
Low-level contamination, remedied with soap and water, and discarding the clothing.  However,


"The U.S. 7th Fleet, positioned about 100 miles northeast of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to deliver aid to Japan's coastal region, moved its ships further away due to "airborne radioactivity" and contamination found on its planes."

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I have no way of knowing if this is true or not, so investigate for yourself....



Here is a link about the author:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aajonus_Vonderplanitz


And here is a rather critical article about the author...so buyer beware...



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Urgent Radiation Preparedness Action Items

From the Health Ranger:


Important action items to take right now

If you live in the western states or provinces of North America, it is extremely important to be prepared by taking the following actions RIGHT NOW:

1) Fuel up your vehicle(s) and be ready to hit the road for a possible evacuation (or hunker down if you're out in the country and feel like you would be safer there).

2) If you plan to stay put, go to the hardware store TODAY and buy large amounts of plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal up your windows and doors. This will help protect you from radioactive fallout. You will also need to store water, food, and all the usual emergency supplies because outside help probably won't be available.

3) If you plan to evacuate, have a "Go Bag" ready to go at a moment's notice. This go bag should include a water filter, emergency radio, flashlight, duct tape, emergency knife, spare cash, whatever medical supplies you might need, extra food and water, spare fuel cans and so on. Have it ready now in case you need it.

4) Significantly increase your intake of iodine-containing foods and superfoods starting right now: Seaweeds are a great source. We've listed our entire inventory of what we have available at our store (http://www.naturalnews.com/031730_i...), but I would actually prefer you to go out and get this locally TODAY at your local health food stores, where possible. You may not have time to wait on a UPS delivery. Fortunately, our store ships from Ojai, California, meaning that if you order foods from us today that are in stock, and you're in California, you could receive them very, very quickly (within 1-2 business days).

5) If you have potassium iodide pills (radiation pills), don't take them yet. Keep them ready to take if and only if a meltdown event occurs and a massive dose of radiation has been released into the atmosphere.

6) Have a plan for you and your family. Where will you meet if you need to evacuate? Don't count on cell phones working. Have a plan of where to go, how to get there and how to survive once you get there.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031731_radiation_preparedness.html#ixzz1GsbZGqV0
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Radioactive Cloud Headed For US West Coast?

This just in from PatR....


IF this is true........we are all in immediate danger......please take this serious.  We all know the radiation clouds are  headed this way, whether in 24 hrs or 7 days........please get prepared!

US Air Force WC-135 Detects Deadly Radiation Over Pacific (US in 24hrs), page 1
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ATS Members have flagged this thread 81 times
Topic started on 14-3-2011 @ 01:58 AM by AllSeeingI
US Air Force WC-135 Detects Deadly Radiation Over Pacific (US in 24hrs)

Special USAF aircraft have detected large amounts of Radioactivity over the mid-north Pacific region. The radiation cloud could make landfall in western North America within 24 hours.

The WC-135 Constant Phoenix is a special purpose aircraft derived from the Boeing C-135 and used by the United States Air Force. Its mission is to collect samples from the atmosphere for the purpose of detecting and identifying nuclear explosions. It is also informally referred to as the “weather bird” or “the sniffer” by workers on the program.
Still working to get other sources. The article did point out that during the Hydrogen Explosion earlier the cloud reached a height of 800m during the initial blast.


More to come....

UPDATE: The original author claims to have been given an anonymous insider tip from a contact friend of his inside the military. He himself is attempting to find out if this story is true. He asks for any possible leads be emailed to him. Mentioned in the source article.

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"TEPCO reported that they confirmed 8217 micro Sievert at the front gate of the Daiichi Fukushima Powerplant.  This is 3 times of what a person normally exposed to in a year in one hour."

Check out Al Jazeera's Live Blogs:

March 12th:  http://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/asia/live-blog-japan-earthquake

March 13th:  http://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/asia/japans-twin-disasters-march-13-liveblog

March 14th:  http://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/asia/disaster-japan-march-14

March 15th:  http://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/asia/japan-crisis-live-blog

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Radiation Leak At Japan Nuke Facility

Radiation Levels Hit 1000X Normal, officials say they have "lost control" of the pressure, according to Reuters
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 15:02:52 -0800 (PST)



Subject: Fukushima Nuclear Plant : Radiation Levels Hit 1000X Normal,
officials say they have "lost control" of the pressure, according to Reuters
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If you are flying, take a stand. Here's how one guy did it...

Ron Paul has introduced legislation to remove any immunity TSA agents might have to commit sexual assault.

Hillary Clinton has stated that she would certainly avoid the pat-down procedure if she could.

The definition of an assault is the fear of an unwanted touching. Battery is the commission of the unwanting touching. TSA policies are unconstitutional. It has been said the pat-down procedure was implemented to bully people into the radiation screening. Further, they do not change their gloves with each passenger. The gloves are simply to protect the TSA agent. The same pair of gloves touch upwards of hundres of people a day when they pat down clothing as well as passengers' skin inside underwear, thus spreading contamination...colds, flu, STD's...you name it.

The best defense is a good offense. And targeting the pocketbook is always powerful. If you find the procedures objectionable, decline to proceed, get a refund and tell the airline agents in no uncertain terms that you will not fly again until the procedures are no longer health hazards or humiliating. That will get their attention. Okay, so you miss turkey at grandma's this year. The principle of this issue is far more important.

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Sol: What If?

There are some strange happenings on the sun. What if a large earth-directed CME happens? Do you have a plan?
Back in the days of pre-Y2K, the electric grid going down was a main part of disaster preparations. But what if a CME would also scorch the Earth? Would you know what to do?
Let's use this blog to brainstorm how to survive something like that. First step, know what you would be up against. Here's a good overview from Stan Deyo:


"What you need to realize is that these solar storms are not only electrically and magnetically charged, but they bring radiation – across the spectrum, from microwave radiation to gamma rays."
http://www.empcommission.org/docs/A2473-EMP_Commission-7MB.pdf. This paper was done with the threat of an EMP caused by a high-altitude nuclear detonation. However, a coronal mass ejection (CME or solar flare) can have the same impact on the electric grid and electronic devices, as well as the human reaction to the event.

p.176 [regarding the effect an EMP could have on humans (minimal)]: "An important exception is people whose well-being depends on electronic life support equipment. They will be directly impacted by effects that disrupt or damage such devices. Research sponsored by the Commission suggests that some heart pacemakers may be among the devices susceptible to upset from high-altitude EMP.3,4"

"To assess human consequences, the contingency of concern is one in which electricity, telecommunications, and electronics are out of service over a significant area for an extended period of time. The human consequences of such a scenario include the social and psychological reactions to a sudden loss of stability in the modern infrastructure over a large area of the country. Loss of connectivity between the government and its populace would only exacerbate the consequences of such a scenario."

Some Lessons Learned [from local disasters] pp.180-181:

"Though the United States has not experienced a severe, widespread disruption to infrastructure comparable to an EMP attack, the cases reviewed provide some practical direction for predictions of behavior. For example, it can be expected that emotional reactions such as shock and paralysis that have followed past disasters could be magnified in a large-scale event such as an EMP attack. In particular, the paralysis of government assistance entities, such as law enforcement and emergency services, would aggravate this effect. In most instances, social disorder would be minimal, in significant part, due to the knowledge that authorities are in control of the situation. Without that assurance from an

outside source, it appears likely that people would turn to immediate neighbors or community members for information and support, if possible.

"Following disruptive disasters, information is among the most pressing needs for individuals. Not surprisingly, people’s first concerns are the whereabouts and safety of their family members and friends. Another urgent priority is an understanding of the situation — knowledge of what has happened, who and what is affected, and the cause of the

situation. A related yet distinct information need is for confirmation that the situation will be resolved, either from common sense and experience, in the case of a small-scale disaster, or from the involvement of local or federal authorities, in the case of a large-scale disaster. Psychologists note that dramatic events force people to reexamine their basic understanding about the world, and that survivors need to process an event before they can fully absorb it. This information processing begins the alternating phases of intrusion and avoidance that are primary indicators of post-traumatic stress.14

"The aftermath of natural disasters is often marked by instances or a period of considerable

pro-social behavior such as cooperation, social solidarity, and acts of selflessness. However, this encouraging observation might not be similarly magnified in projections for human behavior following an EMP attack. The key intangible, immeasurable difference is the knowledge that normal order would resume, based on significant indicators.

"It is important to note some of the differences between natural disasters and technological disasters, particularly those caused by human intent. Natural disasters “create a social context marked by an initial overwhelming consensus regarding priorities and the allocation of resources,”15 which explains the enormous outpouring of voluntary support

following the floods of 1993. In contrast to natural disasters, which “occur as purposeless, asocial events; civil disturbances can be viewed as instrumentally initiated to achieve certain social goals.”16 An EMP attack would certainly be perceived similarly, whether the adversary were a terrorist organization or a state.

"The selected case studies provide only an approximation of EMP effects. For example, the effects of the knowledge that widespread infrastructure disruption resulted from an intentional foreign attack are yet unknown. Much evidence points to people’s resilience in the immediate aftermath of disasters. However, during a lengthy recovery process, as

would be expected following an EMP attack with widespread, long-duration effects, the psychological effects of the attack should not be underestimated.

"It appears clear that the most crucial question in the task of avoiding social disorder is how to establish communication without electricity immediately following an EMP attack. Without communication alternatives, it would be impossible to alert people to the availability of emergency supplies or inform them concerning emergency response activities."


"The concern is that any nuclear detonation that could be launched into the atmosphere anywhere from 25 to 250 miles above the United States could decimate the nation's electric grid, essentially transporting it instantly back to an era of mechanical machines and agriculture....

"Bartlett explained that the danger also comes from naturally occurring EMP signals from sources such as a solar storm.

This article focuses on a high-altitude nuclear detonation caused EMP, but as mentioned above an earth-directed CME could also achieve the same result: death of the power grid. No matter what causes the EMP, "Within a year of that attack, nine out of 10 Americans would be dead, because we can't support a population of the present size in urban centers and the like without electricity...." Interesting, that's 90% of the population, the percentage that ZT says will succumb in the passage of Planet X. However, one earthbound CME could take us out before PX gets here! Thus, this is a serious reason to prepare for a CME PRIOR to the passage of PX. Don't be blindsided by this!

Second, research your options. John Miller began a discussion of shipping containers as a source of affordable underground shelters here: https://earthchanges.ning.com/forum/topics/safe-room-shelter-srs?groupUrl=survivalinformation&groupId=6126809%3AGroup%3A45&id=6126809%3ATopic%3A21542&page=2#comments. Would these shield people from solar scorching or radiation? If not, what could be done to ensure they could.

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"The US State Department warned Americans that a trip and staying in Russia is a mortal threat to their life."
"The current alert warning will remain in force until September 5, when the situation in Russia, as the US stipulates, relaxes as far as fires are concerned, because there'll be left nothing to burn. The situation would remain unpredictable regarding plague and radiation."

"A hasty evacuation of diplomatic staff from foreign embassies, like a stampede, began in Moscow. Many embassies are trying to hide the evacuation for political reasons. Mass evacuation of the embassies of Canada and Poland was officially reported at night on August 7.

Western media meanwhile reported that the Canadian embassy in Moscow was closed. Dutch embassy is urgently evacuating its diplomatic staff from Russia.

High level of air pollution (see photo), as one of the consequences of forest fires, has become an official ground for evacuating embassy staff and their family members.

Unofficially, they speak about plague in Russia, but first of all, about sharply elevated radioactive background in the city, caused by destruction of atomic bombs in fires at nuclear weapons arsenals outside Moscow. According to unofficial information, warehouses of chemical and bacteriological weapons were also burnt down"


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Sun eruption from 7th Aug. may affect Earth after all

INCOMINGCME: The solar eruption of August 7th mightaffect Earth after all. Newly-arriving data from the Solarand Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) show a CME heading ourway with a significant Earth-directed component. Click onthe image to launch a "difference movie" of theexpanding cloud:


The impact of this lopsided CME probably won't trigger a major geomagnetic storm---but the SOHO data show it couldbe bigger than expected. High latitude sky watchers shouldbe alert for auroraswhen the cloud arrives probably on August 10th.

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