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This one is for you Cheryl  ;)


Last June, we brought you the first review of The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion by Ohio State professor Hugh Urban, and then the first interviewwith the good professor himself.

During that interview, Urban told us that he was planning to continue his research into Scientology, and would be looking into a variety of areas. But we didn't know that one of those interests included a closer look at L. Ron Hubbard's wild occult history that preceded his publication of 1950's Dianetics.

Longtime Scientology watchers will be at least somewhat familiar with the tale: that after his involvement in WWII, Hubbard shacked up with Jet Propulsion Lab rocket scientist Jack Parsons, a man heavily into the occult, and in particular the teachings of The Great Beast, British occultist Aleister Crowley. You may even know something about the kinky things Parsons and Hubbard did trying to create a "Moonchild." But what Urban does in a new piece for the journal Nova Religio is produce a thorough, academic study of the ways that Crowley's "magick" found parallels in what would become Hubbard's most famous creation, Scientology.

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Final Update 3/15/2012: 358 Resignations

FINAL UPDATE 3/15/12, This is the last update on banker resignations for a while. I've made my point. I'm in danger of giving myself carpal-tunnel syndrome with all the clicking and pasting. I may make another post at the end of the 2nd quarter and I will pull that data from the Edgar database at the SEC. It won't have much of the UK data - but its a far more efficeint way to get this data. I didn't know it existed when I started. I learned all kinds of things about banking I never knew before! Perhaps there is an online database for the UK somewhere too. I may post some statistical analysis and graphs on this existing data. If you want to copy this data and use to continue this research, feel free to do so as long as you say a portion of it came from American Kabuki and promise to share the results with this blog so we can share it with the world.

Love and Peace,
American Kabuki

Special thanks to Gabriel at for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations.

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SaLuSa, March 19, 2012

It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite. We are therefore hopeful of taking a great step forward very soon, and one that will be such that you will get to learn of it. We have some backing from the media, and believe it will not take much before reporting of what is happening will spread and be accurate. We are not out for sensationalism, but nevertheless the events will be quite extraordinary. We want it to be known that the old regime is no longer in charge, and that it will be replaced by one that truly represents the people. The Light is returning Dear Ones, and it will reach into everyone's lives for the better.

To reach this point in your evolution has taken a long time, and required a great deal of faith at times. You are now in the throes of being rewarded with a succession of changes that shall lift you out of poverty, and give you a taste of what is to come following Ascension. After thousands of years of subtle controls that have gradually taken away your rights, so much so that you have accepted them as being normal, you are at last to experience freedom at a level you are unfamiliar with. The dark Ones deliberately created the circumstances that led to your virtual imprisonment in your own homes. As Spiritual Beings you are the Children of God, and free to choose your own experiences. However, it must be added that you chose duality as a means of expanding and speeding up your evolution.

What is left of this present cycle no longer holds any fears for you, as the dark Ones have failed to achieve their objectives. You have learnt much from them, but were not intended to be totally at their mercy or desire to take complete control over you. Your big lesson has been to experience separation from the Source, to see what it is like to establish once again your connection to the Light. You were given every opportunity to create your own reality, and at times in earlier civilizations you did achieve a high level of peace and serenity. However, the dark Ones were never far away plotting your downfall, and there were equal periods of darkness that resulted in the total collapse of the last two civilizations.

It might strike you as odd that duality serves a dual purpose, and in the end benefits all souls that have taken part in it. Every experience has value to everyone involved, and bear in mind that although today you may be fully committed to the Light, there will undoubtedly have been periods when you also served the dark Ones. Because there is no judgment involved you have no reason to look back and carry guilt with you. What matters most is whether you have learnt the lessons it gave you, that you may have gone through more than once. Your ego will feed your waking mind, and has no hand in decisions based on your consciousness levels. That is where your Higher Self comes in and when often a battle of wills takes place. We would expect those of you who have established yourselves on the Ascension path, would lead their lives and make their decisions based on Love and Light and be guided by their Higher Self.

It should be reassuring for you to know that whatever hardships you are enduring at present, before the end of the year they will have been dealt with. Try to see what remaining karmic lessons are involved with your final experiences, particularly as often your hardest tests are left to the final stages of your life. We can tell you that you are never given more than you can cope with in spite of what you may feel. Whatever the situation it need only have a limited affect on you, and as your consciousness levels rise up you are more able to deal with them. These are times when it is important that if you have been wronged that you do not think in terms of retribution, as that will only heap up the karma once again.

Forgiveness is a vital and essential requirement if you are to keep rising up, and the sooner you can put matters behind you the better. This is particularly important where family feuds or disagreement are concerned, as you want to leave duality having made your peace with everyone. Remember that at some stage you will review your life, and the differences you might have had may not always be as you understand them now. It can be quite revealing to hear the other side of disputes or arguments you have been involved in.

With such little time left in this cycle, concentrate on your immediate needs that will ensure you are ready to ascend. Be what you imagine you need to be to achieve it, and we can assure you that it is relatively easy to live your life that way when you are maintaining your Light at all times. See how people around you respond, and note that your presence often helps people feel good. It is because the energies you give out are harmonious and uplifting. In the greater picture when many souls are doing it, the upliftment occurs on an even higher level. If you consider the reverse situation you will also see how easy it must be for souls to be pulled down by the lower energies.

For quite some time your Earth has been bathed in ever higher energies, and the net result is that the lower ones are being transmuted. The cleansing continues and with the removal of the dark Ones, a quantum leap forward will take place. It will be overtaken by the final alignment when your Sun lines up with many other planets, and the Great Central Sun. Then you shall change in the twinkling of an eye, and find you have ascended into the beauty of a new Earth. One that bears little resemblance to what you know now, that is vibrant and of all Light and the most beautiful colors, shapes and sizes that harmonize with each other.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your support of the Galactic Federation that holds such love for you, and which you will soon learn to know much better.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

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British government organizes national threat registery with ‘assualts from nature’

March 19, 2012LONDONBritain has added volcanoes and solar storms to floods, flu and terrorism on a list of threats to national security. The highest-priority risks to Britain are pandemic influenza, coastal flooding, terrorist attacks and – a new addition – volcanic eruptions in countries like Iceland, according to the recently published 2012 edition of the government’s National Risk Register for Civil Emergencies. “Severe space weather’ poses a threat to communications systems, electronic circuits and power grids, the list said. Solar storms – eruptions of magnetic energy and charged particles – are part of the sun’s normal 11-year cycle, which is expected to reach a peak next year. The storms can’t hurt people, but can disturb electric grids, GPS systems and satellites. In 1989, a strong solar storm knocked out the power grid in Quebec, cutting electricity to 6 million people. Last week, the strongest solar storm since 2004 passed without major disruptions. Last month, Parliament’s defense committee called on the government to prepare for disruptions to electrical supplies and satellites from electromagnetic pulses — whether caused by the sun or by a nuclear weapon exploded in space. Space war is not included on the British government’s risk register. “We are becoming more and more reliant on technology, and that technology is becoming more and more delicate,” the committee’s chairman, Conservative lawmaker James Arbuthnot, told Sunday’s edition of The Observer newspaper. “Be afraid, very afraid.” Launched in 2008, the risk register assesses threats that are likely to endanger human welfare, the environment or security in Britain. It is the public version of the National Risk Assessment, which is classified. Volcanic eruptions have been added to the list since the last edition in 2010. Ash from the April 2010 eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano grounded European air travel for days. –CTV

source courtesy, extinction protocol

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Just a few words on personal preparedness

I thought it appropriate at thus time to ay a few rods on getting oneself prepared for whatever may be coming in the next few months, at least between now and the end of 2013.

we see the latest executive order which has followed on with surprising haste from the National Defense authorization act. . We see the whole panoply of executive orders, I may give a list of these later, but quite frankly, it is becoming very worrying, and makes a settled life almost impossible as it gives , at least t those who watch these matters closely, a degree of uncertainty and dread as to what may be coming in the short to mid term.

I confess to a feeling of dread, or shall we say, worry as to what may be approaching. this is far deeper than the paranoia fostered by too much focus on these events, I detect a feeling of something rather nasty or maybe just plain momentous,  approaching, thus I suspect is psychic in nature, I may be detecting ripples in the collective mind  as this event approaches.You may be feeling the same way, for me its becoming very strong,  I feel it in the pit of my stomach, the solar plexus chakra. for those who know about the chakras take note.

so, I am thinking now of going to an orange state  of readiness, shall we say. for me this is getting my house in order, not so much stocking up, but seeing what I will need if it all comes unstuck, , finding my sources of supply on the internet, and locally, such things as water storage, petrol and diesels containers, and all the things we may need for at least three, maybe six months.

One hopes for a quite existence but the signs point otherwise. My advice to those reading this is get things in order, make sure you  have a source for what you need, when things start to happen, then find a distraction, take your mind off it all. for me this is gardening, walking, and oil painting and watercolors and such. this is my point of sanity in an increasingly insane world.

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      In the year 2012 eighteen years after the attack on the X-Base the generals who are currently running Merlin decided that the time was right to attack again.  But this time with a nuclear strike! 

     General Raymon is planning his war strategy on his lap top computer.  His aide walks past and the general asks him.  “Well how does this look?”  The aide peers at the computer and says,

     “General isn’t that the area full of people on a pilgrimage where the Holy Mother appeared?”

     “Yes it is!  We will have to move them out of the area and tell them that the government is investigating the apparition.  That will keep them off of our backs for a while.  We believe that the Grays engineered this situation believing that we would not attack them.  It would be easy for them to create an apparition with the advanced holographic technology that they possess.  But with or without civilians in the target area we are going to attack as planed! 

     Now I know that the pope will be there giving mass.  So contact him and set up a meeting in Houston seven days before we go in.  I will brief him then on the situation there.” 

     A short time latter all twelve members of the secret Merlin group are gathered around a large highly polished wooden conference table.  The great military strategist and head of the Merlin group General Ramon oversees the gathering.  And he is given full attention as he addresses the group.

     “Gentlemen, here’s the scenario.  As you all know the Grays have been lying to us for the past fifty years!  And it was very difficult to get accurate intelligence reports on them because of their efficient disinformation program and mind controlling abilities.  However we have learned to counter their mind control with hypnosis. 

     Now this is what we have learned so far.  They do not come from Benards star system or the Tau Seti system like they said that they do.  They actually originate right here on earth!  More accurately inside the earth.  And with the reports from H.A.R.P and forward satellite radar we have maps of all of their underground bases and tunnels through out the World.  We know right where to hit them the hardest and where it will do the most damage!  And we will be using nukes!

     Now here is the latest Intel.  The Grays are able to put large areas of the population into a deep sleep.  And we are talking entire towns here!  They simply hover over a city and hit the entire area with a wide beam of blue light which renders everyone unconscious.  They also use drugs to put people to sleep.

     This report just came in last night.”  He takes a manila folder stamped MERLIN and below that ABOVE TOP SECRET in bright red letters from his leather briefcase and hands it to Major General Thomas Mackentire.

     “Mack read this report to the group while I get things ready here.”

     “Yes Sir.”  Mack briefly glances at the first page of the report then starts to read. 

     “Thursday May 5th 2012.  Saluda South Carolina.  At 12:15 A.M. ten large blue colored saucers landed in strategic locations through out the town.  The aliens then proceeded to gather up the entire population and line them up to enter their ships for the purpose of a physical examination and implantation of a control and tracking device.  The device can be put anywhere in the human body but is mostly found in the nostril.  The Grays worked through out the night until every man; woman and child had been interviewed, examined, marked and implanted with the tracking device.  End of report.  Submitted by Army Intelligence.  Special Gray Division.”

     General Raymon takes the report from General Mackentire and puts it back in his briefcase then locks it.

     “Thanks Mack.  I have twenty more reports of the same thing happening all over the country, and they are all on the same large scale.  It seems that the Grays are beefing up their operations and we think that we finally know why.  Intel believes that they are preparing for a large global war!  They are branding people with a triangle, point facing down, as a form of I.D..  We assume that it is to tell other alien races “Don’t touch these humans they are our slaves!”  The control device that is up the nose could get the humans to fight for the Grays without question.

     Now I know that everyone here knows most of this data.   But I am presenting this data in one package with the new Intel which now gives us a difference prospective.

     The Grays are also using human women as breeders to create a race of half human and half alien people so that their race can assimilate into our society and live on the surface of the planet among us without being detected.

     They are planning to take over the earth and take complete control of the human race.  They actually believe that they own us! 

     After many years of R and D we finally believe that we have enough weapons that can defeat them.  And there are many ways to fight them.  Ways that we have learned from minor incidents.  Incidents like the G.I. in Vietnam who held off six grays with a machinegun.  The Grays wanted the village women for breeding but were unable to get past the G.I..  They seemed more afraid of him then his weapon.  Army intelligence thinks that they were actually held at bay by his religious medal.  Which were a crucifix and a scapular.  It’s the only thing that all of the resisters had in common.  Needless to say gentlemen, I want all military personnel to have a crucifix and a scapular next to their dog tags!  Even if they do not believe in God!  They will wear a crucifix and a scapular!  The General looks right at the Secretary of Defense and tells him,

     “See to it that that order goes into effect immediately.  And I mean right now!

     Now let’s have a look at these maps.”  All of the members of Merlin look towards the large screen at the far end of the room as General Raymon points out the battle plan via his portable laptop computer.  The C.P.U. generates a red X or lines or arrows where needed.  As the General talks the computer responds to his voice only.

     You have all been to the Grays underground command center and medical experimentation facility at Dulce.”  A red X appears on the screen at the North Western part of the New Mexico map.  Then several more red X’s show up.     

     “That is our first target; the command center!  Our second target is the Grand Canyon base in Arizona.  And our third target will be the hardest one to get to because of the terrain.  It is the command center East of Tonapah Nevada.

     I have talked this situation over with the president.  He has decided that the only course of action that we can take against these X-bases is a nuclear strike!  This theater operation will be known as the DECISIVE BATTLE!  And it will commence on Sunday June 5, 2011” 

     “General do the Grays have nuclear weapons?”  Asks one of the high ranking politicians as he looks over his steaming coffee cup at the General. 

     The Secretary of State buts in. 

     “I asked the Grays the same question and they told me that they don’t!  They only want peace with our race.”

     “Actually” Says one of the well decorated Air Force generals.  “They have landed twenty times over the last fifty years.  They have landed at nuclear missile silos, storage sites, and test ranges including Alamogordo.  They put Air Force personnel to sleep and made off with nuclear war heads.  And they did the same thing in Russia.  We do not know just how many war heads they actually stole from the Russians.  Might be in the hundreds!  A few years ago we recovered a downed saucer that contained fifty; five megaton nuclear war heads with Russian symbols on them. 

     Air Force intelligence is sure that the aliens will use all of the stolen Russian war heads against the Russians.  And only use the American ones against us.”

     In a deep voice General Raymon cut into the conversation.

     “Gentlemen, this battle will be decisive!  Us or them!  And it damn sure had better be us who wins!  Now here is what we will do to win this one.”

     On the designated day of June 5, 2012 at precisely 0600 hrs. Highway 666 was closed going north to Gallup New Mexico and going South to Shiprock.  As was highway 264 East of ST. Michaels in Arizona.  666 was to be used as a supply route for the military and civilians were kept out. 

     2000 tanks were brought into the desert North of Standing Rock and camouflaged.  Trucks brought men and equipment up 666 to a dirt road North of New Comb where they headed east to Angle Peak where they set up missiles to fire at Dulce.  Missiles were also set up North of Gallina.

     Another 2000 tanks were set to go at HY. 64 and 537.  And another 2000 were in position at Rutheron.  And 2000 more North of Gavilan.       

     For backup a squadron of Marine AH-1W “Whiskey Cobra’s” with Hellfire missiles was placed North of Torreon.  While the Army had a squadron of Tow missile packing Cobras East of Aztec. 

     But because of the superior maneuverability of alien craft it was decided to keep air deployment to a minimum. 

     And just incase the Grays were to fight the battle with large battle ship type saucers several new weapons were brought in.  One weapon was a pulse microwave cannon; the other a magnetic laser.  Both capable of bringing down a slow moving saucer.  Both weapons have been used successfully to knock saucers out of the air.  But that was in a test lab under the best of conditions.  This is not.  This time the saucers will be shooting back. 

     When the last man and the last piece of equipment was in place a long silver X-Caliber missile streaked low overhead heading straight for the alien X-Base.  The X-Caliber is also dubbed D.U.G. for DEEP UNDER GROUND.  It is many times more efficient then the old bunker busters.  It is capable of going through hundreds of feet of concrete to deliver a nuclear device where it will do the most damage.

     The special missile hit its target and dug in.  But the anticipated hot blast never came!  The aliens were somehow able to neutralize the atomic reaction inside the warhead while the thing was still in the air moving towards them!  That really pissed off the generals!

     X-Calibers by the hundreds with conventional war heads pound the alien base at Dulce.  But the grays are in at least one hundred stories deep.  So deep that the intensive sustained attack has little effect on them.

     Suddenly on the side of a nearby hill a huge camouflaged door slides open reveling the awesome large black alien cannon that the Grays have just perfected.  It is their pure energy plasma ball cannon that they did not share with the humans that they worked with at the base.

     Immediately it fires a bright red ball of destructive energy at the U.S. troops which creates a large explosion that sends debris high into the dusty air.  Then ten more well hidden energy cannons suddenly pop up from the hot desert floor and spread out a large carpet of devastation over the battlefield.      

     After ten minutes of the hellish energy blasts constant pounding of the battle zone a squadron of black F-117 stealth fighters from the 8th fighter squadron out of Holloman Air Force Base along with several Manta Rays and black Tridents from Nellis streak in and drop a bomb on each cannon.  After a second pass to verify that the targets are completely destroyed they streak away and head for the Grand Canyon. 

     Suddenly on the floor of the desert more secret doors slide open!  But this time like a swarm of angry bees leaving their hive, hundreds of flying disks silently shoot into the sky and head for space. 

     Thinking that the battle is over the men on the battlefield thank God that they are still alive and won the war.  They shout and wave their arms in joy over their certain victory as they watch the saucers speed skyward. 

     But suddenly twelve of the saucers turn around and dive towards the earth at incredible speed while all the while blasting away at the missile launchers, tanks, and other seemingly toy like weapons of the U.S. military. 

     Swiftly the new micro wave beam pulse radar units automatically swing into action and effectively shoot down all twelve of the attacking saucers.  Several of the saucers smash into each other on their way down.  While several more flip end over end all the way to the sandy desert floor.  Some disks go into spirals but most just streak in to crash.

     Meanwhile inside the command truck where the battle is overseen a phone rings and a soldier picks it up.  He answers it, listens for a moment then hands the phone to the General.

     “For you sir!”  He says.  The General puts the phone to his ear then talks loudly.

     “Raymon here, what’s your stat-sit?”

     “General every military base in the world has just been hit.  And the aliens just knocked out our Star Wars equipment.  They destroyed 4,067 Brilliant Pebbles in orbit along with the large advance mirrors which were part of the ground based laser system that used particle beams.  The only advanced weapons that remain functional are the Variable Pulse Radar Units.  And that is because the aliens can’t get near them without being shot down.  And the Hyper Velocity Cannon that shoots a projectile of spent radioactive rods at 10,000 G’s.

     Ninety percent of all our bases were mobile at the time of the attack, so our military is intact and functional.  But most of the ships at sea were knocked out of action including subs.  And many dog fights are going on all over the world right now as we talk.  But we are losing them all sir!”   

     General Raymon’s reply is short and simple.  He says,

     “We’ll stop them here!”

     Suddenly Col. Rosevelt opens the door to the command truck and rushed in all excited. 

     “General something’s coming down!  The big main steel door just slid open!  I think that they are coming out to surrender!”  Raymon orders one of the G.I.’s sitting at the bank of monitors that are used to watch and coordinate the battle to zoom in on the large steel door just in time to see a ManDwarf shocker cannon: one of the big 90 footers, roll out.    

     Now General Raymon is nobodies fool.  He knows a threat when he sees one!  And that big tank is a real threat!

     “Have the tanks in sector B open fire now!  And have the choppers in K sector stand by.  And have Captain Logan stand ready to fire missiles.  And have the tanks in sector C ready to fire.”  He commands. 

     Within seconds several thousand army tanks open fire and relentlessly pound the enemy.  But the huge tank just keeps rolling!  The tank is impervious to the inadequate childish military technology of the surface dwellers. 

     General Raymon watches the monitor with an eagle eye trying to anticipate the enemy’s next move.  Just like in a first class game of chess: which he often enjoys!  His heart pounds faster as he watches fifty cannons thunder out of the hill side fortress and park in a large circle with the fronts and turrets facing outwards.

     “What the hell are they doing?”  He thinks out loud.  He watches knowing that tanks fire all sorts of rounds.  Steadily and majestically fifty more of the huge ManDwarf cannons thunder out of the hillside and park inside of the large circle of tanks in row after row.  All the while they are being hit with thousands of shells that have no effect on them at all! 

     Suddenly the huge cannons fire all at once causing a roar and a blast ring that seems more like a nuclear explosion; which rocks the command truck so hard that it almost tips over.  Then they continue to fire in order one after the other!  Nothing on the surface is able to stand up to the shocker blasts of hot plasma.  The hot plasma lightning balls tear the U.S. army tanks apart as if they were the plastic toys of a six year old playing was in a sandbox. 

     Without warning the ManDwarf tanks start to roll again.  They disintegrate everything in their way as they advance to conquer the land of the surface dwellers.

     “Have Logan fire now!  And hit them with everything we’ve got!”  Orders Raymon.  The missile flashes almost blind the monitors as they hit the tanks.  But the tanks keep rolling! 

     “Just what does it take to stop these things?” 

     “Beats me sir!”  Answers Rosevelt.

     “Send in the choppers from K sector and have them send a few TOW’s through that open door while they are at it.”  Commands the General.

     Eagerly and hopefully the two men watch the battle progress on the monitors as the Cobras successfully send several tube-launched optically sighted wire-guided missiles into the opening that the big tanks came from.  Which caused one hell of a blast and left a large gaping hole in the side of the hill. 

     While the smoke is still clearing a call comes in on the special laser-com.  A soldier sitting at the bank of monitors quickly switches several screens to the other battle sites at the Grand Canyon and the base East of Tonapha.  Then he alerts the General and hands him the phone.

     “Sir!  We are under attack by ground forces here and at the Canyon!  The enemy just popped up out of secret exits all over the desert floor and completely took us by surprise!”

     “I thought that might happen.  H.A.R.P. photographed their underground base and tunnel systems but the photos came up blank each time that they tried.  It was obvious that the Grays had a way to hide from us.  And apparently they had a lot to hide!  They must have expanded their tunnel system by several hundred miles or more.  There is no telling where they will pop up!”

     “What do you advise General?”

     “Hold your position and fight to the last man!  Because if the Grays get past us the civilian population is next!  I will monitor the battle from here.  Good luck!” 

     Rosevelt, who was watching the local screens, yells out,

     “We’ve got them too General!”  Yet another cleverly hidden door opens on the side of a nearby hill and hundreds and hundreds of little three foot Grays with laser rifles blasting spill across the desert floor like a rolling flood of pale white ants.   

     While watching the attacking Grays ground force on the many screens in front of him General Raymon muses,

     “They are so thin and wispy like spiders or little bugs.  Too bad we can’t just step on them!”

     All the while the large ManDwarf shocker cannons are still blasting away.  And they leave the Commanding General only one choice left to win this battle.

     “Well the time has come my friend.  May God forgive me for what I am about to do.  But it is the only way that we can save our country from these little devils.  Evacuate the ten mile circle.  Then have the 82nd Divarty stand by for a Sunday Punch.  We are going to hit them with tactical nuclear rockets!  Now let’s get out of here.  Evacuate now!” 

     Meanwhile many strange things are happening all over the globe!  People were disappearing by the thousands!  Giant saucers would land in the cover of night and take entire towns prisoners!  Then the enemy would burn all of the buildings to the ground. 

     In Washington D.C. hundreds of saucers destroyed the city including all of the nation’s monuments.  They finished their attack by blowing up the White House.  But the president was safe in the new capitol in Denver where he could still run things.  However there was not much left to run!   

     From a secret underground alien base six hundred miles East of Moscow known as the M-Triangle, the aliens launched an attack against the great city with the same enthusiasm for destruction and terror that they showed the United States.  They ended their spree of terror by destroying the Kremlin.  The Russian president was safe in an underground city but a bit shaken.

     The same destructive act was taking place all over the world!  The aliens would destroy everything in their sight, everything made by man. 

     The fastest hardest hitting jet fighters around the globe were sent into action to fight the saucers and they were manned by the best pilots.  Pilots that always won in a dog fight.  But they were all shot down!  Only a few saucers were hit. 

     Missiles, antimissile missiles, artillery, and whatever the world’s nations military shot at them nothing brought them down.  Some saucers would simply fade into another dimension and the missile had nothing to hit.  Some used their powerful force field as a shield to protect them from the blast of the missile.  While still others simply darted away from the approaching missile at unheard of speeds.

     The people of the world were taking a terrible beating.  Entire armies were wiped out, cities destroyed, civilization lay wasted.  Nothing it seemed could stop the aliens from destroying the world.  Battle after battle, nation after nation, and always it is the same, we lose!  The only hope for mankind now was prayer! 

     The real end though came when the aliens got control of the top secret dooms day weapons in orbit around the globe.  The United States had project PEACE, which were six satellites parked in a stationary orbit over Russia and the Middle East that could detect and detonate nuclear warheads. 

The Russians had their own dooms day machine in a parked orbit over the United States and Europe.  Theirs was called THE GREAT WHITE HUNTER! 

     We had less nuclear warheads then the Russians did and theirs were bigger then ours which caused greater destruction in their country.  But just the same it was all over rather quickly.  We of the super powers were partly defeated by our own weapons.  The surface of the once beautiful earth was reduced to a smoldering mass of rubble.  Not much was left standing after the aliens flew over in their superior saucers.  And not too many people were alive in the countries that had nuclear power and weapons.  But there were many survivors in third world contrived where radiation was low and destruction was minimal.  However those people of the less powerful nations were to be the slaves of the saucer people.  Their disks were landing everywhere to claim their spoils of war.  A few tribes in Africa tried to fight off the invaders the best that they could but rifles against ray guns made a bad battle cry, and eventually most of the living became prisoners.

     The aliens set up prison camps not unlike the ones used in WW2.  Huge areas were cleared and double or sometimes triple fences toped off with razor wire were erected around camps that stretched for two or three miles.  But there was no shelter in the camps the prisoners both men and women and sometimes children just slept on the hard ground.  And the aliens saw no need to issue blankets or food or medicine.  They just wanted a work force. 

     To make matters worse more strange events were taking place in outer space that would change the planet forever! 

     A giant red comet that was just a little smaller then what the moon once was and who’s last approach was just 6000 years ago once again arrived near earth!  But this time it was on a collision course!  The astronomers named it Wormwood!

     As Wormwood got nearer to earth the sun sputtered and flickered and sporadically spit huge solar flares across the solar system.  The flares were so unique that the solar astronomers gave them names!  One that had five beams and looked like a hand they dubbed the hand of God!  Another that looked like a long tongue licked the Gobi desert and turned one thousand square miles of desert into bright green glass an inch thick.  Still another huge burning fireball completely destroyed the city of Milwaukee, leaving a smoldering wasteland that the aliens called the Milwaukee Grave.  Solar astronomers called that one The Ball of CHASTISEMENT!  Then the sun turned black from a large sunspot that grew to an enormous size.  There was three days of darkness all over the world.  But the biggest damage came to the planet when a large flare hit the North Pole and instantly melted the ice cap.  This one event caused giant walls of water to crash onto the land as the oceans rose by 40 feet. 

     While the solar radiation was worsening the core of the earth slowly rotated 45 degrees and the crust soon followed.  One catastrophic event led to another!  Like a large round angry dog the earth tried to shake off the fleas of war and confusion but to no avail!  So the rampage continued.

     As time passed the bright red comet went into orbit around the earth rather then hitting it.  While slowing down rapidly it caused the oceans to swell which in turn caused more tidal waves.  People looked up at the fearful sight and saw it as a bad omen.

     “The new moon is covered with blood!”  They shouted.

     “This is a sign that the devil is coming!  We are doomed!  The end is here!”  And they got out their bibles and rosaries and prayed.  But the earth still shook!

     With the well balanced weight of the ice at the North Pole evenly dispersed around the globe as water, and the South Poles ice being off center from the earth’s new axis, the planet started to wobble.  Like a huge washing machine with too many cloths one side of the center post, the earth lurched from side to side and back and forth like a drunken planet. 

     Continents shook and shifted and banged together for hours as the earth reeled.  And the resulting continuous earth quakes were off of the Richter scale!

     The old polar tilt of the earth axis of 23 degrees slowly shifted to a 45 degree tilt as the heavy ice of the Antarctic slid towards the equator.  The earth slowly came to a stop with the sun shining over the East coast of the U.S. while the other side of the world was in darkness that lasted for three days.  But gravity remained and nothing flew off of the planet.  When the earth started to rotate again it turned the other way with the sun rising in the West.  A day became 20 hours long, 10 hours of day and 10 hours of night!  

     The hot areas of the planet became a deep freeze while frigid areas got hot and many more died!  New lakes formed instantly as the ground gave way and the flood waters rushed in.  In some parts of the world the shifting land masses split open like a ripe watermelon sometimes exposing blazing fire pits.  Some mountains were shook to the ground as new ones formed that were even higher.  

     One such area was the Mount of Olives.  For it cracked in two from North to South!  It was as if the might foot of God had descended on to the mountain to stomp on it and ripped it apart.   

     And in the oceans a volcanic crack in the floor that circled the world known as the ring of fire widened and spit molten lava so high that new lands were formed.  Where some areas of the world sank into the ocean other areas rose from its depths.  Off of the West coast straight off Sacramento California a large land mass rose high into the air revealing large buildings that had been hidden under the water for thousand of years.  The Sargasso Sea became a new land.

     Every volcano on earth including the ones that have been dormant for thousands of years erupted.  They filled the air with unbreathable poison gasses, hot ash, and thick black smoke that blocked the sunlight and darkened the entire planet again!

     But still through all of this the wars continued!  However God and Mother Nature were not finished with mankind just yet!  There were still valuable lessons to be taught!  

     Because of the extreme hot and cold temperature changes violent storms that stretched miles into the atmosphere spawned thousands of tornados all over the world.  And winds in excess of 300 miles per hour destroyed the strongest of buildings.  They were the buildings that survived the quakes and floods but nothing above ground could survive the high winds.  Not one stone or block was found standing one on the other!

     Radiation from all of the destroyed nuclear power plants around the globe killed thousands and thousands of people.  In Colorado and area 51 in Nevada where biological weapons and nerve gas was stored every one died except the military that had gas masks and those in underground bunkers lived.

     Just a few days later out breaks of killer pox, flus, pneumonia, Ebola, bubonic plague and diseases with out names only numbers killed millions.

     The people screamed for mercy but none came!  Where there were billions of people on earth now there were only thousands.  The largest group of survivors were in Africa! A lot of people were crushed by falling buildings through out the world.  That did not happen in Africa.  Also a lot of animals survived there.  In the Southeast part of Oklahoma, mountains rose high into the air.  Geysers of natural gas blew up in the Kingfisher area of Oklahoma and in parts of Texas.  

     The Southern half of the island of Japan sunk into the ocean as did most islands around the globe that were not 40 feet above sea level.  

     Iraq totally sank and water filled the area.

     In Israel beneath the hills surrounding a valley called Har Megiddo more properly known as Armageddon, the Grays had another secret base from which to launch an attack on the human race. 

     But in a united effort the armies of Israel, Arabia, China and Russia all met there with thousands of tanks and 200 million men to fight the little devils.  The battle was fierce but short lived with the aliens as victors.  The Battle of Armageddon was the last battle to be fought on the surface of the world!

     Of the billions of people that were once on the earth a small percentage were senseless barbaric killers that did not fit into society.  And so it was with the Grays who inhabited thousands of planets in the galaxy.  The evil ones were exiled here at the beginning of time.  The evil Grays were the ones who started the war.  They wanted the beautiful earth with all her resources for themselves.  But now that the planet was totally destroyed even the Grays did not want it anymore.  So they decided to leave earth to find some other planet to plunder.  

     But when they got into outer space an invisible armada of war ships materialized in their path and another fierce battle ensued.  However this time the Grays were up against a far superior force.  They were batteling the army of the supreme ruler Michael!  When the battle was over not one evil Gray was alive!  Justice was finally served!  And the long battle for freedom on earth was finally won! 

     However in the underworld the battle for Ancient City still raged on causing many people from the city and the outlying areas to flee to the far North.  But the jungles there are still roamed be dinosaurs and other gigantic creatures from another time.  Creatures that escaped the early solar flares that pounded the earth and caused swamps to turn to deserts.  Most dinosaurs were killed off by eating up their food supply to quickly.  The vegetation could not grow back fast enough so the huge lizards simply starved to death.  And many creatures who ran into caves that were dead ends to escape the heat of the flares died from the flesh scorching fire. The few that found their way into the many caves that led to the underworld thrived there in the thick forests and jungles. 

     But with powerful earth quakes all over the planet the underworld was damaged the most.  The quakes caused rock falls and many caverns and tunnels to cave in or collapse,  trapping thousands of people and killing many more.    

     Besides joining up with the Grays the hostile little Mandwarf took advantage of the chaos and pandemonium in the underworld and quickly attacked the Northern part of Ancient City.  The air there was sizzling with brightly colored plasma from shocker cannons and you could actually feel the energy in the air as it made your skin tingle and your ears buzz.

     Ancient City was well defended but there was no letup on the part of the attacking Mandwarf.  Mercilessly they pounded the city with pure energy balls and destruction rays that would have destroyed any city on the surface in a matter of minutes.  On and on the battle went until the great cities Northern perimeter force field fell.  Wave after wave of attack disks shot over the city as they scrambled into battle with the advancing enemy army.  The soldiers of Ancient City bravely defended their empire but still thousands died.

     Diana is beamed from the moon to Ancient City by the Oracle.  She materializes between two large white well detailed marble statues of lions on the balcony of a white marble building.  Below her in the distance she can see the entire city ablaze in the multi color fires of war.

     At first it just seems like a movie on a large life size screen.  That is until she hears the loud thunderus roars of the explosions from plasma balls ripping into the old marble buildings before her.  She bites her lower lip and whispers,

     “This is real!”  As she watches the battle raging in front of her as if in a dream she sees two bright red plasma balls heading right for her.  They hit the pillers that support the roof causing a tremendously loud violent explosion of red and white light.

     But before one destructive atom from the blast can reach her she is snatched up by the most ancient overseers.  This time she is beamed on board a time craft. 

     Through a light green mist, her and her new overseer companion shoot back through time in hyperspace towards her destiny!  Upon slowing the green mist fades away to become the black coldness of outer space.  The blackness that is the endless space at the very beginning time of humanity.  They arrive in the midst of the largest fleet of war ships in the entire galaxy and head straight for the huge flag ship Starburst. 

     A young soldier standing guard on board is heard to say,

     “Is she here yet?  I hope that I get to see her!”  to his fellow guard while raising his wrist to check the time on his watch, to which the older guard replies,

     “Now stand tall!  If she comes this way you will want to look your best!”

     The sleek little time craft glides under the mother ship down its seemingly endless length until finely reaching her huge main entry port.  The little craft docks and Diana and her escort disembark.  They are greeted by hundreds of people outside of the docking bay, who are waving and clapping and shouting,

     “Diana!  Diana!”

     Diana not knowing what is going on and woundering why every one is cheering and clapping, just smiles and waves back.

     “Hi!  Nice to see you.”  She says as she passes through the crowd of fans and well wishers. 

     She is taken downa long wide corridor lined with clapping people to an elevator.  The enter and her guide says,

     “Seven please.”  The lift starts out slowly at first and then picks up speed for the mile jurney. 

     “What was that all about?”  She asks her escort.

     “They are just well wishers who are happy to see you.”

     “Oh, that’s nice.”  She smiles.  Finaly the elevator comes to a smooth stop and the door silently slides open to reveal another crowd of excited people.

     “Hi!  Nice to see you.  Hi!  How are you?  Hello, pleased to meet you.”  She says as she greets the excited people.  She even shakes a few hands as the two of them make their way down the long corridor.  As they walk she leans close to her guide and says,

     “This is all a dream right?”

     He laughs in amusement then ensures her,  

     “No Diana, this is not a dream.  This is real.  You are here aboard the flag ship Starburst!” 

     She smiles at him then bites her lower lip.  After a few zig- zag turns and a few more long hallways they stop in front of a large double door.  On each door in real gold is a 3 foot high starburst in the center of a triangle.

     “This is it Diana we are here!  And He is waiting for you inside and we are right on time.”  The guide tells her.

     “Who is waiting for me?”

     “Michael!  Our supreme commander.”  As he opens the door for Diana he tells her,

     “I will be waiting right here outside the door to take you back when you are ready.”

     Diana has the same feeling that she use to get when she was a little girl in school and had to step into the principles office to discuss why she drew happy faces on the top of everyones hand in art class with India ink.

     But as she slowly passes through the doors she is overcome by an intense feeling of reverence and awe.  A feeling ad if she were standing in the presence of God Himself!

     She takes a deep breath as she gazes into the deep violet eyes of the tall handsome man standing before her and seemingly aglow with an aura of bright gold.

     “Must be the lighting in here.”  She thinks to herself as she walks closer to meet her host. 

     He smiles at her which instantly makes her feel at ease.  He has the warmest most genuine smile that she has ever seen, and she just knows that she can trust him.

     “Come in Diana!  I am Michael.  And welcome to the flagship Starburst.  We have been expecting you for a long time.”  He says.

     “You have?”  Says Diana in a curious tone of voice.

     “Yes and for a very long time! 

     Seeing Diana softly bite her lower lip and knowing that she is nervous Micheal asks her,

     “Would you like to take a tour of Starburst?  I am sure that you will find it a very interesting space ship.”

     “Yes!  I would love to!  I have never been in outer space before.  And I am sure that I am just dreaming this whole thing, so let’s get to it!”

     “You are not dreaming Diana!  This battle cruiser is real.  And I am real.  You really are on the flagship Starburst.”  

     “Okay.”  She says then smiles at Michael as he opens the door for her to start their tour of the big spaceship. 

     Michael tells Diana’s guide to walk with them on the tour.  So the guide stays on his left and Diana walks next to his right side.  As they walk the ruler points out things that simply amaze Diana.  Things that she just never thought would be on a spaceship.  But after all Starburst is more then a spaceship, it is a very large city, one filled with tens of thousands of people. 

     “Since you have never been here before I would like to show you the beauty of the universe.  You will be amazed at how much is really out there in space.”  Michael tells her as they proceed to the very top and rear part of the ship.  They enter a very large room with a transparent top for viewing the stars and planets up close.  There are many people there just relaxing and enjoying the wonderous view of space; and most of them are visitors just like Diana.  

     Dianas pretty blue eyes light up with excitement as they reflect the bright blue glow of a close passing comet. 

     “Wow!  It’s awesome!  I never thought that a comet could look so beautiful!”  She blurts out.

     “Look over there Diana.”  Michael points to a luminescent red nebula sparkling above them.  “There are people living there who have never seen their Creator and never will.  But still they believe in God and always will!  And God believes in them and always will!” 

     “I feel sorry for them.  People on earth look forward to the day that they will meet their Creator face to face.”  She answers.  Michael just smiles at her and then points out several more celestial objects of interst.  The two of them just stand there for a while gazing at the beauty of the universe.  Diana is transfixed on the bright blue comet.  It seems so peacefull to her just to watch it and for a moment she forgets that she is on a giant spaceship untill Michael starts talking agoin.

     “Now let me show you the rest of the craft Diana.  There is much more to see.”

     “Okay!  I am all set!”  She says after taking in a deep breath.

     They go down a few floors on an elevator then enter a room with glass windows on one side overlooking a docking bay for the fighters.  There are fighters of all shapes and sizes there.  Diana watches with interest while so many things are happening all at once there.  Some of the fighters are coming in to dock while othere are being launched, five at a time.  And in the distance she sees that several fighters are being repaired.  And many more are parked at the far end of the docking area waiting for a crew to take them out.  They were the saucer shaped ones and they were piled like a stack of pancakes one on top of the other.  One thing about the saucers made Diana curious so she asked Michael,

     “Just how does anyone get into those saucers over there when they are piled up that way?”  He replies,

     “Usualy they are beamed in.”

     “Oh, you mean like on television?”

     “Yes Diana, just like that!  But sometimes the crew just enters from the top of the pile of disks.  Then that saucer takes off and the next crew enters their ship and so on until all of the saucers are launched.”  They watch all of the excitement for a little while longer then Michael takes Diana to see the control room of the large spaceship.

     As the two of them enter the control room everyone there rises for their commander.

     “Please continue!”  He tells them and they all go back to work at their stations and jobs of running the flagship and communicating with the other smaller more military type battle cruisers and fighters.

     The control room is also an awesome sight for Diana to behold.  It is very large and full of brightly colored lights everywhere that she looks.  On the front wall of the room are several hundred large view screens with pictures of everything from planets to fighters on them.  Some screens showed views of the inside and the outside of the flagship including alternating views of the more then 1000 docking bays.  Others showed some of the other large battle cruisers that escort the flagship and the people running them. 

     AS Diana looks over the large room she sees row after row of people communicating with headsets on.  Michael did not explain what was going on in the control room but they did stay for a while just watching all of the activity there.  And on their way out of the control room they passed a girl who was just saying numbers into her head set.  “125-123-45-17-130-109-21-987-423-15-17-81.” 

     Next Michael takes Diana to one of the many dinning halls on board the Starburst where Diana is surprised to see that they are pretty much like any earth restaurant.  All three enter and take a seat.  But the guide remains quiet.    

     “Well you must be quite hungry by now Diana.  What would you like to eat?”  He asks her.

     “Actually I am a little hungry!  Do you have strawberry shortcake here?  It is my favorite.  I love strawberry shortcake.” 

     “Yes we do Diana.  And we have the best strawberries in the entire galaxy.”

     Michael orders one for each of them and they arive quickly.

     “Wow!  It was as if they knew what we were going to order!  We do not get served that fast on earth!”

     Michael just gives Diana a sort of all knowing smile.

     “Taste it Diana.  We grow the strawberries right here in our hydroponics sections of the ship.  We have very vast gardens on board because we do not eat meat.  Everyone here is a vegatarien.  We also have food replicators.  But many of the people on the ship enjoy working in the gardens as a form of relaxation.”

     Diana takes a taste then smiles brightly at Michael.

     “I can’t remember ever having such sweet strawberries.  It’s like they came from heaven!” She says.  All three of them finish their wonderful tasting strawberry shortcake at about the same time, so the leader looks at Diana and tells her,

     “Our time together grows short Diana.  We must return to my office where we have more important things to talk about.”

     “What kind of things?  Can’t we just talk here?”

     “No!  We must go to my office.  I have something there that I must give to you before you go back to earth.

     “What do you have for me?”

     “You will know soon enough.” 

     The three of them all rise from the table at the same time and they head for Michael’s office.  As they walk Diana is silent, all the while wondering just what is is store for her.  It takes them about twenty minute’s to walk back.  During that time Michael tells her a little more about the large battle cruiser.  They reach His office and the observer opens the door for them then waits outside the again.

     Michael goes to a cabinet and opens it.  He reaches for a long golden box takes it out and puts it on his desk.

     “Stand next to me Diana” He tells her.  She obeys and moves closer to him as he slowly opens the gold box.  He reaches in to the box and pulls out a slightly red glowing sword.

     “The way it glows it seems to be on fire with flames!”  Says Diana.

     He hands the flaming red sword to Diana and tells her,

     “This is the mighty sword of distruction!”

     “It is as light as a feather!  I can hold it in one hand!”  Exclaims Diana.  He ties a sheathe around her tiny waist.

     “This weapon you must use to destroy the evil prince of Black City!  You must destroy him because it is your destiny!”

     “I’ve got to what?  I have never killed anyone before, not even an evil ManDwarf!  I don’t even step on spiders!”

     “This you must do Diana!  You must pearch his heart!”  He tells her. 

     “And if I don’t?”  She says.

     “You will.  It is your destiny!  It is the whole reason that you were born.”

     “Who are you?”  She looks into Michaels deep violet colored eyes waiting for an answer.

     “I am Michael. 

     “Now just saying that I did do what you want me to do.  How will I know who this evil prince is?  I have never seen him.”

     “Don’t worry Diana.  When the time comes you will know just when to use the sword.  You will be guided and protected by unseen forces.” 

     “But now Diana it is time for you to return to the earth.  Your task will soon be at hand.  I will retrieve the sword at a latter time.  Untill then keep it with you and give it to no one.”

     “But why must I do this?”  She asks.

     “Because it is written!  If it were not so, I would not have told you!  Now go with the observer.  Your time fast approaches.  We will meet again soon.”

     “Okay Michael.  With my friends gone I guess that I have nothing to lose now.  So thanks for the tour and the strawberry shortcake.  I really love strawberry shortcake you know!”

     “You are welcome Diana.  Now hurry you must go!”

     “Bye!”  She turns and walks down the hall with her observer companion.  He takes her to the docking bay and they leave the huge battle cruiser.

     The time disk lands at the edge of the enchanted forest.  As Diana emerges from the craft a full sized Pegasus lands right in front of her and kneels so that she can easly climb onto its back.

     “Go now to Ancient City!  Your destiny awaits!  God be with you!”  Says her observer escort.  Then he turns and enters the time ship and within seconds it disappears into thin air. 

     Just for a moment Diana pauses to look at the beautiful horse with wings.  Then she climbs onto his back.

     “Well I guess it’s just you and me.  So lets go!  And at that command the majestic white steed gracefuly rises into the air galloping and gently flapping it’s huge white wings.  Pegasus swiftly carries Diana towards the colorful flashes of lazor blasts on the distant horizon.  Bravely Diana clings to the horses long flowing mane while blerting out loud every now and then,

     “My God what am I doing here?  This has got to be a dream!” 

     But as she looks far below at the cavern floor where war is on the rampage and from where an occasional bright red destructive laser beam flashes her way, she is reminded of the reality of the truth.

     “It is real!”  She says out loud. 

     Suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere several huge gargoyles swoop down towards her from her left and right front.

     “Well I guess this is it!  They certainly look evil to me!”

     She draws her sword and raises it high into the air and then slashes it at the screeching creatures.  She stabs each one in the heart just as she was instructed to do by Michael.  The two hideous monsters are sent spiraling downwards.  Their huge black bat like wings catch fire and burn and smoke all the way to the ground where they hit in a puff of black smoke.

     Diana leans closer to the horses head and excitely shouts,

     “Hey we make a pretty good team don’t we!”  As Diana looks around she sees that grotesque looking gargoyles are everywhere now. They try to surround her as they hiss and snarl at her.  And they fill the air with the awful stench of sulfur.  But the big bats are not as fast as Pegasus as he steadily makes his way to Ancient City. 

     As they get closer to the city an army of nasty gargoyles meets Diana and Pegasus head on.  They dive at her and surround her while taking turnes at scratching her and pulling her hair.  They try to knock her off of Pegasus over and over again while trying to get the magic sword from her. 

     Suddenly the gargoyles fall back as if they hit a brick wall.  Diana quickly turns to look behind her to see what happened.  To her surprise she sees an army of 1000 pixies all weilding swords and bringing down the multitude of nasty gargoyles.  Pixies can fly very fast and keep the big bats away from Diana.  Crissie, Diana’s little friend flys next to her. 

     “Hi Diana!  I can fly now!  I am all better!  And we are all here to help you!”  Says Crissie.

     “Crissie you’r O.K!  I have been worried about you since you dissapeared!”  Diana is surrounded by little pixies now all sworn to keep her safe.

     “Where did all the little pixies come from?”  Asks Diana.

     “They were hiding when the ManDwarf’s and gargoyles attacked Pixieville with huge tanks.  Many pixies were taken prisoners and we have to rescue them.  But right now we have to protect you!”  Says Crissie.

     All too soon another flying horse appears in front of Diana.  But this one is a pale white color.   And upon its back rides a most handsome man with shiny black eyes. 

     “Now who can that be?”  Mumbles Diana. 

     The pale horse flys straight for Diana at a high rate of speed.  Pegasus veers to the right causing the pale white horse to circle around.  All the while the handsome man is shouting Diana’s name.

     “Diana!  Diana! Diana!” 

     “How is it that you know my name?  Who are you?”  She shouts. 

     “I am the prince that you seek!  Do you really think that you can destroy me the prince of black city?  Many have tried before you and many have failed!  Do you really want to do battle with me?  The one who sent you is weak and he knows that he can’t defeat me so he sends a girl to die in his place! He can’t win and neither can you because I have more power then him!”

     “You are a lier!  And I will defeat you!  I have a magic sword!  And I will win over you!”

     Hundreds of the bat like gargoyles of various sizes come to his aid and surround him for safty.  Several of the smaller ones try to knock Diana off of her horse as she soars through the air.  Some of the creatures pull at her arms trying to get the sword from her while others try to bite her.  But Diana’s army of little pixies protect her and keep them away.

     Diana holds the sword high into the air as Pegasus flys straight into the large group of bats and protected by the pixies she dives towards the evil prince.  They clang their swords together as she passes by, then flys around for another try.  This time the prince of Black City darts towards Diana with his sword extended out towards his right side.  Diana points her sword at him and charges forward while the gargoyles try to grab it from above her.  But the pixies chase them away.  They meet as Diana knocks his sword from his hand and runs her sword through his evil heart!  He yells out loud,

     “No!  This can’t be!  A mere mortal can not defeat me!”

     He turns a bright blinding red color and vanishes in a burst of red light.  Thunder and lightning and quakes shake the entire world.  All of his servants and followers where ever they are burst into flames and turn to ash then blow away with rising the wind. 

     All of the pixies cheer and wave their swords high in the air.  They surround Diana as they fly to Ancient City chanting

     “Diana!  Diana! Diana!”      

Read more…

I received  this in my  email this morning  .  I thought it was important to share



(Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III ;U.S. Army, Retired)


"The new White House Executive Order of March 16, 2012, the so-called 'National Defense Resources Preparedness Order' is a clear blueprint for total government control over the civilian economy, under the guise of 'national defense.' This latest outrage against the Constitution reminds me of the totalitarian world of Orwell's 1984, where a few Ministries controlled everything. Below is our Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD's analysis of this Executive Order."

Push Back here:

From Counsel Ralph:  The White House has set in motion the regulatory basis for an American version of Lenin's "War Communism" whereby the entire civilian economy is militarized and marshaled as the Leader directs through five specific Federal Departments. Notice which Department now has control over which aspects of your lives.
This section quoted below provides for the take over of the means of production. It says that the Five Department heads can override private contracts and commandeer all the resources of all the people. This Executive Order, if allowed to stand, sets the legal basis for total government control over, as it says below, "food... energy... health... civil transportation... water... and all other materials, services and facilities..."

Read the entire Order here:

Sec. 201Priorities and Allocations Authorities.  (a)  The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1)  the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2)  the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3)  the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4)  the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5)  the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6)  the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

Read more…

Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers

It appears converging!

In context to my blog on "New York approved a bill that will make the state the first to require DNA samples from almost all convicted criminals — and make its DNA database one of the largest in the nation." this information appears to be relative. I have also posted a comment on my blog on the  law on DNA.


Not everyone on earth is from earth.  There are those who are here from other planets and civilizations in this and other universes.  And though they walk around in human bodies, many have forms that are not human.  Many are drawn to animals and other life forms on earth that, in fact, closely resemble their true form.  For example, some are very drawn to dolphins; there is a race of Beings called the Nommos who live on a planet in the Sirius star system.  There are other factors indicating a starseed identity. 

  • They have an intense sense of loneliness.
  • They feel like they don’t belong in their earth family.
  • They have a fascination with the stars and feel as though their home is out there, but they can’t remember where.
  • They begin to question the ways of earth at an early age.  Many are the black sheep of their family.
  • They are drawn to metaphysics seeking answers to why they feel so alone and why they don’t seem to fit in on earth.
  • Many have an adversarial relationship with the parent of the opposite sex.
  • The majority of starseeds have the facial shape of their mother but the remainder of their physical body is like that of their fathers, or the other way around depending on which parent is the real parent, the starseed parent from off planet.  This is done for a reason. 
  • Lower than normal body temperature and inability to handle heat.
  • The majority of starseeds and walk-ins carry the Crystal Gene for DNA Recoding/Ascension. Once activated, the crystal gene allows for clearer guidance with beings on other dimensions.  It acts as a guidance system of sorts, keeping the individual on course in their respective mission. It allows for quicker understanding of the emotional blocks that must be cleared in order to recompile DNA via DNA Recoding.
  • Many feel drawn to do grid and vortex work.

Starseeds commonly have three parents, two Earth parents and one off-world parent.  For example there can be an off-world father.  In this case the Earth father will be the surrogate.  There are also instances when a child has two or more off-world parents, each one contributing DNA to create the starseeded child. These are unique instances and more than I want to cover here.

There is a contract made between the earth parent and the off-world parent, for the earth parent to love and rear the starseed child.  Many times the earth parent is a starseed as well. 

The starseed child looks more like the surrogate earth parent to ensure that they are accepted by that parent at birth.  In the majority of cases the off-world parent is not of human origin as the human species is the least prolific in our universe. 

Starseeds are here on earth as representatives of their civilizations.  Their purpose is to create templates that can be used by the members of their home world to overcome some problem that hinders their spiritual evolution as a soul group.

I am told that 144,000 civilizations have sent some of their people to earth as starseeds.  These civilizations closely watch their beloved children while here on earth.  The real parent, the starseed parent, is usually a guide for his child while that child is on earth.  It is my understanding that this is why so many starseeds have experienced visitations from an early age.  Their family on their home world uses many ways to communicate and maintain the connection and love bond with their family member on earth.  This is also why so many civilizations have ships orbiting earth right now.  They have family here and therefore have a vested interest in seeing that earth ascends.

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For Members!

Members! I receive Z - T newsletter although I am denied access to the site. The latest news informs shut down of all the  M-Sites with a well designed and well coordinated Denial of Service attack. some information from the news

India failed to provide web hosting for a period, Argentina was down for more than an hour, and later appeared to have lost all its data, not permitting access for web hosting. Australia presented a default web page for a day. And California likewise was guarding its f t p access. Blocked in China as well as in Middle East. I do not know if we will have any difficulty in sharing information here as we proceed further in to the events that will come.. I am just sharing my concerns to all of you.

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