journey (2)

It's my mission to educate and lead by example.  I started this blog as a response to The Master Plan For Earth Revealed blog and it kept growing until it became too big, so I turned it into a blog.  While The Master Plan article sounds lovely, it just wasn't resonating with me.  It sounds too pie-in-the-sky. Remember the saying, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is."  A well worn saying, I know, but still just as true today. 

The people of Earth have to grow up, to mature, to become citizens of a higher state.  In regards to the light chambers which are said to speed ascension, how is doing the work for us immature humans going to accomplish maturity?  Does doing your child's or grandchild's homework for them make them more educated or disciplined?  Of course it doesn't.  It's a temporary, easy out for the child but it doesn't give the child the skills needed to build upon.  It seems to me that raising the vibration of beings without them having raised their own responsibility and discipline levels would be like giving children guns, or nuclear weapons, to play with.  Does it make sense that's what will really be going on in the "ascension/light" chambers?  Think about it.  It sounds like "dumbed down" education.  Pass the kids through and graduate 'em as fast as you can.  Don't worry about quality or ensuring a good, solid foundation.  I can't prove it, but I remain wary of it.  (In my past, I have been healed by light therapy, but that is a different thing.)

What about those who aren't ready to leave 3D?  Are they going to be forced to ascend?  Does this not violate free will, a universal principle?  But it's a special dispensation from heaven, it's being said, because we've gone through so much.  Okay.  It's being said.  But have you asked yourself who is saying it, and for what purpose?  The devil can have blue eyes and wear blue jeans.  Didn't Stephen King's The Stand prove that, lol?  But it's true.  Negative entities with higher powers can appear as they wish (even appear angelic or benevolent), they can put thoughts in your minds, they can put thoughts in the minds of channelers.  So, channeled information needs to be discerned very, very carefully. 

From what I am getting, those ETs who are truly benevolent aren't coming to save us.  They will manage the nuclear problem because of its far-reaching impact beyond Earth, and they will help where they can if (i) they are asked and (ii) it would not be considered interference, but our efforts are required, too.  Remember the saying, "Beware Greeks bearing gifts" (a reference to the Trojan horse*).  Today, the principle remains the same, but the actors are different:  "Beware ETs bearing gifts."  It's likely a lure, not a gift.  Benevolent ETs expect us to use our own ingenuity, it's part of our evolution, taking responsibility for ourselves.  Think of ETs bearing gifts as drug dealers... get you hooked, then they own you.

I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, and it is really up to you to choose what to believe, what resonates with you, but from what I am discerning there is a spiritual war going on for the souls of humanity and great deception is afoot.  Humanity has to be very, very careful, and very, very discerning from here on out. 

I say this because from everything I've read, heard, experienced, etc. over the past four years, I have found only a few sources that don't push the easy ascension and easy money buttons, nor become involved in politics.  They focus on how to spiritually empower humankind and nothing else.  These are the Arcturians, the Pleiadeans (esp. Laarkmaa), and possibly the Andromedans (while not totally sure about them yet, I've not seen anything against them). 

Maybe it's just my sensibilities, but the Arcturians and Laarkmaa Pleiadians messages have a sweetness and an uplifting, empowering tone about them that no other sources have (that I've found).  That sweetness, I think, is genuine love.  If you are not detecting the high vibration of love in what you read, consider that the source may not be coming from love, which would be a way to tell if the source is from benevolent ETs or other beings, or not.

So, I am wary of the  mantra of easy money and easy ascension "because we are so deserving."  A powerful tool to being deceived is Ego Stroking 101.  Cults use it all the time to snare their victims.  And most of us know the reality of "easy credit," right?  How easy is credit?  It's not.  It's bondage.  But the bondage is sold to people as "easy."  It is a deception that preys upon people's natural laziness and preference to take the path of least resistance.  What?  Work and be disciplined and save up the money to buy a car (or furniture or appliances or electronics, etc.)?  Remember:  "Easy credit" = "Easy bondage." 

Another point about the $$$ abundance is that it pushes people's need and want for money, gets them to focus on it instead of their own spiritual development, it raises expectations only to lower them when the next delay is announced, which lowers emotional vibrations (and is food for some negative entitites) and keeps people from progressing spiritually. 

Mythi is a case in point.  He strung everyone along, even giving out a radio frequency to tune to if the internet went down, and in his last message he basically said goodbye, you're not going to make it.  What a tremendous let down for those who actually believed him.  That is not how positive beings behave. 

Add into the mix the contradictory messages on how ascension will play out:  from ascension (or light) chambers (Nidle, Dr. May) and everyone will ascend, to ascension being a process, vs. Tolec/Andromeda Council saying it will all take place in January 2014, to everyone will go, vs. those who choose not to go will be transported to another 3D world, etc., so there is no real agreement on how this will play out, if it does at all.  Remember, 2012 came and went and suddenly the new song was it was the beginning of the process, not the end all.  But very few that I know of (Jim Self, actually, is the only one I know of) said that before the fact.  No, it wasn't the messages of an all-knowing, benevolent ET race, but a scramble and regroup of a failed lie. It reminds me of that 7 of 10 fiction that was pushed as something that would definitely happen at the end of 2010, but when it didn't, the story was changed to it was the beginning of the process.  Remember that?

So, for me, I am tuning out the noise about abundance ($$$) and ascension chambers and Obama-is-an-old-soul-star-seed.  (If he's a star seed, he's a GMO star seed owned by Monsanto and corporate America.  In fact, if he is really a star seed, I'd have to say that we were better off with earlier, non-star-seed presidents.)  However, I'll still be posting Poof (as annoying as it is) and other stuff for the benefit of those who choose to follow it, so nothing dramatically is changing.  I'm just sharing where I am at at this point as a part of my continuing mission.  And there is no judgment in what you choose to believe.  I've just moved beyond it, that's all, so take it FWIW. 

Nor does this mean members can't post what resonates with them.  Everyone has to find their truth and walk their own paths.  I went through a lot of "Mythis," ascension material and ET stuff before having enough information to form a conclusion, and I know it is not perfect or fully formed, but it is good enough at this point in my journey to allow me to focus on that which I have found to be worthy to focus on.  It was hidden beneath all the disinformation.  In other words, I have enough information to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff reasonably well.  This narrows it down and makes it easier to focus, and not have my mind cluttered with useless or confusing stuff.  And, if some of these things actually do come to pass, then that is great, as long as humanity benefits from it and there are no strings attached.  I can be wrong about Obama, but I don't think I am.  If it turns out he is a good guy, then that's great.  It will still blow my mind how a star seed came through Chicago politics.  Go figure.

My best advice at this time is to meditate, learn to still the ego chatter in your mind long enough so you can hear your inner guidance, and to keep learning until you compile your own base of information that will assist you in distinguishing the difference between wheat and chaff.

Carry on.

P.S., from what I have gleaned, you can distinguish positive ET craft from less-than-positive ET craft.  The less-than's are more mechanical and don't resonate love.  The positive craft are shimmery and resonate love.

* Trojan horse (from 

1.  Classical Mythology:  a gigantic hollow wooden horse, left by the Greeks upon their pretended abandonment of the siege of Troy. The Trojans took it into Troy and Greek soldiers concealed in the horse opened the gates to the Greek army at night and conquered the city.
2.  a person or thing intended to undermine or destroy from within.
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My Ascension Journey ... So Far ...

My first conscious contact, a lady with blue skin...


But before I get to that, let me back up.  Around 12/12/12, I suddenly came down with a bad case of energy for about three days, before it faded back to normal.  Then, in the days before 12/21/12, number synchronicities went through the roof.  I'm sharing this because I am a teacher and teach by showing, a kind of on-the-job training.  The next are entries from my journal showing some of the synchronicities that have occurred since just prior to 12/12/12...

Monday, December 10, 2012. Heard my name and woke up. Looked at the clock and it read 11:11 am. 

Later, I got a time synchronicity as I was reading this (from “31. Increased integrity: You realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth. It suddenly seems important for you to become more authentic, more yourself. You may have to say "no" to people whom you have tried to please in the past. You may find it intolerable to stay in a marriage or job or place that doesn't support who you are. You may also find there is nowhere to hide, no secrets to keep anymore. Honesty becomes important in all your relationships.” I happened to glance at the computer clock and it read 1:11 pm. 

Later, I was reading about twin flames, “It will drive your twin crazy to think that you are sharing your light, life, and energies with others and that he or she is missing out.” ( and happened to glance at the clock. It read 2:22.

Later still, I was reading “Crystal Children, twin flame relationships, and other deep soul connections are happening in greater numbers and faster than ever to help connect, unite, and empower light workers worldwide.” ( I glanced at the clock and it read 3:33.  (As an aside, I'm reading "The Light Shall Set You Free" by Dr. Norma Milanovich and she states that twin flames must reunite before ascension.)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012. I was focused on answering discussion questions in one of my classes when I heard rain beginning. I looked up at the first sound of rain pelting the window, then happened to glance at the computer clock, which read 1:11 pm. The pelting stopped a moment later. I wondered about the meaning, wondered what my purpose for being here was, resources, and so on.  Two hours later, I noticed another synchronicity 11:33:44 in the time stamp on my discussion board entry...


I did an internet search for those exact numbers. Beyond the individual meaning of each set of doubles, there is John 11:33-44, where Jesus calls Lazarus back from the dead. No, I don't think it means I'm Jesus.  However, could this number have to do with having a purpose of healing?  Or a resurrection of some sort... Atlantean abilities being resurrected? (Yes, I was in Atlantis when it went under... but that's another story.)  I'm not sure.  At first, I thought those numbers were just a coincidence, but then they reappear later, in three different locations within a three-hour time span.

Anyway, there were also a multitude of "double" numbers that basically said that I'm in a transition, I have help from above, to let go of some situations, that new doors are opening, and a big life change is imminent.  Sounds pretty generic, except that each one was a perfect answer to thoughts I was having at the moment. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012.  I went to pick someone up, who was delayed getting home.  As I was waiting, I checked the time on my car clock twice, once at 11:33 and then again at 11:44 (my car engine was off and I turned it on each time). Then, an hour later, as I was taking my son to an appointment, I noticed three street numbers I had never noticed (after living where I'm at for five years): 233, 244, and 444. Coming home, I noticed mile marker 113.3 on the freeway.  Hmm... there's those numbers again ... 11...33...44.

12/21/2012. Now, the explanation for the "blue lady" above.  I went to sleep around 3:30 a.m. this morning and got up in time to do the Cobra activation/contact exercise.  I was simply unable to visualize a white beam coming down from a spaceship (which is odd because I can visualize almost anything), so I visualized the white light of protection instead and asked for only positive communication. I asked for the ship directly above to come down and make contact, and I also asked for disclosure in general, and requested ET assistance in liberating Earth. After seven minutes, nothing seemed to be happening, so I went back to sleep. About 30 minutes later, I woke up feeling AND hearing some kind of music. It felt like it was flowing through my mind/soul. The words “What is it” or "What it is" kept recurring in the lyrics, which in and of themselves were lyrical and flowed like water, and the instrumental music was very pleasant. I now can't remember more of it than that, but I do wonder if she was sending music as a "universal language" kind of thing, and/or to make the contact less threatening.  Then, I briefly saw an image of a galactic human (ET) in my mind... a female with brunette hair styled in a short “bouffant bob” (puffy page boy). She had light blue skin, and was wearing a tight-fitting, shimmering, royal-blue jumpsuit with a multi-colored collar around her neck.  Each vertical line of the “collar” seemed tile-like, little squares in vertical lines that shimmered around her neck. I sensed it was like a badge of rank. Behind her were blinking lights and other objects reminiscent of being on the bridge of a ship. The image had the quality of something that did not originate from me. Like when you have a thought, and you know it's not yours, that it came from outside you. I don't think I would have imagined her hair style or the collar, those were surprises. While I was later drawing her, I happened to notice the pixel quantity (something I've never noticed before) and at that precise moment, it was at 111.

So, the rough sketch above is an idea of what she looked like. Much prettier, proportionate, intelligent and all that, but you get the general idea.  My first conscious contact.  Don't I feel like a cave-babe drawing on the wall?  Yep. 

Anyway, I'll update this blog if anything of significance occurs.

(Some info on blue-skinned ETs:  She had normal sized eyes, nothing extraordinary large or odd shaped.  I had encountered a "three-eyed blue guy" at an off-world meeting several years ago (if any of you remember).  I think it was Arcturian.  I also encountered a mammaloid from Tau Ceti.)

Alec Newald contacted a race of blue zeta-type humanoids (though not from Zeta Reticula), as told in his personal story Co-Evolution.

UPDATE 12/23/12:  I was listening to Henley's Sunset Grill and began considering the blue lady's hairstyle. It was bugging me for some reason. Do galactic human females actually wear their hair like that, just like … I … used … to …, wait a minute ... she was standing on the bridge of a very high-tech ship. Can't determine if she's bridge personnel or a visiting dignitary. In one of my readings, I was told I have a command and it would be there when I return, but I kinda blew that off. However, I digress. The hairstyle is one I wore when I worked in L.A. Law, back when I was in the top 1% of my game. No. Could it be? Could it be she is me? Me in another dimension? Existing simultaneously? I got tingles down my spine (which usually happen when I have a “truth moment”).  Then, I just happened to glance at the computer clock and, guess what, it read 3:33. I started laughing and was considering the possibilities and when I glanced at the clock again, guess what again, it read 3:44. Here we go again.  Suddenly, an image I had several years ago appeared. It was of a pretty Zeta female, sleeping. I misunderstood at the time, thought it was my next incarnation (didn't know anything about multi-dimensionality back then), but it makes sense it could be a current, simultaneous life. I'm starting to get the concept that we souls exist in different incarnations simultaneously. (Check out Dr. Suzann Carroll and Dr. Norma Milanovich's work on the subject of multi-dimensionality. Check out Number Sequences From The Angels by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D for info on the number sequences.)  I've known for several years now that I'm a starseed, not a young soul or earth human. And then it hit me... how perfect to make contact with ETs by first making contact with your ET self. That was the point of the hairstyle that just didn't fit a galactic human. Your guides do that, throw in odd things for you to figure out.  They want you to follow what's odd because there is more to discover.

Update 12/25/2012:  This was also a good example of "oneness."  How can people hate when I am you and you are me?  For example, let's say a person is prejudiced against blue people.  Then one day you realize you ARE a blue person.  Or, you think Zetas are horrible and evil, and one day you realize you ARE a Zeta.  (Both incarnations being in other dimensions, simultaneously.)  It changes one's perspective.

I was reading this article and as I read, “When you choose to direct your energy toward the opportunities that are best for you, the universe supports you,” I happened to glance at the computer clock and it read 12:12.

Update 11/27/15 CONFIRMATIONS:  It's been almost three years since I posted this blog.  I had forgotten about the 11:33-44 numbers and my speculation.  But, upon re-reading this blog, I got sudden clarity because what has occurred over the past three years.  I was led to a small, esoteric Christian seminary school.  And that led to my finding in the Gospel of Thomas (another of my past lives) Jesus saying he was "the All."  And then, the SC identifying itself in my first qhht session as "the All."   In one of the initiations, I had a very compelling vision.  It was of a very large wooden cross rising from a lily.  Of course, the lily is a common symbol of the resurrection.  After pondering upon the significance, it seemed to me that the message intended by Jesus was going to be (is being) resurrected from the dead.  (It wasn't called Christianity while Jesus was incarnated.  That came later.)  What the apostle Paul did, and was carried forward by the Roman Catholic Church, basically served to cohese Christianity and help it survive for two thousand years.  But the original intent on how to ascend from the physical plane (3D) was lost to the majority. 

However, Esoteric groups kept the information hidden and safe.  So, no, I'm not involved in starting a new religion.  I'm involved in the resurrection of what was intended two thousand years ago.  The world just wasn't ready for it then.  It's what mankind needs to climb out of the negativity of 3D. 

As to the short little three-eyed blue guy, I now wonder if the eyes on him had been "blurred" so it wouldn't trigger a conscious memory.  According to Alec Newald's account, the Blue Elders were about four-feet tall and blue.  From my Confessions of a Contactee blog*, "And they are definitely different looking in appearance...but they are intelligent...they are kind...they have senses of what if they aren't all humanoid, and some are three-feet tall and have three eyes and are blue?"  Hmm.  *

As to the blue lady being another incarnation of me, the answer is yes.  There were some differences in my art, which I questioned in the 12/23/12 update above, and started putting it together.  They have now confirmed that it is me, a future fifth dimensional incarnation, and I do command a spacecraft.  And that resonates with recently being told my command is being reactivated and I'm being prepared for when the earthchanges start rocking.  All hands are now on alert.

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