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7 minutes ago just got this message from boys at NASA.  They found running water on mars.  No kidding!  They must have looked at my Mars pictures again.
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August 04, 2011    


Large M9.3 Solar Flare -  

Earth Directed w/ CME

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media  


A class M9.3 solar flare occurred on 2011/08/04 from sunspot region 1261 located 40° to the West of the central meridian. This is just one measurement from cycle 24's first X-class flare. A CME is associated and is visible in the video below.


A first estimate from STEREO/COR2 indicates a high-speed stream of charged particles traveling above 1500 km per second. This very fast increase of proton flux is flare-driven.


This is the third CME in a row (Aug 02, 03, 04). Each CME is faster than the previous one, suggesting accumulation of energy producing a powerful punch to Earth's magnetic field.


Equation: Sunspots => Solar Flares (charged particles) => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros 1998)


Watch for an escalation in earth changing events which include hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, and extreme weather.



Solar Flare/CME Video -

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THIS JUST IN - 2nd CME on its way to EARTH

This Just In, VIA my iTouch....

Aug 3

Incoming CMEs --- A Double Strike?

At least two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are now en route to Earth, propelled toward us by eruptions in the magnetic canopy of sunspot 161 on Aug 2nd and 3rd. Analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab have produced a new 3-D model of the advancing CMEs.

According to their work, Earth will receive a double-strike from the clouds on Aug 4th at 22:39 UT plus or minus 7 hours. Mild to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible when the CMEs arrive.


The above follows the CME mentioned/reported in another blog... 

Aug 2 (iTouch 3D Sun transmission)

The Aug 2nd M1-class eruption from sunspot 121 was observed by three spacecraft SOHO, STEREO-A and STEREO-B. Using data from those three points of view, analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab have mad a 3-dimensional model of the CME now en route to Earth. According to their work, the CME left the sun traveling 900 km/s and should reach Earth on Aug 5th at 0300 UT plus or minus 7 hours.




Predicted Aurora Activity:

Updated at: 2011 Aug 02 2200 UTC



0-24 hr
24-48 hr
05 %
40 %
01 %
15 %
01 %
05 %

High latitudes

0-24 hr
24-48 hr
05 %
40 %
01 %
15 %
01 %
05 %



[At the creation of this information], the kP Index [was] at 1, that’s low. Keep an eye on this page, if the number goes over 4-5 then there should be visible activity for some of us.


This is the current Statistical Auroral Oval, it updates as new info is added





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Debris Trails

I was recently asked about the debris trails...Here is an Answer from an Andromedan @ in Part 4 of the transcription:

Question, Jose asks, could you please advise how severe would the trail of meteorites, that would unattached, from the Dwarf star; once it passes through the earth be? How long this bombardment to earth would take?

- Jose, the trail of meteors will occur on both occasions, with Elenin this year and the Dwarf Star next year. In both cases, when they pass through the asteroid belt they spread many meteors. As the Dwarf Star is a system of large volume, it will cause a major strike in its path. The big problem is that your governments will use this against people, claiming the shock of meteors, the previously planned actions. Be alert.

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Excerpted from Part 3 of the transcription at

Question, Jose asks, would we have a shower of neutron radiation, and if so how can we protect from it? Is been said that radiation will erase, or impaired our reasoning for an undetermined amount of time, or indefinitely, is it true? Also there are other indicators that would advise internet to stop functioning gradually beginning march 2012. Do you know something about this?

- Jose, there will be a great shower of radiation with the approach of Dwarf Star. Starting in January, your satellites are being eliminated, so the Internet will not work, as the satellites are being destroyed. Many of your satellites will lose their orbits now, during the approach of Elenin. Radiation from Dwarf Star added to solar flares, will begin to affect other satellites from the end of January 2012. In fact, the radiation will decrease only in late 2012, early 2013. Humans will protect more during the day and be more active at night. That was why the elites provided seed banks, as flora and fauna will suffer greatly in this situation and how much would be lacking. This radiation is like a microwave; it can literally affect the brain by internal heating and disable many functions, it will be important to keep well protected from the sun during solar flares detected all in advance. When you sense the sun burning in your hand skin, do not expose the rest of the body.


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And the heavens will be shaken....

Cross-post from my yahoogroup group by PKS...

There goes an old saying. "Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear." Well next time you're watching a sunset, get your trusty compass out and take a look at where it ends up. You will see that it sets far due north-west of where it should be. If you only believe half of that, gaze up at the Southern Cross. Instead of where it normally is, you'll find it south-east. Then when you're done scratching your head, go inside and take out a Moon chart then take a look at what a crescent Moon looks like. You will see that rather than it being on its side, it will be laying flat, like a smiley face.

Inuit People on Sun Wrong, Stars Wrong , Earth Tilting on Axis

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We Were Visited Last Night...

This is cool!  I have house guests who decided to camp out in their tent in my backyard.  Around midnight, for three hours, they got the thrill of their lives.  There were UFOs in the sky towards the west of us.  There were discs and a triangle, and a very large craft that was only visible for 5-10 seconds.  The discs were blinking lights, moving left to right, hovering and so on. One of the observers mentioned something like fireworks coming from one of the craft.

I live in rural southwest Virginia in the Appalachian mountains, neither a big city nor an important locale.  Interesting to note:  I went to sleep around midnight and woke up, fully awake, around 3 a.m.  I wonder why they were here.  :D

Recall, 08/05/2011:  I was on board, in a rather large room filled mostly with child-sized humanoids (3'-4'), with some adult-sized humanoids (in the 5' tall range).  There was much activity going on.  I'm sure what I remembered is "formatted to fit my screen," so to speak, so I will now interpret what was going on. 

It was presented as the "children" preparing to go back to school, hence, "getting ready" or "preparing" was one of the overarching themes.  A leisurely "vacation" time period was ending and a time period of increased activity needing diligence and focus was about to begin.  My impression is that the "vacation" time period represented what has happened earthchange-wise up to now as compared to what is about to start.  It was time to stop goofing off and get serious, get busy.

We were all looking at pictures, lots of pictures, some even looked like Polaroids.  This next scene is puzzling and I don't have an interpretation yet, but it is important, I think, because I rarely hear sound in recall.  I was looking at one of the pictures and I clearly hear myself say, Oh wow, Casey, there you are.  With a tree trunk growing out of your face!?  (Casey is my granddaughter, age 11, and it did look like her in the picture, and I was talking to her like she was right there with me.)  I said the last sentence with a WTH? kind of tone. 

The picture was very detailed.  I could see Casey's eyes, with the rest of her face hidden by the roots of the tree, that seemed to wrap around her head, tentacle-like, and part of a tree trunk sticking out from her face parallel to the floor.  I don't know if Casey represents someone that was there, that I love, but just being masked from me.  The tree thing, hmmm, I don't know, but I'll keep trying to get some clarification. 

(Sudden thought...she lives in southern California...could that picture represent her being mutated by radiation?  Could her being in the recall mean she was on-board and is being protected by the visitors?  Could this be the significance and their way of comforting my growing concerns about her health and well-being?  It seems so.)

As for all the other pictures, I sense that they were actually intel on the escalating, reports, charts, things like that, leading me to conclude there was a large meeting in progress on a variety of topics, some of which were the increasing attacks on certain personnel...

Today, they confirmed that they were here because of the death threat against me and that they had actually been hanging around unseen since the death threat.  As soon as I read the email containing the death threat, I felt a literal and powerful shock wave hit me just below and slightly to the right of my solar plexus.  It left me very sore in that area, around my spine, for about 15 to 20 minutes.  I did a systems check, wondering if I had had a heart attack, but it did not originate inside me. 

I was consciously aware of the "shock wave" and the resulting pain.  They beat back the attack in time and repaired the damage.  It was an attack outside of me designed to set me up to have a heart attack in the near future, leaving no trace.  They knew it was coming but had to let the attack begin to be able to trace it and neutralize it.  Wild, huh?

Oh, and I just received a bit more data (telepathically, the "silent knowing").  Remember the fireworks that went wrong back on the 4th of July?  That was another attack, and I was protected from that one too.  I don't remember if I gave all the details, it was four to six rockets that were "bundled" that tipped (actually, pushed with a force) sideways upon lighting and shot straight into the audience.  As I said before, there is no way there shouldn't have been major casualties from that incident, but there weren't.  I did find out that my daughter-in-law was grazed by one and sustained a minor burn, and that was it.

Update 08/09/2011:  They returned around 10:30 p.m.  We got a picture, not great.  Looks like a bright light in a black sky.  They communicated they were there for comfort.  I went to sleep around midnight and woke up a little after 3 a.m., just like before.  There was contact during that time.  I saw three children and another small, round room.

Update 12/07/2017:  I got a general confirmation that these things happen.  See

The fires in Ventura, California were caused by another energy-based satellite weapon in orbit. This satellite was shortly intercepted and destroyed after the Alliance was able to pinpoint it's location when it fired.

Update 3/1/2018:  Sheldan Nidle got zapped 3/17/11.  I was zapped 8/3/11.  I just learned about Sheldan Nidle tonight:

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Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, major earthquakes and extreme blizzards could leave you trapped without electricity for a period of time. If the area in which you live is prone to any of these types of devastation, you should keep an emergency food pantry stocked with foods to keep you healthy until the disaster has passed.

Emergency Food Pantry List

We all need protein, carbohydrates and fats to keep up our energy, so be sure to store nonperishable foods that will meet these requirements:
  • Dried meats. Beef jerky or beef sticks are good sources of long-storing protein.
  • Canned fish and meat. Canned tuna is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Canned ham and sandwich spreads can be eaten with crackers. Canned beans are an excellent source of vegetarian nutrition.
  • Canned fruits. Peaches, pears, berries and applesauce are good sources of vitamin C and other nutrients.
  • Canned vegetables. Vegetables, such as beans, peas, carrots and so on are important.
  • Dried fruits. Dried fruits, such as raisins, are another way to get the nutrition of fruit in your emergency food pantry.
  • Whole grain crackers. These are good replacements for bread.
  • Nuts. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and pecans have protein, fiber and healthful fats.
  • Granola bars. These are good for sweet treats.
  • Dry cereals. They are fortified with extra vitamins and minerals and can be eaten dry.
  • Juice boxes. Single-serving-sized juice that doesn't need to be refrigerated is helpful. Make sure to choose 100% fruit juices.
  • Electrolyte drinks. Drinks, such as Gatorade or Powerade, are a good addition to your emergency food pantry.
  • Water. In case your regular water supply becomes contaminated, store several bottles of water in your emergency pantry.
  • Multivitamins. A bottle of multivitamins can help supply any missing nutrients.
  • Can opener. You need to have a can opener or church key opener that stays in your emergency food pantry.
  • Large containers. Keep bags, backpacks or other large containers close by. In the event you have to get out of your house in a hurry, you do not want to have to hunt for a bag to carry your food.
  • Stove. A camping stove or small grill may be used in a safe area to heat foods.

More Emergency Food Pantry Tips

  • Buy single-serving sizes whenever possible, because you can't depend on refrigeration after the containers have been opened.
  • Make sure to periodically check the foods in your emergency food pantry, so that you don't keep foods that have passed their expiration dates.
  • If you live in the northern latitudes, pack a separate emergency food container and keep it in your car. Choose nuts, crackers, dried beef, dried fruit and a container to melt snow for water.
  • Keep flashlights, fresh batteries, candles, matches, blankets, first aid kits and any other emergency supplies you may need.
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