The Chicago branch the Rothschild/Bush fascist crime syndicate headed by Rahm Emmanuel (related to Italian fascist king Victor Emmanuel?) has provided Israel, against Pentagon objections, with the cluster bombs and bunker busting bombs it needs to attack Iran. The Mossad operation involving a fake Iranian plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador is supposed to be the reason for this assault. Bush/Mossad agent Iranian President Ahmadinejad will then use the assault to trigger “Armagedon” in Israel, the Pentagon sources say.
However, even if Israel is sacrificed by these fascists, the attack will not trigger their desired World War 3.
The Pentagon and CIA sources have also added that one of the reasons for the holocaust of European Jews is that they refused to hand over their gold to the royal families of Europe. The royal families wanted to monopolize the world’s gold in order to take over the global financial system, these sources say. World War II’s main purpose was to confiscate all the global gold supplies not under the control of these families.
The WDS has also been contacted by a group claiming to be the “real illuminati.” They say their order was founded by King Solomon and Pythagoras and is opposed to an ancient Satanic cult run by the Royal Families. Their representative claims this “illuminati” group was behind the French, American and Russian revolutions. They say their membership consists of 6,000 highly influential individuals who are not part of the old dynastic families (the 13 bloodlines, also called “illuminati bloodlines” by some writers).
It is worth nothing the people from the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy also called themselves “illuminati,” even though their leadership consisted of ancient inbred Roman aristocratic families.
We have been able to independently confirm that this individual, who calls himself Alexander Romanoff, is connected to MI6, KGB, the Australian Security Police, Canadian military intelligence and the international drug mafia. We confirmed this through multiple sources including members of all of the above mentioned agencies and groups.
Romanoff says he helped former world chess Champion Bobby Fischer when he was arrested in Japan in 2004. He got Fischer an Icelandic passport to prevent him from being deported to the United States. Fischer then informed Romanoff he was a “grandmaster of the illuminati.” Romanoff also says Fischer told him he was the original mastermind behind the 911 terrorist attack against the US. The ultimate motive of this attack was to provoke a revolution in the US against royalist control, who they refer to as the “old world order,” as opposed to the “new world order,” this illuminati group stands for.
Given the use of the phrase “new world order,” by bloodline member Bush and his ilk, my advice to this individual was that his group needed to change the name of the regime they plan to set up to something that has fewer negative associations.
Romanoff says his group supports meritocracy, or rule by the most competent, and opposes hereditary rule by inbred families. It is interesting to note that Asian triads and yakuza groups are also opposed to nepotism.
The son of a yakuza boss would never be allowed to inherit control of his father’s gang although he might be allowed to join a different gang.
In Japan meanwhile, the Yakuza and the Japanese military police have informed this author that the Bushes are trying to get a North Korean agent to kill him. The agent they send is likely to be linked to the drug-smuggling, gun-running gang known as the Unification Church. Their ranch is next to the Bushes ranch in Paraguay.
The object is apparently in the direction of Neptune, but beyond the orbit of Pluto (at least that's how it appears to me). Certainly looks very much like images that purport to be Planet X.