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Satellite falling to Earth

Email from Sheldon Day...

Wow.. This "satellite" falling out of Orbit detected Seismicity in orbit..

Also, trying to CONFIRM this RIGHT now, but apparently, Bloomberg, CNN, Yahoo - all reporting on the potential for possible uncounted meteor strikes..

I found this:  So-called  Taurid meteor showers, which seem to come from the direction of the constellation Taurus, will reach their peak this year on Nov. 16 through the early morning of Nov. 17. Observers, aided by a full moon, will see 10 to 20 large fireballs every hour.

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E211 – Sodium Benzoate. It is used in production of some food products, as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. These products refer to jams, fruit juices and fruit yoghurts. It's not recommended for use by asthmatics and people who are sensitive to aspirin. A study conducted by Peter Piper at the Sheffield University in Britain, found that this compound causes significant damage to DNA. According to his words, sodium benzoate which is an active component in preservatives doesn't destroy DNA, but deactivating it. This can lead to cirrhosis and degenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease. Read More: | Follow us on Facebook:

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Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News


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Old lady at San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Author : Tomascastelazo

Many talking points have been flung back and fourth about the need for health care reform and the disadvantage of the poor. No one with a conscience can say that they are not concerned by the plight of the poor. More should be done in assistance of those who truly need help. However,in a system where the assistance such as SNAP and government housing is rife with abuse and lack of enforcement.

How can anyone in their right mind say that government controlled insurance is a logical alternative?

Now there are those coldhearted enough to say that the poor are in need because they are lazy or do nothing to raise themselves above their circumstance, without batting an eyelash. I am not one. I understand as any logical human being , who sees things as they are, understand that there are those who have learned to game the system and play it well. They have made a good life for themselves. And there are those who do indeed require assistance to help them help themselves out of their present circumstance.

How many of us know of individuals who live under section 8 housing and have brand new cars, wicked stereo systems and get their hair and their nails done every week?

Now before someone jumps up and insinuates that I am speaking of race or being a racist. I will say that the people I speak of do not fall into any one ethnic background. They are white, black and Hispanic, so please spare me the racist diatribe that seems to be the norm since the Obama campaign for the Presidency began. I neither conform to what fashion dictates nor do I bend to social trends as I am my own person and do my best to see things from an objective perspective. I am of Hispanic descent but that does not define me as a human being. I am so much more than my ethnic background. Being of Hispanic heritage I find it extremely amusing to be accused of being a racist simply because I voice facts that do not sit well with some. I know the kind of hatred and self doubt that causes racism as I have been a victim of it many times throughout my life.

Yet to allow that hatred to affect me is a choice I do not choose to make. Their hatred is their own and I refuse to let it dictate my life. Nor will I allow someone to curtail my right to voice my opinion by calling me one.

Now with that out of the way I will say this........

Many are using the poor as an excuse for this monstrosity. Yes, you read that right......An Excuse!

If government truly cared about the poor and the poverty stricken would they be criminalizing feeding the hungry?

If they cared about the poor and the poverty stricken would they be criminalizing the homeless families sleeping in cars?

It seems to me the hypocrisy has jumped the rails and has affected many in the mainstream population. You see what you want to see and carry the banner of the defense of the poor like a shield. Spewing the talking points of those war mongering greedy politicians that claim to feel a responsibility for the poor.

Do any of you even understand the consequences of the agenda you are undertaking?

Or in who's name you are championing the rights of the poor while turning a blind eye to the closure of services that assist these poor on a daily basis?

How do you reconcile in that mind, that you are wanting to do a good thing for those in need while supporting the very same people who take measures that hurt those you purport to want to help?

Last I checked that was considered giving with one hand while taking away with the other. Not a good thing to anyone who wants to be honest with themselves or anyone else.

Does anyone understand the fact that the working middle class has now had a substantial part of it downgraded to working poor?

Does it matter to you ?

We live our lives scraping by as best we can . Trying to feed our families, pay or mortgages and our utilities as best we can. Sometimes having to make a choice between running water and electricity.

Have you ever had to make that choice or know of someone who has?

I lived 6 months without running water because I did not make enough to pay for all of my utilities and pay my mortgage. So it was make cuts to items that I could live without and would not harm my children.

Water was the most logical because I had rain barrels and I learned how to purify and treat it for drinking, cooking, bathing, etc , etc.

Have you or anyone you know ever had to go without food so that your children could eat?

Simply eating what the children left after they were done with their meals or making due with a piece of bread and a glass of water to appease the pain that remains constant in your gut?

I have. For 5 years I subsisted on what I could to make sure my children had enough to eat. Making sure that everything that I purchased was on sale so I could stretch out my paycheck as far as I possibly could.

Have you ever dreaded that time of month where your bills become due because if any of them are a bit higher than they were the month before you might not be able to pay one?

I have many times over the last years.

Have you ever prayed that you stay healthy and do not get sick or have any of your children get sick because even a common cold complication would be too much of an expense for your already limited resources?

I have. For many years I lived under constant stress and fear that one of us would fall ill and I would not be able to see a doctor or buy the medicine necessary, because there simply was no money for it.

It is said that Obamacare will ensure that those of us who cannot afford insurance will have adequate care because it will become available. Have any of you who parrot these lines even stopped to think who are those who will qualify and how this will be paid for?

For those who have tried to get assistance but have been turned away because you do not qualify this will not be news. However, to t he rest of you that have absolutely no idea how this works I will try to help you.

If you own a car chances are you do not qualify for assistance. When they calculate your worth that car generally puts you over the top and you are out of luck. If you happen to be lucky enough to live in a city or state that has adequate public transportation then no problem, you don't need a car. If you however, live in a state that has lousy public transportation and happens to be like Florida or Texas (two places where I have lived) where the distances are so great that it would be impossible to take public transportation that neither has adequate coverage or timely schedules. You would probably be fired before your second week due to tardiness.

And no getting up earlier would not have been the solution all of the time as the schedules are posted but in reality they are sporadic and cannot be depended upon. So even if you are early and have plenty of time to spare there is no transport to get you there. Had I lived in NYC it might have been different. However, if we factor in the cost of living as opposed to living wages and the constant rising cost of living. Perhaps not so different.

I applied for temporary assistance and was denied for SNAP and for medical assistance for my children. What I did qualify for was a medical assistance program that would cover any hospital visit as long as I covered the first $1600.00.

Exactly where was I going to come up with $1600.00 ?

At that moment in time you either had to be poverty stricken in the strictest sense or lying about what you had in order to qualify.

So where does that leave us today almost 6 years after the recession and the bank bailouts? Many more working middle class have seen their lives take a turn for the worse. They have lost jobs and are now working two part time jobs with no benefits. Some have jobs making a bit more than minimum wage with benefits who will see their hours cut due to Obamacare. Because companies just simply will not absorb the cost so that they can provide their employees with insurance benefits.

So then what happens when they lose their full time hours and their benefits? Will Obamacare take care of that? Or will they just say " I am Sorry " and simply continue on as they have until now ?

Oblivious to the true plight of the people and interested only in their talking points and their corporate cronies. Business as usual!

What happens to those who could not afford insurance before Obamacare and the cutback of full time to part time hours?

How will they pay for insurance under these increased price tags, when they could not afford them before?

Adding insult to injury Obamacare was created to ride on the backs of the young and the healthy so that their premiums could help supplement the loss incurred by the sick experienced by insurance companies. And by those taxes collected from those of us who simply cannot afford to buy insurance.

Are you not understanding that the safety net is not for us but for the insurance companies so that they do not lose revenue? Have you missed that sticking point?

Yes , those who qualify for subsidies will have health care, but how many others will have to pay for not being able to afford insurance because they simply do not qualify for assistance under the law?

This is what you and Obamacare have created. Assist a part of the population by sacrificing the other. The one point you are all missing is that those you are sacrificing are the ones who pay taxes, who have always paid taxes and do not live off the system. The same taxes that government programs need to survive.

How long do you truly believe this will survive?

What happens when people get tired of always giving while the government and entitlement programs always take?

What happens when those people say enough is enough and they too join the ranks of the poor unemployed and poverty stricken?

Who will pay for entitlements then? The rich?

LOL, they have more safety nets than the trapeze performers at the circus.

Something has to give folks. The system is broken and on it's last leg and working class tax band aids will just not cut it any longer.....

*****Now please bear in mind that this was some years back and these stipulations for assistaace may have changed by now . However, I am trying to make a point to help all those of you who do not get it to at least understand what is at stake and where we are in this mess that you seem to be hell bent should take place.*****

~Desert Rose~


Sticker Shock and Cancellations: Millions More Hammered by ObamaCare

Written by William F. Jasper

Sticker Shock and Cancellations: Millions More Hammered by ObamaCare

If you haven’t already received a cancellation notice from your healthcare insurance provider, undoubtedly you know a friend or family member who has already been given the devastating news. Millions of Americans are receiving letters from insurance companies like these featured on from BlueCross BlueShield, Humana, Aetna, Health Net, Anthem, Cigna, Coventry, and others informing them that their current health care policies are being cancelled because they can no longer be offered under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Replacement policies often involve premium increases of 100 percent or more, in addition to to the triple whammy of increased co-pays, higher deductibles, and loss of tax deductions for excessive medical expenses.

Even many of those policies that have not been cancelled technically are de facto cancelled, since premiums, benefits, co-pays, and deductibles have been so drastically altered that they are no longer the same policies, although they may carry the same name.

3.5 Million Cancelled — and Counting

At first, it was only the 19 million or so people in the individual health insurance market that were said to be at risk of losing their existing plans. Associated Press reported on November 4 that “at least 3.5 million Americans have been issued cancellations, but the exact number is unclear. Associated Press checks find that data is unavailable in a half the states.” So the number of cancellations could already be double that, or more, depending on which state totals remain to be tabulated.

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Exclusive: Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage

In an exclusive interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, President Obama said that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans. "We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can," he added.

President Obama said Thursday that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, despite his promise that no one would have to give up a health plan they liked.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview at the White House.

"We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this."

In a wide-ranging interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, President Obama discusses implementation of the Affordable Care Act, rollout of the healthcare website, NSA spying, Iran and keeping Joe Biden as his running mate.

Obama’s comments come 10 days after NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported that the administration has known since the summer of 2010 that millions of Americans could lose their insurance under the law.

Obama has made repeated assurances that “if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan” with Obamacare.

Consumers who buy insurance on their own — about five percent of the population — are at risk of being forced off their current policies because their plans have changed and don’t meet the new standards of the Affordable Care Act.

Obama’s statement has been called into question as Americans have begun to receive cancellation notices, effectively forcing them to enroll in a new plan either with their current insurer or through the government exchanges, in many cases at a higher rate.

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Val Traore labels cuts a “bilateral disaster”

Paul Joseph Watson November 7, 2013

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

As food banks across the country warn that they are unable to meet demand, the CEO of the Food Bank of South Jersey says that the $5 billion welfare cut which came into effect on November 1st is causing a “nightmare ripple effect” for both businesses and hungry citizens.

Val Traore is drawing attention to the “bilateral disaster of food stamp cuts,” noting that they are impacting not just low income residents but also local businesses that accept food stamps.

“You can’t affect the food supply of an estimated 18,000 people as well as the revenue for nearly 1,000 businesses, and not expect a nightmare ripple effect. And what affects local businesses will extend outward to the entire community,” said Traore.

Traore’s sentiments echo those of others who have cautioned that the cut in food stamp benefits is going to cause a demand that many food banks will simply be unable to meet, prompting millions of Americans to go hungry and even setting the stage for domestic unrest.

Margaret Purvis, the CEO of Food Bank for New York City, the largest food bank in America, recently told, “If you look across the world, riots always begin typically the same way: when people cannot afford to eat food.”

From November 1st, $5 billion was wiped off the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as a result of a planned stimulus withdrawal. Almost 50 million Americans who are supported by the program face an average loss of $36 dollars a month, which is a significant amount for those living near the poverty line.

The effect of the cut is really going to bite in the final week of November, which is when families dependent on food stamps usually run out of credit.

Major food banks across the country are sounding the alarm bell that they will not be able to satisfy demand. Purvis told USA Today that workers in her food bank were “panicking” over the decrease in benefits, fearing a rush of hungry Americans.

Joe Arthur of the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank also told the Associated Press that food pantry organizers will be “unable to plug the hole being left by a reduction in federal funding for food stamps.”

Illustrating the soaring demand for food, before the 2007 recession, the five food banks that form the Association of Arizona Food Banks were handing out an average of 69,000 emergency food boxes per month. Last month, 108,300 boxes were handed out, an increase of around 80 per cent.

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A Couple of Benjamin Fulford Add-ons…

Apparently that video of Ben with Karen Hudes was taken down, so he’s put a couple links to it on his site. Here’s his blurb…

“Here is a free link to the Karen Hudes interview. There have been a lot of dirty tricks used, including serious agency hacking, to prevent this from coming out. Please take a look while you can. The video was edited to remove slanderous comments made about Neil Keenan but somebody put them back. This time they were removed again but if they re-appear, please realize anything said about Mr. Keenan was false. He has our full support in his efforts against the cabal. The links are here:

And, related to a potential 11-11-13 grid shutdown, Suzan sent a few links to a supposed “grid test” happening on the 13th. Check them out if you feel so inclined.

[Suzan] Meanwhile another US “Drill” (and you know how those go) is scheduled for Nov 13-14 – for US/ Canada/ Mexico power grids.

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The Moscow Times

Large-scale Soviet nuclear tests, dumping of spent fuel and two  scuttled nuclear-powered submarines are a major source of pollution  in the Arctic ocean, a Russian research institute has said.

There are 17,000 containers and 19 vessels holding radioactive waste  submerged in the Kara Sea, as well as 14 nuclear reactors, said  a report passed by Russia to the Norwegian authorities  in 2012, according to Bellona, an environmental group that  acquired a copy of document.

As the Arctic thaws under the influence of global warming,  oceanic currents in the region could strengthen, carrying  the radioactive material to other continents, Alexander Shestakov,  head of the Global Arctic Program at WWF, or World Wildlife Fund,  said.

The sinking of nuclear material and scuttling of ships  used to be widespread practice. Of particular worry now is  the Soviet nuclear submarine, K-27, scuttled in 1981 in the Kara  Sea. The boat, equipped with two nuclear reactors, was filled with bitumen  and concrete before being sunk, according to the Russian Nuclear  Safety Institute, to ensure that it would lie safely on the ocean  floor for 50 years.

That period is nearly up. Last year, speakers at a joint seminar with  Bellona and state nuclear company Rosatom warned that a nuclear  reaction could occur on the K-27.

"Before that, no-one knew about the danger," Igor Kudrik, a nuclear  safety expert at Bellona said.

Read more: The Moscow Times

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Obamacare price hikes biggest in GOP states

I'm sick of Obamacare news...

“The idea that somehow insurance-cost increases don’t matter because there are subsidies for people — no, because subsidies are paid for by taxpayers. Subsidies aren’t free. They don’t fall from the sky. So if you’re going to take subsidies into account, you also have to take the taxes into account that paid for these subsidies,” he said."


Meanwhile, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted Wednesday it was possible for convicted felons to be hired as Obamacare navigators, putting at risk your Social Security Number and other personal information.

“Isn’t it true that there is no federal requirement for navigators to undergo a criminal background check,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, asked her during a Senate Finance Committee hearing.

“That is true,” Sebelius answered. “States could add in additional background checks and other features, but it is not part of the federal requirement.”

Cornyn continued, “So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual unbeknownst to them?”

Sebelius answered, “This is possible.”

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Published on Nov 6, 2013

Dr. Annalee Newitz is an editor of i09, was a lecturer at UC Berkeley, a policy analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a journalist at Wired, and author of 'Scatter, Adapt, and Remember'.

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Newshound Guru Tlar explains:
  • Where we've been...
  • Where we've are...
  • Where we are going...
Specifically as it pertains to Maliki's visit to the U.S. last week and hasty retreat back to Iraq.  And what all this mean for the Iraqi Dinar.

*** Remember this is ONE guru perspective...there are many others.  This whole dinar thing is NOT a spectator sport.  Take what you learn here and add it to what you already have learned...just pieces to a larger puzzle.

Newshound Guru Tlar:
Iraq just accomplished something that I was not sure they could do. The election law has ben agreed to by all parties. After months of arguing and fighting, a formula has been found that is acceptable to everyone. I don't know if their coming to agreement has anything to do with Maliki's Washington visit but last week Maliki was in the US holding meetings with congress and with Biden and then with Biden and Obama. His schedule was he was to arrive Tuesday and leave Sunday.

He cut his visit short under the pretense that there was an emergency back in Iraq. One thing was apparent that his meetings were not good. He came to the US to discuss three items, the US trade agreement, to get arms as in F-16's and Apache Helicopters and to find support for a third term. He left with no agreements and the Obama Administration let him know that as long as he was considering a third term that they would not give him arms.

Maliki had stated that he needed these weapons to fight al-Qaeda but there was always an underlying fear that these weapons would be used against his own people. Maliki was also chided for marginalizing the Sunni's and Kurds and told by our administration that they were unhappy with the stalemate on the Election Law. The Kurds ended up gaining 3 seats while the Shiite party, the NA gained none.

Obama has reversed course and has finally decided to get involved again in Iraq. With all the recent bombings by al-Qaeda and the apparent lack of Maliki's security forces to stop it, Obama has made the decision to re-enter Iraq. Criticism of the original SOFA agreement and our early exit from Iraq is being blamed on the resurgence of the violence. The architects of the original plan along with the players have started to speak out about this administrations failures concerning Iraq. Paul Bremer, who ran the original Provisional government stated it was a massive mistake and miss-calculation to pull our troops out of Iraq when we did, which has resulted in two years of chaos and thousands of Iraqi lives.

This administration created a power vacuum and Iran has attempted to fill the void. Remember it was Joe Biden advising an inexperienced president to make Maliki the PM. It was Joe Biden who pushed the Kurds and the Sunni's to accept Maliki and sign the Irbil agreement. It was also Joe Biden who originally wanted to bust Iraq up into three countries, Sunni, Shia and Kurd. Maybe Obama has awaken and come to realize that Joe Biden hasn't got a clue to world events any more that he does domestic events. He is a lifetime politician. I apologize if anyone takes offense for the tirade on smoking Joe but this guy ought to be canned. Anyway this administration appears to have finally understood the importance of Iraq.

Some interesting articles have surfaced in the last few days that are very encouraging. Obviously the Election Law is a biggy. This law sets in motion another important agreement that we may see very soon. Article 140, the disputed areas may finally be settled based on the rules written in the Election Law. Article 140 deals with an oil rich area that is between Kurdistan and Bagdad. For hundreds of years Kurds inhabited the area. Saddam decided he wanted the area so he removed all the Kurds from their cities homes and businesses and allowed Arabs to come in and take those places. After Saddam was removed, Kurds started to return in mass. Today there is probably once again a Kurd majority.

To date these areas are being administered under a temporary agreement between Kurdistan and Bagdad. They have been intending to take a census since 2009 but the Bagdad government has been reluctant to do so because if it is true that the majority of the population is Kurd, then these areas will fall under Kurdish control. It is estimated that these areas alone could produce millions of barrels a day so it is very important.

The country of Turkey has decided not to allow oil to flow through a pipeline through Turkey from Kurdistan without approval of Bagdad. It is in Turkey's best interest to not let this oil by pass Bagdad. Turkey's fears are well founded in that if Kurdistan becomes its own state that the many Kurds living in Turkey will want to join Kurdistan, taking Turkey's land in the border area of Kurdistan. So their not letting Kurdistan move their oil through Turkey not only tightens their relationship with Bagdad but it puts an obstacle up that retards any ambitions of Kurdistan forming its own country.

This week their have been a few articles concerning the currency. There has been calls to go international with the currency as well as the Finance Committee has come out in favor of changing the currency now. Turki, the governor of the CBI stated that the CBI is the only body that makes decisions concerning the monetary policy in Iraq and that they alone speak to this. Anyone else that speaks about monetary policy does not have any authority to do so. He also stated that the CBI is the only body responsible for currency and that they decided what currency will be in circulation.

We know the CBI has stated that they were going to wait until after the Elections which are scheduled to take place before April 30th of 2014. I not so sure that they will wait. When they stated this, the elections were to be held in January. When parliament could not get an election law, it was stated that the elections were set for April 30th or sooner. April 30th was the last date they could hold them, not the date they would hold them. So we might actually see the elections a little earlier that April 30th. The point is that the CBI was derailed potentially when they decided to wait until after the elections because the date had changed and is still up in the air.

One of the things that I find interesting is the Economic and Infrastructure laws. Both should be slam dunks because both are good for Iraq like the change of currency is good for Iraq. All these laws will propel Iraq economically but they have not passed yet. This week we may have seen a hint as to why. Certain blocks do not want vote for any legislation that benefits Maliki. The infrastructure law in particular is still not passed and this week an MP stated that this was the reason.

Anyway, I'm thrilled to report that the election law is done. Those that are close to me know my feelings on this. My belief was that if they cannot get an election law, it would mess this deal up. We would just be in for more of the same nonsense. If Iraq is ever going to come of age, they will need a new government, a clean sweep. They must remove the cancer which is Maliki's government that has plaque them for years. ~ TLAR
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