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Regarding The Mythi Messages

I posted this response at and thought this would be good to share as a blog, for broader dissemination.

As you know, we are willing to examine many points of view on earth changes, planet x, aliens, and other "alternative" topics.  Mythi, who claims to be an alien from Andromeda, was a popular messenger who fell from grace.  Some of our members were bitterly disappointed by his "demise" and the following repost was my response to that.  This, in no way, means we will stop examining alien messages should they appear worthy of examination, but we shall approach it a bit more critically* next time.  *Critical examination, in this context, means involving skillful judgment as to truth, merit, etc.; judicial: such as a critical analysis.  It is not meant as just finding fault in something too readily.

Start of repost....

Always try to find good in life experiences, such as this one. No matter how reasonable it sounds, how likable the messenger, it is not necessarily the truth, though, perhaps, there is some truth embedded. The important lesson is learning to hear and trust your own intuition / instincts. I think some achieved that this time around, some sooner than others, but the end result is what counts. Part of the benefit is that you don't feel so burned when you suddenly find out you've been played, or you prevent yourself from taking a course of action you shouldn't have. You become a stronger, more self-reliant person; a person who doesn't sway with every wind.

I'm always willing to listen, but when the red flags pop up I haven't always been willing to listen to those. Rather inconvenient, those red flags. Just like you, I was hearing hope and many of us are hungry for hope. So, those red flags do dampen that which we want so much. I'm getting better at listening for those flags. You should too. Look for it. That first little doubt. Don't discount it. Write it down if you need to because it is very easy for it to get buried under more data and just forgotten. Then wait, and listen more, and see where that doubt goes. Does it get satisfied or does it grow bigger? Look around you. Not running with the herd? That might be a good sign. Never think for a moment that not agreeing with everyone is a bad thing. It's not! Just sit back and listen some more if you aren't quite ready to voice your beliefs. Two or three red flags are usually enough to make a case.

If these messengers really are who they claim, they shouldn't be making that many mistakes. After all, they are presumed brighter than us with a much higher level of technology. They talk concretely ... like this will happen or that will happen, maybe give a date ... then it doesn't happen. If they are unsure of their calculations, they should say so. Of course, that drags them down to a less-than-godlike level, doesn't it? So it seems.

But broadcasting imprecise data does not help anyone, so what purpose does that serve? Only to discredit, but maybe that is the point, from a disinfo standpoint. These alleged "higher beings" should wait until they are certain. I think the unethical ones commit this gaffe when their audiences start building and they must keep "performing" to retain their audience, so they start ad libbing. I would rather see fewer communiques that are right than daily entertainment. But, I forget, disinformation must bombard the mind to keep the distractions hot and heavy, keep people introverted and confused, so they don't have time to think about what they are reading and learning.

Again, don't latch on to these pseudo-savior types. Listen, but keep your emotions under control. View what is said critically. It is so very important in these coming days to be able to discern truth from distraction. When you start liking the messenger, do a check to make sure you are not getting your emotions tangled up with them. It is too easy to transfer your emotions to an "authority," someone who seems to care about you and is looking out for your best interest. Emotional transference is something cults use expertly. Look it up. It is a psychological reality in thought manipulation.

But for the most part, as I've said before, these channelings do not change what we need to do to prepare. So, just keep preparing. It won't go to waste. Whether the danger happens tomorrow or next week or in ten years, there is no difference. Aspire to a self-sufficient lifestyle and you will always be ready for whatever comes. And if what comes truly is an ELE, you gave it your best shot. And with the attitude of helping those who survive, chances are you will survive, too, and live to see a better world...a worthy goal.

And something I was just prompted to add (after Jonas and Byron had already responded, so they may not have seen this comment): there are many ETs who are working hard on our behalf. They are not making public statements, but instead are speaking quietly to individual hearts. So it is important to listen to your own "inner guide" because that is where you may find the true channelings. The public ones are just flashes in the pan, looking for ego gratification, or have darker purposes. However, the true, good ETs don't need human channels to speak to us. (Though I do allow that some may start out good-hearted and get taken over, like possibly Mythi and for sure, Dutchsinse.)

And, FYI, I learned my own lesson on this subject just as the rest of you did.

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Sheldon Day sent this in another group.  Good find, Sheldon!  He noted that this is a US Navy website:


"2010 -- Many bright comets

This year has been a strange one for SOHO comets. We haven't had any really major milestones or discoveries, but we have seen what appears to be an unusual number of bright Kreutz-group comets. There is speculation that an increase in bright Kreutz could be a precursor to a 'great' comet heading into the solar system. It's just speculation though. This comet [picture on link] is probably the pick of this year's bright Kreutz, noteable mainly for its "forked" tail. This one was actually discovered by STEREO, but of course observed by SOHO, too. The image opposite is from the STEREO/SECCHI COR-2 instrument."  [Emphasis added.]

It will be interesting to see what they have to say about 2011.


Also, check out Sheldon's second-ever podcast:

It's in 3-parts...  I decided it was urgent to process a Podcast in light of recent events in the Canaries, the YU55 Asteroid passing by, the recent Emergency Alert Test, NASA's "body language", Rogue Ocean Waves, Misleading UV Readings by our "authorities", Flooding in Asia,  repeated threats of Solar Scorching, etc.... 

I think the Elites are REALLY feeling a THREAT from our Sun or how Planet X will be CAUSING "something" to happen...

I forgot to mention on the Podcast all the "other" drills, like PAC WAVE 11 and Canada's "Determined Dragon", etc....


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 Years ago I read about archeologists from around the world trying to find an ancient device, there was speculation it was a holograph machine, but heard later it was in the Iraq museum of natural history and stolen. The elite of the world were behind this find, maybe some of this is disinformation, then maybe not ? 

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I look back and can not see who I or any other soldier has helped except those who made war a monetary gain. War has to stop and the pain it inflicts on all of mankind must never be allowed to happen again. The stench of dead bodies covers the earth that is what Veterans Day is to me.

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This is the new scare and could be very real

This satelite is has

"About seven tons of nitrogen teroxide and hydrazine, which could freeze before ultimately entering, will make it the most toxic falling satellite ever."

Phobos-Grunt Reentry Data 

Russia Space Agency Caught in lie.
I happen to believe one of the blogger's who said "they know where and when that satelite will land" and I don't buy the animated tracking
is this retaliation


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Data Update 11/11 – 00:58 UTC:
- a magnitude 4.6 earthquake happened in the El Golfo bay at 00:20 November 11. The depth was 21 km. This is one of the strongest earthquakes on El Hierro so far.
The earthquake was felt as a light to moderate shaking. If confirmed at 4.6 by IGN, the Los Roquillos tunnel maybe closed again. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the coastal El Golfo bay area.

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'Birther' Mentality Supports 'Duck and Cover'

Birther’ Mentality Supports ‘Duck and Cover’

The moral of this story is contained within 2 Questions; 1) Is there any limit to greed? and
2) Is there any limit to ‘dumb’?

I got this email, yesterday. I decided to post my reply, on line; since, it has been ‘front and center’, leading the ‘let’s be dumb’ attack against the ‘triangle of life’ This email is from a USA teacher who is ‘under attack’ for supporting the triangle of life.

Here is the email text in italics as I respond to the details:

****Hi Doug,
We spoke about 1 1/2-2 yrs. ago. I have brought your triangle issue up again at my district Health/Safety committee for our school district. The one question that still comes up from the engineer for the district is that this only happens in third world countries, not North America.




****This guy states that he is an engineer.

A Sanitation Engineer?(Garbageman) A janitorial Engineer?(Janitor) The Official Organization for the Structural Engineering Association came out with a Headline Article supporting the ‘triangle of life’. I have a copy. In the next issue, after political and financial issues, came into play..there was a complete reversal. It is a matter of money (contracts) and self -interest not morality or integrity.

Go to my website and you will see pictures/video of myself, inside of the ‘rubble of earthquake collapsed buildings’ in Oakland, San Francisco,Santa Cruz and Northridge.


Inside of explosion caused collapsed buildings in Oklahoma City and New York City.

Other structural failures happen, on a regular basis. I was in the rubble of a silo explosion in Illinois and an Apartment Building in New York City.

There is NO way that you can rationalize with a ‘birther’ mentality. This guy’s job description is to keep costs down, for his employer. It is ‘cheaper and less trouble’ for him to claim that USA buildings don’t collapse. If he admits that the buildings will collapse then people will want his employer’s to spend more money to make the buildings safer. People will complain. People will ask:” Why have you lied to us for so long?”

I want to ask him to guarantee that USA Building s won’t collapse. Why NOT? Your life is at stake if you believe him.

Think Tobacco Companies. The tobacco Companies had no trouble, for years, finding Medical Doctors who would argue that nicotine is NOT addictive and cigarettes don’t cause cancer.
This ‘engineer’ is exactly the same.

Go to my 5 page, 13 picture article that I wrote for American Survival Guide Magazine or the 57 page Copp Compendium Document..starting at page page 57.You will find pictures with analysis of every kind of structure found in California…from collapsed wooden home, apartment buildings, overhead freeway, concrete structures and brick. All collapsed with me..inside of them. This article will conceivably answer every question you might have.

******He states lighting fixtures and things hanging will drop but the roofs will not cave in.

I have pictures of the ceilings down and laying on top of the rows of desks. It is very unusual for fixtures to fall off a ceiling. He would know that if he ever actually saw a collapsed building; however, he claims that USA buildings don’t collapse…so, I gather that means that he has never seen a collapsed building..Unless using his logic that he knows what happens to the roofs, ceilings, light fixtures etc..when buildings collapse..although buildings don’t collapse????

******That is why we are to duck and cover.

People are told to do ‘duck and cover’ because it would be embarassing, humiliating and costly for him to, now, admit that he was just ‘making it all up.’

***** Do you have any pertinent information to support the idea of roofs caving in in North America?


Of course, pictures, video, scientific tests..all the things that don’t matter to ‘duck and cover’/'birther’ reality, proof, evidence, facts.

******* I’m not an engineer (have thought about talking to the engineering program at UBC to see if they have any info) but thought I would ask you first.

I would rather be proactive than reactive after an incident. Do not want to say I told you so. I have a heck of a time doing drills with students…as I’m going against what they state we must do…I crouch beside my desk.

Yes, and there are many private and public schools, in the USA; Japan, China and other countries who are doing ‘triangle of Life’ drills. Understand, that Schools for the ‘elite’, the rich and powerful will NOT allow ‘a-holes’ like this ‘birther’ type to endanger their children’s lives. It is common that the rich, powerful, most educated and most intelligent are the first to progress. The disenfranchised, ‘non-elite’, poor and ‘unimportant’ are always the last, to benefit.

********* I need your help figuring out the roof issue…Thank you, XXX XXXXXX



Some other issues:

1) Many  schools are built directly upon earthquake faults because ‘corporations’ wouldn’t build on it; therefore, it was cheap…so, the Government used it for schools.
2) I have personally crawled inside of 200+ collapsed Kobe, Japan that were equal to or superior to, the very ‘best’ USA Buildings.
3) USA Buildings used to be stronger than most countries. That is no longer true. The USA has been ‘poor’ for too long; while other countries, have prospered greatly.
4) Anything that can be built, by man, is eventually destroyed by nature.
5) All USA buildings are not modern-high tech up to the minute code. USA Buildings are of all types..built to prevalent codes over history. only 2% or less are high tech.
6) When people, in other countries, hear that USA officials tell their people that they do NOT have earthquakes and that USA Building do NOT collapse. They laugh and tell me that I can’t be serious..followed by…incredulous gesticulations. It really is an insult to people’s intelligence.

But try to prove, with facts, to a ‘birther’ that Obama was born, in the USA…they get violent..they go ballistic…it is impossible. They don’t want facts..they want ‘dumb’.

Here is an excerpt of an email that I replied to 2 ‘earthquake Experts’ who attacked me. They are both paid as DM ‘consultants’ for business. One is a landscape architect and the other seems to have been a soldier.

My email:

I am ‘rocking the boat of the status quo” so…. of course there are responses/attacks like this.

But think about this: AS YOU SAY… THAT YOU LEARNED SO MUCH >>>While you were hiding under the BIG OAK DESK ….during the ‘moderate’ Loma Prieta Earthquake (SF 1989) Extremely moderate to me ..but NOT to the people who died when their buildings crushed them.

While, you were hiding, under your big oak desk(as you describe, in an area far away from the earthquake destruction); I was crawling under the Loma Prieta Rubble. Let’s not be foolish….Who do you think knows more about that earthquake. You or me?

Let’s dig deeper: If you were where I was..then you would know that the only ultimate survivor of the Nimitz Freeway Collapse; during this earthquake,was a little boy who was trapped, next to his dead mother, in a car.


It was necessary; for his dead mother, to be cut into pieces, to create, enough room to extract him/pull him out. He survived because he was ‘little’ and only needed a ‘little’ survival space. His mother was ‘bigger’. She needed a larger survivable void ”like a triangle of avoid being crushed.

Loma Prieta..That was one ‘bad thing’ that was not currently present , in my mind. I am sorry that you reminded me of that.

Next to the vehicles were ‘ triangles of life’ or survivable voids. How can I say such a thing?

How can I prove the triangle of life?…………………….because people have eyes, to see for themselves and only a tiny bit of common sense is required.

because I have video and The Inside Edition TV Show ( one of the longest running and most distributed TV Programs, in the world. I have appeared on it many times.) made a TV program of myself under the rubble. Bill O’ Reily, currently of old ‘red meat’ and ‘redneck’ Fox Fame..interviews me in one of the TV Programs. Look in my youtube videos. I have about 600 hours of footage that would blow your mind (only 120 hours online.).



I made it so simple to understand so that little kids good ‘get it’.

email 2)

Doug Copp • As someone who has ACTUALLY crawled inside of 896 collapsed buildings; including, 200 PLUS ultra modern skyscrapers of the most sophisticated technology the USA, Japan, Taiwan and many other places.

I can tell you that this is pure BS, that buildings don’t collapse, in the USA. It is NOT true.

By the way, my background before, rescue was working at Demolition. This included skyscrapers, implosions ..all the stuff you see on TV…in fact I was the California license holder for a Nationwide Contractor. I was asked to take the license holder exam; because, only 1 person out of every hundred passes this very difficult exam. I understand structures as an expert who has instructed, directed and lectured to an entire University of Engineering Stuents and professors. This is one of the reasons why I was able to survive 896 collapsed buildings when OSHA has statistically determined that 60% of rescuers are killed every entry/collapse. You can see, for yourself, at my website…and by the way..the scientific test that we did, in Turkey was in a typical North American solid ( not hollow tile or tilted up) concrete and rebar building.

You can go to my blog, my website , or my 2 youtube channels: amerrescue and amerrescuegmail ans see actual video of me inside of these extremely sophisticated collapsed buildings..all over the world.

Years ago, the ‘triangle of life’ was attacked by stating that the USA doesn’t have earthquakes, then the BS was “buildings in the USA don’t collapse’ then the American Red Cross came out and stated that the ‘triangle of Life’ was appropriate in other countries but NOT the USA ( where they collect their donations and don’t want to rock the boat with USA Insurance Companies who consider it cheaper and less trouble if people die immediately from ‘duck and cover; rather than, survive and seek compensation.)

I encourage everyone to get the facts, determine the truth, think for yourself and of course go to my website and SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES).

I have stood in 3 cities without a single building left standing. There is NOTHING, IN THIS WORLD; THAT CANNOT BE DESTROYED BY NATURE, IN SECONDS. I have seen things that you can barely imagine.

Understand this, unless you have a Quake Alarm device; then you will have no more than 5 to 10 seconds, after you begin to feel an earthquake …to react.

If it turns out to be a giant earthquake, then possibly every building, in your area will collapse. If you ‘duck and cover’ then you will most likely be crushed to 1/4 inch thick.

If it is a moderate earthquake then only a few buildings will collapse
if you ‘duck and cover’ you might survive, if your building doesn’t collapse/

if it is a tiny earthquake then you may get a bruise from a falling book.

The question is; Do you risk being crushed to 1/4 inch thick with a puddle of blood oozing doing ‘duck and cover’? I kept my blood soaked shirts…or do you risk a potential bruise? doing the ‘triangle of life’?

More importantly, How long will these ‘experts’ continue to tell people that earthquakes don’t happen, in the USA and buildings don’t collapse, in the USA?

I have concluded that they will continue to spout nonsense until people tell them to ‘shut up.’

doug copp

PS The answer to the 2 leading questions is ‘NO’. There is NO limit to ‘greed’ and there is NO limit to ‘dumb’.

be sure to go to other blog articles for supporting videos, pictures, docs and links ( hundreds) I recommend:
1) Triangle of Life. I had a nightmare, last night.
2) San Francisco Earthquake: The Big Lie Anniversary is Celebrated With More Deception.
3) Effective Earthquake Prediction
4) The History of Duck and Cover from a 22nd Century Perspective
5) Triangle of Life, NZ Radio interview with Doug Copp
6) The Triangle of Life Continues Spreading Around the World
7) Doug Copp in Time Magazine. United Nations Sends Triangle to Latin America
8) Desert Star Article Doug Copp Survival Tips Part 2
9) Newspaper Report of Doug Copp’s Survival Tips (part 1)
10) Doug Copp Blog
11) Earthquake Turkey, Oct 2011,The Triangle of Life has Saved Lives Today. More Survivors Using The Triangle of Life Continue To Be Rescued. 1 Million People Trained by Aksigorta Insurance Company / AKUT To Use The Triangle of Life

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MikeAdams.jpg Dear NaturalNews readers,

Remember when Baxter got caught a couple of years ago shipping out live influenza in flu vaccine ingredients? (Yeah, and people wonder why vaccines make them so sick...)

Well now, the company has issued a recall of 300,000 flu shots that are causing severe adverse reactions in some people foolish enough to still get injected with flu shots:

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