All Posts (53)
Lana Vawser: Relax and Rest, Be Confident and Serene
By Lana Vawser
The Lord highlighted Psalm 116 to me today for those who have been going through an incredibly difficult pressing, opposition, hardship and battle, the Lord whispered to me that His deliverance will bring you into a new place suddenly, where you can say to yourself and others what David said in verse 7:
“Now I can say to myself and to all; RELAX and REST, be CONFIDENT and SERENE, for the Lord rewards FULLY those who simply trust in Him”
Many of you what you have been walking through has required a new level of surrendering and trusting in Him and His way and that He is FOR YOU and He is leading you to PLEASANT places. Much of the shaking taking place is exposing the areas of fear, unbelief, doubt and lack of trust in the hearts of His people. In that place, He is healing hearts and deepening dependency upon Him.
The date is now 15 July 2017. The clock is ticking.I am of the opinion that the Rapture of the Church will occur on or about 23 Sep 2017. In conjunction with the appearing of the great heavenly sign as depicted in Rev 12:1-2. And the finally time of Judgement for this world known as the Tribulation Period will start shortly some time after that. I personally do not believe in Global warming. What really happening is a extra solar planet is in our solar system that has established an electric magnetic relationship with our Sun that effecting the weather and our magnetic shields around our planet. Which in turn is causing more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And crazy weather because it is effecting the jet stream and the ocean currents. Of course the media and the elites are not going to tell you the truth. They have been to busy building their underground bunkers and preparing for what coming.
This Rouge Star and its 7 orbiters is a twin to our Sun and it orbits in and out of our solar system every 350 to 450 it's effects are more devastating when the and this Rouge Star and Earth are both on the side of the Sun. Because it passes though our solar on the elliptic from the south. This Rouge Star caused the flood of Noah. It was instrumental in causing the plagues of Egypt during Time of Moses. It was here during the crucifixion of Jesus it was the object that is 5 to 7 larger than the earth that caused the 3 hour eclipse. When the moon blocks the Sun blocks it can be no more than 3 minutes because of the moon size and your relative position on the surface of earth. It was here during the middle ages and now it on it way back in about a little more than 70 days away from Jupiter.
It is approaching from behind our Sun. And as s it gets closer to earth it might pop out from behind the Sun and will be like a second Sun only smaller. Do you really think the media the government's of the world are going to warn the people due to their fear that the general public will Panic and freak out
God would be most merciful if he would allow this Rouge Star to pop out from behind the Sun as warning to the world. But if you see this it is already to late.
As this Rouge Star and it's 7 orbiters pass Jupiter in a little more than 2 months 1 of its orbiters will collide with Jupiter and cause this planet to lose enough mass from Jupiter that it would cause changes effecting the rotations of the other planets within this solar system, causing the planets to speed up their rotation, in which earth will speed up a third earth causing a 16 hour day instead of the 24 hours we observe now. Also as predicted in the Bible that those days would be shortened for the elect's sake. No flesh would be saved. And what is most frightening is that all that planetary debris from Jupiter and the obitor will arrive 3 and a half years later as a massive meteor storm causing untold destruction on the inhabitants of the earth at that time.
Now is the time to turn to Jesus. First recognize that you are a lost sinner with no hope other than trusting Christ. believe now in your heart that Jesus came to this world died in your place on that cross. died was buried and was resurrected on the third day. And by faith faith call on him to come into your and trust him alone for your salvation. This corrupt and failed system we are living under is going to collapse. The elites and the leaders of this world would rather have us turn a blind eye to what is happening all around us and for us to continue to be distracted and over burden by this world. Jesus is coming soon... If we do not trust him now. Soon your greatest fears will will be realized. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...
Sananda via Victoria Corachene, July 14th, 2017
‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ is a well-known saying and could not be a more poignant one for these times on Earth. No-one can take full responsibility for the events in the world yet every individual must hold themselves to account. How can this be when it sounds so contradictory? The separate lives you lead are an illusion, dear ones. You are all strangers outside of your family and friends yet you are all united in the energy of oneness through God, the Creator. In the Universe there is no separation; everything and everyone is one and connected, therefore, every human on Earth is connected through thought and mind. Every thought is connected through the global collective consciousness and the vibration of this consciousness fluctuates between being extremely positive to violently negative. The global consciousness is connected to the universal collective consciousness which contains thoughts and knowledge from other worlds. Overarching all consciousness is the Universal Mind.
The Universal Mind is not a well-known concept yet it is what connects every being alive, on every planet, through their conscious mind. It is not, however, a consciousness rather a memory-bank of knowledge contained through human (and other form’s) interactions and experience. It includes the wealth of knowledge that the Masters of Light have attained through their many carnations on Earth and beyond and of their mastery and encapsulates the knowledge of the ancient beings who came to Earth from the stars and held the mysteries of the Universe at their fingertips. In short, the Universal Mind is the bank of wisdom that can, and should, be accessed by those seeking enlightenment rather than the Universal Collective Consciousness which is unstable and unreliable.
Many people are plugged in energetically to the collective consciousness without realising it and are often left wondering why they feel so miserable when their life is, overall, not so bad. The energy radiated out by the collective consciousness fluctuates, ebbs and flows and, when there is an extreme wave of negativity, the effect on some people’s moods and minds is significant. It is important dear ones, particularly if you are becoming more attuned to the energies of ascension and awakening, that you remain vigilant in your cleansing and protection rituals. Do not allow your vibration to be lowered by the drama of 3D energy which is circulated largely by the media and then left to hover like a dark, gloomy cloud in the collective consciousness. ‘Opt out’ of the stream of propaganda, lies and deceit that deludes so many and opt in to the wisdom of the Universal Mind which can be accessed through your higher self in unison with your sacred heart. To do this, dear ones, meditation is in order!
When connecting to your Higher Self, which is situated directly above your head and is anywhere from white to golden in colour, imagine it coming through your crown down into your heart space. Connect to it by either sitting inside it energetically or by holding its light in your mind’s eye. Become aware of a shift in energy around you as you become connected to this infinite source of wisdom and knowledge. Ask your question and allow the knowledge to become apparent to you without thinking about it: just feel and know the answer. This wisdom, sourced from your higher self is also from the data bank of the Universal Mind.
The Universal Mind is not God’s mind but a static ‘library’ that collects wisdom that grows in volume but does not change otherwise. God, or Creator’s mind, however, is a living energy of creation that uses the wisdom of the Universal Mind to create the reality of the user. The vibration and energy of the creation depends on the faith, trust and belief of the creator; the more positive and trusting the user of the wisdom and knowledge is the more beneficial to the person and the greater good the reality will be.
So, how positive or negative is your reality at the present time? What thoughts, attitudes and beliefs do you need to change to become in Divine flow and in alignment with the Universal Mind which is ready to deliver you abundance and prosperity in exchange for your higher vibrations and positive frequencies. As you make changes to your perspective on what life is delivering and start to see that your vibrations attract those of the same frequency, your world and the attitudes of those around you will begin to change as well. Change your thoughts, change your reality….
It is a simple notion that takes little effort, yet the impact on your life and on the world cannot be measured, dear ones.
I Am yours in service and unconditional love,
Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus).
» Source – Channel: Victoria Corachene
Advice for choosing a location to make it through the social chaos | |
People ask me whether they should leave their home country and move to somewhere else to escape the social and financial chaos on the horizon. Based on what I've learned in the last ten years, my answer is, "Stay where you fit in." You can't escape globalism, and it's better to be considered a "local" than a "foreigner." I've posted an article and video about this to help in your decision process. |
Dear People, what you condemn in another you are almost certain to do yourself, somewhere along the pathway, because you have charged that quality into your world. If you do not use the Violet Consuming Flame sufficiently, then that will outpicture in your own life.
“BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE”! You stand guard over my tongue, and never let me speak words of criticism, condemnation, judgment, or blame of any person, place, condition, or thing! Reach down Your Hand and withdraw all substance of criticism, condemnation, judgment, blame, or other human qualities with which I have charged my being and world! Consume it all in the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame and Saint Germain’s Spiral Blue Flame; then stand guard and see I do not requalify any more of Your Pure Energy flowing through my being and world.
Excerpt by Beloved Cyclopea from Volume 7
Decree # 37 from “I AM” Decree Booklets, Book One: page 26
For more information on the Violet Consuming Flame, visit:…
Linda Li shared her post to the group: Saint Germain the alchemist.
Linda Li with Beth Williams.
Message from Mother Mary
July 12th, 2017
By Linda Li
Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come with important news. Divine has decreed that the United States' ascension has been lagging behind the other nations, time has come for a change. United States is supposed to be the leader in this ascension journey, but in reality, the country has been bogged down in the mud and seems that it can not find its way out. As a result, United States has fallen behind other countries, and making ascension journey difficult for its people and for the people on the planet. Divine has had enough of it, and Divine wants to change that so that the ascension of the planet can get back on track, souls on the planet can ascend freely regardless of who is the leader or not, and the ascension of the planet can be smooth, and achieve its goals Divine has set. That is the message today. Divine wants you all to know that.
In order for the changes to happen, we have to have our light workers line up behind the Divine plan, carry out the Divine plan. Divine feels that it is important at this point that our light workers forget about the United States as a leader for ascension purpose, and ascend freely. There is no leader in this moment, so ascend when you are ready. There is no such thing that you have to have permission in this ascension journey. Whenever you are ready, and whoever you are, Divine wants you just ascend. Regardless which soul group you represent, regardless which country you are from. It doesn't matter at this moment. What matters is that you are able to ascend so that the group you represent, the country you represent can ascend. You are the leader dear heart, at this moment, yes, you are the leader, you represent your soul group, your country, go ahead and ascend so that your soul group and your country can ascend, your people will have an easier time. That is what Divine wants you to do, and that is what you shall do. In this matter, at this moment, we want you to hear it and act on it.
I love you dear heart. In the recent shift, we also noticed that some light workers could not ascend because they are too attached to their families and their loved ones. They believe that if they go ahead and ascend, their families and their loved ones will be left behind. Dear heart, that is not the case. Quite contrary, if you ascend, your family and your loved ones will have an easier time to follow suit and ascend. You need to set the example for them, pave a path for them, help them to ascend. You need to ascend first. You need to be the pioneer dear heart, that is the design. That is how this ascension works. You represent your soul groups, ascend and pave a way for them so that they can find the way and ascend. That is the design indeed.
In regarding to family members, Divine wants you all to understand that your earthly family is your soul group. They came here to support you so that some day when you ascend, you can show them how and help them. That is the design, and Divine wants you to understand that And get your family together and ascend with you. Some of the light workers don't have a healthy relationship with their families. Some not even talk to their families, Divine wants you to hear this, your family is part of you dear heart, believe it, love your family, help them to ascend. You are one, your family and you are one, one unit. It is the design. You may look different, act different but in reality, you are no different. They are you, you are part of them. It is just happened that you are the leader this time, and you need to ascend and they will follow. They know who you are and they are waiting. That is all.
I love you dear heart. In the next few days, Divine is going to send another wave of ascension Rays. So, do your diligence and make sure you are ready when ascension flame hits you, ride the wave and ascend dear heart. I am Mother Mary, I love you. So it is.
We have the Abilities to Create by Commander 7
Shasta Springs, California * September 10, 1963
Record CD 964; Cassette 6 0022-2
Beloved Ones, in helping you to stand against the discord of the outer world, We must first of all fill you with Our Stillness, fill you with our Control of your emotional bodies. So We will appreciate very greatly any Command that you give to yourselves to command every bit of energy in your feeling world to be still, to be filled with the Violet Consuming Flame's Immortal Purity! Command that energy to obey your "Beloved I AM Presence" and Our Command of Control of conditions around you. You must command the energy in your own feeling world to be still and obey you! You are the "Beloved I AM Presence." You are not the desires of this outer body, of your mental and feeling world. That is but the vibratory action of the action of the energy of the atomic structure which clothes the Unfed Flame in your Heart. You are the Unfed Flame in your Heart. Therefore you are the individual Sacred Fire Commanding Presence of the "Beloved Mighty I AM," and it is to make you aware of this and help you to abide within the Sacred Fire of your own Life Stream that We come to give you Our Ascended Master Consciousness, Our Feeling of the Control of all energy, and compel everything in the world around you to become constructive and hold protection about you.
You must learn to command the energy of your own feeling world. Therefore, whenever there seems to be disturbance, when you're under strain or struggle or sometimes too tired-sometimes a sense of hurry or irritation or resistance against surrounding conditions-do not let that feeling build. Instead of doing that, We will help you with Unlimited Power, if-the moment you become aware of the distress in your feeling world-you will rise into the Authority and Power of your own Heart's Flame of your Life and Authority of your "Beloved I AM Presence," and recognizing that you are the Sacred Fire Presence of the "Beloved Mighty I AM," speak to the disturbance, don't let it build to the place where it exhaust you and takes your energy-but arise immediately into the Authority and full Conscious Command of your own Heart's Flame; and you command anything that is disturbed feeling to be still and obey the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host!
more @
Dratzo! We are on the verge of a wondrous set of events. It seems that all the obstacles we encountered have been dealt with and we are just about ready for the initial group of deliveries. These currencies are to be gold-backed and are to contain US notes. There are to be no Federal Reserve dollars in these assigned deliveries. Hence, they are to spell the demise of the US Federal Reserve and quite shortly are to signal the formal rise of your new NESARA Republic. This simply means that we are to officially observe the start of a number of major arrests of the heinous scalawags of the dark. Oh Happy days for us all!!
JULY 9, 2017
Dear ones, once again we reach out in love to bless, heal, and inform all who wish it. In this time of strife and confusion you must learn to rest in and live out from the highest level of your consciousness. Many of you are being "tested" so to speak, not by God who knows only His own infinite completeness, but by yourselves.
You are being faced with a choice; "Do I really believe what I know of truth or do I not? Based on images and news, I should be afraid, but based on the truth I know within, why should I react to the outer scene if it is illusion? There is, never has been, nor ever can be real death." These words will sound shocking to some, but need to be considered by anyone serious about their spiritual evolution. Either God is, or God isn't.
We would speak of love as emotion. Oneness is experienced on the human level as a form of connection. It has over time come to be interpreted in hundreds of different ways according to individual states of consciousness. Because of beliefs in separation, this connecting energy has come to be selective and present only with certain people.
In the human scene the attraction or aversion a person may feel toward another usually has to do with mutual past life experiences, the unconscious yet active (cellular memory) energy of some interaction with or knowledge of a person from another time. This is the source of what is called karma. Karma is not irreversible punishment for some past action as many believe, but is rather the presence of old energies still active and needing to be cleared.
Karma is believed by many to be some sort of "pay back" because as energy seeks to align with like energy, it will seem like that is what is happening. Karmic resolution between two people happens automatically when one or both evolve and begin to live from a higher state of consciousness in which the lower resonating energies no longer exist. Having only belief in them and no law to support them, they simply are no longer exist.
However, there remain many not yet able to resolve and clear old energy at this higher level. Those living fully in third dimensional belief system do not understand energy and karma and so seek to resolve karmic interpersonal issues according to their concepts and beliefs--often through violent action or angry confrontation. This only serves to continue and activate a karmic situation which at some point in some lifetime will need to be cleared.
This is easily observed as world chaos. Everyone, spiritually awake or not, is experiencing the intensity of the Light frequencies pouring onto earth at this time. These high resonating energies are exposing and bringing to conscious awareness personal and collective energies that must be cleared in order to integrate the higher frequencies.
Powerful and sacred energies are being experienced on all levels; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, serving to draw all who are ready towards awakening into self empowerment. Those who thrive on the ignorance of others, do not like this, and so continue to broadcast and promote the illusion. Be awake dear ones.
The spiritual journey will often draw (Law of Attraction) people into relationships and situations that they really don't like. They begin to question; "What was I thinking?" Most are unaware that the "like energy" that created the situation was energy stored and active in cellular memory from the past.
However, in this powerful time of transition rather than being karmic, many unpleasant situations are the perfect unfolding of a pre-birth contract created and agreed upon by all involved for purposes of completing any remaining lessons and resolving all old issues in preparation for ascension.
In order to bring resolution to certain deeply imbedded old energies, a soul will frequently choose to be born into a family that reflects the issue. This serves to activate it, not allowing the individual to ignore or bury it deeply as they have done in previous lifetimes. Example; Someone who has been deeply involved in a belief system or religion lifetime after lifetime but who feels that they are ready to move beyond it will choose a family still active in that particular belief system so they can practice it, then evaluate, and finally leave it.
A person who has been devalued and abused in other lifetimes will often choose to incarnate into an abusive family in order to activate his low self esteem and finally rise above it, empowering himself. These types of decisions are made pre-birth and with the help of Guides making sure that the person is now strong and evolved enough to address and clear something they may of carried through lifetimes.
Everyone creates a lesson contract before incarnating, one that will bring together the right people at the right time for the situations necessary to resolve whatever old concepts and beliefs they are ready to release. The HigherSelf orchestrates the necessary parts of the puzzle, bringing everything together at the appropriate time in order to activate the lessons chosen.
Individuals unaware of pre-birth planning will seek escape through whatever means are available, unaware of how to meet the particular situation on a higher level. These situations can exist between parent and child, siblings, husband and wife, relatives, neighbors,friends and acquaintances, and even localities. Awareness of the truth of being does not mean you can not or do not help those who are struggling, but means that as you do it you are able to see beyond the appearances and help from levels of compassion, not sympathy.
So you see, in reality there are no accidents and no victims, although it certainly seems that way to human eyes and especially to those having the experience. Each and every soul is on a spiritual journey toward awakening into the truth of self as SELF even those totally unaware and disinterested in this fact. There are no exceptions because everyone is the manifestation of the Divine, nothing else exists.
It is important never to remain in a dangerous situation believing that you are being spiritual and are resolving something on a higher level. The others involved may be simply unable to align in any way with higher ways of resolution. Always trust your intuition.
Karmic connections can be cleared when only one person is willing, both are not needed. When the willing participant chooses to no longer engage (not so much in anger, but in the sense of love energy), he lifts himself out of the old resonance, no longer in alignment with it. This is often done by those with no conscious awareness of deep spiritual truth, but who have attained a state of consciousness that automatically guides them toward meeting situations on new and higher levels.
It is only by choosing to remain in and feed some false belief that karmic situations continue. Without energy to hold them in place, they simply dissolve. If the other person or persons choose to continue in the beliefs, it does not affect the one who has chosen to move on unless they re-engage.
It is important to clear the energy cords that form from experiences of intense good and bad between people. Many carry cords to certain people from lifetime to lifetime resulting in a bondage of sort to that person. It often takes place between a parent and child, lovers, family members, and friends as well as enemies.
Energy cords can be easily removed by stating your intention to do so, asking your Guides for help, and in a quiet uninterrupted time visualize your hands filled with Light going into your Solar Plexus chakra, and gently removing any cords. Then lovingly hand them back to the other person and fill the empty space with golden Light.
A spiritually evolved energy worker can also do cord removal for you, but always use your intuition when seeking out a person for energy work. Choose someone of a high resonance who works from an evolved level of awareness and not one who has learned the techniques but does not yet have a good understanding and consciousness of the truth behind them.
Emotions are a large and confusing part of life lived in third dimensional energy. Sexual attraction has come to mean love. Dislike has come to mean another person is somehow less. Confusion regarding negative emotions often sends people to therapists where they frequently analyze and more deeply imbed them rather than getting to the core of whatever beliefs have created them.
This does not mean you cannot seek this type of help if you are guided to it nor does it mean that therapists are not sincerely trying to assist people. Help is provided for all states of consciousness, on all levels, but for those spiritually ready for the deeper work, it can create spiritual delay because you are no longer in alignment with much of the third dimensional ideas and techniques they use. For those guided to seek the help of a therapist, ask to be guided to one of evolved consciousness. There are many out there but they do not broadcast it.
The taking of drugs to manage emotions simply serves to mask and push them deeper within rather than allowing them to be understood and cleared. Unless really necessary which they often are in the third dimensional belief system, drugs should be avoided. All chemicals ingested effect the energy field, and a great deal of the information regarding drugs is based in greed and false concepts of normality.
Drugs taken by choice promote a false sense of spirituality and wholeness resulting in addiction, spiritual delay, and often the waste of a lifetime and planned lessons. For those awake to truth, it is important to keep the body clean and clear, creating an appropriate vessel for the integration of higher frequencies.
Allow emotions to express, not resisting, hating, or being embarrassed to have them. Love them as facet of who you are at the time recognizing that emotions serve to alert you to your belief system and stored cellular memory now ready to clear. You are no longer an un-awakened human being if you are reading these messages, so stop thinking of yourselves in that way. You are well on your way toward ascension into higher dimensional frequencies, no longer seekers of truth.
Your state of consciousness reflects outwardly. If you are experiencing a difficult situation with someone, something, or some place recognize it as a signal that something is trying to clear--some false belief you still hold. Ask yourself; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way?" This will point you to what it is that needs deeper examination.
As we have stated many times, Love is the energy of Oneness but is interpreted according one's individual state of consciousness. Every issue of daily living can be resolved once it is understood that there is only One. This then allows you to recognize and clear any beliefs of separation you may still hold, making room for a new and more evolved state of consciousness to unfold.
Do not expect that you will never again experience a reaction to someone who has hurt you or that you are a spiritual failure because of it. Clearing and healing takes place as you open to truth about everyone's Divinity, but within the density of physicality it takes time for the healing to fully integrate.
Your inward or outward actions of unconditional love may never effect the actions and beliefs of another so do not look to the "problem people" in your life to change. Their awakening is their job, not yours.
As you grow in truth and awareness you will discover that certain people and situations simply disappear out of your life. This is because you are no longer in alignment with the lower resonating words and actions involved that allowed you to be wounded. You are now able to "Let the heathen rage." while you live and move in the higher realities of Love and truth.
Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that Gaia and her children and humanity will go through yet another great shift. It is due and can arrive any time now. This one is particularly special and Divine warns you so that you all will be prepared.
Yes dear heart, mass ascension has begun. The ascension energy coming to earth is becoming more and more powerful. In order for you to stay and stay well, you need to heed Divine's advice and do whatever it takes to maintain your cool. This energy is very powerful. Mother designed it this way so that all Gaia's children and humanity will heed the call and go home. This energy will do just that, bring Gaia's children and humanity home.
Yes, some may say, they have had it. I agree with you dear heart. You have been bombarded by strong energies for years if not decades, and your patience is running thin. Just think of it this way dear heart, if it weren't because of these energies, could you be where you are today? Could humanity be where it is now? Far from that, you and humanity most likely would have stayed in the dark, and struggling, and found no way out. That was the case before for eons of time dear heart. We finally made it this far. Gaia and humanity finally have a chance to go home, all because of these energies. So, be patient dear heart. I know it is not easy when you are in form, and experience these strong energies. Sometimes your body may not reach well. But believe me, these energies do wonders if you let them. Just give it a chance, you will see how far these energies will take you. Going home you need these energies dear heart. Nothing else can do it for you, remember that. So, stay put and let energies do the work dear heart. It is in Divine's interest that you work with these energies and not lament it. When you embrace these energies, you go home faster and struggle less. Why not adapt the energies and make your path easier instead of fighting hard dear heart, think about it.
I am Mother Mary, I love you. In next few days, Divine is going to pay tremendous attention to our light workers who are at the verge of ascension. It is Divine's wish that these light workers who are ready to ride this ascension flame and ascend. Yes, we cannot wait. We want you to ascend dear heart so that you don't have to suffer from the dark night of the soul. It is time dear heart, come with us and go home. This is your chance, embrace it.
I love you dear heart. In your ascension journey home, I also want to remind you that regardless how far you have traveled, you still have far to go in terms of full enlightenment. It is the truth that spiritual journey has no end, you always evolve, going home. There is no such thing that once I ascend, I am done. Yes, once you ascend, you will be done for one phase. But next phase will await you. So, be prepared and you won't feel disappointed. Remember your spiritual journey has no end, you always expand. That is the law. I love you, I am Mother Mary. So it is.