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(NaturalNews) Millions of U.S. residents along the Eastern seaboard are expected to experience a "grid down" survival scenario beginning as early as Monday night. The "Frankenstorm" Hurricane Sandy is a convergence of multiple weather events rarely seen in human history. Most people living in the region have never seen a storm like this in their lifetime.

According to, the storm brings together five weather events:

• A Northbound hurricane
• A winter storm front
• A blast of Arctic air from the North
• High tides that worsen flooding
• Combination of high winds and heavy snow

It is that last item which really brings home the reality of the situation. High winds and heavy snow mean downed power lines everywhere. And unlike previous storms you've seen where the power outages were localized and short-lived, in this scenario the damage is so geographically widespread that power line crews won't be available to help neighboring regions. Everyone will be completely occupied trying to restore power in their own cities and towns.

This means the duration of the power outages will be much longer than usual. It is almost certain that millions of people will be without power due to the storm, but what many people don't fully realize is that these power outages could last for weeks.

That's why a article also warns "Expect near freezing temperatures with no power" and "be prepared for extended period without power."

Make sure you read my Hurricane Sandy preparedness checklistif you're wanting to know what to acquire before the storm hits.

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Tolec Updates

Tolec has including updates on the FAQ page of the Andromeda Council website about:

1) The changed circumstances of the awaited Cosmic Event (the Earth fly-by of the large asteroid "Silver Ray") and the effect this has on the plans to destroy the final (now vacated) Reptilian base by the people of Procyon,

2) An update on the number of Reptilian bases that actually existed,

3) An update on the timing of the visitation by the Andromeda Council representatives, which has been delayed waiting on other events to happen (including a visit to Earth by re-engineered Reptilians attempting to fool us), and

4) An update on the so-called joint USA/Chinese naval operation against an extraterrestrial threat.

On the FAQ page, the updated material is in "blue" type:

An interesting read.

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Farsight News ... a repost from the Kolbrin group

First off, I want to welcome all of the new members to the group :)

Dr. Courtney Brown from the Farsight Institute ( ) has sent out this e-mail, and I thought I would post it here for all of you to read.


Hi Everyone, As we approach the end of 2012, I want to remind everyone about our track record with respect to our remote-viewing studies, and I want to explain why this is important to understanding our Post-2012 Earth Changes Project. You need to understand this, and you need to understand it now.

Over the past six years, at The Farsight Institute we have been engaged in numerous multi-methodology remote-viewing studies using CRV, HRVG, and SRV approaches to data collection. During these past six years, we have not gotten anything totally wrong. Moreover, our Multiple Universes Project spanned an entire year of predicted future events, and that experiment was published in a major scientific and peer-reviewed journal. You can read the article here: Multiple Universes Article by Courtney Brown

To understand how good our track record really is, let us briefly examine a situation in which we seemed to do the worst. In the middle of 2008, after looking at the initial results from our Post-2012 Earth Changes Project, I decided to do a calibration target. This is like looking at your dashboard meters when you are driving your car to make sure everything is as expected. The calibration target was Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on 1 December 2008. Some of the results suggested that a major earthquake hit Los Angeles prior to that date. I had never examined earthquake data before, but based on what was in some of the sessions, it seemed like the earthquake hit some months before. This led me to publish on 27 June 2008 a probability graph that peaked on the last few days of July as the most likely time for the earthquake, should those data be correct. Well, on 29 July 2008, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit Los Angeles, which was big enough to completely shut down the city's cell phone system (since everyone was rattled and calling all their friends and family to make sure they were safe). But the earthquake was not as devastating as the remote-viewing data seemed to suggest. This led to the year-long Multiple Universes Project where we investigated the possibility of there being parallel realities (a major area of concern in theoretical physics these days) in which some realities would experience a major earthquake whereas others would experience a more moderate earthquake, all on the same day. The confirmative results of this study were published in the article referenced above. So, in our worst-case situation, we nonetheless predicted an important earthquake on the exact day that a very significant earthquake happened. Again, that is the worst we have done, and that was pretty good. All of our other projects have been spot-on.

What is important now is that you fully understand the complete body of our research over the past six years. If the results of our Post-2012 Earth Changes Project turn out to be correct, then you need to understand these results so that you can plan for your future, and so that you can help others understand why these results are important. The best way to do this is to watch the DVD, The Farsight Experiments. This DVD has been specially designed to give a full background into our major studies, to let people "hit the ground running," so to speak. It contains not only the results of the Post-2012 Earth Changes Project, but also the results of our other important projects that help you put the Earth Changes data into perspective. You need to see the projects in the proper order, and in their totality, to grasp the significance of it all. Here is the link to the DVD on Amazon. The Farsight Experiments DVD

Also, if our Post-2012 Earth Changes data are correct, then it is possible that Internet connectivity may be disrupted for a considerable period of time. You are going to want to have your own physical copy of the DVD to show others in such a situation so that you can continue to teach others about the importance of remote viewing. More than ever, people are going to need to understand the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and why they should care about this. You cannot wait for mainstream science to do this for you. You will be helping our planet when you show the DVD to your friends and family. This information will spread best by word of mouth. We need you to help us get the word out.

Finally, The Farsight Experiments is a great educational gift as we approach the holiday season. It could be the gift that changes a person's life for the better. Every purchase of the DVD directly helps support our efforts to educate the public about remote viewing and its importance to our future as a species. Giving this DVD as a gift is a way of contributing to our joint efforts.

Finally, there is another project that also helps our remote-viewing efforts, although it is not an official project of The Farsight Institute. I conducted an independent project into the crucifixion drama surrounding Jesus. Daz Smith was the remote viewer for this project. If you have an open mind and want to look at the results for this project, buying the DVD for The Crucifixion Ruse does help support our other remote-viewing efforts. That project has its own web site: The Crucifixion Ruse Web Site I hope you get a chance to watch the entire DVD. It is a truly fascinating project, and all of the proceeds are used to support our research.

Over the next few days, I will be sending out a few additional emails. These emails will include suggestions for how to reasonably prepare for the Post-2012 Earth Changes, should our data turn out to be correct. Given out previous track record, I think this is an important topic moving forward.

Until then, keep spreading the word. Our track record is solid, and the future is right in front of us. Best, Courtney Brown, Ph.D. Director, The Farsight Institute


The Farsight Experiments

Herer is a link to that 2008 to 2013 study

Post-2012 Earth Changes A Global Climate Change Remote-Viewing Study Multiple Realities, Timelines, and Events

Introduction: We at The Farsight Institute are currently engaged in a fascinating study using remote viewing to study climate and planetary change between the years 2008 and 2013. The initial results appear dramatic on a global scale, and our research does indeed suggest that major global change is a possibility between now and 2013. However, web site visitors are reminded that this is research, not certitude. Remember what Albert Einstein once said, "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?" Web site visitors are encouraged to examine all of our results carefully, and learn with us as we complete this experiment in mid-2013. We will not fully understand these remote-viewing data until the experiment is completed at that time. Importantly, this experiment has no connection with the Mayan Calendar hysteria related to 21 December 2012. This is an experiment that ends on 1 June 2013, and the data will be fully evaluated only after that date. Also, note that these analyses are the product of the Chief Investigator for this project, Courtney Brown. Other investigators using other methods of analyses may analyze these data and come to different conclusions. HRVG and CRV methods of analysis in particular tend to be more nuanced than some of the analyses presented below.

How we obtain these results is a bit complicated, but it is worth the effort to understand our methods. The actual types of global change is discussed in the second part of the video presentation below, but the first part of this presentation is absolutely essential to understand how these results were obtained. Web site visitors should watch both parts of the video presentation. This presentation was given during the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Boulder, Colorado in June 2010.

This is the most carefully collected set of professional-grade remote-viewing data involving this time span that currently exists. This experiment is potentially one of the most significant experiments ever attempted using remote viewing as a data-collection platform.

Principal Investigator: Courtney Brown Remote Viewers: HRVG viewers led by Glenn Wheaton and CRV viewers led by Lyn Buchanan.

Initial Results:

This project describes change between the years 2008 and 2013 across nine geographical locations with a global spread. The locations are

  1. Vaitupu, Tuvalu
  2. Fort Jesus, Mombasa Kenya
  3. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia
  4. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
  5. United States Congress Building, Washington, D.C.
  6. Malé International Airport, Malé, Maldives
  7. KITV Building, Honolulu, Hawaii
  8. The Vehicle Assembly Building at Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida
  9. Key West, Florida

In general, these remote-viewing data suggest the following types of physical changes across many of the above geographical locations by mid-2013:

  1. Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism
  2. Extensive and forceful flooding of coastal areas
  3. Excessive solar radiation
  4. Storms and other severe weather

In terms of the effects of these changes on humans, these data also suggest:

  1. Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees)
  2. The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning
  3. The breakdown of the food supply system
  4. The breakdown of the vehicular transport system
  5. Extensive loss of buildings near coasts

Oddly, these results largely parallel recent warnings being issued by NASA relating to the dangers of severe solar storms anticipated around the years 2012 and 2013 that would threaten the global long-term use of electricity. NASA is not currently explaining exactly why these unprecedented and severe storms are anticipated, but the warnings themselves could not be more clear. Meteor impacts are not included in the current set of NASA warnings.

For this project, all targets are assigned two timelines for the date 1 June 2013. This allows us to attempt to use remote viewing to describe alternative futures by specifying characteristics of future timelines. Web site visitors who are not familiar with our research into multiple realities might want to view this introductory video presentation on the subject.

The two 2013 timelines examined in this study are

Timeline A: 1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which the leadership of the mainstream global scientific establishment continues to ignore or deny (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and (2) the existence of life not originating from Earth.

Timeline B: 1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which by the end of 2009 leaders of the mainstream global scientific establishment publicly recognize (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and (2) the existence of life not originating from Earth.

The results of this study do suggest that there is a difference between the two timelines. These data suggest that the impact of planetary change is less severe for Timeline B as compared with Timeline A. This suggests that having the mainstream scientific community openly acknowledge the reality of remote viewing and life (even microbial) not originating on Earth may help ameliorate the impact of severe planetary change, perhaps by giving people a greater chance to prepare for the changes. The Key West target was added late in the study to explore a timeline in which the scientific community recognizes the reality of remote viewing and the existence of extraterrestrial life by 2011.

Here are links to some of the data and analyses for the current project.

The results from this Remote Viewing Study come very close to what was documented by Ipuwer during the last passage of the planet Nibiru throught our system between the years 1600 to 1586BC.

The good Doctor's opinion, is that events might not start until January or Febuary of 2013 ... but I would still suggest that all of you prepare ASAP.

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5 Reasons Why Sandy Will Be Epic


"Officials are bracing for the worst: nearly a foot of rain, high winds and up to 2 feet of snow in the highest parts of the Appalachian Mountains from West Virginia to North Carolina."

Uh, the mountains of southwest Virginia are right between WV and NC.  Right where I live.  Better get the snow shovel out.  Just got the last of my trees trimmed, thankfully.

And, I'm in the likely power outage area (southwest of Roanoke), so if you don't see me around for a few days, you know why.  Same for KimB.

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Today's image...


Sandy Looks Even Scarier From Space!

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Health And Wellness Report

Research shows that spending time with nature has extensive mental health benefits


by: Ben Hirshberg


(NaturalNews) Intuitively, many people understand nature’s role in human health. Whether it is walking on the beach, swimming in the ocean, or hiking in the mountains, interaction with nature seems to have a positive effect on humans. The sounds, smells, and sights of the great outdoors appear to have an amazing stress-reducing capacity. Research backs up this folk wisdom, showing that spending time with nature can decrease feelings of depression, increase self-esteem, decrease tense feelings, help us to be more caring, less aggressive and violent, be less likely to procrastinate, and better able to work through problems.

One study from 2007 done in the UK compared the mental state of depressed individuals who took a walk in a park outdoors and a walk inside a shopping center. 71 percent of the group who took a walk in the park reported that their levels of depression decreased, compared to only 45 percent of the group who walked inside the shopping center. Additionally, 22 percent of the group who walked in the shopping center reported their depression levels increasing.

The same study also showed that 71 percent of the participants who walked in the park reported feeling less tense, compared to 50 percent of those who walked in the shopping center. Additionally, a whopping 90 percent of participants who walked in the park reported an increased self-esteem, compared to only 44 percent of the participants who walked in the shopping center.

A 2009 study from the University of Rochester found that when study participants were exposed to pictures of nature, they were more likely to list connectedness and community higher as life aspirations than wealth and fame than when the participants were exposed to urban pictures. The same study also found that when participants were exposed to pictures of nature, they were more likely to share money with others than when they were exposed to urban pictures.

Research done by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studied public housing in Chicago and randomly assigned each subject to a room with a view of grass and trees or a view of a barren courtyard. They found that subjects who were assigned to rooms with a view of nature had fewer aggressive conflicts, incidents of domestic violence, procrastinated less on goals they deemed important, and were less likely to believe that they had unsolvable problems than subjects who had views of the courtyard.

These studies underscore the importance of not losing touch with nature. In many modern societies where depression levels are soaring, an effective tool to help can be found in their own backyards.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
My name is Ben Hirshberg and I am a student from Seattle. I am very passionate about living healthfully and am constantly learning. Nutrition is a big part of my health philosophy so I am always experimenting in the kitchen with different foods. A result of this experimentation is my ebook “Paleo Ice Cream: 31 healthy recipes for the primal sweet tooth that are so easy even a modern caveman can do it” which can be found at
Physical activity is also something that I believe strongly in, and I received my personal trainer certification from WITS. You can find more of my articles on nutrition, physical activity, recipes, and mental health at

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Britain rejects US request to use UK bases in nuclear standoff with Iran

Secret legal advice states pre-emptive strike could be in breach of international law as Iran not yet ‘clear and present threat’


Diego Garcia
US diplomats are said to have also lobbied for permission to use US bases on British territory such as Diego Garcia. Photograph: AFP

Britain has rebuffed US pleas to use military bases in the UK to support the build-up of forces in the Gulf, citing secret legal advice which states that any pre-emptive strike on Iran could be in breach of international law.

The Guardian has been told that US diplomats have also lobbied for the use of British bases in Cyprus, and for permission to fly from US bases on Ascension Island in the Atlantic and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, both of which are British territories.

The US approaches are part of contingency planning over the nuclear standoff with Tehran, but British ministers have so far reacted coolly. They have pointed US officials to legal advice drafted by the attorney general’s office which has been circulated to Downing Street, the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence.

This makes clear that Iran, which has consistently denied it has plans to develop a nuclear weapon, does not currently represent “a clear and present threat”. Providing assistance to forces that could be involved in a pre-emptive strike would be a clear breach of international law, it states.

“The UK would be in breach of international law if it facilitated what amounted to a pre-emptive strike on Iran,” said a senior Whitehall source. “It is explicit. The government has been using this to push back against the Americans.”

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Family Survival Protocol

U.N. Human Rights Council Calls for Boycott of U.S. Companies

U.N.’s war on Israel puts American economy in crosshairs




The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a report soon to be released by the United Nations that calls for an international campaign of legal attacks and economic warfare on a group of American companies that do business in Israel, including Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar Inc., and Motorola Solutions Inc.

The Human Rights Council (HRC), a body dominated by Islamic countries and known for its hostility to, and heavy focus on, the Jewish State, issued the report. The George W. Bush administration refused to participate in the HRC, but President Barack Obama joined it soon after taking office. Members of the HRC include infamous human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Libya, China, and Cuba.

The Obama-approved body maintains a “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories [sic].” The current rapporteur is American college professor Richard Falk, a 9/11 “truther” who once posted an anti-Semitic cartoon on his personal blog.

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9 More Banks Subpoenaed Over Libor

9 More Banks Subpoenaed Over Libor


Nine more banks have received subpoenas in connection with a probe into alleged widespread interest-rate manipulation by banks, a person familiar with the investigation said.

The probe, a joint effort by the offices of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen, could lead to civil enforcement action related to breaches of antitrust and fraud laws.

The subpoenas, which were issued in August and September but haven't been previously reported, bring the total number of subpoenas in the case to 16. The banks involved in the probe include most members of the panel that helps set the dollar London interbank offered rate.

The investigation by the state prosecutors is part of a global probe, in which more than a dozen federal and other regulators across three continents are looking into allegations that several banks rigged Libor.

The nine banks that received subpoenas in August and September were: Bank of America Corp., Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Credit Suisse Group AG, Lloyds Banking Group PLC, Rabobank Groep NV, Royal Bank of Canada, Société Générale, Norinchukin Bank and West LB AG, according to the person familiar with the investigation.

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Darkness Descending in England

By Pamela Geller

The arrest of over 53 people in the United Kingdom is the beginning of the end for once-great Britain.  The leaders of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, were among those arrested, as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP).  I spoke with Kevin Carroll about his recent arrest and that of Robinson and Weston, and he told me the appalling details.

Carroll told me that British authorities tried everything in the book to stop him from running for police and crime commissioner (PCC) for the Bedfordshire Police Authority.  Nonetheless, he officially won the right to run for PCC last Friday.  But then, the very next day, British authorities carried out these mass arrests of EDL and BFP members, stripping them and forcing them to wear white paper overalls like those given to incarcerated terrorists.  They were allowed no phone calls.

Meanwhile, British police raided the homes of Carroll, Robinson, and three others who had been arrested.  "They absolutely ransacked mine," Carroll told me.  "They smashed the door off and wrecked my home.  They took my only vehicle, with all the tools of my trade inside, and impounded it, as well as Tommy's car."  The police, the bomb squad, forensics teams, and sniffer dogs spent seven and a half hours stripping Carroll's van to the bone.  "When they finished," he said, "they found nothing!  They loaded it up with bugs and GPS monitors and threw everything in the back; it looks like it's been in a blender."

After smashing the door to Carroll's home off its hinges, police officials repaired it, got a locksmith to put on a new lock, and left with the new keys, leaving Carroll locked out of his own home.  When Carroll was released, still wearing his white paper prison suit, it was dark and raining; true to form, police officials offered him no transportation, even though it was late at night on a Sunday.

Robinson is being held in Wandsworth prison, an old and antiquated structure with a large population of Muslim prisoners.  Weston was arrested and later released without charge for refusing to leave a reception area without information about Robinson.  And it is clear why officials would not want that information to get out: not only has Robinson been placed with the general prison population instead of segregated for his own protection, but prison officials have even put him in a cell with hostile Muslims.  He was allowed to call his wife Jenna, and he told her that he knew it was going to be "lively" in the cell.  That was an understatement: prison officials have deliberately put Robinson in physical danger and even imperiled his life.  Carroll contacted a high-ranking police official to request that Robinson be segregated, and she received a promise that he would be, but it hasn't happened yet -- and Robinson has even been denied bail.

"They are really coming at us with everything," Carroll told me.  "I'm even on police bail at the moment for 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance.'"  This is a politically motivated and trumped up charge, but in Britain it can carry a life sentence.

Read Full Article Here

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"The Birds" ~ Maybe Not Science Fiction?


I had two unusual incidents this past week with birds.  Both times, a large amount of birds were on my roof.  I could see their shadows against the curtains, flying to and fro.  They were scuffling around, squawking their heads off.  The second incident, yesterday, was so loud that I went outside to see what the heck they were doing.  I opened the door and a large black crow was standing on the porch railing.  It just stood there and looked at me for a few seconds, then flew up into a tree.  I have a lot of trees around my house, most with leaves half gone.  I walked out and did a perimeter sweep.  I could see them (LOTS of them) in the trees.  As I walked around, I heard one caw behind me.  Then a crow in another tree parallel to me cawed.  Then another cawed in a tree ahead of me.  The birds were signaling each other.  It was creepy.  Remember the above scene?  That's what it felt like.  Maybe Alfred Hitchcock wasn't so far off base, after all.

So, then I received an email from one of our members today...

"I live in the Upper West Side of Manhattan next to Lincoln Center in an 8 story apartment complex with a small adjacent park. Was awakened this morning at about 6am by many birds, perhaps 500+ that arrived in the park who were making a loud ruckus chirping, squawking, and screaming. Opened my window to see what was going on as my unit faces the park, and observed the birds frantically harvesting small branches and twigs from the trees. Some birds were actually fighting over materials and were falling all over each other. Creeped me out a bit as I wondered what these birds sense, and/or know, that we don't?"

Something is definitely up with the birds.  Could they be agitated by HAARP?  By the Frankenstorm? Let us know if you are detecting abnormal behavior with the birds in your area.

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