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East Texas Earthquakes.

Here is a report of an EQ in East Texas.  What I find facinating, is that there was another EQ in about the same area just 7 days ago!

05/17/2012 report

05/10/2012 report

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Saint Germaine: This Is It

I'm not familiar with the source of this channeling/telepathic communication but I think what matters is whether the information itself resonates within you.

May 12, 2012

This is the time you have been waiting for over millennia.  There is a Moment when all is ready for activation.  This is It!  What may seem like the same old problems surfacing have become the First step into the Truly New!  It is the time that you have been waiting for. 

The people of the world are awakening and removing themselves from the Matrix that has kept you zombie-like slaves from ancient times.  Those who have enslaved the people of the Earth Mother are at a place of reckoning now.  The Change is upon you!  Your Hearts and Minds are ready for the new!  There Is No Going Back to the Old Ways that have benefited only the few.  The New World has been waiting for you to take back your personal power and stand as Free Beings of Creator! 

There are No "They" who took almost All from you!  You have Allowed what is before you.  As you Collectively Awaken to the harshness of this creation, Feel for All who are hurting!  All Living Beings are suffering right now.  Your Earth Mother is suffering, yet she has and Still gives of herself to you.  Now, as you look around you, can you not say that This Is Enough?  Enough repetitious pain and suffering in All kingdoms on the Earth Mother?  (Not just Human)

I, St Germain, tell you that it is not enough that your political systems will change, that your money systems will change, that your environment will be cleaned (with your assistance); but what I say to you is that YOU must change in order for this New Creation to Flower!  This is Your work!  This is Your Destiny! 

In the Days to come, it will be Your Hands and Hearts that will transform this world!  In order to create this you must become Heart-Centered Humans and no longer remain Self- Centered as in childhood.  You Are the Adults; you Are the Bringers of the New Dawn upon the Earth Mother!  Stand Tall and Strong in your Hearts, Minds, and Souls!  You are Leaders in the Army of Compassion for ALL!  We Walk with you!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle   Sunday May 12, 2012  9:47pm

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Athabantian Message

This is a message from Taugth, an Andromedan.  But first, here's Mark Kimmel...

Hi All,

We are in the initial stages of the transformation. Those who are clinging to the 3rd Dimension are digging in their heels in vain attempts to thwart the march to a new Earth. You can see this in the political chaos, the economic collapse, and in your own personal experiences. Most people are feeling the effects of the electromagnetic radiation from space, seeing it in unusual weather, and experiencing it in relationship issues.

In the following message from Taught he is very pointed about my involvement in this process. I encourage you to read this and then determine if you wish to be part of the Institute of Light and/or the conference being held this August.

Greetings, I am Taugth a celestial of this universe currently residing aboard the starship Athabantian. Today I wish to speak with you about the Institute of Light, the activities that it is sponsoring, and how they impact the larger picture.

I am the leader of a group who initially communicated to Mark the idea of constructing what he calls an "institute." Mark took several tangents before he was in position to commence this undertaking. however it is now well underway. The institute's location in Pagosa Springs, Colorado is important for its remoteness from the busyness of major cities, their electromagnetic interference, and environmental pollution. In this relatively pristine surrounding, we have initiated the Andromedan project.
Mark has named this start-up, the Institute of Light, and has undertaken the necessary steps to create an organization according to your civil laws. This is as we wish, for the current situation - quite temporary I assure you - requires conformity to the laws of your society.

The larger purpose for the institute, that we have named Abicor Center, is to provide a place where we of Athabantian, and other star civilizations of this sector of the universe, might come to interact with you, the humans of Earth. As we have stated before, many of your star sisters and brothers already walk among you; those of us of the celestial realm have been with you since the beginning.

Abicor Center will be conducive to our comings and goings, to allowing the humans of Earth to interact with us, to enabling us to teach and train humans so that they might be full-fledged citizens of the universe, and most importantly to raise the vibrations of all so that we might more easily interact with each other.

Abicor already exists at the higher vibrations of Athabantian. Abicor does not exist at the physical vibrations in which you reside, as the time is not yet right to do so. Ultimately Abicor will be a center in which many will reside, both you, the indigenous peoples of Earth, we of the celestial realm, and your brothers and sisters from the stars. We see that it will "materialize" sometime within the coming months.

Turning now to the activities of the Institute of Light, we are most pleased by the activities that are currently being carried out under that name. They are bringing together people from the surrounding community and introducing them to new ideas and training then to look upward rather than focus on the events swirling about their day-to-day lives, as portrayed in your media and Internet. This is a most important beginning.

At our instigation Mark, and others associated with the Institute of Light, will conduct a conference during your month of August. This is a most important undertaking and one that we wholeheartedly support. Along with Mark, we plan to be a part of it, as do others from Andromeda and elsewhere in this universe, and to interact with those who attend this conference.
In addition, we have selected (by a process of instigating the idea within the minds of those involved) certain individuals of Earth who will help you understand the need to raise your vibrations, train you to do so, and teach you to hold higher vibrations as you walk among those of the lower vibrations. This is a most important undertaking, and one in which we encourage you to participate.

The timing for this conference is most auspicious. There will be events preceding it that will garner the attention of all who are the least bit awakened. There are events following it that will challenge all on the planet to remain centered and to follow the high road. By the conclusion of your year 2012, much in your bodies and lives will be undergoing dramatic changes. Similarly much on your planet will be changing, and much of the physical universe will be undergoing a transformation.

Events on Earth are leading the way to a glorious transformation of all. You have the opportunity to participate in that transformation in a very special ways. Please, for the sake of all of us who are involved, become a part of this process. You are the ones -- in physical form -- that are requested to raise your vibrations to integrate with the higher realms and to lead all to a wondrous new civilization. In doing so you will initiate a wonderful new way of being for all.

I leave you now with these thoughts. All aboard Athabantian - physical beings, ascended ones, and celestials - send their blessings.

Please keep in mind that early registration for Transformation 2012 ends in a month. For more information go to:

As always I am optimistic that beyond the chaos lies a wonderful new civilization, and wondrous lives for those who choose to come along on this grand adventure. Please be ones of those who will.

In Truth, Love & Joy,

Mark Kimmel

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Show: Drake
Date/Time: May 16, 2012 6:00 PM CDT
Description: Drake will be discussing any updates if there are any and
addressing military and discussing how YOU can grow YOUR community.
Listen: Click to listen.

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If you miss this above event you can listen to the archive anytime by clicking on the same link above.

Enjoy the show,

The BlogTalkRadio Team

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People are coming to ask money to help some freak weird project!!??? How stupid are we to give financial support? Isn´t enough what "churchs" are asking in name of "god", if you don´t give 10% or more you will lose yr job, yr health, yr love, yr position.. What´s the main porpose of this site!!???

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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Solar maximum is coming in 2013. How will space weather affect you? To answer that question, experts from around the world are gathering for the Space Weather Enterprise Forum (SWEF) on June 5, 2012, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. To learn more and register, please visit the SWEF web site at

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ETs/EDs Strike At Night–Wipe Out North Korean Rocket Fuel Manufacturing & Storage Complex Plus Underground Biowarfare Facility Below!

from John kettler blog

link to article here

My own wish is they strike at the NATO get together, or maybe Cam David, but some really big gesture at the Olympics will get everyone thinking, so long as the only things that are hurt are the egos of the politicians

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According to Sheldan, there are no safe locations.  If this is true, then physically preparing is a waste of time and what we should all be preparing for is ascension.  I am presenting this viewpoint for your consideration.  You have to go with your own intuition as to what the truth is. 

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Meet Our Galactic Neighbors

Meet Our Galactic Neighbors

The Yahyel
One of five hybrid races of Human and Zeta DNA.  Said to be the first who will make physical contact.

A Guide to Earth's Extraterrestrial Races

The 2nd "Sphere Being" (10' tall, golden brown skin)

The "Sphere Beings" (of the Ra -- Law of One -- Collective) (Blue Avian)

The Alien Race Book

Eyewitness account of a UFO

Sculptures of some of the different "good guy" star races.
Be sure to read their descriptions under the Sculptures link, as well as the sculptor's story, it's quite interesting.


The Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation Of Light Members

The Galactic Federation Of Worlds

Galactic Council Species
Sirian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and other lesser known races.

Star Nations High Council

The Arcturians

Edgar Cayce, The Father Of The Arcturians

The Agarthans
(Study this race well because we may be meeting them first.)

Admiral Richard E. Byrd, USN, met the Agarthans in 1956:

Sheldan Nidle Re Agarthans, Humanity's Mentors:  4:50 Discusses Earth Changes

The Visiting Four Races Of The Andromedan Council

The Pleiadians

George Washington & The Pleiadians

Sheldan Nidle Introduces Six Galactic Humans
Learn how to say "hello" in six star languages: Sirian, Pleiadean, Andromedan, Herculean, Centaurian, and Lyran.

Images of various spacecraft from around the world:

Sheldan Nidle Gives A Tour
Of A Sirian Mothership

The ET-UFO Education Blog

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