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Posted on July 8, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol .....I found this interesting because of the locations of recent earthquakes.
July 8, 2011 – How do we do this? The planet’s internal gradient is increasing and this means more chaotic conditions are in store for our planet. Among the most visible of these will include further deterioration of the planet’s magnetic field, the collapse of climate stability and the occurrence of more adverse weather extremes, hypervolcanism, and increased tectonic related earthquakes. Thermal energy is a driving force behind tectonic plate movements and so is magma plumes as I discussed in my book and as science has only recently concluded this week. If we look at the earthquakes occurring at Etna, the increased seismic and volcanic activity under Iceland’s divergent rift, the earthquakes in Southeast Australia, the rapid formation of storms in the Eastern Pacific north of Galapagos, and the 5.3 magnitude earthquake on the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge- we find two important common denominators in all these events: They are all happening simultaneously and they are all occurring around magma plumes. Increased activity at the magma plume at Eritrea and the subsequent eruption of the Nabro volcano is another indication this process is accelerating. (See African hotspot below)
images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQy7j0i_o7NLEkFoe_cBL3HRNtRYLRftvXdMW2kQ6MvEpbZhXSTsQIncreased activity at magma plumes:If magma levels within the Earth’s crust are precipitously rising due to fluctuations in the thermal gradient- then pressures would be greatest at mantle plumes and the deepest fissures and faults in the earth will become more active. Technically, that’s what we’re beginning to see at agitated seismic fault zones across the planet…shallow plumes of magma are deep fissures in the earth’s surface which would be early flashpoint indicators of expanding uniform magma levels.” -The Extinction Protocol, page 564, 566
Plume activity and magnetic reversal: Some scientists, such as Richard A. Muller, believe that geomagnetic reversals are not spontaneous processes but rather are triggered by external events that directly disrupt the flow in the Earth’s core. Proposals include impact events or internal events such as the arrival of continental slabs carried down into the mantle by the action of plate tectonics at subduction zones or the initiation of new mantle plumes from the core-mantle boundary. –Wikipedia
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Dovendale Crop Circle 7/20/11


Dovendale crop circle - CropCircleConnector


Represents Poleshift?


Dimensional Change:

(From Comments) "...20 July. It was a blowmind! Rationally, I managed to explain to myself just
about the Tao. But intuitively, I say, at my core, something vibrated very
strong and clear. And I know that a message of this magnitude can not be
understood with the shallow human reason. We are actually changing the
frequency, dimension, I really do not know for sure. But the proof is the spark
that happens inside of us seeing these messages, as if something deep inside
said, "I understand!". I believe it is this internal source that we must seek
understanding. And to think this side is that we are evolving, into and upwards,
and then go out and in any direction." ~Clara, Soa Paulo, Brazil

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Kind of OT - Cloaked aliens? Or Ghosts? (picture)


I can see at least two to three figures in this photo that was taken recently at the Lodges of Gettysburg.  One of the employees there took this photo just recently with a digital and found it had more in it than what she expected.  Appears to be ghost-like apparitions, or maybe cloaked alien figures.  I am no expert, but it sure is freaky.  Strange things have been happening up at the Lodges as in someone or something keeps draining the cistern up there and my poor husband has to keep going up there to find out what the problem is (he was the contractor that was hired to renovate buildings and to build new extra luxury cabins).

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This is fascinating:  This astrophysicist says a comet twice the size of Jupiter came through our solar system in February 2003 and that it should have devastated us and it didn't, and he has no clue why it didn't.  He also said NASA hid the information.

Now, what do you think of this?  If a BDS is following Elenin that closely, we should be feeling it by now, but we aren't.  Well, if this astrophysicist is right, it could happen again; it could be coming and we aren't feeling it.  But why aren't we feeling it?  Why isn't it wreaking havoc?  Could it be ET intervention?  What else could it be?  The astrophysicist thinks someone is watching over us.  But could it be a temporary intervention for whatever reason?

Other possibilities:  Could it have been a different BD in 2003 than Nibiru?  Or could it have been an extraterrestrial spacecraft, rather than a BDS? 

This makes the 2003 "white lie" a little bit darker, doesn't it?  NASA knew but the Zetas didn't?  Or are there no Zetas and ZT has been a NASA site with the purpose of distracting all along?

Discussion of this video here:  Note this statement: 

"The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the Earth swings around into alignment."

Read this entire blog, it is full of information and also reprints the two 1983 articles about Planet X.


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Noahic Rains vs. Firestorms

Jim McCanney mentions in his Planet X, Comets & Earthchanges book that he expects tremendous rains to come in the last 4-to-6 months before the passage.  It just occurred to me today that, if that's the case, wouldn't that create an environment that would not be conducive to firestorms, in other words, the water would put the fires out?  He says there will be lots of hydrocarbons mixed in with the water.  Could those create fires that would burn despite the water?  Ideas anyone?
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