zeta (3)

This message is undated but since I found a picture of Asheoma te ka Meata, I did a search and found this message, so I thought I'd link them here.  In the message further down, there is a distinction between Zetas and Greys, and this interesting statement: "Ego Humans are working pretending to be Zeta and will hurt other Humans for their own agenda."  So says a Star Nations High Council member.  Nice to know I'm not the only one saying there are different Zetas (some good, some bad) and some humans are pretending in the name of the good Zetas.  P.S.  Dr. Boylan appears to be a member of the Star Nations High Council, according to this: http://drboylan.com/01.28.11jpe.html

Read the entire message because it is excellent and speaks much truth.




Friends and Star Kids,

   The following is a direct message to you from a member of Star Nations High Council who most recently served as a Watcher (observer-reporter) on Earth to Star Nations. His sage advice derives from bitter experience watching his own planet fail its Transition, and he wants us to make it through our Transition now happening on Earth.
    - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata: 

Light Warriors,
    It has been a small amount of time since I have spoken with you.  It is my heart's desire that each of you is met in health and wellness of heart, mind, and body.  If in any of these you lack, know the love of the Star Nations is with you in fullness.
    My heart wishes to speak with you on a tender subject.   I will speak with the holding of the Eagle's Feather on this as was done while I served your Home Earth as a Watcher.
    In the days before the time of my service with Star Nations, the world I called home was unfound.  By the time the Star Nations located our small Planet, the movement towards a collapsing sun had already begun.  While we were taught many things and given instruction and advisement, our people were unable to make our transition.  The transition would not have prevented the natural process of the one of two Sun Beings.  But the transition would have allowed our species to move forward inside the Grand Dream of Source to further service and into our next level of Being.  It is known to you that the transition failed.
    The reasons for this failure are many.  And the lessons of the failure have been with me in the form of lessons carried to many other worlds in service.
    As I continue to observe my own brothers and sisters who call themselves Humans, I am aware of patterns which require me to share words of warning.   While few might hear my words, and with some fewer the words might go further than the ears, it is my obligation to share them.
    Your species are beginning to awaken to the understanding that your own transition is upon you at this time.  You have started to look around and you are identifying those who are your own kind who have not acted in the interest of your whole species.  Your first instinct is to bring them to a swift justice.  This is fair and understandable.   My words on this will be to use also the Law of Love with these items.   For those who are repentant, allow forgiveness to come in  totality.   The one who has sinned and is truly sorry for the crimes committed will be the strongest to stand next for the rights of others.   This is not to say they should not work to set right their actions.  In truth, those who are in their hearts repentant will be those who will insist on making corrections as they are able.
    Next, I will share that a serious error with my species was with the division of those attempting to serve and bring us through the transition.   But each group had its own leader, and each leader had an idea.  Some groups would talk with other groups.  Some groups would not talk with any group.   I will tell you that each group help a part of the whole answer.  But without the groups able to share and learn the truth of this, there was no chance of our species being able to move forward as a WHOLE through our transition.
    Humans are now at this same point.
    Do not allow the Ego inside your Beingness to override the Wisdom and Light of your Spirit.  You are all together one species in all truth.   Even with the need of the Star Nations to set aside for our service to you those who are Ego from those in Awareness, you are one flesh and one blood.   The transition will be or will not be for all Humans.
    Learn to better work with those who are attempting to serve all.   You now understand in your hearts the clarity between those who serve their own Ego and those who walk in the Awareness of Source.   Use this as your benchmark for communication.   Learn to listen outside the labels set upon you by the requirement of Human language.   When one says to you "Last night a Gray visited me and showed me love."   Do not judge with your heart "They are wrong because it was Zeta and not Gray."     At this time of Human transition, there is no energy extra to spend on small matters such as a simple word or phrase.     However, if one says "Last night a Zeta came to me and it hurt me."  You will know what is wrong.  You can then use your understanding to rightly work for your transition and say "I know Zeta. or you can say "I know one who was taught by Zeta, and Zeta do not do what you have said.  The truth of this is that Ego Humans are working pretending to be Zeta and will hurt other Humans for their own agenda."      Are you able to see the difference here?
    Again, work in love and compassion with all others in all communications.   Do not divide yourselves further apart.   You must come together through understanding of your situation at hand.   After you have moved into your Fifth World, that will be your time for establishment of universal Human protocol if that is still desired.
    Finally, I ask of you to hold compassion for the leaders of your Light Groups.  Do not be so ready to take offense if a thing is said which hurts your Ego for a short time.   Please understand that this was also a point of failure for my own people.  Your leaders are the same as you in many ways.  They are brave to put their energy on the front line of these great battles.   They are the first to take direct hits from the Ego Humans who hide their own leaders behind armies of weaker Humans who are used in slavery.
    If you desire to serve your leaders, offer your own energy to shield them from your heart.  They will not ask for this because they are not as the Ego Humans.   But this is a thing you can do with your own freedom of will and the energy Source has given you.   Your leaders are strong and they have been taught how to use gifted energy in the right manner for this transition.
    When your leaders are weary from the battle, give to them the fullness of understanding and compassion.   If a word is spoken by a leader who is in battle and that word is taken as being harsh against you, you must be wise to understand the entire situation.    If someone is pulling a child from a burning building and you stop to ask them what time it is, do you expect them to look at their watch with a smile and answer you?
    Humans have the skills and the wisdom to make it through this time.  Do not allow the Ego to take from you the future you are creating.    It is seen  with each report to the Council by Zeta that your success is closer and more obtainable.   This is not said with simple words.  Understand that I speak to you as a Watcher who was shown a Planet Earth that was to fail.   And now I am shown a species called Human who now have their future again in their own hands.   Do not throw away your chance for any comfort of ego.
In service to Star Nations,
Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata
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This started out as a response to the recent Channelings blog where I was discussing what I felt was a fatal flaw in the Mythi saga (sheltering under rocky ledges or rock outcroppings during solar flares).  I feel this is an important topic and am reposting it as a blog to get more exposure....

Both solar radiation (in flares, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_flares) and nuclear radiation are electromagnetic and contain gamma rays (biologically hazardous component of fallout, see http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p916.htm).  While I don't know if the intensities are the same between solar and nuclear bombs, I would play it as safe as possible when researching shelters.  Remember, a planet-x-type object is heavily electromagnetic and its influence should be factored in, as well. 

What information I've found pertains to nuclear blasts and resulting fallout, and the worst danger is in the gamma rays (a penetrating form of radiation) from fallout.  You need a barrier with at least three feet of dirt (or two feet of concrete) all around to effectively shield from radiation.  Even in fallout shelters that have a small doorway, you have to stay away from that area because the radioactive particles bounce around and can get inside and kill you.* 

To me, Mythi's solution to get up under rocks when solar flares hit sounded like a "shallow trench" solution... deficient in significant ways.  (The second red flag was him saying that the px-type-object was only 38 days behind.  When PX is that close, there will be no doubt of its existence... anywhere on this planet.  By that statement, it should only be 16 days away from us today.  Has anything changed radically to indicate the rapid approach of that monster?  No.  Is it going to happen by Thanksgiving (38 days from Oct. 17th)?  No, so enjoy your holidays.)


* http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p916.htm:

"The trenches for entry and emergency exit were dug only 22 inches wide, to minimize radiation entering the shelter through these openings."

"The family sat and slept along the left wall, to be better shielded from radiation coming through the openings."


Fig. 5.3. Simplified illustration of barrier shielding and skyshine (scattered gamma radiation). An open trench provides poor protection. ORNL.DWG 78.7205:


"... the man in the trench would not be protected from "skyshine," which is caused by gamma rays scattering after striking the nitrogen,oxygen, and other atoms of the air. The man's exposed head, which is just below ground level, would be hit by about one-tenth as many gamma rays as if it were 3 feet above ground (Fig. 5.3). Even if all fallout could be kept out of the trench and off the man and every part of the ground within 3 feet of the edges of the trench, skyshine from heavy fallout on the surrounding ground could deliver a fatal radiation dose to the man in the open trench."  (This emphasizes another reason the shallow-trench theory is deficient.)

"Skyshine reaches the ground from all directions. If the man were sitting in a deeper trench, he would escape more of this scattered radiation, but not all of it. For good protection he must be protected overhead and on all sides by barrier shielding."

This next sketch shows how any kind of overhead cover (rock or dirt) is insufficient to fully protect a person.  Even if you only receive "small" doses, how much does it take to cause cancer or even death?

Fig. 5.5. Skyshine coming into a shelter through a vertical entry would be mostly absorbed while turning into and traveling down the entryway trench. ORNL.DWG 78-7204 :



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Has The 2012 Doomsday Already Begun

Thanks to DuaneR for the link.  This is an interesting survey of well-known 2012 doomsday predictions.  I found the information regarding no evidence showing there has ever been a crustal shift quite interesting.  See the final section entitled Pole Shift Madness.


Click the link to view the images/links and video and to proceed to part II.


Gary Vey

Has "doomsday" begun already?

The horrific earthquake and nuclear meltdown in Japan has shaken the world. There's a discussion ensuing on
the internet that the "2012 Doomsday" has begun. It seems appropriate to write about this, since everything else pales in significance. So we dare to ask, "Has the doomsday finally begun?"

Editor's Note: I know that attention spans on the internet are short. I will therefore tell you that, yes, I believe a kind
of doomsday has begun and it is caused by a cyclical interaction between the Earth and the Sun. I will attempt to explain this as best I can later in this article. It's only a theory for you to consider and I strongly advise viewzone
readers to do your own research.

In researching this story I considered some of the most popular prophets of doom on the internet. I've written about
them before, but I will describe them again for those who are new to this sort of thing.

The "Time Wave" Theory of Doomsday

Terrence McKenna was a genius who focused his vast intellect on the I-Ching (among many other complex issues), an ancient Chinese system for predicting future trends. His "discovery" was that, hidden in the structure of the I-Ching, there was a fractal pattern of time that could describe the events of human civilization in terms of routine and novel life. Routine life was when civilization copes well and makes quick adjustments to their changing world. This is contrasted by novelty, when civilization struggles to cope with unfamiliar circumstances.

McKenna produced a graph that plotted these trends over time. He called this graph the "Time Wave" and he noted that the graph ended in maximum novelty on the traditional doomsday, December 21, 2012.

We first reported about McKenna's Time Wave Theory, in the Spring of 2010 and noted that some pivotal event was predicted to occur in early July when routine life plateaued. This was believed by many to be the "beginning of the end" for humanity. But this never happened. Another significant date was November 11th of that year when the Time Wave dropped sharply, plunging to the depths of novelty. But that also failed to prove significant.

So, in light of the catastrophe in Japan on March 11th, we thought we'd see how the Time Wave plotted this particular disaster -- certainly a novel event for almost everyone in the Pacific area. The chart below shows the Time Wave predictions.

OK. Unless something dramatic happens with the Japanese nuclear meltdown on March 23rd, it's pretty much a bust.
Anyone who knows about McKenna will also be aware that he consumed many hallucinogenic substances and wrote extensively about psychedelics. Does that figure in his obvious miscalculations? Maybe. We'll have to see.

Clif High's Web Bot Program

The Web Bot is a computer program that scans the internet and looks for subtle changes in language, how certain words are used, and analyses this information to predict certain trends in our changing human culture. The web bot has been able to predict the future so well that the it has been used by economists and stock traders with a good to excellent rating.

I've written about the web bot for viewzone before. I became interested when the program's designer, Clif High, started applying his linguistic analysis to social phenomenon and natural disasters. Clif publishes a series of quarterly predictions that foretell "doomsday" in some detail.

Clif High has quite a following. But that following dropped precipitously when he linked doomsday to the BP Gulf oil disaster back in 2010, and even more so when his "Israeli Mistake" -- a nuclear disaster resulting from Isreal's raid on the nuclear facilities in Iraq -- didn't happen.

Clif was quiet for a while and many thought he was finished with his predictions. But he had one last bit of future insight up his sleeves -- the "Expanding Earth Theory". It's not a new theory, and it's not Clif's. But he did always mention
some linguistic clues about a "Sun disease" that, in hindsight, mesh with this doomsday theory and could save his credibility. Let's take a look.

Something Old & Something New

If you have ever looked at a map of the world, you have undoubtedly noticed that the East coast of South America appears to mimic the shape of the West coast of Africa. This observation was also noticed by German born geophysicists, Alfred Wegener, who proposed that the continents we see today were once connected. His theory
(Kontinentalverschiebung) [1] was ridiculed and dismissed for 40 years because no one could imagine how continents could move and essentially plow through the ocean floor's crust.

But in the 1950s a research ship of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, conducted a deep sea survey of the Atlantic Ocean's floor and discovered an enormous submerged mountain chain which they named the "Mid-Atlantic Ridge" [2][3][4]. It was later discovered that every ocean contains parts of the same, interconnected mid-ocean ridge system. Although the ridge system runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the ridge is located away from the center of other oceans.

Close examination of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and other mid-ocean ridges, revealed that these were formed by cracks in the earth's crust which allowed magma to come to the surface, cool and solidify to become new crust. In fact, core samples of the crust on either side of the ridges showed that it was relatively new and spreading out, away from the ridge. At last, Wegener's plate tectonic theory was accepted!

Subduction Zones?

One of the interesting things about paradigms is that they stubbornly refuse to die. The idea that the Earth had never changed persisted, even though Wegener's plate tectonic theory was the new paradigm. Sure, new crust was being formed in the mid-ocean ridges and this was moving the continents, but the size of the planet wouldn't change-- would

[Above: Assuming the planet was the same size as it presently is, the original continent, Pangaea, would have been surrounded by a vast ocean.]

To maintain a planet of the same size, there has to be a method to compensate for the new crust being made in the ridges. To solve this dilemma, scientists theorized that the plates sometimes move under other plates in a process called subduction.

[Above: 1 Mid-ocean ridges can be seen all over the planet, adding about a cubic mile of crust each year. Contrast this to the relatively few and dispersed subduction zones Above: 2 around the globe.]

The map above shows the age of the earth's oceanic crust from newest (red) to oldest (blue).

There is no "direct" proof of subduction. No experimental objects have been placed to measure it and no land masses have ever been oberved moving towards each other. [*] So the question arises: is there an alternate theory? And what does this theory reveal about "doomsday"?

The Expanding Earth Theory -- cycles of doom

Shortly after Wegener's continental drift theory was introduced, many people tried to piece together the continents. Some pieces (like South America and Africa) were an obvious fit, but others did not fit together because of the belief that a vast ocean had to be accommodated in the models. Sam Carey, an Australian, dared to solve the puzzle without an ocean and found that the continents fit together perfectly. Of course, this was in the 1930s at a time when Wegener's theory was still being ridiculed and mocked.

But Carey was on to something big... or small. His solution only worked if the Earth was a fraction of its present size.
But it worked perfectly. Check this out:

There is strong evidence that the oceans are a relatively recent addition to planet Earth. All the present ocean floors are geologically young [5]. Present-day continents, such as Australia, were formed about 4.3 billion years ago. In contrast, the geologically oldest seafloor formed only 180 million years ago.

The Plate Tectonic model assumes this is because older oceanic crust has been subducted [6]. For this assumption to be correct, an area equivalent to the Pacific Ocean would have had to be subducted under the Americas since the Jurassic period, with no debris or remnants of older oceanic crust left behind. We just don't see that kind of vigorous subduction taking place anywhere on the planet today.

Biologists have looked at ancient plant and animal fossils to determine which continents and oceans they once inhabited. They concluded that, "The balance of evidence seems to require an expanding earth..." [7].

Carey suggested that an experiment should be conducted to measure the expansion and, in 1986, his suggestion was carried out.

A pair of receivers [A & B below] were set up at different locations on the earth, each looking at the same quasar and listening to its radio emissions.[8] Quasars are radio sources which serve as a universal beacon. Because of the curvature of the Earth, one location (A) was slightly nearer to the quasar signal and so received it first. Using the time delay and a little geometry, the difference in the distance between the two stations and the quasar can be determined. If the same measurements are taken at a later time, when the two receivers are oriented with respect to the quasar as before, if receiver B has moved closer to the quasar, the delay time between them will be less.

Since we know that the distance between the two receivers [A and B] has not changed, evidence of their apparent change in distance from the Quasar [C] must be attributed to the fact that the curvature of the Earth has lessened from expansion. Over a ten year period, experimental results showed an earth expansion of about two centimeters per year (2.0 cm/yr), while the actual surface separation [A and B] remained constant.

This may sound small, but the volume is enormous.

Giraffes and Dinosaurs

If the Earth were the size of Carey's model, 250-million years ago, it would likely have had just 50% of its present gravity. As it grew larger the gravity would increase. Proponents of the Expanding Earth theory are quick to note that this explains some mysteries that have puzzled archaeologists and biologists. It seems that they are at a loss to explain how animals such as dinosaurs could have evolved to be so huge.

Giraffes have a maximum height to which their necks can grow. This is determined by the pull of gravity on the blood in the arteries travelling up to their brains. A height over 17 feet apparently reaches the limits of heart muscles. But dinosaurs were much larger. How did they achieve adequate blood perfusion in their brains?

According to researcher and author, Stephen Hurrell:

"To understand why dinosaurs were so large we need to turn the question of their large size on its head and ask why the animals of today don't grow as large as the dinosaurs.

As any animal becomes larger its mass (and hence its weight) varies in relation to its unit length cubed, while the area (and hence the strength) of its legs varies in relationship to its unit length squared. This mathematical relationship governs the size of all life, so as animals increase in size their strength-to-weight ratio reduces until they reach an upper size limit.

This upper limit is the reason why it is so surprising that dinosaurs were so gigantic. Today's life appears to have reached the maximum size achievable, but life during the dinosaurs' time was much larger. This larger size could be explained if dinosaurs weighed less because gravity was less at that time."[9]

What about that DOOMSDAY?

So if the earth was smaller in the past, and is growing larger every year, how does this figure into the doomsday scenario?

According to Clif High, the reason that Earth grows in size has to do with what's inside of it. He suggests that the core of the planet is not made of molten iron, as the Plate Tectonics theory proposes. Clif considers the new plasma paradigm that is rapidly winning over astrophysicists as the basic substance of the universe -- slowly but surely pushing aside the gravity model to explain how things are made and held together.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter (different from solid, liquid and gas) and it's everywhere in the universe. Plasma has unusual properties that explain how matter is created from pure energy. While we may not yet understand these properties, the existence of matter in the plasma universe is proof that it is so. That same process is supposedly going on inside our planet -- new matter is being created from streaming plasma that comes from our Sun and possibly other sources such as Gamma Ray Bursts [10].

But wait... there's more!

This stream of plasma doesn't just trickle through the solar system. NASA has detected a portal through which our Sun's magnetic field connects directly to Earth's magnetic field about once every eight minutes.[11] While that could account for the average yearly increase in matter, there's something even more significant. Our Sun has cycles of 11,500 to 12,000 years where it ramps up its blasts of plasma, sending huge vollies of energy in the form of Coronal Mass Ejections and flares that rapidly increase the Earth's expansion. [12] And, according to Cliff High, we have just entered one of these cycles.

We've written about this cycle in the past (see The Last Doomsday) in some detail. It's real and based on sound scientific evidence. We'll be writing more about this in our next installment of this series which will discuss the superwave theory developed by Dr. Paul Laviolette.

Our previous speculation was that a powerful solar blast would produce atmospheric disturbances and fry electrical circuits on Earth -- bringing us back to the pre-electric, pioneer days. We failed to see the link between seismic
disturbances -- earthquakes, tsunamis and floods -- until Cliff made the Expanding Earth connection. The 9.0 quake in Japan reinforced this link.

Mega-Flares and X-Flares

On March 9th, 2011, the following report was issued in the Earth Changes Newsletter:

"Over the last 48 hours, ten (10) M-Class flares have fired off from at least three separate sunspot regions. Space Shuttle was put on alert and lands safely prior to elevated solar activity ... Forty-eight hours after the first set of flares, a
7.2 mag. earthquake hit Japan setting off a small tsunami. Ten hours later, a series of "straight-line winds" along with several tornadoes hit the southeastern United States."

Then, the next day, this report came from the Space Weather Observatory:

Space Weather News for March 10, 2011 http://spaceweather.com


March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Less than an hour before midnight (UT), Earth-orbiting satellites detected an X1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166. First-look data suggest that the blast did hurl some material
toward Earth. Check spaceweather.com for movies of the flare and updates on its possible effects.

Then, on March 11, 2011, the unprecedented 9.0 earthquake hit Japan causing a massive tsunami that killed
an estimated 16,000 people. Coincidence?

Pole Shift Madness

For a while here on viewzone we have been hearing from readers who believe that the crust of the Earth will slip around the mantle, re-arranging the continental plates and causing what is curiously referred to as a "pole shift". This is a theory that was put forth by Charles Hapgood (again, we have written about this HERE).

The most popular version of this doomsday scenario has a rogue planet -- planet-X -- entering the solar system and disturbing the gravity of our planet. This prediction features most prominently on Nancy Lieder's website "zetatalk.com" and has an international following. Nancy claims to receive her information from grey aliens called "Zetas" who have
the star system Zeta Reticuli as their origin and communicate with her telepathically.

While one could spend considerable time debating her predictions, the following information seems to bear witness against her. First, the typical "Grey" alien made popular by Whitley Strieber in his book Communion is not a Zeta. The term "Zeta" originated from the UFO encounter with Betty and Barney Hill back in the 1960s. According to Betty Hill, she was shown a star map of the alien's home planet which she later drew under hypnosis. Analysis of this drawing showed that it was remarkably similar to the star system we call Zeta Reticuli, thus the name. But the aliens that Betty described looked nothing like the big-eyed, grey skinned aliens depicted by Strieber. In fact, Betty was asked outright in an interview if she met the Greys and she emphatically said "No!" Her abductors -- the real Zetas -- were more human like in appearance.

Then there is the problem with planet-X. This has its origins in the rogue planet first described by Zecharia Sitchin in The Twelfth Planet. This wandering giant supposedly has an orbit of 3600 years around our Sun and periodically enters the vicinity of Earth, causing gravity problems and tidal waves. The flood of the Bible and the Sumerian legend of Utnapishtam is supposedly related to one of its more recent passages near our planet. Nancy Lieder relies on this planet -- called "Nibiru" by Sitchin -- to trigger her pole shift doomsday. But before he passed away, Sitchin was asked specifically about Nancy's prediction and whether this planet could be involved in a 2012 doomsday scenario. Sitchin totally distanced himself from her predictions stating that Nibiru was still 1200 years away in its outer orbit.

And lastly, there is the belief that pole shifts have happened in the past, giving credence to the validity of Nancy Lieder's predictions.

As we have discussed in this article, core samples were taken on both sides of the mid-Atlantic ridge to determine the age of the oceanic crust. These samples also revealed the direction of the earth's magnetic field when they were created. These core samples go back millions of years and show that the earth has never had its crust oriented to a different magnetic pole (other than those times when the poles naturally reversed polarity), nor has the Earth's crust ever been displaced by a so-called pole-shift. Totally busted!

We will write more stories about predictions in the coming weeks. For now, it looks like the problems we will encounter -- or are currently already experiencing -- are from our Sun, coupled with our own human ineptness in relying too much on vulnerable technologies.


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