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For the first time, I truly feel I am risking my life to write these words and you are taking the same risk by visiting websites such as mine. All of us are now labeled. It does not matter whether you agree with what is written on my website, or not. You have been judged and labeled by the mere fact that you are here. It does not matter if you never visit another alternative media website or not. There is now a definitive record of your disloyalty to the state. I seriously doubt if the system perceives a citizen any differently with regard to whether we write the words of disloyalty to the state, or we merely read them. Both groups have sinned against the almighty state in word and deed and they aim to stop you before you might act against this police state. -- Dave Hodges
This is an interesting concept - but as with many of these things - no dates and no timelines!
I hope it holds - or whatever it does, at least fulfills its purpose!
Excerpted from On The Money: The House Oversight Committee is vowing to thoroughly investigate a report that unemployment data was falsified months before the 2012 presidential election.
The New York Post reported Monday evening that a Census Bureau employee had been found fabricating unemployment survey data that helped determine the nation’s jobless rate.
Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) told The Hill Tuesday that the Oversight panel plans to probe the findings, which he called “extremely serious.”“The allegation that data gathered by the Census Bureau is being manipulated for any reason is extremely serious. The Oversight Committee has jurisdiction over the Census Bureau and will be thoroughly investigating these claims,” he said in a statement.
Farenthold chairs the Oversight subcommittee with jurisdiction over the census. A bureau representative did not respond to a request for comment. Keep Reading|finance|headline|headline|story&par=yahoo&doc=101211556|Senior%20official%20drops%20Oba
Some cyber security experts recommend shutting Obamacare site
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Excerpted from Real Clear Politics: “The Affordable Care Act’s political position has deteriorated dramatically over the last week.” That, coming from longtime Obamacare cheerleader and Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein, was pretty strong language. And it was only Wednesday.
That was the day after the release of a devastating Quinnipiac national poll. It showed Barack Obama’s approval rating at 39 percent, with his disapproval rating at 54 percent — sharply down from 45 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval on Oct. 1, the day the government shutdown began and went into (limited) operation.
Democrats hoped that Republicans would take a shellacking in public opinion for the Oct. 1-16 government shutdown. They did, briefly. But Quinnipiac’s survey, conducted three weeks after the shutdown ended, indicated that the Obamacare rollout inflicted much more damage on the Democratic brand — and the party’s leader.
Quinnipiac’s numbers on Obamacare were also exactly the same as their numbers on Obama: 39 percent favored the health care legislation, 55 percent were opposed. Moreover, a near-majority — 46 percent — said the president knowingly deceived them when he assured Americans over and over that they could keep their health insurance plans.
There are few names a president can be called that are more damaging than liar.
The numbers are particularly daunting when you look at the groups that Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg identifies as major parts of “the big cultural and demographic wave that threatens to swamp the Republican party” — young voters and Hispanics. Keep Reading
Check this out:
And on and on and on it goes.
Obamacare closes tax deduction for Americans affected by losing existing health plans
Up Next: A Health Insurance Company Bailout?
Administration program cuts Medicare patients off from their existing medical suppliers
We discussed earlier that if each man, woman, and child had been given $1 million, that would have been half of what it cost for the Obamacare website. The idea in general is good, but "to spend as they want" may be a bit too liberal. There probably should be some accountability that the money would first and foremost go to things the federal gov't has been paying... like food, housing, medical care.
How to fund? They act like there's no money. They don't need to raise taxes. How about stopping the wastage and the black ops programs? And making the Pentagon accountable for the money it spends? How about no more lavish parties and trips at taxpayer's expense? Start taxing pot. Also, stop sending money to countries around the world, except in humanitarian crises. Stop all the &*@% wars.
As Judd Hirsch so memorably said in Independence Day, "What? Do you really think the gov't pays $50 for a toilet seat, $80 for a hammer?"
The bottom line is that this country wastes so much more money than doing something like this would take. Perhaps $1 Million is too much per person. What about $1 Million per family, put in trust to be metered out for basic living and health care expenses.
What do you think? Then everyone could have medical insurance that they like, everyone would have a decent standard of living, no one would go hungry. Speaking of medical insurance, would we need to continue with that paradigm? What about making medicine a not-for-profit industry and lowering the costs? Maybe have high deductible/catastrophic insurance for expensive treatments? Or, how about cleaning up our food and water and air, and start using more natrual medicines to lower the incidence of disease?
So many things to consider, but we certainly could be doing things differently. And better.
Good question raised here:
The undercurrents are getting stronger.