ecliptic (3)

PaulK just posted this in the Videos section, but I'm making a blog to make sure everyone sees this one...

Jupiter's orbit has gone below the ecliptic over the years.  Any explanations, other than a PX-type object?  And the trail of dead scientists (see is the smoking gun.

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12 Cauac, 13 Mac, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues her shift to a new reality. The planet has moved nearly 2.0 degrees toward the ecliptic as a result of the increasing energies passing through your Sun from the galactic core. These energies are putting mounting pressure on the planetary grids, which also continue to shift. The same galactic core energies are creating conditions on the other water-worlds, which are moving them closer to the solar system's sacred shift point. This is when your solar system aligns with the rest of your galaxy, allowing the galaxy to significantly alter its basic spiral shape, and permitting our galaxy's reality grids to come into rhythmic alignment with the 350,000 or so galaxies that form this sector of physicality. We have been instructed by Heaven to increase our level of participation with the galactic Elohim in seeing that these adjustments proceed as decreed by the Creator and by the sacred Seraphim of AEON. This project coincides with the divine intervention now happening on your world.

This divine intervention is approaching a magical point! Currently, we are watching the final steps wherein your world's reality is transformed from dark to Light. Heaven's representatives, working in concert with a number of secret sacred societies and many of your Ascended Masters, are ready to roll out a great abundance. This universal prosperity kick-starts great changes in the way your global financial and political systems operate. It is truly to be a year marked by unprecedented and unique change! The most important aspect for us is, of course, a full disclosure by various major governments of our benevolent presence and of our mission here. We are very ready to proceed with the many activities on our agenda, which conclude with those that return you to your natural state of full consciousness. As we speak, certain prerequisite actions are being carried out by designated contingents of the world's military and associated police groups. They are implementing the final stages of a mass global arrest process which will change your world forever. These arrests herald new governance and new prosperity for all!

This first extraordinary flurry of changes will lead to a series of ever more exciting events. We are working closely with the Agarthans to set up for you an optimum route to galactic society, beginning with many secret technologies which will be introduced to you by your new governments. These same governments will also deliver you from debt and disburse your new abundance. Then it will be time to face, globally, the very real fact of climate change, and this will necessitate totally changing your approach to your precious living planet. The continuing, massive destruction of your home world has to be stopped. New technologies will be made available immediately to sustain your planet and begin the restitution of millennia-long depredations. Our role as mentor includes adding our technologies to yours, and counseling you on ways to address your most pressing global needs. All this you have heard many times before; now the time has come to actually discuss how to carry it all out.

The Agarthans are very well acquainted with you; in fact, they have secretly lived among you for nearly 13 millennia, and therefore their wisdom is most important to us. The Ascended Masters have the sacred task of redressing the many falsehoods and innuendos woven into your religious philosophies by the dark. The truth needs to be voiced frankly yet in such a way that you can perceive the subtlety used by the Anunnaki to distort your religious works. The Masters can set the record straight, providing a basis for a complete recasting of your ancient histories and your myths about humanity's origins. Also of prime importance is a massive readjustment in how you relate to the magnificent Being you reside upon. Your fall into limited consciousness veiled many things from you, and the road back to full consciousness can transform these mysteries into concepts that will quickly become part of your everyday knowledge of this world and of physicality itself. All of this begins with disclosure.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This week we have been assisting our many associates to prepare several special projects for immediate activation. We have complied in every way with the sacred decrees of Heaven, and it is now accepted that your reality is fully prepared to shift. This shift will begin with a series of arrests and 'resignations' of major figures who serve the dark in government, finance, and international banking. This action leads straight away to two others: the deliveries of your prosperity funds by designated personnel, simultaneous with the transfer of political power in several major world governments to new caretaker governments. These two actions lead to a third: the series of official announcements explaining the new banking and financial system, full debt forgiveness, and the restoration of your sovereign rights.

These activities will signal that disclosure is next and is imminent. Regarding this latter issue, another major consideration is to be taken into account: our dear blessed world requires an urgent end to war as threats now exist that are jeopardizing her health. We have asked our Agarthan and galactic families to join us in restoring Gaia to health, but this activity necessitates a large amount of direct, open intervention on our part. Happily, this visible activity is to be authorized by the new caretaker governments, and so the need for the disclosure announcement has been brought forward on the agenda, from an issue to be handled in the second week of the interim governments taking office to one that is fully addressed along with our first announcements. The skullduggery of the dark can and will no longer be allowed. A new epoch for humanity has arrived!

The gist of this message is to assure you that a great deal of work has been accomplished by our associates to replace the dark governance and to distribute an immense global prosperity program. These are only some of the activities that have been planned in order to move you to full consciousness. The coming preliminaries will irrevocably change your world and provide a point of entrance for the Galactic Federation's first-contact mission. We and our Agarthan sisters and brothers also intend to introduce ourselves to you at that time. While what is to happen can be shocking to you, it is in reality a beginning that will lead you to the blessed joys of full consciousness. Here, you will assist all of Heaven and us in unfolding the divine plan of physicality. These are indeed exiting times that you are witnessing and living through!

Today, we continued our discussion of what is happening on your world. A new golden age for humanity has dawned. The announcements of disclosure by your new governments will permit us to do a number of things that are vital for setting the stage for our mass landings. We await with joy the chance to formally meet with each one of you. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Fellow researchers have sent me this photo (see link below) of what appears to be a baby sun in the line-of-sight of our Sun. It is likely a comet among the comet swarm which is gravitationally captured by what NASA has termed "a probable brown dwarf star" (see 2nd link below); or this second baby sun may even be NASA's announced brown dwarf star, itself.  

On the Ecliptic -- that imaginary lazy-susan in space, on which our nine planets revolve around the Sun -- visualize yourself as Earth itself on the Ecliptic with all the other planets when this brown dwarf star arises, like a porpoise, from the depths of the cosmos, below our disc-like Solar System, piercing the Ecliptic plane near the orbital path of Jupiter. When we are in some particular month of our yearly orbit, baby star X could arise on the far side of the Sun, with the Sun being in our line of sight, if X's emergent timing is right.

For the four reasons I mentioned in previous commentaries, we can be fairly certain that X is piercing the Ecliptic about now, or has even arisen over the Ecliptic by now; so, we would expect to see X superimposed -- framed in a family photo shot with the Sun -- during some specific monthwide angle of arc in our annual revolution around the Sun.

This gravitational and magnetic field-wielding wrecking ball treats us like a piece of trash in the gutter of its roadway with each cycle around its elliptical celestial racetrack -- a racetrack which stretches from billions of miles below us in deep space (at one end of its racetrack) to our Sun (at the other end of its racetrack).  A twenty-million mile close pass by us is considered an astrometric duster ball. There is nothing that humankind can do to divert this thousand-earth-mass baby star from its gravitationally ordained rendezvous with our one-third-of-a-million-earth-mass Sun -- because gravity works. And, in this case, gravity sucks.  Gravitation sucks neighboring masses toward one another.

Atlantis: it's "deja vu all over again."  When you google Plato Timaeus Critias Atlantis you will find Plato's ancient historical records of the sinking of Atlantis, which the best (not the most) ancient historians, geologists of antiquity, and anthropologists estimate occurred around 9,000 B.C., three duster pitches ago of this brown dwarf star on a cometary orbit. A comet, by definition, returns predictably, repetitively, and punctually. Halley's comet is one of many examples of such a celestial pendulum of regular, uniform orbital periodicity. Now, since three global ruinations ago spans about 11,000 years, then two ruinations ago would have been around 5,300 B.C., a date estimated by geologists Pitman and Ryan to have been the time of the global Great Flood of Noah's day. And one global ruination ago would have been circa 1,650 B.C., when geologists estimate that perhaps the greatest volcanic caldera explosion in known history occurred: the great Santorini volcanic explosion, which eradicated the Minoan civilization in the Aegean Sea. Tree rings from that time are known to have drastically narrowed for several years, due to the blanketing of skies with volcanic ash, ash not only from Santorini, but probably from Mount Merapi, Mount Vesuvius, the Yellowstone caldera, and hundreds of other volcanoes, worldwide.

As this brown dwarf star sails over the orbital path of Mars, then of Earth, and ultimately loops over the top of our Sun, X is the smooth stone in David's sling, our Sun is David's slingshot, and God is as David. The ruination of Planet Earth is inevitable. It is inexorable.

However, as one of many who has studied the Bible and prayed the Bible from end to end, God promises everyone that they, personally and individually, will be supernaturally protected if they will consciously make themselves aware of God's constant, beckoning presence, beside them and inside them. No need even to talk TO God. Simply listen FOR God.

              John DiNardo

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