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I was very excited about the visual on Planet Nibiru and launched GoogleSky and found Nibiru exactly where the previous post said it was. I wanted to verify the coordinates of ELEnin using JPL's numbers. So I went to the JPL website and found the coordinate list and picked August 28, 2011, 12h25m7.5s -03deg 44'26.2". I plugged those numbers into GoogleSky and I was not even close to Nibiru, I lowered the zoom and Nibiru came into view to the right and above the new position. I did notice a curious thing though, there was a blacked out spot near the position where elenin should have been. So what are they hiding? My theory is this: There are two objects, ELEnin will pass first then Nibiru. Check it out for yourself, here is the web link where both objects are on the same page.


Once you are at the web page you will have to toggle the infrared button [upper right] to see the objects. Nibiru is a small blue dot to the right and above where the area that has been cut out. We need help calculating the fly by of Nibiru, any astro-physics people out there willing to help?

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Thanks to Angela for her excellent transcribing and to Suanne's sharp eye, who posted this too.  Since the comments got started here first, we'll go with this one and delete the second one.


Transcription 1 of 3:
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – fifth ninth video - August 28, 2011.

- Friends, it took me to get in contact again but we're back to this mission. We were in Andromeda for some time after helping the Arcturians. While some of our spaceships were reviewed, and our technicians added to it some new devices, we took a few days of rest. Our teleporters can download now 20 people at a time and can transmit directly to our mother ship without passing necessarily by our ship. With this technique of redirected teleportation, our ships became more interesting than most.

- Well, let's start talking. The news is not bad. Most of you are asking about an approaching deadline for shelter, I can say is to observe the reaction of people to begin to see something strange in the sky. Your governments will try to reassure people with various fanciful explanations, and most will believe as always. According to latest calculations, the comet Elenin too accelerated and increased centrifugal force potential, so he can lose a lot of debris that is bringing when it starts to curve to the apex of its orbit. This decrease in total mass may be beneficial, reducing the gravitational effects on its passage. In fact, you should worry really about the Dwarf Star; it has accelerated and will arrive a few days later, during the passage of the comet at its apex. In the case of the mass of the comet to weaken during the turn in the sun, you will have until early October to take refuge until the passage of the dwarf star and its planets. After you see the Dwarf Star and its planets in October if it continues accelerating at the current rate, the comet is already past the Earth at which point you will have to prepare for the larger gravitational effects. This will provide about four weeks time so you can make your plans. Not ahead with plans more than necessary. You may use this precious extra time to convince more people you trust about the facts until the early October. I understand that changes in the general framework of events must mess with the nervous system to you, but I promised news in real time. Everything in the universe is cause and effect, sometimes a change in any of the numerous variables involved in an event can change the context of the final end effects.

- As a final conclusion, the passage of the comet may not be as disastrous as is expected but will bring

gravitational consequences for their alignment, 24, 25 and 26 September, which may cause movement of magma and an increase in tectonic activity, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes. During the passage of Dwarf Star it will not lose any mass, so, it will realign all the tectonic plates and cause a widespread tsunami, will make the moon's orbit into an ellipse and reposition the angle of Earth's axis, defining new geographic poles for the planet. CB condensed dozens of questions involving the issues below that I will answer in general and not personally.

2 of 3:

How will the society rebuilt after 2012?

- Is a great work, we can help with equipment that will greatly facilitate the reestablishment of all that exists oday but with clean technologies accessible to all. The new social organization depends on you; put the right people to organize the various sectors will be the prerogative of your social organization in each region. The new guidelines for a coherent and unified society will gradually be achieved by joining your regional leaders in a new economy common to the whole planet. Borders no longer exist; the migration will be free and respected regional trends. All areas will have the necessary incentives for their population trends to keep their agricultural, industrial and services without the need to migrate to other places looking for better living conditions. Many existing things can be reused, much could be improved. New transport technologies will enable the availability of items between regions with very little operating cost, and this will change the way and speed of development of these regions. Education will be the strong point of the new society, giving the chance of developing all those who wish, language, social rules and knowledge will become cosmopolitan.

How will the health in this new society?

- With respect to health, we have systems in physical conditioning that can help in the eradication of many diseases, both congenital and those caused by microorganisms. Congenital problems such as heart problems, kidney problems, diabetes, autism, paralysis, vision, and other neurological problems may be solved as new technologies are introduced into your society. This may take some time and training but will revolutionize everything that you know today as medicine.

3 of 3:

How can we restore our fauna and flora after all these events?

- After the reinstallation of your society, will be provided food crops that will grow very quickly, better and more nutritious grain of what you currently have. Many different fruits can be heated on the planet, as well as legumes and vegetables. But almost everything that you now have on diversity in your nature will be maintained. Regarding your fauna, many species will no longer inhabit the planet in this new frequency, but other species will be introduced to a balanced ecosystem. Your seas will once again be an excellent source of protein, and your nature will integrate very quickly.

What about others who claim to have contact with other beings from Andromeda, including interdimensional or blue skin color among other things?

- Look friends, I'm not here to judge or deny anyone. I can tell you what I know, there is little about the universe but I know the entire database of civilizations, currently associated with all the Galactic Community data bases. I can say the following; the humanoids of the third dimension, are definitely not interdimensional. The skin color of the humanoids ranging from white to gray, yellowish, greenish, reddish, and brownish to darken, I do not know of any blue-skinned humanoid race, much less in my galaxy. The colors emitted by different suns do not affect the color of the skin, but interferes with the protection that the skin develops in relation to the protections which provides different atmospheres of planets. The humanoids descended from marine mammals, may have the skin color in shades of white, brownish, gray or silver. The Reptilians can have shades of brownish, reddish and light gray to dark gray. In the case of the descendants of insects, so they can have metallic colors on the external skeletons, ranging from various shades of gray, brownish, red, green, blue and darken.

When can we effectively relate to other races?

- When your society becomes healthy, informed and well-integrated, you can then become part of the board of Galactica Community, and network with hundreds of other humanoid races that may have issues in common with Earth. After the period of self balance of the planet Earth, you can go to market goods and services with these other races. You will receive the ICD - an intergalactic certificate of decontamination, and this will be the beginning of relationships with other races, indicating that Earthlings do not represent any danger to other humanoids.

Well friends, I have to go to the base of Antarctica that is also undergoing a major restructuring. I must get in touch soon with new news. Be well.

Thanks for watching! Join our channel! You are welcome there as the internet work!

Captain Bill – August 2011 ATLANTICOBR CHANNEL
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"THE QUICKENING" - Awakening As One


All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they... believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality... or 'the end of the world.

But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?

In Awakening As One's new film "The Quickening" we will explain why so many people have been experiencing the sensation that "Time is Speeding Up"; particularly since the Earthquake in Japan.

And we will also show how research indicates that this accelerated experience of reality could peak sometime around October 28th, 2011; culminating in a global experience of Unity Consciousness, which would then lead to the experience of a harmonious new way of being.

"The Quickening" will also take a look at the unfolding of current events and how they directly relate to Hopi and Mayan Prophecies, indicating that we are on the Cusp of Great Changes, which signify the shifting of the Age... and the Birth of a New World.

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Did I discover a new fault line?

An earthquake can happen anywhere, anytime!  But they often follow fault lines.  Those cracks usualy run in a straight line.   It seems to me that a pattern has already emerged showing us a new fault line.  Actualy two fault lines.  One running straight accross the U.S. from East to West and the other running at an angle from the North West to the South East U.S.  I made this discovery just a few days ago, but we can go by todays date of Saturday, August 27, 2011.  What do you think?  10957992855?profile=original
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I realize this vid might have been posted before, but even so, I think we need to watch and forward/share.... as much as possible.

If more of us know what to expect, and act like we do, it might scare them more... as she says, "...we may prevent ourselves from reacting in fear should the previously unimagined become manifest. And as a result of having already experienced these events in our minds, we will be more centered and able to see they opportunities that present themselves should they are something similar should occur."



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Brightest Supernova In 40 Years Appears

Is this the cover-up for the second sun we've been waiting for?

Caught it within hours of its explosion?  Doesn't it take light longer than that to travel to Earth?

"The supernova is still getting brighter, and may even be visible with good binoculars in ten days' time.

"The best time to see this exploding star will be just after evening twilight in the Northern hemisphere in a week or so," says Sullivan. "You'll need dark skies and a good pair of binoculars, although a small telescope would be even better."

Hmmm...right around the time Elenin/etc. will be visible.

What a coincidence!  ;-)

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