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New Crop Circle in England - at Sutton Bank, North Yorkshire (reported 5rd July). Any comments from the Zetas, if there is something new in it?

In the July, 2003 Tistead design, there is a clear clash in the middle where two planets with different orbit directions and rotation directions encounter each other. In 2003, this happened when the Earth encountered Planet X in her path. What is different 7 years later in July, 2010? The Earth is locked in a regular serpentine roll with Planet X, the clash of their magnetic sides sliding past each other in a regular rhythm. The Earth's daily wobble is occurring regularly. But this has an end. There are 7 balls in the Sutton design, and 7 years have passed, almost exactly, since the July 20, 2003 date when Tistead was laid. If the serpentine dance is to end, what does this mean? It is no longer a dance, with smooth rolling adjustments, but a different kind of clash which is not smooth but rather violent. This is what awaits the Earth, soon.

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Preserving this post....

From this week's ZT. I have a problem with the bolded text...uh, it already has started destroying lives in the Gulf...the marine life, the economic lives of the people there, as well as human life itself.

These two links suggest that aerial spraying of Corexit dispersant is carrying off the Gulf inland where it is
destroying vegetables particularly and vegetation in general.

Is this true, and what will be the total extent of the damage, and will it stop? Studies show it is 4 times as toxic as the oil itself, and can poison water supplies and objects left outside will be coated with it. What steps if any do the Zetas recommend to protect people. I know this is all before the pole shift, but it seems like a very real problem. If it gets into the ground, does it have a residual effect in the ground, or is all of this just another sad detail in a leadup to the poleshift which will dilute and ameliorate all toxins anyway?

What should be considered is the scope of such pollution and the concentration of such pollution. Any discharge or fumes will be more concentrated in one place than another, or spread by the winds to concentrate in one area but not in another. Are you poisoned by the gas fumes coming from your gas tank? If you stand over the fuel pump and breathe deeply, you may get fumes, but otherwise not. So is your whole day, your whole association with your car, such a poisonous moment? Take this to the extreme, and apply it to this situation. Everyone is in a panic because the Gulf is oozing oil and gas from many places, not just those involved in the BP drilling disaster and not just those involved in oil drilling itself. This matter of methane in the air and oil sheen on the water would be occurring even if man had not drilled in the Gulf! This is not expected to destroy live in the Gulf, and is certainly less of a threat than what is coming when the pole shift happens and the New Madrid rips up the center of the US. Put things into perspective!

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I found this amusing...

In this week's ZT, someone asked if the crop circle makers were being can read it here at ; The Zetas answered, "So what happens to the competitive urge in higher forms of life? Does it disappear? It is too ingrained in the genetics to simply be put aside, so in Service-to-Other cultures is put to good use! Certainly there is a sense of competition among circle makers, but it is not for something as simple as bigger and more impressive. It is gauged on how well humanity gets the message. If the message is well placed, and understood, then that team gets the credits."

I had just been pondering on this over the weekend, maybe the competition between this website and the other is a good thing, something they had in mind. (One of those "other reasons" for this site, besides simply getting the message out). I thank them for their answer!

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i like to know when the gray's, whom i heard about in the early 70's, started being called the zetas. i did some reshearch and the zetas, is the name of the meanest drug lords in mexico. art bell always called them the grays. its just a curios question that i could not ask on the other site. to us it will always be the friendly gray's. j&j
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Magnetosphere is showing it, as well as the earthquakes in the South Pacific and the visitors are observing....the eclipse is tomorrow, July 11th.

Date: 7/10/2010 11:28:23 AM
Subject: Solar Activity Surges on the Eve of South Pacific Eclipse
Space Weather News for July 10, 2010
A LIVELY SOLAR ECLIPSE: Fast-growing sunspot 1087 is crackling with C-class solar flares. A spectacular eruption recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory is featured on today's edition of Spaceweather. com. This surge in activity comes on the eve of a total eclipse of the sun over the South Pacific. Will eclipse chasers see material blasting away from the sun when the Moon hides the blinding stellar surface? It's a possibility. Stay tuned to for updates and pictures from the path of totality. SUNSET CONJUNCTION: Look west at sunset. Venus is passing by 1st magnitude star Regulus. They're only a little more than a degree apart. Bright Venus catches the eye first. As the glow of sunset fades, Regulus pops out of the twilight a little below Venus. The view through binoculars is superb.

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NASA Images

LASCO C3 has been down since the midnight hour, C2 has been down since 01:30.

Looks like PX jetting around 09:00 (enlarge with Ctrl+, minimize with Ctrl-):

Interesting, and unnatural looking, configurations @ 07:00 to 09:00 and 05 to 06:00. I suspect the visitors are out there, which may explain why LASCO has been down. Sunlight reflecting off a piece of the dust cloud @ 02:30?

What are they, at 02:00 and 05:00?

Same object around 05:30 on Behind:

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First touched

This is a topic I wanted PB to bring up yesterday night but it was late and she had a few thoughts that she wanted to share of her own so I have decided to broach this topic myself. I am not sure if there is a metaphysical world and I am not sure what lies beyond death. What I do know is that I have had an experience that left me with a kernel of belief in the supernatural that I can not easily dispel with science.

When I was 12 years old, I was in the realm of half sleep as I refer to it, the point where you know you are falling asleep but you are still cognitive of the real world around you. I was laying on the couch in our living room falling asleep if you will. I felt a strange sensation run over my body but I had little to no control over my body as if I were paralyzed. In moments, I felt myself lifting off the couch as a whole, there was no sensation of weight nor was there any sensation of movement, it was more of an inner knowing that I was over the couch I was falling asleep on. Gradually my form began to rotate so that my facing was directed downward. To my amazement I was looking down upon myself in slumber. I hovered there above myself for a long time but I am unable to say for exactly how long. Then suddenly there was a flash of light in my peripheral vision coming from down the hallway that ran the course of my home. I would say the hallway was roughly 50 feet long and connected directly into our kitchen.

As I looked down the hallway a form seemed to materialize out of the light. It was a woman, with blond hair, blue eyes, a very slight build. I didn't recognize her but I felt a sense of safety and well being as I looked at her. She smiled and then it all ended nearly as suddenly as it began.

The next morning I immediately went to my mother and told her of my experience during the night. Without saying a world she went off to grab a photo album from my grandmother's home which was next door to ours. She returned in a few minutes and sat down beside me with a smile on her face. She started to leaf through the album slowly glancing at the pages when suddenly she flipped the page and my heart skipped a beat. In the lower left hand corner of the right page was a very old and yellowing picture in black and white of the woman I had seen. In the same exact dress. I pointed at the woman and told my mom that I had no doubts that it was that woman....who is she I asked. My mom said that she is her namesake, sister to her grandmother, my great grandmother's sister. She explained to me that she has been a protector to our family since she was a child and that she should not be feared. My memories fail me here in part because I don't recall everything my mother explained to me. I know she told me that the fact that I was seeing her, meant that I needed to be careful in my choices and in my actions that she was looking after me and that I should know that she is around.

To this day that was the one and only time I had an experience of that nature, my other experiences have been of a spiritual nature and those will be discussed later. I ask each and everyone of you to share your first touch with what society would label paranormal even though it is the norm for about 90% of the population to believe in something. Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
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some thoughts to ponder...

i have a saying that i live by... Live as if you were to die tomorrow and Learn as if you were to live forever. ...
How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in life, when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? If there is a stage at which an individual life becomes truly adult, it must be when one grasps the irony in its unfolding and accepts responsibility for a life lived in the midst of such paradox. One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse. the test lies in being able to see past the contradiction.There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions that our minds can handle in this form. and sometimes we will only find the answer when we are willing to listen.yet regardless of if we are listening we continue to live them out, making our lives a worthy expression of leaning into the light... even if the darkness surrounds us. this society we live in has lost sight of the true meaning of what living really means, and all to often we find ourselves trying to escape the mental trap we find ourselves in. shaking off the veil of ignorance is never a easy feat. but it is not impossible. it will take a lot mentally and spiritually to overcome the lies we all were spoon fed for a lifetime. if you can separate your ego from yourself i believe that you will be able to see the truth in all that you seek. but this is not the only aspect of life that deserves attention...
we have all at one point or another have thought of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more. perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless. Within the bounds of infinity reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems -- but as you approach the present, it inevitably seems incredible.
life is amazing, and continues whether you are ready or not. but on my quest i stop frequently to smell the roses, because i only live this life once. And admist the chaotic times we all face ahead it would be good to remember that life is happening now and we must not waste it. just a little reminder as i know we all get swallowed up with the current events, but remember as well to take a moment to enjoy the sunshine.

peace and love always

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LOL! The visitors are here...we see them on NASA images...the awakening is in progress.


STEPHEN HAWKING is worried about aliens. The famous physicist recently suggested that we should be wary of contact with extraterrestrials, citing what happened to Native Americans when Europeans landed on their shores. Since any species that could visit us would be far beyond our own technological level, meeting them could be bad news.

Hawking was extrapolating the possible consequences of my day job: a small but durable exercise known as SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Although we have yet to detect an alien ping, improvements in technology have encouraged us to think that, if transmitting extraterrestrials are but there, we might soon find them. That would be revolutionary. But some people, Hawking included, sense a catastrophe.

Consider what happens if we succeed. Should we respond? Any broadcast could blow Earth's cover, inviting the possibility of attack by a society advanced enough to pick up our signals.

On the face of it, that sounds like a scenario straight out of cheap science fiction. But even if the odds of calamity are small, why gamble?

For three years, this issue has been exercising a group of SETI scientists in the International Academy of Astronautics. The crux of the dispute was an initiative by a few members to proscribe any broadcasts to aliens, whether or not we receive a signal first.

In truth, banning broadcasts would be impractical - and manifestly too late. We have been inadvertently betraying our presence for 60 years with our television, radio and radar transmissions. The earliest episodes of I Love Lucy have washed over 6000 or so star systems, and are reaching new audiences at the rate of one solar system a day. If there are sentient beings out there, the signals will reach them.

Detecting this leakage radiation won't be that difficult. Its intensity decreases with the square of the distance, but even if the nearest aliens were 1000 light years away, they would still be able to detect it as long as their antenna technology was a century or two ahead of ours.

This makes it specious to suggest that we should ban deliberate messages on the grounds that they would be more powerful than our leaked signals. Only a society close to our level of development would be able to pick up an intentional broadcast while failing to notice TV and radar. And a society at our level is no threat.

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Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian mother of two, could be executed as early as tomorrow.

As of yesterday, the Iranian government was set to carry out the barbaric use of stoning against Mohammadi Ashtiani for allegedly conducting an "illicit relationship outside marriage," despite the lack of any corroborating evidence against her.

Iranian officials were prepared to bury Mohammadi Ashtiani up to her chest and then throw stones at her head until she died. But after a major international uproar, Iranian officials changed their minds.

Mohammadi Ashtiani is now in danger of being executed by other means.

Stop Iran's execution of Mohammadi Ashtiani >

Iran's government just doesn't get it - execution is wrong no matter which means are used.

What's worse - Mohammadi Ashtiani has already been punished for her alleged crime. In May 2006, she received 99 lashes as her sentence and has been imprisoned ever since.

But the fact that Iranian officials have already changed their minds once about Mohammadi Ashtiani's fate proves that they are listening. Iran's draconian policies are not immune to international pressure.

Let them know the international community stands united against this injustice. Tell Iran to stop the executions >

At least 126 executions have taken place in Iran just this year. Each one was in defiance of international human rights standards.

But we can take action now to ensure that another cruel and senseless killing will not be added to the tally.

Please, the clock is ticking. Don't let Mohammadi Ashtiani be executed.

Thank you for your urgent action,

- The team in partnership with Amnesty International USA

Sign the Petition


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there are two dreams that i have had that puts me in the frame to believe them. five years ago when i was diaognoised with diabetes, before i attended any classes on the subject, or knew anything about it, i had a dream. idreamth that my right leg was cut off below the knee and sticking out of the back of my head, with a giant eyeball chasing me.five years later i lost my right leg below the knee to diabetes. my second dream was four years ago. in this dream my girlfriends ex-husband, who is a former boxer, and is solid muscle, was standing on a little hill. there were dead bodies all over, he was directing clean up crews to stack themand to burn them. we, jan and i had set up two blue tarps as a tent. he was directing the injured. minor cuts and scrapes went off
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