Dwarf (9)
Alright, nobody has this up for discussion and I am dying to hear feedback. I have my own personal opinion, which I will reserve for later so not to taint the masses. What do you all make of this bit of news? Real? Disinformation? Fantasy? Delusional?
This is a screen shot of Google Sky....as I panned tonight.
Thanks to Angela for her excellent transcribing and to Suanne's sharp eye, who posted this too. Since the comments got started here first, we'll go with this one and delete the second one.
Transcription 1 of 3:
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – fifth ninth video - August 28, 2011.
- Friends, it took me to get in contact again but we're back to this mission. We were in Andromeda for some time after helping the Arcturians. While some of our spaceships were reviewed, and our technicians added to it some new devices, we took a few days of rest. Our teleporters can download now 20 people at a time and can transmit directly to our mother ship without passing necessarily by our ship. With this technique of redirected teleportation, our ships became more interesting than most.
- Well, let's start talking. The news is not bad. Most of you are asking about an approaching deadline for shelter, I can say is to observe the reaction of people to begin to see something strange in the sky. Your governments will try to reassure people with various fanciful explanations, and most will believe as always. According to latest calculations, the comet Elenin too accelerated and increased centrifugal force potential, so he can lose a lot of debris that is bringing when it starts to curve to the apex of its orbit. This decrease in total mass may be beneficial, reducing the gravitational effects on its passage. In fact, you should worry really about the Dwarf Star; it has accelerated and will arrive a few days later, during the passage of the comet at its apex. In the case of the mass of the comet to weaken during the turn in the sun, you will have until early October to take refuge until the passage of the dwarf star and its planets. After you see the Dwarf Star and its planets in October if it continues accelerating at the current rate, the comet is already past the Earth at which point you will have to prepare for the larger gravitational effects. This will provide about four weeks time so you can make your plans. Not ahead with plans more than necessary. You may use this precious extra time to convince more people you trust about the facts until the early October. I understand that changes in the general framework of events must mess with the nervous system to you, but I promised news in real time. Everything in the universe is cause and effect, sometimes a change in any of the numerous variables involved in an event can change the context of the final end effects.
- As a final conclusion, the passage of the comet may not be as disastrous as is expected but will bring
gravitational consequences for their alignment, 24, 25 and 26 September, which may cause movement of magma and an increase in tectonic activity, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes. During the passage of Dwarf Star it will not lose any mass, so, it will realign all the tectonic plates and cause a widespread tsunami, will make the moon's orbit into an ellipse and reposition the angle of Earth's axis, defining new geographic poles for the planet. CB condensed dozens of questions involving the issues below that I will answer in general and not personally.
2 of 3:
How will the society rebuilt after 2012?
- Is a great work, we can help with equipment that will greatly facilitate the reestablishment of all that exists oday but with clean technologies accessible to all. The new social organization depends on you; put the right people to organize the various sectors will be the prerogative of your social organization in each region. The new guidelines for a coherent and unified society will gradually be achieved by joining your regional leaders in a new economy common to the whole planet. Borders no longer exist; the migration will be free and respected regional trends. All areas will have the necessary incentives for their population trends to keep their agricultural, industrial and services without the need to migrate to other places looking for better living conditions. Many existing things can be reused, much could be improved. New transport technologies will enable the availability of items between regions with very little operating cost, and this will change the way and speed of development of these regions. Education will be the strong point of the new society, giving the chance of developing all those who wish, language, social rules and knowledge will become cosmopolitan.
How will the health in this new society?
- With respect to health, we have systems in physical conditioning that can help in the eradication of many diseases, both congenital and those caused by microorganisms. Congenital problems such as heart problems, kidney problems, diabetes, autism, paralysis, vision, and other neurological problems may be solved as new technologies are introduced into your society. This may take some time and training but will revolutionize everything that you know today as medicine.
3 of 3:
How can we restore our fauna and flora after all these events?
- After the reinstallation of your society, will be provided food crops that will grow very quickly, better and more nutritious grain of what you currently have. Many different fruits can be heated on the planet, as well as legumes and vegetables. But almost everything that you now have on diversity in your nature will be maintained. Regarding your fauna, many species will no longer inhabit the planet in this new frequency, but other species will be introduced to a balanced ecosystem. Your seas will once again be an excellent source of protein, and your nature will integrate very quickly.
What about others who claim to have contact with other beings from Andromeda, including interdimensional or blue skin color among other things?
- Look friends, I'm not here to judge or deny anyone. I can tell you what I know, there is little about the universe but I know the entire database of civilizations, currently associated with all the Galactic Community data bases. I can say the following; the humanoids of the third dimension, are definitely not interdimensional. The skin color of the humanoids ranging from white to gray, yellowish, greenish, reddish, and brownish to darken, I do not know of any blue-skinned humanoid race, much less in my galaxy. The colors emitted by different suns do not affect the color of the skin, but interferes with the protection that the skin develops in relation to the protections which provides different atmospheres of planets. The humanoids descended from marine mammals, may have the skin color in shades of white, brownish, gray or silver. The Reptilians can have shades of brownish, reddish and light gray to dark gray. In the case of the descendants of insects, so they can have metallic colors on the external skeletons, ranging from various shades of gray, brownish, red, green, blue and darken.
When can we effectively relate to other races?
- When your society becomes healthy, informed and well-integrated, you can then become part of the board of Galactica Community, and network with hundreds of other humanoid races that may have issues in common with Earth. After the period of self balance of the planet Earth, you can go to market goods and services with these other races. You will receive the ICD - an intergalactic certificate of decontamination, and this will be the beginning of relationships with other races, indicating that Earthlings do not represent any danger to other humanoids.
Well friends, I have to go to the base of Antarctica that is also undergoing a major restructuring. I must get in touch soon with new news. Be well.
Thanks for watching! Join our channel! You are welcome there as the internet work!
Captain Bill – August 2011 ATLANTICOBR CHANNEL
NOTICE: This blog is complex and has been on-going for a long time. Before this blog, there was another blog just as big, but it was deleted as Amy explains below. It was reconstructed in part and continued here. We encourage you to read and/or participate. However, you are expected to have read this blog and all the comments from page 1 forward BEFORE you start asking questions. There is much technical and background data you need to know in order to understand. Please DO NOT jump in and start asking questions without having read this entire blog and comments first because it creates too much of a distraction to have to stop what we are doing and explain every time someone has a question that could have been answered if this blog had been read first. Thanks for your cooperation.
Here's Amy...
I am really sorry for deleting the other ELE timeline post ... Terral did not have permission to post certain information, and it came back on him in the %$&. ... which led to a cleansing of the post on a few groups :( But, as sometimes happens, there is a Silver lining under this pile of .... the Brown Dwarf Star has been spotted, and was ID'd from a selection of mug-shots ... it is coming
This post covers almost all of the last posting, and was also by Terral.
The timeline below tracks the movement of the ELEnin dwarf star in our solar system through 2011 using the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Data for their ELEnin Comet Psyop (link).
March 2 Dwarf star passes through celestial plane. 0.0 declination. 2.261 AU from Earth.
March 11 Saturn, Dwarf Star, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trench for volcano/earthquake/tidal events to escalate. First Alignment. 2.1 AU from Earth.
May 11 Earth, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in alignment to create optimum conditions for seismic activity. Diagram
April 25 Earth crosses ELE orbit to match ELE orbit at 1.8 AU, or about 170 million miles. 1.835 AU from Earth.
May 28 Earth reaches ELE outside orbit position. 1.836 AU from Earth.
June 27 Dwarf Star crosses Mars orbit. 1.789 AU from Earth.
Diagram #2
July 7 Saturn, Dwarf Star and Sun are in alignment where Saturn should show signs of the dwarf star assuming polarity control. 1.74 AU from Earth. Saturn Diagram.
Aug 3 Dwarf Star crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Dwarf Star perigee orbit angle position. 1.489 AU from Earth.
Aug 21 Dwarf Star crosses Venus orbit. 1.198 AU from Earth.
Sept 11 Dwarf Star reaches perigee position and breaks ecliptic plane at Mercury orbit. 0.708 AU from Earth.
Sept 19 Dwarf Star equidistant from Sun And Earth. 0.523 AU from Earth.
Sept 26 Dwarf Star passes between Sun and Earth for second alignment for anticipated Geological Pole Shift Event. Second Alignment. 0.396 AU from Earth. ELE = 0.0 declination with Sun = -1 declination.
Diagram #3
Oct 2 Dwarf Star at Venus orbit. 0.316 AU from Earth.
Oct 17 Dwarf Star at Earth orbit and nearest position. 0.232 AU from Earth @ 21.57 million miles.
Nov 14 Dwarf Star crosses Mars orbit. 0.46 AU from Earth.
Nov 22 Dwarf Star, Earth and Sun alignment for Pole Shift Reversal Event. Third Alignment 0.58 AU from Earth.
The Dwarf Star will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on Feb 29, 2012 marking 163 days from Sept. 19, 2011 that Dwarf Star is nearer our planet than the Sun.
A dwarf star between Jupiter and Sun mass is approaching Earth from @ 10h 38m 24.48s +7 00' 49.68" (link) coordinates at 100,000 miles per hour covering 2.4 million miles each day from the Leo Constellation moving towards 44 Leo to break through the ecliptic plane on March 2, 2011. The dwarf star with a planetary object (Planet X) and multiple moons (pic is currently on an inbound trajectory between Jupiter orbit and Mars orbit to reach Mars orbit on June 25, 2011.
The dwarf star being currently tracked by NASA as the Psyop Leonid ELEnin Comet that came into alignment with Sun and Earth at the first of three alignments on March 11, 2011; which is what all the false flag psyop disinformation is calling the pole shift. The dwarf star was still too far away (2.1 AU) to assume polarity control of the Earth from the Sun. This March 11 alignment coincides with the February 27, 2010 ELE/Earth/Sun alignment that shifted earth aquifers and shifted Earth axis 3 inches with the 8.8 Chile Quake. The magnetic poles of our planet are not shifting, but are 'migrating' from the approach of the dwarf star mini solar system and the powerful magnetic field and polarity entering our inner solar system; which has been going on since 2004. The dynamic gravitational Tug-of-War between the Sun, Earth and Dwarf Star is enhanced by the near-alignment of seven planetary/solar bodies at this alignment shown in the first diagram above and demonstrated by a red alignment line depicting extreme gravitational force. These orbiting objects are connected to the Sun by magnetic portals (link), which the Earth passed through on 2/27/2010 and 3/11/2011 that connects the dwarf star to the Sun. The next major event for Dwarf Star is June 27, 2011, when the dwarf star crosses the Mars orbit. Then on July 7, 2011 the ELEnin dwarf star passes between the Sun and Saturn orbiting above the ecliptic plane, which should reveal some evidence that the dwarf star is attempting to gain polarity control over the ringed planet.
Diagram 2 starts at August 3, 2011 when the dwarf star crosses Earth orbit to then cross Venus orbit on August 21, 2011. Then we see the ELEnin dwarf star reach perigee position nearest the Sun on September 11, 2011 exactly ten years from the 9/11 attacks (What Really Happened, when the dwarf star begins the 3600-year orbit once again. September 26, 2011 marks the day of the next alignment, when the dwarf star is only 0.396 AU from Earth (36.8 million miles); when the dwarf star is expected to gain polarity control over the Earth and cause the Geological Pole Shift. This marks the time when the Earth will bow to the dwarf star's awesome magnetic field/polarity, so the northern hemisphere experiences many days of darkness; while the southern hemisphere is drawn nearer the Sun. There are 14 days between the dwarf star reaching perigee position and this alignment with the Earth and Sun being equidistant to the dwarf star on the 7th day (Sept. 18).
October 2 is the day that the ELEnin dwarf star crosses Venus orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of Earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the Sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive dwarf star gravity well. Two weeks go by (Oct. 17) and the dwarf star crosses the Earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 21.57 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The dwarf star crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third alignment on November 22 where the Earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 11. This marks the time of the Geological Pole Shift Reversal that tips the Earth back to near the current position, as the Sun regains polarity control from the dwarf star racing away from the inner solar system.
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"Today I am presenting rock solid information; it does not get any better when NASA is your source. What you are about to read and see is happening. Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin, I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of 2011. What we do not know is the size and mass of comet Elenin though I have no doubt that it is known by the authorities...."
Fellow researchers have sent me this photo (see link below) of what appears to be a baby sun in the line-of-sight of our Sun. It is likely a comet among the comet swarm which is gravitationally captured by what NASA has termed "a probable brown dwarf star" (see 2nd link below); or this second baby sun may even be NASA's announced brown dwarf star, itself.
On the Ecliptic -- that imaginary lazy-susan in space, on which our nine planets revolve around the Sun -- visualize yourself as Earth itself on the Ecliptic with all the other planets when this brown dwarf star arises, like a porpoise, from the depths of the cosmos, below our disc-like Solar System, piercing the Ecliptic plane near the orbital path of Jupiter. When we are in some particular month of our yearly orbit, baby star X could arise on the far side of the Sun, with the Sun being in our line of sight, if X's emergent timing is right.
For the four reasons I mentioned in previous commentaries, we can be fairly certain that X is piercing the Ecliptic about now, or has even arisen over the Ecliptic by now; so, we would expect to see X superimposed -- framed in a family photo shot with the Sun -- during some specific monthwide angle of arc in our annual revolution around the Sun.
This gravitational and magnetic field-wielding wrecking ball treats us like a piece of trash in the gutter of its roadway with each cycle around its elliptical celestial racetrack -- a racetrack which stretches from billions of miles below us in deep space (at one end of its racetrack) to our Sun (at the other end of its racetrack). A twenty-million mile close pass by us is considered an astrometric duster ball. There is nothing that humankind can do to divert this thousand-earth-mass baby star from its gravitationally ordained rendezvous with our one-third-of-a-million-earth-mass Sun -- because gravity works. And, in this case, gravity sucks. Gravitation sucks neighboring masses toward one another.
Atlantis: it's "deja vu all over again." When you google Plato Timaeus Critias Atlantis you will find Plato's ancient historical records of the sinking of Atlantis, which the best (not the most) ancient historians, geologists of antiquity, and anthropologists estimate occurred around 9,000 B.C., three duster pitches ago of this brown dwarf star on a cometary orbit. A comet, by definition, returns predictably, repetitively, and punctually. Halley's comet is one of many examples of such a celestial pendulum of regular, uniform orbital periodicity. Now, since three global ruinations ago spans about 11,000 years, then two ruinations ago would have been around 5,300 B.C., a date estimated by geologists Pitman and Ryan to have been the time of the global Great Flood of Noah's day. And one global ruination ago would have been circa 1,650 B.C., when geologists estimate that perhaps the greatest volcanic caldera explosion in known history occurred: the great Santorini volcanic explosion, which eradicated the Minoan civilization in the Aegean Sea. Tree rings from that time are known to have drastically narrowed for several years, due to the blanketing of skies with volcanic ash, ash not only from Santorini, but probably from Mount Merapi, Mount Vesuvius, the Yellowstone caldera, and hundreds of other volcanoes, worldwide.
As this brown dwarf star sails over the orbital path of Mars, then of Earth, and ultimately loops over the top of our Sun, X is the smooth stone in David's sling, our Sun is David's slingshot, and God is as David. The ruination of Planet Earth is inevitable. It is inexorable.
However, as one of many who has studied the Bible and prayed the Bible from end to end, God promises everyone that they, personally and individually, will be supernaturally protected if they will consciously make themselves aware of God's constant, beckoning presence, beside them and inside them. No need even to talk TO God. Simply listen FOR God.
John DiNardo
From an email from John DiNardo:
Please stay with me on this scientific analysis of the mechanism which will cause land masses to arise out of the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. The conclusion of my theory: "Land masses will arise out of the Gulf of Mexico," was related, three to four years ago, to Mark, my acquaintance who received this information from his geologist friend who works for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The resultant tsunamis and methane gas bursts will annihilate many millions of unsuspecting residents within miles of the coast, all the way around, from Mexico to Florida, to Cuba, Haiti, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.
I hope to inspire you to relay this analysis to concerned people everywhere. I plead with you to study this analysis and pass it on, in order to spark public action movements to save lives, for these seabed upheavals can occur any day from now.
John DiNardo
~~ Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise ~~
Gulf of Mexico effluents display a mysterious white substance, yellow sulphur, and red iron, probably from the Earth's molten iron "outer core," plus other substances from the "lower mantle," which is right above the outer core. At the core/mantle boundary (CMB), large avalanches of the quasi-solid mantle edge of the CMB break off, due to heating, by electromagnetic induction, of both the molten iron outer core and the solid iron inner core, the latter being Earth's innermost mass, residing at the center of the Earth. The heating of the outer core is also intensified by the long period cyclical buildup of thermally insulative mantle magma, solidifying along the edge of the lower mantle, bounding the upper edge of the outer core, this margin being the CMB. Hence, this solidifying magma margin acts as a thickening insulative blanket, further heating the molten iron outer core. However, it is important to realize that most of the heating of the outer core is now being generated by the well known phenomenon of "electromagnetic induction," now generated by plasma-saturated comets which have been observed by scientists over the past five to ten years.
So now, Earth's CMB has these prolific avalanches of loosened magma, sloughing off from the lower mantle margin into the molten iron outer core, and the obvious effect is that this mantle erosion proceeds like a drill bit, boring tunnels up through the very thick viscous mantle, all the way up until the tunnel eventually reaches a blockage presented by the lithosphere, which is the rigid crust of Earth's surface, overlaying the less rigid uppermost mantle margin.
Understandably, molten iron from the outer core, plus newly molten magma encircling this hot newly drilled tunnel, flows like a slow oozing fountain, all the way up to the blockage at the lithospheric crust, and eventually the super heated liquified column of magma rock and iron mixture melts the solid lithospheric crust like a gushing hot spring would melt a surface layer of ice.
This rising hot fountain is called a "mantle plume," or "thermal plume," one of which also exists at the eastern tip of Indonesia, showing that mantle plumes are prevalent worldwide. A mantle plume is similar to the lava plume that you see within a common household lava lamp, wherein an electric heating element at the base of the lamp heats up a puddle of lava, causing the puddle to rise up toward the surface in a plume of lava.
When this iron/magma column rises as a mantle plume, from the outer core/lower mantle boundary (CMB) to the uppermost edge of the upper mantle, the plume is initially blocked by the thin crustal layer, the "lithosphere," at the Gulf of Mexico seabed. Eventually, the molten mantle plume dissolves or liquifies the thin lithospheric crust, effectively punching a hole in the seabed. This is the hole in the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, which British Petroleum deliberately drilled into! Why deliberately?? I have testified to you that, THREE TO FOUR YEARS AGO, a U.S. Geological Survey informant relayed to me, through Mark, that they expect land masses to arise out of the Gulf of Mexico. The reason why they drilled into the volcano was to TEMPORARILY PREVENT THE PEOPLE FROM REALIZING that this is actually a burgeoning catastrophic worldwide oil bursting phenomenon, and the powers-that-be are now in great fear that inevitable public realization will awaken the peoples of the World to the evidence that exists (if they are willing to examine it) that this is just one of many types of natural disasters which are now about to break out in a growing drum beat.
The powers-that-be want you to think that BP caused these globally bursting natural oil gushers, with just a puny seven-inch drill pipe. How gullible do they think we are? The ruling elite would rather have you believe that man caused this disaster, because when the people find out that they are in a game of natural disaster dodgeball, they will break free from their psychological matrix cage of obedience to the tyrannical illegitimate imposters raping them from the power stage of central government. These ruling rapists are afraid that we may no longer be forcibly obedient to them, and that we may not pay our taxes, because, when people realize that these are natural disasters, and NOT just one BP disaster, the people will then fear a greater master than the ruling elite, the people will then fear the Master in the heavens, because that is the source of the electromagnetic heating of Earth's core. This electromagnetic source is plasma engulfed comets being drawn into our Solar System by the immense gravitational pull of our incredibly massive Sun.
It is strikingly obvious: the apple fell down from the tree, and hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, due to the mutual pulling force of gravity, which universally exists between two or more masses. Likewise, comets are being drawn in from deep space by the tremendous pulling force of gravity between these comets and our Sun.
Getting back to the subject of Gulf of Mexico land masses arising, the consequences of a mantle plume punching through the lithosphere, at the Gulf of Mexico seabed and elsewhere, are two-fold:
1) undersea volcanoes erupt, and indeed, oceanographers and volcanologists are now expressing alarm over the drastic increase in undersea volcanic eruptions, all over the World;
2) seabeds begin to bulge upward, due to the profusion of gases, such as methane, into newly formed pockets where the uppermost mantle margin meets the lithospheric crust, both at surfaces of seabeds and at crustal surfaces of land areas. There are now many reports of methane gas coming out of the ground, in Texas, in Colorado, in Pennsylvania, etc. There is a recent report of methane gas shooting out of a home water faucet, being fed from a private well.
These newly formed pockets of rising gases strikingly explain the recent avalanche of reports of seabeds bulging all over the World, as indicated by drastically diminishing footage readings transmitted by ocean buoys, worldwide.
Notice, that the powers-that-be will never tell you what the day-by-day buoy depth readings are in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice, that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC-TV reported that the Corexit was promptly laid down to mask the depths of the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we were permitted to view that seabed, we would notice bulging and major fissures, from the Texas coast to the Florida coast. Notice that methane gas has been reported to be rising to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. This is an ominous sign, since any spark from a boat's ignition or such will cause the greatest surface fire cloud explosion ever witnessed, as well as a catastrophic coast-gobbling tsunami, if the concentration of methane gas builds to high enough levels. Such a catastrophic sea surface methane explosion has already occurred in 1998, and has been reported by Steve Quayle on his web site, stevequayle.com.
The ruling elite have been as suppressive of the science community as of the mass news media. Hence, the people of the World remain unaware until mega disasters send them suddenly reeling in fearful panic. You and I, therefore, have a humanitarian responsibility to disseminate this analysis and to urge others to examine it, and to promote a growing public study of this and so many other alarming meteorological and geological events, which have transpired from the unusual to the commonplace over the past six years.
In a forthcoming message, I will email you a photocopy of the actual New York Times newspaper report, from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, stating that the reason why they launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite was to detect the infrared light images emitting from this approaching brown dwarf star, this celestial dodge ball (of a mass estimated to be at least 1,000 Earth masses), which is now in our Solar System, menacing Earth, both electromagnetically and gravitationally.
... John DiNardo
Oil Spill Done to Conceal Buckling Seabed
From <jadinardo@optonline.net>
Date Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:03 am
. . . . . ., as this brown dwarf star accelerates into our inner Solar System, being gravitationally attracted to our Sun, its enormous magnetic forces are increasingly boiling and churning Earth's magnetic core, while this brown dwarf star's enormous gravitational pull is plucking upon Earth's crustal surface, buckling seabeds, such as in the Coral Sea and in the Gulf of Mexico, generating sinkholes all over China, and generating unprecedentedly frequent high-magnitude earthquakes. At least three years ago, Mark, a veteran of the Persian Gulf War who maintains contact with certain acquaintances in the government, told me that a geologist friend with the U.S. Geological Survey told him that they were surveying the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico for great oil drilling opportunities, and that they expect to see land masses rising up from the Gulf of Mexico seabed. So, it seems that pieces of this puzzle are fitting together. The global power elite foresaw the Gulf of Mexico seabed rising, were overcome with oil greed, but knew that in the next few years they would have to flee the Gulf when the newly popping undersea volcanoes start to break out, like hives, all over the planet. And they knew that, in order to forestall (not preempt) public panic, they would have to make it look as if corporate recklessness had caused the Gulf of Mexico to burst up, bleeding . . . because if the people were to discern that natural disasters are exploding all over the Earth, then these power elite controllers of the masses would have the reigns of global enslavement abruptly yanked out of their greedy fists, as the docile masses panic into a state of crazed chaos and defiant rejection of tyrannical tethers. The power elite are scared, because they know that there is no way that they can keep the global masses from panicking, as this approaching brown dwarf star (formally named "Planet X" by the world's community of astronomers) increasingly molests Earth's land masses, seabeds and molten magnetic core. The elite can only forestall public panic for a short while. And it is becoming conspicuous that their Plan B is to go underground, a fact which Gov. Jesse Ventura has vividly documented with his TruTV film footage of the elite's elaborate underground cities beneath the Denver Airport, and deep within the bowels of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. This brown dwarf star's plasmatic (electrified gas) coma is both electrostatically and electromagnetically exciting the Sun, provoking the Sun to sneeze forth blasts of solar flares which the National Academy of Science and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration officially state will likely damage or destroy the world's power grids and the associated electronic global canopy overdraping modern civilization's luxurious bed of comfort. The result will be abrupt reversion to primitive life for anyone who can shelter themselves from the lethal solar scorching. Those of us who do not protect ourselves from the solar scorching will not have to worry about primitive living. Conversely, the power elite have long been prepared to weather the coming solar scorching by making us pay for their underground shelters. Although the N.A.S. and N.A.S.A. say that 2012 is the year to expect this solar scorching, the Sun will not switch from normal to scorching in an instant, like the flipping of a light switch. Rather, the solar scorching is already gradually intensifying. It is imperative that we, the citizens of the human race, establish a widespread correspondence network, in an effort to protect ourselves from the coming scorching, since the power elite told Gov. Jesse Ventura that the people are welcome to knock all day on those multi-ton underground steel doors.
John DiNardo planetxnow@yahoo.com
~~ The Movie, KNOWING graphically depicts this solar scorching ~~
Remember to view the Washington Post announcement, attached above.