no (5)

According to Sheldan, there are no safe locations.  If this is true, then physically preparing is a waste of time and what we should all be preparing for is ascension.  I am presenting this viewpoint for your consideration.  You have to go with your own intuition as to what the truth is. 

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Helping Mother Earth Gaia (Shan) to Give Birth =
Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All
Want to help Mother Earth Gaia and the Galaxy Ascend by
contributing 15-20 minutes per day in a shared meditation with
Project: Eagle Triad? Start your Mission today!
Please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles (dot) com

********** THE IMPENDING LABOR OF EARTH **********

                                  Sanat Kumara

     Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles


It is I, Sanat Kumara, who comes forth to speak with you regarding
our Beloved Mother Earth. Most of you know me as the Planetary
Logos, the one who embodies this planet, filling every cell of her
being, lighting and paving the way for some of the most historic
events in her history. I come forth at this time to ask each of you
to become, as it were, a Planetary Logos... filling your Heart
Center with the Love for our Mother. She is going through a most
difficult time right now, and is in need of much Love and Care. For
those of you of the female gender who have been on the threshold
birth, you are well aware of what I speak.

Mother Earth is now in the throes of labor... and a difficult labor
it is. She is hurting and she needs your Love. The time for the
"big push" is at hand. Long has she strived to hold back on this
birth, giving everyone ample opportunity to awaken to their own
Divinity, to their Oneness with her. The time has now come when the
pangs of birth are so strong that she can hold off no longer.

Earth changes are impending, however this is part of her birthing
process. It must be in order for her to move into her Higher state
of Being. She [Mother Earth Gaia / Shan] has loved you, cared for you,
provided for you, nourished you, and now she must move on… on to
her rightful Ascended State. And she holds open the opportunity for
all humanity to join her on this journey. All she asks is for you
to join with her in Love... in Oneness. Accompany her
into the Higher Realms by way of your own Ascension. The choice, of
course, is yours. You may go...or you may stay. She has made her
choice, however, and is now ready to Ascend.

Be not afraid of the  coming "push", for all is as it should be.
Send her  Love, hold  her in your Heart, embody her to help her
through this difficult  time. She has held back as long as she can,
but now must burst forth from her chrysalis as does the butterfly
as it takes to the air. I ask all of you to join me in helping with this
birth. Long have I held the Light in every cell of her body, and now
I ask you to continue to do the same.

While holding this LIGHT, it is now time to step back and let
Mother Nature, as it were, take its rightful course. She is now
striving to rise to her perfection, but cannot do so without your
Light paving the way. Bless her, and tell her you love her and are
standing by as midwives, so to speak, ready to help in any way you
can. Hinder her no more, but instead give her the command to
"Push!" begin this great and glorious birth. Her time is at
hand, as is yours. She has delayed as long as possible in order for
her children to come out of the place of fear. But she can wait no

Put away your fear and ride the tide of redemption with her! Yes,
the changes will come. Yes, there will be moments of doubt and
uncertainty when these changes begin. But fear not! Know that we
are with all of you, and that each of you is exactly where you
should be at any given moment. Stand back and watch as the Glory of
God is revealed to All. My Love and Peace I leave with you. I AM
Sanat Kumara.



Learn more about Project: Eagle Triad and the Sananda’s Eagles here:


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From one day to another circumstances in your world are changing very rapidly. The facts may not be readily available to you, but as the purge of the dark Ones continues you will learn more about it. Our allies along with our backing are progressing very well, and nothing will prevent ultimate success. For example although many attempts have been made to start a Third World War, they have been dealt with and as we have promised you all along, there will not be another war. That message is getting home to those who are the warmongers, and they realize that we are as good as our word. There have been a number of false flag incidents that have been controlled by us, so as to prevent the likelihood of a major confrontation. Some have been too big to be fully concealed, and some details do leak out. Be observant and you will undoubtedly pick up on some unusual reports.

Clearly we have no wish to engage in battles with the dark Ones, but we have the authority to act on your behalf to protect you. You have indicated your desire to enter a new era where war no longer takes place, and call for world peace. It we will be ensured and enforced if necessary, until those responsible for such heinous acts as war are no longer able to exercise such power. It is a Divine Decree that your cycle of duality ends with war having been totally eradicated, and peace having been firmly established. For too long your rights have been taken away, and the time has been reached for them to be totally restored. The old paradigm is now defunct, and will draw no more energy to sustain it any longer. A new day has commenced that will bloom into its magnificence with Ascension.

Dear Ones, in light of what we have told you about peace being established, please do not get caught up in fear as a result of the Middle East problems. There will be a sudden end to all confrontations, and those involved will see an event that allows for peace all round. There is no place any longer for nuclear weapons, and they have already been earmarked for destruction. The message is finally getting home that they will not be allowed to be used in any circumstances. Your governments have known about us and the ban on such devices for many years, and are finally realizing that we mean what we say.

We are here to ensure that the Light is supported in all possible ways, without interfering with the freewill choice of Humanity. The Galactic Federation are the peace keepers of the Universe, and where you find us you will find the Light at work. Nothing escapes our notice, and there are no hiding places that the Illuminati and their minions can use to avoid their fate. They have been offered a way out if they resign, but that does not mean they can get away with their crimes against Humanity. There are far greater powers than us who are involved in ensuring that justice is meted out.

The Galactic Federation has not been more active than it is at present, as the chaos and collapse of the old ways involves considerable cleansing of energies that have been dormant for ages. They will have no place in the higher vibrations that accompany Ascension, and indeed for that reason they cannot impose themselves upon it. The Laws of the Universe are sacred and apply all through it, and we are those who will make certain that they are carried out. It is why that with Ascension no souls can go forward with it unless their vibrations are compatible with it. The choice is still yours, but you must have reached a certain vibratory level to ascend. All souls will have known about it before they came into incarnation, and some of them have no desire to ascend, but wish to add this period in duality to their experience.

You are on the verge of experiencing an exciting period to see out the cycle of duality, and it will not really commence until you are allowed to live in peace and without fear. You will become free and with abundance and other benefits due to you, will feel a great wave of joy and happiness sweep across the Earth. We shall be openly with you and participate in your celebrations, because it will for you be an historic occasion. We can hear a big sigh of relief pass all around the world, as you enjoy a level of freedom unlike anything you have experienced for eons of time. Go about your daily travels with such thoughts in mind, and know that you do not have much longer to bear the present chaos.

You are going to learn more frequently about those guilty of crimes against you being forced to resign. Corruption and bribes are endemic in politics and big business, but that will change as in time only those who are trustworthy and honest will survive the cleansing. A stand is now taking place to root out those who have worked only for the betterment of self. In future there will only be souls of Light that will represent you and look after your interests. Such responsibilities should be considered a privilege and honour, and you do have people amongst you that would gladly serve you in this way.

All of you have spent so may lives on Earth to reach your present stage of evolution. Rich man, or poor man you have experienced all manner of challenges, and today you are much wiser and aware than when you first entered the lower dimensions. That is why so many of you are ready to ascend, as duality has nothing more to teach you, although the experience will serve you well in the future. So even if you are going through trying times now, it may well be the last time lessons in duality are placed before you. Even if you are comparatively young, you will nevertheless have had good reasons for experiencing the end times.

What would be the point in life if there was no apparent purpose to it. Surely without it there would be chaos and disorder and no real goal to aim for. Whereas it really flows along a divinely ordained path, that will lift Humankind up by giving every soul an opportunity to ascend. So within the chaos a plan for your evolution has almost been completed, to end this stage of it. Then you will enter a another cycle at a higher vibration, with the aim of going even higher.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that we along with others have been given the opportunity to accompany you on your journey home.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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This is fascinating:  This astrophysicist says a comet twice the size of Jupiter came through our solar system in February 2003 and that it should have devastated us and it didn't, and he has no clue why it didn't.  He also said NASA hid the information.

Now, what do you think of this?  If a BDS is following Elenin that closely, we should be feeling it by now, but we aren't.  Well, if this astrophysicist is right, it could happen again; it could be coming and we aren't feeling it.  But why aren't we feeling it?  Why isn't it wreaking havoc?  Could it be ET intervention?  What else could it be?  The astrophysicist thinks someone is watching over us.  But could it be a temporary intervention for whatever reason?

Other possibilities:  Could it have been a different BD in 2003 than Nibiru?  Or could it have been an extraterrestrial spacecraft, rather than a BDS? 

This makes the 2003 "white lie" a little bit darker, doesn't it?  NASA knew but the Zetas didn't?  Or are there no Zetas and ZT has been a NASA site with the purpose of distracting all along?

Discussion of this video here:  Note this statement: 

"The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the Earth swings around into alignment."

Read this entire blog, it is full of information and also reprints the two 1983 articles about Planet X.


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