Sun (28)

HEY ALL! Stopped by when I spotted this...any thoughts?

10958078663?profile=originalA guy took this pic a few days ago and submitted it asking if anyone could see the shadow of a planet to the right. I asked a friend of mine, and she can see it. For the life of me I can't. Here is the link explaining it to be 'a flare' of some sort during the sun's prominence..hope this odd link works. I am curious what you all see....

Miss you all hope you are well!

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This is by an "insider" called Daniel...

The sun is transitioning from yellow to yellow-white.  NASA has life of stars backwards... red giants are babies, not geriatrics.  Chemtrails is to dim the extra light/heat/radiation hitting the earth from the sun's transition.  Interestingly, iron is part of the mix... guess where NL's "red dust" is coming from?  Not Planet X!  "Don't look at the sun," she says.  Now we know why.  She really does work for NASA, doesn't she?  Read more, about weather control, the causes of droughts and superstorms, GMO foods, how they have delayed ascension...

"If you look at all the weird UFO stuff going on over the last 60 years, most of it was nothing more than steps towards the focus of creating an artificial world and artificial population, to continue 3rd density life on the Earth after the solar transition.

"And it was not just people. Long-term food sources had to be adjusted to remain viable in the artificial environment, and that's where your good friends at Monsanto came in with their drought-resistant, toxic chemical resistant, GMO foods. Sure, experiment with the mass population to find the good strains for the people who deserve them. And make sure you have HIPAA and “health care” to get all that genetic data back to the computers, to determine what worked and what didn't. After all, they're not collecting mountains of medical data, they are protecting your privacy!

"They are really quite happy now with their little, artificial empire and are engaging in all the stalling tactics they can. The solar transition is already under way and all they have to do is keep the masses distracted long enough for the good stuff to start so they can lock themselves away in their underground bases and let the rest of us burn.  Or so they think. To quote Dr. Malcolm from Jurassic Park… “Life will find a way…”


"Consciousness doesn't grow from being told facts—it grows from the search for them. And I think that is what the people of this world really need—a chance to grow up on their own in a free society."


"Knowing that hurricanes are the product of “co-magnetic thredules” in the Earth's core, they are natural events and cannot be artificially created. Nor can they be directed in their early stages, when the magnetic forces are at their strongest. But they can be intensified during formation by the same process that creates the super-cell thunderstorm mentioned earlier—excessive amounts of water vapor nuclei forced into the upper atmosphere through chemical seeding of the tropopause to create vast quantities of clouds and torrential rain. When the generating thredule begins to collapse, the hurricane can be controlled by localized changes in temperature and pressure, just what HAARP does best.

This was observed in the case of hurricane Sandy. A small, tropical depression that never got to more than a Category 1 hurricane. Nothing spectacular about that, and common for this time of year—except the quantity of water vapor present in the system was significantly higher than it should have been. Watch the animations of the storm as it grows—the center of the storm is literally throwing off massive amounts of clouds because the small amount of ocean water being pulled up met the excessive amounts of condensation nuclei that were sent to that location via atmospheric chemicals—chemtrails.
The co-magnetic thredule creating this storm lasted longer than normal, which is why the storm followed the “sunspot” track, rather than being deflected by the Gulf Stream back out to sea, as hurricanes normally are. This indicates that, like the solar transition, the Earth is getting ready for a similar change down deep.

"HAARP would not have been able to direct or deflect this storm with an active thredule, though they probably tried. It followed a natural course, but an unnatural intensity, thanks to chemtrail geoengineering.

This from Chrys:

Insider "Daniel" is the same Daniel that David Wilcock relied upon to gather a considerable amount of information when writing his The Source Field Investigations book.  At this critical time prior to the end of 2012, Daniel has come forward again and created several PDF files explaining the purposes behind geoengineering, chemtrails, activity expected from the sun, ascension, the NWO/illuminati plans, and different timelines.

I briefly read the documents but need more time to fully digest the information.  I have noticed that other reputable researchers on other forums have said that Daniel and this information both are the "real deal".  These documents may unlock the mysteries we have been trying so hard to solve.

Quote from the soldierhugs site:

"Folks, prepare for the ride because this is JAW DROPPING!
"We all know the “NEW WORLD ORDER” conspiracy exists, but what you DON’T know is the SUPER SECRET science they have so desperately sought to conceal in covert obscurity for almost a century which culminates the END GAME for the rest of “US” as part of their twisted and insane quest for absolute subjugation and eradication of everyone outside of their demented and synthetically false plan to keep the majority of humanity locked into a spiraled web of deceit, manipulation, and DE-EVOLVED state.
"This is being done as a means of DISTRACTION and ultimately a STALL tactic in order keep humanity locked into the current 3D paradigm and installed BELIEF archetypes, as the Cosmic Clock rapidly thrusts the Sun, the Earth, and Mankind towards the natural and inevitable Stellar evolution of ASCENSION!…"

PDF Files:

Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension

Q&A with Daniel (after release of Geoengineering PDF above)

Time and Timelines

The Uncommitted Investigator

If anyone has any problems downloading the files, please feel free to ask and I will send you copies.

UPDATE 11/20/2012:

GW Hardin, "The DNA Tesseract":
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Published on Sep 14, 2012 by Suspicious0bservers

There are two dangers presented in this video: 1) The Electromagnetic Event; and 2) The Mega Solar Flare & CME - Music: Instrumental "Soul Survivor" by Akon & Young Jeezy

Emotional & behavioral suppression technology, Silent Sound Spread Spectrum technology, and weather modification are dangerous, unethical, a secret in their truest form, and don't have a damn thing to do with HAARP -- This is what you should know:
1) Things not caused by HAARP: Long Solar Minimum, Jupiter/Saturn Storms, Saturn/Venus Rotation Anomalies, New Radio Emission from Jupiter, Uranus Auroras, the ENA ribbon, and most importunely, earth's shifting N pole and fading Magnetic Shield. [There is a natural event taking place]
2) Weather Modification that is not HAARP: Radar Rings are different [local VLFs can do it without any help from HAARP], see video called 'Standing Wave Tank" to see how LF work better on water vapor than HF. Some rings are man made with VLF, others are a natural effect of the EM event; I believe we are trying to stop it.
3) Potential Danger of HAARP: Over-ionization of certain layers or regions, Creating Ozone holes, Increasing our Solar Vulnerability.
4) ****HAARP and the Russian/Norwegian Devices are directly under the auroral electrojet, which is the thing that would kill our grids in a solar storm. The devices are ionospheric heaters capable of expanding the electrojet and scattering the energy.

What can I say, there is no star coming in here. That would kill us, and wouldn't have left any planets here if it had come before. The term 'dark star' is a misnomer, it's not so dark you wouldn't see it. There IS a possibility that we could see a crossing 'planet', but not a star. Here are those possibilities, google will help fill in the blanks.
1) Hypothetical Planet Vulcan [not star trek] happens to be real and comes out from behind the sun.
2) Rogue Planet enters our system. [they outnumber stars in our galaxy]
3) Planetary 'Birthing' process where a baby planet comes out of the Sun, Saturn, or Jupiter.
4) A Return to the World described in 'Symbols of an Alien Sky'
[All but #2 could be lumped in together as caused by an electromagnetic event; I worry this is what is happening now-- Sitchen made many documented errors, and it was the Maya, not the Sumerians, who spoke of 2012]

Electric Universe: google the Thunderbolts Project





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Soon your sun will recede below your equatorial line, and when it emerges again your world will have begun its new day. This is how it will happen for you. You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times. You will receive no further advanced warning than the notice we have been furnishing you for a while now. You have been asked to prepare and have also been told that the time to be prepared is already upon you.

The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. This is the kind of change we are talking about, and this the kind of change you will experience. This is why your task to prepare yourselves and as many other souls as is possible is so important to the smooth functioning of this operation. Please continue to spread the news of what is about to transpire. We greatly appreciate your efforts and assure you that it will be soon that this phase of your mission will be completed and all that has been discussed will be yours.

What will happen is a complete and thorough uprooting of the organizations of your world who have engaged in agendas and activities to pilfer the people's money and resources as well as strip them of their rights and their health in order to further imprison them in their own world. These are, of course, very serious charges, and that is one of the reasons much work has had to be done behind the scenes before justice could be dispensed. We have reached the point where all the necessary paperwork and initial legal proceedings are completed, and the time has now come to begin these arrests of the leaders and participants of the criminal empire we have referred to as the Cabal.

The Cabal, of course, is not an official name of any of these groups, as there are so many different groups and individuals who swear their alliance to them that using only one of these group's names would send a wrong message of who is controlling your world and who will soon be facing justice for their crimes. There are also many individuals who have conspired and have taken part in these many crimes who do not consider themselves allied with any particular organization. They too will face the consequences of their actions, and will be held just as responsible as those affiliated with any of these groups.

There are many of these individuals and many groups as well involved in serious crimes against you, the people, and through these arrests and many more to come in the following days ahead our intentions are to destroy these alliances. Your world would always be a tumultuous place with these dark ones permitted to use their powers of the collective to plot and scheme against the people. It has been decided by all involved that these organizations must be abolished, and abolished they will be. They will not be permitted to regroup again. We see this as one of the most significant events in the history of your world, and our hopes are that many of you will as well.

Give us, as well as our Earth allies, the opportunity to make this goal a reality by continuing your hard work spreading awareness of these arrests and the following proceedings and what significance they hold for the people of your world. Upon the news broadcasts of these arrests, all those who had been informed of this event and what it means will understand that something truly Earth changing is happening. This is what we are hoping for, and much rides on this part of the plan. We appreciate greatly all of you doing your part to see this phase of the plan reach a successful conclusion. Readings indicate great numbers of you are being exposed to this news, and we are very encouraged by this. Please continue on in your efforts, they will soon pay off for all of you.

Taking the time to prepare properly for these arrests and following legal proceedings has been time very well spent, and although some of you have grown impatient with these proceedings, we say to you that you will forget all about how long you have worked and waited once news of arrest after arrest begins to grace your television and computer screens. We say to you that all will be worth all the effort that you have put in, and all the days leading up to this event will seem like nothing once you begin to receive all that you have hope for.

Much has been put into these proceedings and a tremendous amount of preparation was needed, so we are sure you will understand why none of this could be rushed as sufficient time to make sure all matters were handled properly was called for. We are confident you will agree once the magnitude and scope of these proceedings is made clear to you.

Moving ahead to matters after these initial arrests, there will be a great many legal proceedings before courts all across your world. These proceedings will be handled by those who have demonstrated their commitment and integrity in seeking justice in these matters, and you can be assured there will be no unjust bias permitted in any court where these proceedings will be handled. We will oversee these proceedings, and from our vantage point we will know if these cases are proceeding justly or not. No one, no matter their seat of power, connections, or financial stature will be able to successfully manipulate any of these proceedings. You can be assured of this, and any attempts to do so will be met with additional charges and harsh penalties. We have made ourselves clear on this.

Your world is to be purified of all that is dark; this is what is planned for this Earth. These proceedings are merely the beginning as the light will continue to spread far and it will spread wide all across your planet, and these proceedings are the pebble splashing into the pond. The ripple effects will continue all the way up to your ascension, where a complete purification of all that is dark will take place.

These proceedings are being carried out in order to help facilitate a smooth transition leading to your ascension, as it was decided these dark ones and their alliances would be too disruptive a force and needed to be removed from your societies. Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost as is possible from this event. This is where you come in, our Lightworkers, as it is your job to set up the dominoes for this event to trigger. Continue to line them up as they will soon go down.

You have all done a remarkable job leading up to this point, and we wish to thank you for your efforts and once again assure you that all that has been discussed can and will be yours. Do not allow yourselves at this late stage to now begin to fall for the lies and propaganda of our opposite numbers. Most of you have managed up to now to ignore and ward off these attempts by the dark to distract you and lead you from your path and your assignments. This is all they could do as you are under our protection, but we must allow you your free will choice. The dark understands this, and this is the reason for all their attempts at distraction through their writings and video presentations that propagate their lies.

You have experienced a few losses within your ranks as some of your brothers and sisters have fallen for these ploys and they have turned their backs on us and on their assignments. These are relatively rare cases and will not affect our mission. Continue on with your assignments remaining steadfast to your convictions, and do not allow yourselves to be lured by the sirens of deception.

By now you all should recognize the telltale signs and negative vibrations of the dark ones. Just remember to always check your internal compass. Are their messages leading you towards love, light, peace, hope, unity, and a better world for all of you? Or are their messages directing the needle of your compass towards fear, hopelessness, danger, separation, confusion, and an Armageddon type scenario for your future? By remembering to always check your compass readings, you can be sure you will always remain firmly on course towards your dream for your new world.

It is a very interesting site to behold, these three large groups; the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ashtar Command, and our Earth allies, working together on this immense project. You, our faithful Lightworkers, are also a vital part to our overall mission, and we consider you part of our teams of the Galactic Commands, and as we have said, many of you are already members of either one of our space oriented organizations. There are many surprises in store for you, as can be expected once released from your current amnesiac states and the veil of forgetfulness is lifted for you. Many of you have had long careers with us, and you of course, will be welcomed back warmly when your mission here is completed.

As we have said, many of you will also begin working with us, and some of you will go on to begin your new careers as full members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We look forward to the day when our recruiters can speak personally with you, when all the details of this opportunity will be fully discussed with you. You will have time to think over your new career choices, and you will also possess the opportunity to return home, wherever that home may be, if you decide you no longer wish to remain with our organization. You can always be considered again for recruitment in the future, as we are always growing as an organization and committed individuals are always a welcomed addition to our team.

By now you have been able to gain at least some perspective as to what we do, and have also probably surmised by now that due to our work our team members live aboard our many ships for great lengths of time. Opportunities always present themselves where our crew members can travel to their home worlds for visits and vacation time, and we also have the opportunity to visit other worlds for sightseeing and socializing with old and new friends alike.

There are many perks such as these once a member of our team, and there are many more as well as consideration for your efforts in the performance of your duties. All will be explained fully to you in due time, but let us first complete our task before us. Continue on in your efforts to make us feel welcome in your world, and soon enough you may be here with us as you begin, or re-begin, your careers with the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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Our Sun is tooo far South !!!! Sheldon


Newgrange Sun South
    At the Solstice, a crowd always gathers at Newgrange, Ireland to view the
sunrise shining through the roof box thence down the hallway, a phenomena
proving that the building is an ancient astrological structure. This year, the Sun

was too far to the south, though the failure was blamed on a cloudy sky. But
photos and videos from the annual affair tell a different story. Note the shadow
across the base of the roof box in 2011 shows that the Sun is too far south. In
2010, the Sun was more directly in front of the roof box.
    IMAGE: Newgrange Photos
    That the Sun is too far south has been reported on message boards recently

also, the GodlikeProduction board hosting a thread where dozens of people in

the US reported the same aberration during their sunrise. The Earth wobble,

forming a Figure 8, had put the Sun too far south.
    IMAGE: Wobble Tilt
        I didn't believe the talk about the Sun being out of place. Now I do. This
morning I went out to look and the Sun is rising in the Southeast. My house
faces South. Every morning for years a friend and I would have coffee on my
covered back deck which faces North. Every morning summer or winter, we'd
end up moving our chairs as the sun got higher because it would shine in our
faces. I went out to look. It was nowhere near where it used to be and was not
shining on my deck. I walked around the house and finally there it was in the
Southeast. The Sun's rays are coming through my front door. I'm in shock.
        No kidding. I have lived in this home for 23 years. I am an avid observer of

moon and sun and never has the Sun been so far towards the south in the

eastern sky. I have mentioned this many times over the past month to my
In very recent years I have noticed it in an area it has never ever been at
before. Its quite easy as I been sitting in the same kitchen seat for the last 14
years now at the same time frame in the morning. Whatever it may be or the
reason behind it is definitely being ignored by Mainstream Media for a reason.
What the reason is makes me wonder.
        I was a skeptic also. But now I know for a fact that it is off. I noticed this
driving to work at the same time every morning on the same highway for 25
years. The sun would blind me going to work this exact time of year. It is rising
a few degrees further to the south now. Who do you believe? Those that say it
is not true or your lying eyes?
I live east of a river and the sun always sets across the river, in the west. I
was driving south around 4:30 pm last night and the sun was setting directly in
front of me, south not west. I looked west across the river and back to the south
where the sun was setting. Can't explain it but know it's true and the old
measures are not working anymore.




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Will Elenin Cause Days of Darkness?

Thanks to Suanne for finding this website.  It is rich with details.  This is a recent post on ...

"August 13, 2011

"How long will ELENIN shadow the earth?

"The sun is 1,392,000 km wide.  At Elenin’s closest point, it is reported that the distance from earth will be about 0.23 AUs.  Let’s round to 0.25  (1/4) and keep things simple.  With a coma of 200,000 km as recently reported, at a distance of 1/4 AUs and  based on these numbers and the inverse square rule, Elenin will block out the area around the sun that is 4 squared times the width of Elenin.  Or 16 x 200,000km = 3,200,000 km wide.  Divide this by the width of the eclipsed sun at the distance of the sun = 2.299 sun diameters.   This means the edges of the eclipsed sun will extend about 0.65 sun diameters on each side of the sun.  Elenin is traveling at 80,000 kph.  At this speed, Elenin will block out the sun for 40 hours (3,200,000km/80,000km/hr).

"However this number should be considered a low ball number because Elenin’s coma should increase in size as it approaches the sun.  This will cause the Elenin eclipse to be longer.  For the eclipse to last 3 days (72 hours), the coma must grow to 360,000 km wide.  Keep your eye on the width of Elenin’s coma.  This distance correlates to the Bible’s 3 days of darkness."

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And the heavens will be shaken....

Cross-post from my yahoogroup group by PKS...

There goes an old saying. "Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear." Well next time you're watching a sunset, get your trusty compass out and take a look at where it ends up. You will see that it sets far due north-west of where it should be. If you only believe half of that, gaze up at the Southern Cross. Instead of where it normally is, you'll find it south-east. Then when you're done scratching your head, go inside and take out a Moon chart then take a look at what a crescent Moon looks like. You will see that rather than it being on its side, it will be laying flat, like a smiley face.

Inuit People on Sun Wrong, Stars Wrong , Earth Tilting on Axis

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Geomagnetic Pinky-Orange Sun
But wait, doesn't the pinky-orange color come from PX's dust tail? You mean things can look pinky-orange from more causes, like magnetic disturbances, than just PX's dust tail? Especially since this was taken in 2010 when PX wasn't near Earth?  Of course they can.  I remember a spectacular sunset in Santa Barbara back in 1991, just as orange-red as could be. 


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Ft. Worth, TX:

Las Vegas, NV:

Ft. Atkinson, WI:

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Earth 'to get second sun' as supernova turns night into day

By David Gardner
Last updated at 8:12 PM on 10th March 2011

The Earth could soon have a second sun, at least for a week or two.

The cosmic phenomenon will happen when one of the brightest stars in the night sky explodes into a supernova.

And, according to a report yesterday, the most stunning light show in the planet’s history could happen as soon as this year.

Cosmic phenomenon: The earth could soon have two suns when one of the brightest stars in the night sky explodes into a supernova

Cosmic phenomenon: The Earth could soon see two suns - just like Luke Skywalker saw on Tatooine in the Star Wars film (pictured)

Earth will undoubtedly have a front row seat when the dying red supergiant star Betelgeuse finally blows itself into oblivion.

The explosion will be so bright that even though the star in the Orion constellation is 640 light-years away, it will still turn night into day and appear like there are two suns in the sky for a few weeks.

The only real debate is over exactly when it will happen.

In stellar terms, Betelgeuse is predicted to crash and burn in the very near future. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to rush out and buy sunglasses.

Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia, claimed yesterday that the galactic blast could happen before 2012 – or any time over the next million years.

‘This old star is running out of fuel in its centre,’ Dr Carter told te Austalian website

‘This fuel keeps Betelgeuse shining and supported. When this fuel runs out the star will literally collapse in upon itself and it will do so very quickly.

‘This is the final hurrah for the star. It goes bang, it explodes, it lights up - we’ll have incredible brightness for a brief period of time for a couple of weeks and then over the coming months it begins to fade and then eventually it will be very hard to see at all,’ he added.

Look out: Betelgeuse, which is in the Orion constellation, is set to blow itself into oblivion - which will give the effect of two suns in the sky for us on Earth

Look out: Betelgeuse, which is in the Orion constellation, is set to blow itself into oblivion - which will give the effect of two suns in the sky for us on Earth

The Internet is abuzz with doomsday theories linking the supernova to the Mayan calendar’s prediction of an Armageddon in 2012, fuelled by the association of the word ‘Betelgeuse’ with the devil.

But experts claimed that even if the big bang is looming, it will still happen way too far from Earth to do us any harm.

‘When a star goes bang, the first we will observe of it is a rain of tiny particles called nuetrinos,’ said Dr Carter.

‘They will flood through the Earth and bizarrely enough, even though the supernova we see visually will light up the night sky, 99% of the energy in the supernova is released in these particles that will come through our bodies and through the Earth with absolutely no harm whatsoever.’

When it happens, the Betelgeuse supernova will almost certainly be the most dramatic ever seen.

It is the ninth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest in the constellation of Orion, outshining its neighbour Rigel – or Beta Orionis – only very rarely.

It’s distinct orange-red colour makes it easy to spot in the night sky.

If it was at the centre of our solar system, its surface would extend past the asteroid belt, wholly engulfing Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Earth.

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This is a Sorcha Faal article, Russian grey disinfo.  However, there are usually kernels of truth and links to other articles that are worthwhile.  Read with discernment.

Please rebut points you think are not true, or even feel wrong, so the rest of us may benefit from the analysis.

Here are some things to consider:

Sorcha Faal:  "Important to note about all of the animal deaths being reported this past week, the MCHS says, are that they have been confined to a very specific latitude range between 24 and 58 North and 8 to 24 South indicating two separate breeches of our Earth’s upper atmosphere allowing these poisonous space cloud gasses to come through to the lower atmosphere."

StarViewTeam:  "There are several precedents for mild geomagnetic reversals following a solar storm.  Most of them give rise to earthquakes and sudden climate changes in areas where the greatest concentration impact load."



So we may be seeing an increase in earthquakes and severe weather in the orange band (and notice Chile is getting hit, as well as northern South America, which are already unstable). 


Then there's Brian's post at

"The thinking is that as we progress further into each of these 87 day cycles, the amount of 'anticipation' and 'carry over' from previous cycles will increase. So as an instance, August 1 of this year produced only 5 days of geomagnetic affective actions, where the beginning of the next cycle that occurred on October 27 is *still* producing activity in the Indonesian islands. So as we progress into 2011, i suspect that the activity will join together at both ends such that between one cycle and the next full 87 day sun polar 'lap' cycle, the activity, with volcanoes and earthquakes and such, will continue without significant decrease."

I don't know how these interrelate but suspect they do.  Amy has mentioned there are holes in our atmosphere and I was asking last night if extra solar radiation was hitting us, as well

These events look like the impetus that could start the dominoes falling. 


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