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15º - NIBIRU or ELENIN - The next events by Captain Bill


Here  Captain  Bill  presents  a  video from another  source, other than  an  Alien from  Andromeda,  that   touches  on the  peril of   the  financial specter that is hanging  over  our  heads.  The video  reads  as  follows :


Friends  and  You Tubers  welcome!

Next  Events 15th  July07, 2011

Added to all the natural events, that are expected for this period of transition of our planet, we have against us, the agenda of the elites to reduce the population globally, expanding the radius of any natural disaster, with the system Harp , chemical and biological poisoning, and brute force. The subject of this video, reflects the weapon reserved for the outcome. Our channel decided to put this video back, to those who have not seen this subject before. It's the last weapon reserved for social chaos globally. Be prepared friends. Observe  the facts,  try to be  ready  for the  changes. Pay attention to this harsh reality.

Underestimation can be  fatal.

The  dollar  collapse  will be the  single  largest  event  in human history.  This  will be the  first  event that will  touch
every  single living  person in the  world.  All  human  activity is  controlled  by  money.  Our  Work,  our  wealth , our
food  , our government  ,  even  our  relationships are  affected  by  money.  No  money  in human  history has  had  as  much  reach  in both  breadth and  depth as  the  dollar.  It is the  defacto  world  currency.  All other  currency  collapses  will  pale in  comparison to this big one.  All other  currency  crisis have been regional  and  there have always  been  other  currencies for people to  grasp onto.   This  collapse  will be  global so  it will bring  down  not only  the  dollar but all other  fiat   currencies as  they  are fundamentally  no  different.  The  collapse  of  currencies  will lead to the collapse  of all paper  assets.  The  repercussions  to this will have  incredible  results  worldwide. 

The  dollar  is the  world's  reserve  currency.  It  supports  the  global  economy in  setting  foreign  trade.  Most  importantly  the  petro dollar  trade.  This  fuels  our  corporate  vampires.  That  acquires  and  harvests  the wealth  of the  world.  The  corporate powers  suppress  real assets like natural  resources and  labor  to  provide  themselves massive  profits.  The  fascist, statists,  collectivist model  provides  the  money into the  economy  to  fund  an ever increasing Federal  government.  That  government  then  grows  larger  and larger.  Enriching it's minions  with jobs  to  control their  fellow  citizens.  Finally  to  come  full circle the  government  then  controls  other  nations through the  Military  Industrial  This  cycle  will be  cut  when the  mathematically and  inevitable collapse of the  dollar  occurs.  In  order  for our  debt  based  money to  function we must  increase the  debt  every  year  in  excess of the  debt and  interest  accrued the year  before.  Or  we  will enter  a  deflationary  death  spiral.  When  debt is  created  ,  money  is  created.  When   debt is paid off,  money is  destroyed.  There is  never  enough to  pay  off the  debt because  there  would  be  not one  dollar  in existence.  We  are  at a  point  where  we  either  default  on the  debt willingly  or  unwillingly or  create  more  money  or  debt  to  keep the  cycle  moving.  The  problem is  ,  if you  understand  anything  about  compounding  interest, we  are  reaching the  "hockey stick"  moment.  Where  the  more  debt that  is  incurred the less  effective it is and  this  leads  us  to  hyperinflation.  There  are  only   two actors  needed  fo r this  hyperinflation.  The  lender  of  last  resort  or  "The Fed" and  the   spender  of  last  resorts, "The  Government".  These  two can and will blow  up  the  system.  I believe  they  will  wait  until the  next  crisis and  th4e  whiff  of  deflationary depression before  they  fire up the  printing  presses.  That  crisis  is coming  very  soon.  At the  end of the  summer  or  fall.  The  money and  emergency  measures  are  worn out.  The  fact that  none  of the  underlying  problems  that caused the  2008  crisis  have  been  resolved.  The  only thing  that  has  happened is that  instead  of corporate  problems   we  now  have  National problems.  In  this  movie  , Greece  will play  a  leading  role  of  Lehman  Bros. and  the  United  States  will play  the  role  of  AIG.  The  problem is  there is  nowhere  to  kick the  can  down  the road and  there is  no  World  government  to  absorb the   debt ,  yet.  So this leads me  to the  top 5 places NOT  to be  when the  dollar  collapses.

1)  Israel - This  Anglo American  beachhead against the  middle  east was  first conceived   by the most  powerful  family in the  world;  The  Rothchild's in  1917.  The  Balfour  declaration said that  there  will be a  Zionist Israel years  before   WWII  and  the  eventual  establishment  of  Israel. 
Israel has  not been a  very good  neighbor  to it's Muslim nations.  And  has  always  had  the  two  biggest   bullies  on
the  block  at  it's back.  When the   dollar  collapses  the  United  States  will have  much  to  much on it's  plate  both 
domestically  and  internationally to  worry  about such a  non  strategic  piece  of  land.  This  will leave  Israel  very 
weak  at  a time  when  tensions  will be  bvery  high.  This  very  thin  strip of  desert  land will not  be  able to 
withstand  the  economic reality of  importing  it's  food and  fuel or the  political  reality  of  being  surrounded by 

2)  Southern California - The  land  of  fruits and  nuts turns  into battlefield  Los  Angeles.  20 million  people  packed 
into an area that  has  no water and  thus food,  is not  good  to  say  the  least.  Throw  on  top of  the  huge  wealth 
disparities and  the p\proximity to a  narco  state and  this  does not  bode  well.  We  have  seen  riots  from  Rodney King;  what  will happen  when the  dollar  is  destroyed and  food  and  fuel  stop  coming  into this area?  People  will get  desperate  and  do  crazy   things  .  Especially when a  huge proportion of it's  citizens  are on  anti-depressants.  If
food  and  fuel  cannot  get  in what  about  Prozac?  At a  time  when  peoples  worlds  are  falling apart  they lack the 
ability  to  deal with  this new  paradigm.  If people  come  off  these  drugs  too  fast they  will suffer  psychotic 
breaks and  you  will have  thousands  of  shooting  or  suicides. 

3) England - The land of the  Big Brother  and  former  Empire of the  worldwide  slave a nd  drug  trade will suffer  heavily.   The  stiff  upper  lip that the  British  Elite  have  engrained  into their  sheeple  will not work anymore.  As, the 
British  populations  explodes .  The  human  character  will sacrifice and  for a  foreign  enemy ,  but  not if  the  enemy 
has  always  been the  elite.   The  Anglo American  Empire  may  pull off  another  false  flag to  distract  it's 
population.  But  I  fear  this  collapse will happen  before  they  pull it  off.  This  will make  all eyes  point  at the 
British  Elite as  solely  responsible  for this  catastrophe.  We  have seen  massive  riots  for  soccer  matches  with 
hooligans.  What  will happen  when this Island  with  very  little  food  and fuel gets  cut off?  
4)  New York City -  Another  large   urban  area  living  too high on the  dollar hog.  There is  little  doubt  that  all of
 the  wealth in  NYC , NJ  and  Connecticut  is derived off of  Wall street   wealth.  The  savings  and  investments  of the
whole  Nation and  much  of the  World  flows through  this  financial capital.  As  the  world  wakes up to the  massive
financial  fraud this  will lead  to the  destruction of  capital  like  we  have  never  seen  before.  This  will have 
tremendous  effects  on the  regional  economy.  As  people  driving in  Mercedes  suddenly  wonder where  their  next  meal  is  coming  from. 

5)  Washington, D.C. -  The  political collapse  of the  Federal Government  will wreak  havoc  on the hugely inflated  local  economy.  As more  and  more  States  find it  necessary  to assert  natural control ,  the   federal  government  will
suddenly  lose  power and importance.  As the  whole  world  suffers  from a  Global  Hurricane  Katrina.  The  money  that  they  creat  and  spend  will become  worthless.  And  the  government  minions  pensions  will evaporate.  Millions  that  once  relied on the  ability  to  force  others to  send  their  money  to them.  Will learn that the r eal  power  has 
always  been at the  most  local  level.  Massive  decentralization  will be the  answer  to  globalization  gone  mad.  Local  families and  communities  will forgo  spending  money  and  power out  of  their  community.  As  they  will care  about their  next  meal and  keeping  warm.  As En/Ann(could not  make  this out) Rand once  said, " you  can  ignore  reality ,  but  you  cannot  ignore  the  consequences of ignoring  reality."

To  sum up those  areas  that have  lived highest on the  hog in the  dollar  paradigm will most likely  be thr  worst  places  to  live when the  dollar  collapses.  many  of  you  will see this  video with passing interest.  But  rest  assured  this  dollar  collapse  is  coming.  It is a  mathematical  inevitability.  We  will not be  as  fortunate to muddle  through this  collapse like  we  did in  2008.  When it  was  a  corporate  problem.  This  time  around  it is  a  National and  Global  problem.  The Global Ponzi Scheme  has  run out of  gas.  As the  demographics declines,as peak  abundant oil  declines, as  hegemonic power  declines. This  comes at a  time  when we  reach the  exponential or  collapse  phase  of  our  money. 


The Irresistible  Force Paradox, says," What happens  when  and unstoppable  force  meets an  unmovable  object?"   We  are about to  find  out.  When  infinite  money  hits a  very  finite  world.

**end of presented  video**

Our thanks for New America Now Productions.

Thanks for watching, Join our channel! You are welcome there!
Captain Bill - July 2011

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Hear the snarls and sneers, see the aging allegations being thrown around,

observe cult mentalities in action, and find out what really lies behind those happy-face masks.

And don't forget to check back when you need a good laugh, because the circus has come to town!


This blog documents attacks from  You will see recurring themes which are highly suggestive of coming from one source, that source being Nancy Lieder, owner of and de facto owner of  I will be posting the newest rants on the bottom (reverse order is too hard to follow).  I have provided dates and times since links seem to be quickly outdated as new articles are posted (i.e., they are pushed backwards to earlier page numbers since the newest additions are always on page 1 in blogs, so scroll if the links don't hit it just right, or use the dates and times as a guide).


On 6/19/2011, we were visited by Mark, acting in his official capacity as a poleshift.ning moderator, here to "set us right" and, failing that, try to discredit us and get some of our members to jump ship over to poleshift.ning.  Here's what he had to say...

"honestly Cheryl you have lost the plot girl - why on earth do you spend your days trying to debunk what is said on Zetatalk when the premise for your whole site is based on the information that they have provided?

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you - you wouldn't even know anything at all about the possibility of a poleshift if it wasn't for Zetatalk.  But you choose to take their words, twist them and then present what comes out as your own pronouncements as to what will happen regarding a potential poleshift.

A case in point is where you give your own guidelines as to safe heights to be inland and above sea level to survive the poleshift - different from the advice on the ZT site but still the same advice essentially - just the numbers altered to make it sound like you are the authority on the subject.

And also the amount of time you spend attacking ZT on your site (like in this post) when they are your bread and butter - you just can't admit that to yourself or to your small number of followers.

Then you make the situation worse for yourself by promoting establishment lies like comet Elenin, which makes you no better than a government shill. 

I mean, seriously, you've read something that provides you with some weak material that enables you to try and debunk a single ZT article from 5 years ago!!!  Your are obviously desperate!

When the earthchanges really pick up and the 7/10 events eventually hit the news, who do you think the public will turn to for information - your ning or Gerard's ning and Zetatalk?

You will very quickly become irrelevant but no doubt you will still be here spouting your crap, not realising that no-one is listening anymore.



"Larry" posted these comments on the Elenin/Dwarf Star JPL Event Timeline blog @

Comment by Larry on July 6, 2011 at 1:37pm

I have carefully looked into matters and reached a conclusion:  This is a ZetaTalk debunking site and not much more!  Cheryl Nelson left the Pole Shift Ning when she was involuntarily removed as a moderator (no matter what else she claims).  Until that happened she fullly accepted that something big is coming and no government is telling the common man what it is and that thing is PLANET X!

So Cheryl, being power mad and INSANELY jealous of the attention Nancy Lieder receives as the only true emissary of the Zetas, started her own ning where she could be in complete control.  ZetaTalk that Cheryl used to accept as true became NZL (Nancy ZetaTalk?) instead in a pathetic attempt to explain away Nancy, ZetaTalk and the Pole Shift Ning she used to support.

Sounds like sour grapes and a sore loser to me!

But guess what?  Although black ops agents early identified Cheryl as a possible way to bring down the Pole Shift Ning, the joke is on her!  This "ning" is crawling with professional debunkers who are pushing ANYTHING other than Planet X as the true cause of the now obvious, unexplained earth changes.

Furthermore, Cheryl is NOT what she claims to be:  An Old Soul with an important mission or role (ALL Old Souls on earth are Star Children and a Cheryl is an immature earth soul).  Please give me a major league break!  In communication with "good" Zetas?  CZL (Cheryl ZetaTalk, all made up to make herself look as important as Nancy because the evidence is going against Cheryl, her handlers, and the dupes on here).

Go ahead and suspend me.  Don't care!  I am wasting my time here as others have discovered for themselves.  But I will watch to see if all the Comet Elenin blogs disappear when a puny comet does NOT cause a pole shift in September or October 2011.  How do I know?  Becuase this site NEVER, EVER admits the HUGE number of past failed predictions on here.  That's how I know.

The sad part:  When all of you realized you have been duped by someone taking orders from agents who are trying to take down ZetaTalk and the Pole Shift Ning as soon as possible because they are the PRIMARY source for spreading the Truth, you will probably not remember who was telling the TRUTH all along because you will be too busy rushing to prepare for the pole shift and precursor disaters caused by PLANET X, that's why!  Good luck and please remember this lesson.  Just because syrup drips from someone's mouth does NOT mean they are service to other, not at all.


Here are my reponses on the ELEnin/Dwarf Star JPL Event Timeline blog ...

Comment by Cheryl Nelson on July 6, 2011 at 7:10pm

Oh, Larry, Larry, Larry.  You've been so programmed by Miss Lieder, you sound just like her.  How do you like sounding like a 70-year old woman suffering from senile dementia?  I pity you so.  Everything you say is not original, as she has said it first and the others she sends here sound just like her too. You are just a wind-up doll doing her dirty work and when the axe falls (and it's coming) you will fall with it and she'll just scurry away leaving others holding her bag of dirty tricks. 

If she really is with the Zs, how come this site continues to exist despite her venomous assaults?  Because it is her schoolhouse lesson in how to learn typical gov't disinfo tactics?  How come all she can throw at us is trolls from NY (not Plano, TX)?  Or how about poleshift.ning moderator Mark?  You types come in to do a quick shit and run, always.  Well, that's SOP.  Now that you've done your S&R, please wipe your butt on the way out. 

You think you've done your homework on me?  LOL, you and your comrades haven't said anything true about me yet; nothing but parroting the lies that is your daily food.  Aren't you getting sick of the rants?  Aren't you a bit off target trying to silence another voice warning people of potential disasters?  Do you really think seven billion people are going to come to poleshift.ning?  Most of the planet's people don't even have internet.  Even a billion people would crash the servers.  What an ass she is to hang on to a monopoly.  By doing her ego trip, she is denying so many people information.  We NEED more sites like this.  But Miss Lieder was soooo against that idea because of her ego tripping.  Get real, man.  Everyone can't possibly turn to zetatalk and psning during the 11th hour, it would be impossible.

So, good boy, Mr. Lap Dog, you did your duty/doodie, but you accomplished nothing except prove my point about what's going on over at psning and what a piece of work Miss Lieder truly is. 

But you certainly haven't done your homework on Miss Lieder, now have you?  I rebutted all her snarling, sneering allegations last year WITH PROOF.  Seen it yet?  If you haven't, well then you haven't done all your homework.  Bet she hasn't even told you it exists.  She, on the other hand, has proven nothing that I am what she claims I am.  She offers NOTHING except empty, unprovable words.  And yes, I have witnessed her using false ZT on me.  And yes, I have found holes in ZT science.  And I and others have witnessed her have a psychotic break.  THAT is why she's gunning for me.  To silence the truth. 

And, back then, she equated me with Mother Teresa.  And I still have the email.  Gasp!  Was Mother Nancy wrong?  Back then, no.  (Don't construe that to mean that I think I am anything like Mother Teresa, but I am STO, and just for the record, I've had readings from several channels who independently confirm that I am a star child, an old soul.)  So, what changed her mind?  Jealousy.  She's a stage hog.  No one but her is going to be the star.  The thing she totally missed is I have no desire for limelight or power or anything of that ilk.  I wasn't jealous of her at all.  In fact, I was rather fond of her until she had her psychotic break.  (Remember DR, Shadow & Karen Lee were all there and witnessed it too.) 

Anyway, jealousy, power and all that are low vibration third density traps which she has squarely fallen into.  Why would I take the abuse I get here, solely from her or her people, if I wasn't here on a mission to inform people of the coming danger?  I stay at my post despite all your fantasies. 

Actually, though, Nancy has proven one thing:  she has proven that she is a vile, slanderous STS has-been who has undue influence over the minds of vulnerable people.  Like yourself. 

You are here to do nothing but disrupt.  No one here buys your kind of talk because people have gotten to know me and I have long-ago proven Miss Lieder to be something less than a truthful, STO being.  So, you are talking to the air.  And your own vicious attack proves you aren't an STO being either.  Funny how like attracts like, isn't it?  Well, she and your type can say all you want.  My hands are clean. 

When you are inside a cult, you think you and your comrades are the only sane ones.  But everyone on the outside of the cult see an entirely different picture. You can't see how crazy you sound and how lame your arguments are and how all the sneering and snarling makes you look like an incredibly nasty person.  Everything you said about me is baseless.  Where's the proof?  Because Nancy said so?  Or Nancy said the Zetas said so?  That's not proof.  There is no documentary evidence.  There are no witnesses.  She can say anything she pleases and who can verify it?  That's dangerous.  Look at Harold Camping.  How is Nancy any different from him?

However, no matter how nasty your comment was, I will turn your pathetic attempt at "attack" into something good.

[This "discussion" continues onto the Classic Attacks blog.]



"Larry's next response appears on this, the Classic Attacks, blog @ 

Larry denies he has any connection with poleshift.ning, GZ or NL, yet he talks just like them.  If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck...well, then, it must be a duck! 

Comment by Larry on July 7, 2011 at 12:41pm:

Wow.  Thanks, Cheryl, for proving my points!

First of all you have ZERO evidence that I have anything to do with the Pole Shift Ning, Gerard Zwaan, or Nancyd Lieder.  But you went right ahead and ASSUMED there is a connection. 

Then you made a blog based on my comment and the comment of another person (who I assume is a moderator at the Pole Shift Ning, but how does Cheryl know that, got a list of the moderators to peruse?).

And talk about PARANOID!  Double wow!  Cheryl Nelson is practically the definition of paranoid based on insisting on IP addresses for all members, preapproval of all memberships, and choosing to take legit concerns about this site to such a level IMMEDIATELY.  Scared, Cheryl, of the truth getting out about you and this site being a ZetaTalk debunking site?

Cheryl has almost no idea how her OWN posts all over the internet actually make her look like a complete fool.  Cheryl apparently THINKS she is smarter than everyone else.  Most people can recognize when someone is simply DISGRUNTLED and not legit, not trying to help people, just trying to make her own points no matter how absurd (like Comet Elenin being anything more than a small comet), and that is Cheryl Nelson.

No one made you start this "ning" did they Cheryl?  But you want to CONTROL everything and LIE in the process, whatever it takes!

Please provide PROOF that I am connected to ZetaTalk or the Pole Shift Ning.  There will be no proof because you cannot prove it (even with my IP address and email address).

At least I have evidence for my statements.  Cheryl has ZERO evidence about me, simply jumped to CRAZY conclusions so she can leave my comment up and make a blog based on it (rather than delete it because that would expose Cheryl's LIE that she never suspends members or deletes anything because she does both).

So including my comment as coming from the Pole Shift Ning is a total falsehood based on nothing.

Thanks, again, Cheryl for proving me right about you.  You need professional help, the sooner the better.

I seriously doubt Nancy Lieder cares anything about your pathetic "ning."  You are grasping at straws to defend your obvious hatred of a woman who IS spreading the truth (unlike you, who allows anything on here, no matter how crazy, as long as it debunks ZetaTalk).

I will come back in the Fall when Comet Elenin passes without causing anything.  What will all you dupes say then?  How about when the earth changes continue to get worse AFTER Comet Elenin passes far from earth?  I guess whatever Cheryl's handlers decide is the next cover-up lie will be what this ning becomes.

p.s.  Count how many members actually post here, it is a tiny number.  Count how many people post on the Pole Shift Ning:  A HUGE number.  That should tell those with an open mind where the real action about earth changes, and it is NOT this "ning."  Good luck when you can all see Planet X with your own eyes and realize you have been duped!





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Magnitude-7.8 quake shakes Kermadec Islands

NEW YORK (AP) — A powerful magnitude-7.8 earthquake rattled New Zealand's remote Kermadec Islands in the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. A local tsunami warning was issued.

The volcanic Kermadec Island peaks are a remote outpost that are generally uninhabited aside from a weather station and a hostel for visiting New Zealand scientists.

The 7:03 a.m. Thursday (1903 GMT Wednesday) quake was 29.8 miles (48 kilometers) deep, the USGS said.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, a U.S. agency, issued a warning for possible tsunami damage in the Keramecs, Tonga and New Zealand. It said a tsunami measured at 2.2 feet (0.68 meters) was measured at Raoul Island in the Kermadecs.

The Kermadecs are about 570 miles (920 kilometers) south of Tonga, the nearest major island, and are 736 miles (1185 kilometers) northeast of Auckland, New Zealand.


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Experts say one of Iceland's most feared volcanoes looks ready to erupt, with measurements indicating magma movement, raising fears of a new ash cloud halting flights over Europe.

The Hekla volcano is close to the ash-spewing Eyjafjoell, which last year caused the world's biggest airspace shut down since World War II, affecting more than 100,000 flights and 8 million passengers.

The Iceland Civil Protection Authority says it is closely monitoring the situation.

"The movements around Hekla have been unusual in the last two to three days," University of Iceland geophysicist Pall Einarsson said.

While this might not necessarily mean an immediate blast, he says "the volcano is ready to erupt".

"The mountain has been slowly expanding in the last few years because of magma buildup," he said.

Another geophysicist, Ari Trausit Gudmundsson, also says the measurements around Hekla are very "unusual" and that the volcano looks ready to blow.

The volcano, dubbed by Icelanders in the Middle Ages as the "Gateway to Hell," is one of Iceland's most active, having erupted some 20 times over the past millennium, most recently on February 26, 2000.

Over the past 50 years, Hekla has gone off about once a decade.

It measures 1,491 metres and is located about 110 kilometres east of Reykjavik, not far from Eyjafjoell.

The news of a possible imminent eruption comes just over a month after this year's violent eruption at the Grimsvoetn volcano, in the south-east of the country.

That eruption subsided after less than a week, having spit out far more ash than Eyjafjoell, but due to more favourable winds for Europe caused far less air traffic disruption.

Mr Gudmundsson says the volcano tends to "produce both ash and lava within the first seconds of an eruption".

He says lava eruptions are far less disruptive to air travel.

"If the next eruption is of the same character [as the previous ones] it is unlikely that it will have any effects on flights in Europe," he said.

"But of course this depends on the size of the eruption, which is something that is impossible to predict."

Both of Iceland's latest eruptions provided warning signs several hours before, but Hekla is known for having a very short fuse.

"Hekla never gives you much of a warning," Mr Einarsson said.

He says in 2000, it began rumbling an hour-and-a-half before the outbreak of magma, which "was actually an unusually long warning".

"In 1970 we only got 25 minutes notice," he said.

Rongvaldur Olafsson, a project manager at the Icelandic Civil Protection Authority, says no immediate safety precautions are being taken.

"We will watch the mountain and developments very closely," he said.

After Iceland's last two eruptions, geologists have warned that the country's volcanoes appeared to have entered a more active phase and that more eruptions could be expected, with Hekla believed to be first in line.


Eruptuions have occurred in 874, 1158, 1206, 1222, 1300, 1341, 1389, 1510, 1597, 1636, 1693, 1766, 1845, 1947, 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2000.

Some of these eruptions caused great damage, especially the eruptions in 1510, 1693 and 1766.

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Friends of our  channel and  You Tubers  welcome.

Answers from an  Alien from Andromeda fifth one  video 

July 5th, 2011


Hi friends  we  are working  hard  here, we  completed  the  mapping  of  undersea  tectonic zones of  action, and  core probes installed in 16 different locations on the planet.  The  core of the  planet is 8 percent nickel melted due to the  bombardment of  cosmic  energy which is  received mainly from the  southern quadrant.  this is not yet a concern but  requires  real-time measurement.  But tonight we'll have  some time to talk.

Question :  A mate  asks:

what about the  Dwarf Star and the   coming  events?

Mate,  the  system of  Dwarf Star is  within the  solar  system,  he has  not  interacted  with Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars or  Mercury for  these  planets are   coincidentally opposite the  point of  entry into the  solar system.  His  greatest interaction seems  to  be   focused on the  planet  earth.  A  spacecraft Krulian with  great power traction is  positioned behind  the  system, but is  not interacting.  It  continues in the original course.  The tectonic movement is  about  to take a  course on  global rearrangement, and  this will trigger a  change in  position of  the  axis of  rotation of the  planet as  the  Dwarf Star is approaching.  I will keep you informed.

Question :  Steve  asks:
Mythi are you  and  your  crew monitoring the  status of  the  Ft. Calhoun Nebraska nuclear power  plant that is being kept  secret from the  population?  will  you  shut  down atomic energy before  we  can  finish our  preparations for the  coming events in September?  How much  preparation time  do we  have  left before  power  goes  out?

Steve, this plant should  already be in  process of  shutting  down, your  government may have already  provided  alternative energy from other  areas.  If  you live in this  region,  should  stick  around because  this is an area of  frim ground in this territory.

Question:  Vicky asks:
does  the  Community Galactica have a  justice  system tto deal  with  beings  that  do  terrible  things?

Vicky, the  Community Galactica has  facilities for  social adjustment of  elements considered  harmful to any of  the societies.  Pirates and  bandits are  taken there  and  go  through  extensive rehabilitation.  Usually when they  go out there find  their  rightful places in the  host  societies.

Question :  Jose  asks:

Which alien  races  are responsible for  abductions, also  knows  as 4th kind  encounters, and  what's the  purpose of these  abductions?

Joseph, as  already  explained, the  abductions were  always caused by  genetic research by  other humanoid and  non-humanoid races.  the  various types of  grays,  deep do research for the  genetic improvement of their  races, the  Reptilians look for  ways to  hybridization with  humanoid races to form  colonies considered humanoids, and  so on.  Currently  this type of  scientific conduct is no longer  approved  for this  stage of  this  colony,  but  even so, with help and  cover-up of your own governments they  continue to be  made.

Question:  Matthew  asks:

Mythi, can  you tell us  more  about wireless power receiver tyou mentioned before?  How it  works?  What  really happened to Nikola  Tesla?  There  are  rumors that  he  actually invented  such  device but never released it to the  people.

Mathew, the  programmed  transceivers of molecules is  a technique with  many thousands  of  years , monoliths markers used in  nav9igation and  to make devices that  are  apparently not  distinguishable with  respect to  its  specific function.  It  cna  be  done with any piece  of  rock  or  mineral compact  type of  crystal.  The  metal  for  conducting electricity from external  sources  is not used  as  this  could influence the programming when in  use.  A small pebble can be programmed  to  emit and  receive frequency compatible with t he brain and  acts as  a  transceiver between the  brains connected  by a  pr-programming   function.  Can be  programmed to an  individual,  connect another  specific individual or  connect a  data  system of a  spacecraft for  example.  I believe  I  have already explained  this in another  conversation.  Nikola Tesla was a missionary Pleiadeans that brought many advances in  manipulation of  electric  power  and  plasmic  energy but many things he can not  fall into the  hands  of  your   governments to  verify the  warlike tendencies in the  use of many of the most  advanced technologies.  For many of his inventions, the  Terrans were  still far  from being  ready.

Question:  Grann  asks :
since we  have  consistently elected leader  who hoodwink us ,  how  will we  ever be  able  to  select better  ones  in the new  era?

Grann, things  will  change gradually.  With the  frequency of the planet into a  new  level will be  much easier to  recognize the   well intentioned,  certainly the  most  capable will  be  forwarded to leadership positions and  will be recognized by  society as  good  leaders.  The indications for  favoritism will no longer make  sense when the  goal is transparency and  equalization of the  planet's resources to its inhabitants as a  whole.  The role of the  strongest, si to take care of the  weak,  and  not  to  abuse  their  weaknesses.  The less a  society has  weaknesses, the  faster  it  grows and  generates harmony to everything that  surrounds  it.

Question:  Tamn  asks :

Mythi, what can you tell us  about  the  drawings on  mountains and  that  looks  like  could be  runways  for  alien  crafts in  Nasca , Peru?

Tamn, in ancient  times  of the  Aztecs, Incas  and Mayans, the  ships  could  move  freely around the  planet, with  very few observers.  large  ships landed on the planet.  The  large existing  airstrip in Nasca  was to a  great ship Pleiadians which  landed occupying approximately 3400 meters of  its  length.  there  were  minor adjacent tracks to the  auxiliary vessels that  were  made available during  operations in the  region.  The  drawings of  animal  figures were  present to  "Decorate" the place of  arrival of the  "gods" .  These tracks were  built by the gods and  their divine tools of light  rays and  the  levitation,  Cutters  Mountains, the  same  tools that  were  used to  help these  cultures to  build  their temples and  cities.

Question:  Heinz asks:

does the  members  of the "elite" that  rules this  earth capacity to reincarnate always in the  same families or  bloodlines, to  pursue his  agenda?  Or that's  the  point of   wishing well to  carry  out their  agenda if they cannot experience the  outcome of his "final work"?

Heinz,  you  use  the  phrase "like  attracts like"  describes some  of that old line  of  spirits.  Many  spirits, who died of these families, some try to return with  intent  to  change things, to help those  who were  changing  the meaning of their  family events, but for  spiritual weakness just entering the  treadmill and the  power they  forget  about their intentions, to  change their  behaviors for the better.  The power  and  richness in this low  frequency, is  a major impediment to spiritual development,  where  only  the  strong and  the  righteous spirits really overcome.  At this point the  change in  frequency of the planet with the  separation of  wheat  from  the  chaff that  reign will end everything will  reset for them and  they will  have  to start learning again  how  to control this  weakness of  commitment to  other  human beings that the  richness and  the  power can  provide.

Question:  Jerry  asks :

Mythi, what  is  this things in the  sky?

erry,  this seems  to  be a  ship of  humanoid civilization from the  center of the  Milky Way, which  established a  colony on a planet in a  solar  sytem very  close to  yours that  you  called  Epsilon Eridan.  The  ships  were   three  balls,  one  larger  central and  two  smaller separated laterally  mounted  profile of  a  boomerang.  This  entry into the  atmosphere generated an  interaction force field heating the  air and  generating a  vapor condensation which  won the  color of  fire in this  case, to be lit by the  setting  sun.

Question:  Barbara asks :

I have seen  on  sites  timeline moving rapidly.  That  are  reliable and  that  all is  happening much more  quickly than  expected....  What you  say  Mythi???

Barbara, really in this period  of  fluctuation frequency,  where the  system is  unstable, the  impression is that  the  time  is  out of  tune.  Only  when the  solar  system to stabilize as a  whole is the time to tune in, and  with  time all  will feel  in tune  with the environment again.  Not  only  humans,  but the  plants, insects and animals, they  also  suffer  the  effects of this  new  adaptation.

Question:  Boris  asks :

 are  the  lengths of the  telimers at the  end of the  human chromosome really  responsible for  determine how long humans  can  live?

Boris, as  you  will understand in the near  future there are several  sections of  the  human  genome  that  determine  the  possible  longevity,  it includes regenrerative functions  that are  critical for the  maintenance of the  physical body healthy.  there is not a  segment but the  interaction of  various  segments of the  genome that  perform an  integration of  functions in this regard.  There  regeneration techniques that  regardless of the  genome can  awaken bodily functions that extends the  healthy  fitness in a  suitable environment.  At a  level one of frequency these  techniques will  certainly be  part of your research through scientific advances aided  by  scientists from  other  extraterrestrial races.

Question:  Daisy  asks:

The  brain is physical tissue and  the  mind  is  our  consciousness?  How do  those  two systems coexist?  How is our consciousness contained within the  physical tissue  that is the  brain? Do our thoughts emanate from  our physical brains or  do  our thoughts come from  another   dimension?

Daisy, the  brain is an biological machine of the  highest technology of the  third  dimension.  Like  any  machine it  needs  energy.  The  physical body of the  third  dimension provides the necessary energy and the brain is  ready  to  run.  In  animals, there  is only one  program with  basic instincts and  the  behavioral traits of  each  breed.  In humans,  beyond this basic schedule is released from the  brain to  receive far  more  advanced programming, and  this  program is  provided by your  spiritual energy quantum, where  all your  experiences and knowledge  is stored.  This energy that  lives in  your  brain giving him all  this information and  functions that  you  personalize is the  only part  of  you  that  comes  from  the  fourth dimension  to  control the brain in the  third  dimension. You are your  mind  and  your  mind moves  all  that is  released to  interact with it...  The  mind is  indestructible, the  matter  of the   third  dimension returns to  dust.

You know the  saying:healthy mind in healthy  body" well, that  is  what  defines  how  you  come into your next  incarnation, if  your mind is in  trouble, you  will  come in a  body  with  problems since  only  physically spotting the  problems you  will find a way to overcome them and  correct your  faults.  If  you  came up in a  flawless body,  your mind  was good when it  passed away  last  time.  Many   times you  will consciously know that  you  will come  in  bodies  with  physical  problems but  knowing that  only thus  will correct major flaws  earlier.  You  will  learn  to  separate your  mind  from  your body whenever you  want  to  feel  "yourself" because sometimes the  physical body only  hinders, at the basic level in a  society where  there  are standards for  appearance, height,  color, race or  social status.

Thanks  for  watching,  Join  our  channel! You  are   welcome there!

Captain Bill - July 2011

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Mars went through a pole shift that devestated the planet.  But the Martians survived.  They rebuilt underground.  But what structures are on the surface are built in a 3D style.  A face may have 3 eyes so that when you look at it from a different position you see the face turn.  They Martians have a very deep 3 D way of thinking.  In their mind they see things from all angles.  And they think out side the box!  I have been a Mars researcher for many years, acuualy a Mars explorer.  The pictures that I am posting here I discovered in 98 while pouring over millions of  NASA/JPL photos of Mars.  I am posting a few pictures 10957987659?profile=original10957987676?profile=original10957987694?profile=original10957987872?profile=original10957988262?profile=original10957988280?profile=original10957988056?profile=original10957987893?profile=original10957988298?profile=original10957988076?profile=original10957988461?profile=originalhere to honer the Martians who built them.
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