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The following is a comment made to the "A Modest Rebuttal" blog made by a recently departed moderator at poleshift ning, Cindi C, also known as Kai, or Cindi or Cin. It is worthwhile to read, so I made it a blog. I applaud you Cindi for coming forward with your story. I think better of you now. May you too be at peace.
Comment by Blinders Off 3 hours ago
She's [Nancy] a fraud. While I have no longer have access to tangible proof that she has lost it like you all do, at least not since I quit that ning, what I have are the tests that were presented to her that she latched on to like a snapping turtle. She said that the "zetas" said things that could not possibly be true - because what the "zetas" said were someone / something else, were actually done / said by me posing as someone else. I have so much to tell you all I really don't know where to begin.
My suspicion that she was other than she let on began with her going nuts on the admin ning against the mods. Prior to that, I was an absolute believer. Starting with that moment... the one where you read about the 'trials' dialog where you can picture a spitting, huffing, red faced Nancy Leider, I decided to "test the spirits" I think is the way the Bible puts it. And without letting ANYONE know what I was doing, which may have made me a few enemies in the process. So at the cost of truth and absolute honesty, what I have painfully discovered in an indirect way was the same as what the 4 mods discovered in an abrupt and direct way just with different methods behind it. I felt they were owed that.
Let me back up a bit first. I never asked to be a moderator. I joined that ning expecting to learn a lot about the Zetas and the Earth changes and it so happened that a member joined that I knew from a previous list (two, actually) who was only up to no good. He was into recruiting for his "cult" and is wanted in the disappearances of 3 people as well as himself - but it's an unnessary and long story at this stage. I warned Gerard about him and was doing some research in the USA to try and help locate the missing adults and child - and for that reason alone was deemed worthy to be a moderator. Silly. I knew very little about Planet X and was certainly no expert in any area of survival. Maybe some of you might remember my warning to the female members of the list? It was part him and part some people who joined saying their goal was to 'meet women'. I need to apologize to a few of the male members who tried to defend their species, but I was playing the Nancy game and couldn't give myself away. I'm NOT that vapid, critical person in reality. It took a lot out of me to play the charade and there were some very sad times when it was all I could do to stop myself from writing to a few of you to tell you what was going on. But I had no proof, just suspicions and couldn't risk Nancy finding out yet. It was particularly hard not to tell Cheryl, but I knew she and Gerard were still close, and if she had told him, the gig would be up.
I want to humbly apologize to all those that were summarily and rudely dispatched by the mods for no "good" reason. There were many a time it felt so wrong and unjust, but to continue my subversive search for the truth it was necessary to fit in and blend well. I ousted as few as possible to keep the game going. For what it's worth, I think the idea of a quorum decision about a suspension was a good one. That way, if someone has a doubt, it can be aired and the person in question gets a second chance if agreed upon. With a large group you HAVE to have some type of agreement process. I was also a paralegal, so I understand where Cheryl is coming from with much of what she says. Most of the suspensions were baseless and she was out to squash the debunkers before they caused trouble. Everyone with a mind of their own is considered a debunker.
Nancy is cut throat. If anyone even comes close to disputing her or the "zeta" message, she suspends or encourages other mods to do it and when a new mod suspends for the first time, she calls it "first blood". Where is the love in that? Where is the Service to Others? It's cruel and unfair to punish people for asking a genuine question or for having a doubt or concerns. I can understand the spammers being suspended without question, there was a good bit of that, and of marketers wanting to tout their products, too.
Gerard is her minion. He sides with anybody that has an opinion. I wonder if he actually has any thoughts of his own sometimes. I think he genuinely likes Cheryl (who Nancy insists is having a mental affair with Gerard and thinks (cheryl) they have several hybrid children together and a love nest in the zeta community). Gerard will do whatever Nancy encourages him to do and that way she can say "It's Gerards ning, he hires, fires, etc.) SHE runs the ning by planting manipulative ideas into her "subjects" and therefore keeps her hands clean and keeps denyability on her side. But in re-reading Cheryl's blog, you can see that Gerard also agrees with Cheryl all the time as well.
I'm a long time student of Coersion and so-called ninja mind games because I don't like people that are manipulative for personal gain (i.e. pushy salesmen, etc) so I usually beat them at their own game by KNOWING their game. She's a near master at it. But she's getting old and her mind is slipping and she's showing her hand far too often. But then I'm older, studied, and know what to look for. Not a young, impressionable person she can play mind games with. Since she says she doesn't take money for what she does, I can only assume the payoff for her is simply Power. She continuously said that Cheryl is jealous of Nancy's international fame and celebrity and that Cheryl wanted to run Gerards ning herself and was after the POWER. Seems like she was holding a mirror up to herself and calling it Cheryl or something.
So... I summarily quit both nings the other day with the excuse that it had become "the Cheryl show". Honestly, I just couldn't take it a moment longer. Here's what was going on. The order may not be quite right and I'm a little scattered with timing, but the facts are true. I have absolutely nothing to lose in telling this and seriously debated whether or not to do it. However, I think that the way Nancy treated Cheryl was voraciously uncalled for and the right thing to do is come out with this. Originally it was for my own personal edification and to grant me some clarity of mind so I had no intention of telling anybody what I found out. I'm not generally into drama, so I'm a bit out of my league here. This whole thing has gone beyond drama into meladrama and the truth on BOTH sides needs to be known.
Up to the end of Cheryl's post, she had most everything extremely accurate. I also saved all the emails - except there were quite a few I wasn't included in because they didn't trust me, but I believe they were also accurate. Although in the spirit of honesty here, she didn't mention desertrose and Karen's threats of blackmail if they weren't allowed back in. Nancy had a field day with that one, ohmygod. Had I been them, screw the threats and just DO it. This would have been over much sooner. I kept thinking to myself, "You go ahead, Nancy... I know that they have copies of those emails... keep on... you'll see...) I'm SO glad they finally saw the light of day.
Anyway, Nancy has become fixated on Cheryl to the exclusion of moderating anything for the most part. There are incessant "zeta" comments that are so blatently obviously Nancy's own deluded thoughts it is ridiculous. Even to the using SOZT prior to the comment. She has a few undercover accounts here that she uses to infiltrate with and her and Gerard BOTH copy and paste insane amounts of spy posts to the admin ning. To Gerards credit, he did post Cheryl's Blog and included not only the word document - but for our reading pleasure, also made it into a pdf file just in case we couldn't see the .doc file. I was truly impressed that he could be so passive aggressive.
I had made an account here using the name Peter Martinez. Didn't use it but a couple of times myself, but apparently Nancy did. One day about the time I was getting really sick of playing the charade and was ready to call it a day, I personally deleted the Peter account without telling anybody. Nancy soon reported back that Cheryl was on to us and suspended Peter. Can't remember if it was a "zeta"report or not, honestly, but I'm thinking it was.
As an aside, I changed my name several times. It was damn hard to be me and I just wanted to wash it off from time to time and be another me. So apologies too, if that was annoying to some of you.
However, at some point weeks ago, I also made a GLP account named Harry Heiny NOT because of Hairy Derrier, but because it was a mans name and I just couldn't think of anything else at the time. I posted a debunker type thing on there to see if it would find it's way back to her and what she would say about it. Lo and behold, the "zetas" decreed that Hairy Derrier (I may have misspelled it) and Harry Heiny were one in the same and that he was a -gasp- triple agent for GLP, Earth Changes and Pole Shift. UNbelieveable. She latched on to that for a while and I never said that it was me. Can't imagine what she would have said about that little piece of information had I fessed up. But then she would have made something up, I'm sure. It was then that I was starting to see daylight and knew my days there were numbered. I took a break from the ning when I started harvesting and canning my garden, but at the same time, it was a chance for some soul searching and decision making.
She swears that once Cheryl's ning reaches 100 people, that it will implode because of all the service to self people in there that do a lot of in-fighting and have such strong personalities that Cheryl won't be able to control it. All of the "troubIemakers" left Poleshift and went to Earth Changes. PS had been really peaceful for a while, too, and I have to say... a bit boring. I really think that all she's waiting for is the chance to say "I told you so".
Nancy, by way of the "zetas" is saying that Cheryl is having a nervous breakdown, pacing and acting strangely and that her husband is about to have her committed. I think maybe it's Nancy that's about to have that breakdown and she's trying to mirror that on to Cheryl. Cheryl, only you know the truth of that statement. But from the sound of your Defense blog, you seem perfectly sane to me.
They have 11 moderators now. Most of them are in "stealth" mode and several were recipients of all the private messages that were going around. Those messages made it to the moderator ning and were dissected as well. 12 before I quit. Except that it's really 10. Ken is gone. He moved away to his safe place and has no internet. There were a string of people brought in that I didn't know, but seem to be really nice, really decent people. At least one was from the old TT days, I think. I like them all. But I doubt they realize what they're dealing with. Maybe they have, because most of them went quiet when "the Cheryl Show" came on so loudly.
I know that this will get back to her, because someone will post it on the admin ning. I don't care at this point. I'm so disillusioned it's just beyond anything I ever expected to run into there. I'm NOT a debunker, and that makes it even worse. I saw her true self and it isn't pretty. All I was looking for were some answers to the earth changes and was genuinely thrilled to be able to talk personally with Nancy. �I was AS shocked at her tirade against the moderators as they themselves were. We were literally all dumbfounded. If we had been people in a group, we would have all been looking around at each other, blinking, with our mouths hanging open saying, "what just happened here?" It was truly disturbing...
And in the spirit of honesty, I have to say that I now have major MAJOR doubts about the zetas in general. I've been reading a lot about what others have to say about them and none of it is positive. Nancy is the ONLY source that I found that spins the zetas in a positive light. She may well be one of them that has shapeshifted for all I know. I think if they do exist, that they show their contactees a fake side of themselves. Their agenda is questionable. They want to ELIMINATE the human race and replace it with hybrids that have no soul and no real emotions. A race of potential psychopaths is all this planet needs. Humans don't need eliminating, they need education and experience. Who died and made them GOD that they can determine the fate of an entire species? As my momma used to say, "I brought you into this world, I can by God take you back OUT of this world" (usually she was mad at me for something). But my point is, they aren't our creators and they have NO right to do what they are doing.
And on top of all that I found in my researching the zetas, I found Nancy Leider to be a fraudulent, manipulative, angry and delusional old woman. The zetas would use HER as their emissary? Speaks volumes, doesn't it? And from what I've researched about HER, unbeknownst to me, she's pretty much always been this nasty person. I've read transcripts from the old TT days. Do the research for yourself and decide for yourself. These are just my own researched opinions and truly aren't good for anybody but me.
I've also researched the Sun. The thing that Nancy is most vehement about denying will have anything to do with the earth changes. The earth changes will happen, but how they will happen are still and always will be up for debate. All the so-called pictures I've seen of PX pretty much seem to be lense flare. I even took a few myself that were SO real looking, but were only lense flare. We want it to be there so badly we will fool ourselves into thinking a speck of dust is a planet. Prepare for it, but wait for the real thing. Don't believe Nancy Leider just because she "says" so... please. We mock the sheeple here, but we have become sheeple in our own right, and Nancy was the Shepherd. Leidering us all over a cliff?
The best thing Gerard can do for himself is to distance himself from Nancy and loosen her grip on him. I think a suspension might be in order as that would be the ultimate justice for the Red Queen.
But... I apologize for intruding into this list, as Gerard told us that Nancy and I, in particular, were not welcome here. That means my charade worked, and I understand how Cheryl and the others feel. I will go away on my own soon after posting this unless the mods suspend me before I can do it myself. If so, you dont' have to worry about me coming back as someone else. I do hope if no one else gets to read it that Karen, Rose, Shadow and Cheryl at least do.
Shadow, from the moment you asked me if I had "blown this joint" that's pretty much when I made the decision to get to the bottom of things. Just so you know. I almost did leave, and it was hard - HARD - for me to tell them I was wrong to jump ship and wanted to stay. By then though, the die was cast and it was "find out the truth come hell or high water".
So I did. Make of it what you will, and please forgive me for appearing to be a critical and vengeful bitch. Someone that Nancy could feel a kinship with. Ouch. I need a green and blue shower now to wash away the ick.
Cheryl, be at peace. Just my opinion but for what it's worth, I think you did the right thing.
Oh, one more thing... I really did like Ken. He was who he was and that's just who he was. The Cowboy handle suited him. He jumped in the fray and started shooting from the hip. Sometimes he hit high, sometimes low, but he was just being himself. A lot of what he said made a lot of sense, it's just his delivery was kind of crooked. And for the record, Karen never did produce the emails where Ken said the F word to her so much. She got pretty bent at me about that, but the air was full of argument and it was easy to get swept up in it. I figured since everybody was producing evidence against Ken, then Karen (being the one who started it all) should have at least coughed up her own evidence.
My responses to some of Cindi's comments:
"Nancy, by way of the "zetas" is saying that Cheryl is having a nervous breakdown, pacing and acting strangely and that her husband is about to have her committed."
Nope, more fiction.
"...Cheryl (who Nancy insists is having a mental affair with Gerard and thinks (cheryl) they have several hybrid children together and a love nest in the zeta community)."
Hey! The first positive thing I've heard her say! ;D
(Both Gerard and I did talk about the hybrid children on the True Confessions blog.)
"Gerard is her minion. He sides with anybody that has an opinion. I wonder if he actually has any thoughts of his own sometimes."
He does. He's just careful with whom he shares them.
"But in re-reading Cheryl's blog, you can see that Gerard also agrees with Cheryl all the time as well."
He doesn't agree with me all the time.
"Although in the spirit of honesty here, she didn't mention desertrose and Karen's threats of blackmail if they weren't allowed back in."
It wasn't something I was involved in. I was basically focusing on her allegations toward me. I did read something about it when I was going through the scans. Nancy/Gerard called DR's bluff and that was the end of it as far as I know.
About the Zetas, that could be the STS Zetas. My experience has never been bad with the group I know. Further, there is ZT that says the hybrids have been developed to house human souls when the PS happens, and that they are a blend of the best of both races. Can we trust ZT? I, like you, don't know anymore what's ZT and what's NancyTalk. What I do know is I saw fake ZT on Brian, the mod, while I was still there, and recently I've seen some fake ZT on me. However, LOL, none of it came true. Final volley? I hadn't even started! If those mods can't see the falsity in that ZT then maybe they deserve Nancy.
"The best thing Gerard can do for himself is to distance himself from Nancy and loosen her grip on him. I think a suspension might be in order as that would be the ultimate justice for the Red Queen."
I absolutely agree with this. Her presence on his ning neuters its effectiveness, as well as the moderators who are probably just chasing their tails to "get Cheryl." top_news/ what_just_ happened_ to_venus. php
Now...................They've come a long way, baby!
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