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bugged out: two months and counting!

we got the hell off the mainland two months ago. swimming, sunning, eating fruit off the trees and camping on the beach. no longer constantly sick, and watching the mainland mayhem from a surreal distance.


but why the hell is everyone else still sitting in front of their computers and not doing anything to find safety and sustainability? what the heck are ya'll WAITING for? does it have to get so bad you're on your deathbed thinking, 'was it the chemtrails, or the radiation?'


what's up with the fascination with the end, almost a mesmerisation; like so many claim to be awake but are still brainwashed by media? how long can you walk away from your computer for, without turning your mind back to it within an hour or so?

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Thanks to Joe & Suanne...

Here's a 2009 article "Big Quakes So Close Abnormal" --

Dutchsinse on the first two Vanuatu quakes:


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