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Six years ago I had attended a premiere of an Alex Jones movie at the downtown Alamo draft house.  During the intermission   Alex allowed audience participation.  Since I have been a caller that had participated in his live radio shows, I did worry about standing up to share my views.  About 1 year earlier in 2005, I had seen a video regarding the Pole Shift.  I knew in my soul that this was why the Global elite were taking the measures that they were toward the middle & lower income individuals & families in the world.  So, I stood up and Alex called upon me to speak. I was going to respond to  one of his statements regarding the evil actions carried out by the Global Elite.  All that I was able to say was, "They are evil for a reason.  They are responding to something that is coming...".  He interrupted me with a loud, "NO, they are evil because they are evil".  And he went into one of his famous ranting tangents.  I had missed my opportunity to tell them about the Pole Shift.  I left the premiere with a bewildered feeling that he had done this deliberately.  I stayed in the lobby to sign up and buy two of his videos.  I was made uncomfortably aware of being watched.  I kept looking over to this nice looking older gentleman in a business suit who had a kind smile.  I was later to find out it was Ron Paul.  I still admire and respect Alex Jones to this day and I am a huge fan of Ron Paul.  It is a moment I will either write in my memoirs or at the very least tell my grandchildren.  But since this day, I knew Alex was not comfortable in mentioning reasons for the actions of these Global elites. 

Now I would like to share with each of you what I found:  (And maybe I will tell you about my face to face conversation with Greg Braden sometime later :).

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EARTH-DIRECTED SOLAR FLARE: On Feb. 13th at 1738 UT, sunspot 1158 unleashed the strongest solar flare of the year so far, an M6.6-category blast. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded an intense flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation, circled below:


The eruption produced a loud blast of radio waves heard in shortwave receivers around the dayside of our planet. In New Mexico, amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded these sounds at 19 to 21 MHz. "This was some of the strongest radio bursting of the new solar cycle," he says. "What a great solar day."

Preliminary coronagraph data from STEREO-A and SOHO agree that the explosion produced a fast but not particularly bright coronal mass ejection (CME). The cloud will likely hit Earth's magnetic field on or about Feb. 15th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

The source of this activity, sunspot 1158 is growing rapidly (48 hour movie). The active region is now more than 100,000 km wide with at least a dozen Earth-sized dark cores scattered beneath its unstable magnetic canopy. More Earth-directed eruptions are likely in the hours ahead.

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Waking vision of massive explosion youtube video

This video is a response to ATTN: March 15, 2011 Earth Shift (Blue and Red Kachina of Hopi Prophecy)



Revelations 6:7-8
Revelations 8:7-9

The Daily Conspiracy Vision:

Henning Kemner: Hydraulic Fracking Video:


Hydraulic Fracking Video:

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Prophecy Alert! by H. H. Alexandra H.



February 9, 2011


As we watch events unfold in Egypt, you can see my prophecy regarding the Middle East being fulfilled.  For Egypt, there will be outrage, anger, crying and fire before liberation and calm.


Providing warnings are about preparedness, not raising fear in people.  Her Holiness says that people should not live in fear, but rather in empowerment.  She says to focus on the good and be in balance and harmony.  Use your wisdom.
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disinformation about icelandic volcano

i have come across this many times, an article is published warning people of an event, and then all of a sudden another is published to dis credit the first, see what you think

1st article


disinformation article

Geologists on Iceland are warning of the increased risk of a fresh volcanic eruption after measuring an increased swarm of earthquakes around the island's second largest volcano. Páll Einarsson, a professor of geophysics at the University of Iceland, says the area around Bárdarbunga is showing signs of increased activity, which provides &#8220;good reason to worry&#8221;. He told the country's national TV broadcaster Rúv a shortage of seismometer measuring devices is making it more difficult to determine the scale and likely outcome of the current shifts. But he said there was &#8220;every reason to worry&#8221; as the sustained earthquake tremors to the north east of the remote volcano range are the strongest recorded in recent times and there was &#8220;no doubt&#8221; the lava as rising. The geologist complained that the lack of coverage of measuring devices means he cannot accurately detect the depth and exact location of the increased number of localised earth movements. &#8220;This is the most active areas of the country if we look at the whole country together,&#8221; he told Rúv News.

&#8220;There is no doubt that lava there is slowly growing, and the seismicity of the last few days is a sign of it. &#8220;We need better measurements because it is difficult to determine the depth of earthquakes because it is in the middle of the country and much of the area is covered with glaciers.&#8221; Respected volcano watcher Jón Frímann, said on his volcano watch blog: &#8220;After the Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption in the year 2010 it seems that geologists in Iceland take earthquake swarms more seriously then they did before.&#8221; He explained the Icelandic Met Office had on Sunday warned of the increased risk of a eruption in north-west side of Vatnajökull glacier due to the high earthquake activity in the area, and added: &#8220;It is clear that only time is going to tell us if there is going to be a eruption in this area soon or not.&#8221; The last recorded eruption of Bárdarbunga was in 1910, although volcanologists believe its last major eruption occurred in 1477 when it produced a large ash and pumice fall-out. It also produced the largest known lava flow during the past 10,000 years on earth. It is the second largest volcano on Iceland and is directly above the mantle plume of molten rock. By comparison, Bárdarbunga dwarves the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which shutdown most of Europe's airspace last year after its ash cloud drifted across the continent's skies.

<b>WikiPedia:</b> Bárbarbunga the glacier is a large and powerful Stratovolcano. It is also Iceland's largest volcanic system, considered to be close to 200 km long and up to 25 km wide. The volcano is covered in ice hiding her massive glacier-filled crater. Bárbarbunga was a little known volcano in Iceland because of its location far away from settlement and infrequent eruptions. However Icelanders have learned to respect this large and powerful volcano. Bárbarbunga's highest spot is 2009 meters high and is the second highest mountain in the country. The main crater in Bár&#240;arbunga is about 70 square kilometers, up to 10 km wide and about 700 meters deep. The surrounding edges rise up to 1850 meters but the base is on average close to 1100 meters. The crater is completely filled with ice. Many tephra layers originally thought to belong to other volcanoes have in the recent studies proved to be from Bár&#240;arbunga. The Gjálp eruption in 1996 revealed that an interaction may be between Bár&#240;arbunga and Grímsvötn. A strong earthquake in Bárbarbunga, about 5 on the Richter, is believed to have started the eruption in Gjálp. Sustained seismic activity has been in Bárbarbunga for some years without an eruption, which indicates the volcano is still active. Bárbarbunga volcano is specific to the extent that there is frequent volcanic activity outside the glacier to the southwest in the highlands between Vatnajökull and Mýrdalsjökull, also to the northeast toward Dyngjufjöll. The largest eruptions appear to be when magma rushes southwest.


let me know what you think, or am i barking up the wrong tree lol

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New Message From "The Agency""

White House

?siteId=65606306&memberId=65606307&size=square&545461 Posted by The Agency on February 10, 2011 at 9:56 AM


Please forgive us for the recent gap between communication. We must establish a credible non-governmental communication channel with you. We will appear over the White House of the United States of America between the 12th and 13th of February, 2011. There will be no retraction. We have prepared all that we need to prepare, diligently.


You will know that we are "The Agency".

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radio interview with martial masters


he also goes into the size and information of the incoming comet, and how they have released all the information but the size of the object, on another note the report of an imminent eruption of the Icelandic volcano has been denied by the MO but the MO are not to be trusted, anything to do with a government body is not to be trusted. 

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