2010 (32)
Fresh Food and Fuel In Short Supply
Duane Richtsmeier who is a member here and also on survivepx yahoogroup has started posting an in-depth study of the earth changes in 2010. I will keep updating this blog as he submits each week.
Jan 1st. ..... 877 New Snow Records set last week or tied with old ones.
.....6 Die of Frigid Cold in Britain
.....Extreme Cold Sweeping Into N Plains. -25F
.....30+ Die In India From Cold Snap
.....Heavy Fog In LA grounds planes
Jan 2nd. ......Comet Flies Into Sun
.....44 Dead In Brazil Mudslides
......Major Storm Pounds Canadian Maritimes
......Major Storm In New England 2 Ft snow
......Wild Storms In Victoria Australia
Jan 3rd .......Quadrantid Meteor Shower
.......5.3 Tjakistan 10,000 homeless
.......5.7 Peru
.......6.6 & 7.2 Solomon Islands
.......1000 People Flee Flooding In Australia
.......Snow Paralyzes Beijing China
.......Thousands of Dead Octopi Wash Up In Portugal
Jan 4th..........4.3 N. Island New Zealand
.......5.3 Phillipines
.......6.1 & 7.2 Solomon Islands - Thousands homeless
.......Swiss Avalanche Kills 8
.......Record Snows in China & Korea
.......Record Cold Wind Chills (-50C) In Saskatchewan
Jan 5th............6.9 Solomon Islands
........Nyanuragia Volcano Erupts - Congo
........Turrialha Volcano Erupts - Costa Rica
........55 Dead In India From Cold Snap - Burning Books For Heat
........Record Snow & Extreme Cold In China
........London (-15F) Colder Than Antarctica (41F) Today
Jan 6th...........Cold Snap In India Kills 154
Jan7th............4 Die In Ohio D/T Snowy Crash
.......Florida Temps in 20's Killing Fruit And Animals
.......Ireland Gripped By Paralyzing Cold
.......22 Dead Britain - Record Snow and Whole Bristish Isle Is Covered By Snow
.......Frigid Weather Midwest USA (-52F Wind Chill) North Dakota
Jan 8th..........Congo - Volcano eruption
.......Montserrat - Volcano Eruption
.......47F in Key West breaks 131 year record
Jan 9th............6.3 Solomon Islands
........6.5 Off California Coast
........Galeras Volcano Erupts - Colombia
........-7C - Mexico Is A Giant Refrigerator
........Chaos In Germany D/T Heavy Snow
........Record Cold Snap In China
Jan 10th.........35F and Cloudy In Orlando Florida Today
Jan 11th........86 Dead In Poland D/T Cold snap
.......Snow In South Spain
.......N China Sets Record Frigid Temperatures
Jan 12th........7.0 Haiti 200,000 Dead
.......Extreme High Surfs In Hawaii and California
.......Switzerland Has Record Cold Snap
.......Major Ice Storm - France
.......Extreme Flooding In Albania
Jan 13th........Strange Asteroid (object) Flys Between Earth And Moon
.......Volcano Erupts - Chile/Argentina Border - Last Eruption 1995
.......High Winds In Ireland Cut Power To Thousands
.......Rio De Janiero Sweltering Under Record Heat
.......Florida Is Freezing - Record Cold Snap Kills Thousands Of Fish
.......Thousand Of Dead Crabs Wash Up On Kent England Beaches!
Jan 14th........Malawi Earthquake Swarm (30+) Kills 4
.......38 Dead In Kenya From Flooding
.......Coldest Day In Florida In 82 Years.
Jan 15th.........4.0 Oklahoma
.......356 Dead in India From Cold Snap
.......26 Dead In Cuban Psychatric Hospital From Cold Snap
.......Major Flooding In Australia
Jan 16th........4.9 Iran
Jan 17th........6.3 Off Argentina Coast
.......Yellowstone Quake Swarm Starts Today - Ends The 19th - 250 Quakes
.......Thousands Of Dead Snook (fish) Wash Up On Tampa Bay Beaches
Jan 18th........4.1 New Mexico
.......4.9 Greece
.......6.0 Guatemala
.......6.3 Drake Passage
.......Summer In Australia Yet Its Snowing, 1st Ever Summer Snows In Wales And
Jan 19th........1st M Class Solar Flare Of Cycle 24
.......5.8 Cayman Islands
.......Snow, Rain And Ice Storm In Iowa
.......Tornado In Los Angeles And Snow In North California
.......2 Planes Struck By Lightning In LA
.......Major Snowstorms In Bulgaria
.......4 Die In China From Extreme Cold
.......800,000 Herd Animals Perish In Mongolia
Jan 20th........6.1 Haiti
.......6.5 Mexican/Guatamalan Border
.......Guinea Cold Snap Kills Hundreds Of Animals And All Crops
Jan 21st........Tornado Like Winds, Floods And Mudslides Inundate California!
Jan 22nd.......Panama 4.7
.......Costa Rica 5.2
.......Bolivia 5.3 & 5.2
.......1000+ Quake Swarm - Yellowstone
.......Gaua Volcano Erupts - Vanuatu
.......Strongest Storm Ever Recorded Hits California
.......Blizzards and Floods In Arizona
Jan 23rd........1st day with no major events
Jan 24th........15 Beached Whales In New Zealand Die
Jan 25th.........5.8 Peru
........Hillsides Crumble In San Antonio from Record Rains
.......16 Dead In Poland From Cold
........New Cold Snap In Europe(-34C) Kills23
........Huge Winter Storm Shuts Down Canadian Praires
Jan 26th.........USGS Warning Of Extreme Jet Stream and Ocean Currents For Entire
West Coast
Jan 27th ........7 Dead, 2500 stranded In Peru Mudslide
Jan 28th........ 2nd day this year with no major event.
Feb 5th........Astronomers Note That Pluto Is Turning Red (Climate Change)
..........6.1 - E. Inchon Ridge
..........Fukutoku Volcano Erupts - Japan
..........Snowmaegeddon Hits And Paralyzes Wasington DC
..........Cyclone Oli Hits French Polynesia
Feb 6th........4.9 - Poland
..........6.0 - Kuril Islands
.......... US Capital Completly Shut Down By Blizzard
..........Mexican Storms Kill 15
Feb 7th........6.0 - Fiji
..........6.4 - Ryukyu Islands - Japan
.........2 Feet Of Snow and Blizzard Like Winds Paralyze Much Of East Coast
.........LA Digs Out After Mudslides
Feb 8th........4.5 - Hawaii
..........Sudden Sinkhole Outbreak In China
.........I-70 In Colorado Closed Due To Rockslides
Feb 9th........5.1 & 4.8 - N. Luzon, Phillipines
..........5.6 - Aleutian Islands
..........Afghanistan Avalanches Kill 60+
..........Barcelona Spain Buried In Snow
Feb 10th......3.8 - Chicago Area
........Warmest And Driest Winter On Record In Canada
Feb 11th......6.1 - Honduras
........6.2 - Bali Indonesia
........7.2 & 6.9 - Chile
........Montserrat Volcano Erupts
........200+ Dead Manatees Wash Up In Florida Frozen To Death
Feb 12th......4.9 - Oregon Coast
........6.2 - Chile
........Snow In Mississippi & Florida
........Florida Wildlife Freezing To Death
Feb 13th......Meteor Hits Mexico Leaving 30 Craters
........3.3 - Port Stephens, Australia
........5.8 - Honshu, Japan
........6.3 - Tonga
........Soufriere Hill Volcano Erupts - Monserrat
........Winter Storm Paralyzes S. USA - Atlanta has 2 inches snow
........Rare Snowfall Covers Rome
........49 States USA Have Snow On Ground
........Wild Storms Lash Sydney, Australia
Feb 14th......6.0 - S. Indian Ocean
........6.1 - Tonga
........6.6 - Honshu, Japan
........Floods In Kazakh Kill 33
........6 Dead In NE USA Rainstorms
........2 Snowmobilers Dead In Canadian Avalanches
Feb 15th......6.3 & 6.2 - Banda Sea
........Cyclone Rene Slams Tonga
........70 Vehicle Pileup By Kansas City From Snow Squalls
Feb 16th......4.4 - Los Angelos
........4.4 - Alaska
........6.2 - Indonesian Coast
........Fiji Cyclone Damage Overwhelming
........Severe Storms Hit S. Queensland, Australia
Feb 17th......4.4 - California/Oregon
........Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent 2nd Highest On Record, Set In 1978
Feb 18th......6.7, 6.8, 6.7 - Russia/China Border
Feb 19th.......4th day this year no major event.
Feb 20th.......32 Dead On Portugese Island Of Madiera
Feb 21st.......Venezuala Weather Out Of Control According To Meterologists
Feb 22nd.......6.8 - NW Passage
....... Snowmaegeddon Comes To Moscow
Feb 23rd.......5th day this year no major event
Feb 24th.......Record Snowfall Blankets Moscow
Feb 25th.......5.1 - SW China
.......Small Quake or Sonic Boom - 3.8 Rattles Ohio & N. Illinois
--NO WEEK #10--Numbering Goof
WEEK #11 Mar 5th.......4.9 & 3.0 - Phillipines
.......6.2 & 6.6, & 6.8 - Offshore Bio-Bio Chile
.......6.8 - Sumatra Indonesia
.......Extreme Hailstorm And Flooding Melbourne Australia
Mar 6th.......Earthquake Swarm Eyofjallajokul Iceland 3000+, Hasnt Erupted Since 1823
Mar 7th.......6th day this year no major event
Mar 8th.......5.7 - Salta Sea
.......6.1 E. Turkey - 51 Dead
.......Freak Snowstorm Covers France
Mar 9th.......Purple Snow Covers Southern Russia
Mar 10th.......7th day this year no major event
Mar 11th.......2nd Tropical Cyclone EVER In S. Atlantic Forms Off Brazil
.......100+ Dead Starlings Fall From Sky Over Britain With Blood Coming From
Their Beaks
WEEK #12
WEEK #13
Mar 19th.......2 Russian Volcanos Erupt Side by Side
Mar 20th.......2.7 - Nebraska
.......5.6 - Cuba
.......6.2 - Papau New Guinea
Mar 21st.......5.3 - Guatemala
.......Iceland Volcano Erupts
.......Major Snowstorm Paralyzes Russian Far East
.......Blizzard In Oklahoma & Arkansas - 8-12 inches
.......Dust Storm Paralyzes Beijing China
Mar 22nd......3.7 & 2.8 - Oklahoma
.......6.6 - Papau New Guinea
.......Golf Ball Size Hail, 70 mph Wind, Months Worth Rain Assaults Perth
.......11,000 Houses Collapse Xinjiang, China From Rainstorm Then Blizzard
........ 50 Million Effected By Drought In S. China
Mar 23rd,,,,,,,,9th day this year no major event
Mar 24th.......2.7 - New York
.......5.0 - Turkey
.......5.8 - Tibet
Mar 25th.......6.1 - Phillipines
.......Sheveluch Volcano Erupts - Kamchatka Russia
.......Spring Snowstorm Slaps Colorado
WEEK #14
Mar 26th.......6.2 - Chile
.......Coldest Winter In Siberia On Record
Mar 27th.......3.6 - Israel
Mar 28th.......Koryaksy Volcano Erupts
.......China Mine Flood Kills 33
Mar 29th.......Tornado Hits The Bahamas
.......Snow Falls In Britain
.......Coral Reefs Worldwide Dying Enmasse
Mar 30th.......6.6 - Andaman Islands, India
.......Scotland Snowstorm Leaves 20,000 Without Power
.......Widespread Hailstorm Pounds 2 Cities In Pakistan
.......Mass. & R.I. USA Declare Rain Emergencies
Mar 31st.......Major Flooding IN Rhode Island, USA
.......300 Rescued During Freak Ireland Blizzard
.......Britain Battered By Blizard and Gale Force Winds
April 1st.......Iceland Volcano Still Erupting Causing Major Problems In Europe.
WEEK #15
WEEK #16
Apr 9th.......200 Dead In Mudslides In Rio, Brazil
.......Spring Storm Slams Alberta Canada With Snow And Ice
Apr 10th.......Comet Flies Into The Sun
.......Severe Drought Persists In SW China
Apr 111th.......6.3 - Spain
.......6.8 - Solomon Islands
.......Flooding Kills 224 In Brazil
.......Peru Glacier Collapses Injuring 50 And Killing 3.
Apr 12th.......Largest Solar Prominence Seen In Many Years Erupts From Sun
.......Landslide Derails Train In Italy Killing 11
Apr 13th.......6.9 - China Kills 2700
Apr 14th.......2 Day Magnetic Storm Sweeps Earth - Kp index of 5
.......Iceland Volcanos 2nd Eruption Is Major
.......Cyclone Kills 89 In E. India
Apr 15th.......4.9 - Utah
.......Massive Fireball Seen Over Midwest USA
.......Iceland Eruption Closes Down Air Traffic In Northern Europe
WEEK #17
WEEK #18
WEEK #19
May 7th.......65 Killed In S. China Rainstorms
.......BP Day 15
May 8th.......Big Solar Flares And CME's Erupt Off Sun Towards Earth
.......2.6 - Ireland
.......6.1 - Indonesia
.......Iceland Volcano 2nd Eruption
.......21 Dead In Tjakistan Flooding
.......66 Dead In Afghanistan Flooding
.......Thunderstorms Kill 43 In India
.......BP Day 16
May 9th.......7.4 - N. Sumatra, Indonesia
.......70 Dead In China Storms, Tens Of Thousands Homeless
.......Lightning Kills Fisherman In CT.
.......Flagstaff AZ Had 144 inches Of Snow This Last Winter
.......BP Day 17
May 10th......Snowing In S. France
.......Snowing In Mexico
........Hail & Sleeting In S. California
.......Tornado Kills 4 - Oklahoma
.......BP Day 18
May 11th.......5 More Dead In Oklahoma Tornados
.......BP Day 19
May 12th.......BP Day 20
May 13th.......BP Day 21
WEEK #20
WEEK #21
May 21st.......Sri Lanka Flooding Kills 20
........Poland Flooding Leaves 9 Dead
.......India Cyclone Devastation Takes 26 Lives
........Ocean Floor Rising 13 ft A Day Off Australia Coast
.......BP Day 29
May 22nd.......BP Day 30
May 23rd.......2nd Iceland Volcano Eruption Over
.......Mount Baru Jari Volcano Erupts, Indonesia
.......Kenya Death Toll Now 100
.......29 Killed As Landslide Derails Train, China
.......BP Day 30
May 24th.......3.7 - Arizona
.......6.5 - Brazil
.......Arelal Volcano Erupts, Costa Rica
.......Major Flooding Engulfs Australia
.......BP Day 31
May 25th.......6.3 - N. Atlantic Ridge
.......China Flooding Death Toll Rises To 115
.......BP Day 32
May 26th.......6.4 - Ryuku Japan
.......Hordes Of Frogs Shut Down Major Greece Highway
.......BP Day 33
May 27th....... 7.6 & 6.4 - Vanuatu
.......Tungurahua Volcano Erupts, Ecuador
.......4 Workers Struck By Lightning Over 35 Minutes, Lake District Scotland
.......Major Forest Fires Cover Montreal
.......BP Day 34
WEEK #22
May 28th.......7.2 - Vanuatu
.......BP Day 36
May 29th.......Ecuador Volcano & Guatemalan Volcano Erupt
.......Hail, Snow & Sleet Slam S. California
.......Late Spring Storm Dumps Snow On NE USA
.......BP Day 37
May 30th.......Tropical Storm Over Guatemala & El Salvador Kills 83
.......BP Day 38
May 31st......6.0 - Phillipines
.......6.1 - Costa Rica
.......6.4 - Andamen Islands, India
.......Underwater Sarigan Volcano Erupts Near Mariana Island
.......Mount Yasur Volcano Erupts, Vanuatu
.......Heat Wave Kills 160, India
.......BP Day 39
June 1st.......25 Perish & Many Missing In Snowstorm, Kashmir
.......Tropical Storm Agatha Kills 129, Central America
.......Massive Sinkhole Forms In Guatemala City, Guatemala
.......Quebec Forest Fires Blacken Skies
.......BP Day 40
June 2nd.......Lightning Hits 9 people In Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
.......Mudslide Creates Lake, Pakistan
.......BP Day 41
June 3rd.......Flooding Kills 4, Czech Republic
.......38 Dead From Landslides & Flooding, China
........Austria Deluged By Major Flooding
.......Cyclone Hits Oman
.......Australian Surfing Town - Lennox Head, Hit By Tornado
.......Another Day Of Heavy Thunderstorms Pound N & S Carolina
.......BP Day 42
WEEK #23
WEEK #24
WEEK #25
June 18th.......Minnesota Tornado Kills 3, Injures Dozens
.......BP Day 57
June 19th.......BP Day 58
June 20th.......Sakurajimo Volcano Eruption Makes 550th Eruption This Year
.......Death Toll In China Reaches 175, Over 1 Million Evacuated
.......BO Day 59
June 21st.......Massive X-Ray Blast From Sun Hits Earth
.......Floods Kill 42, Brazil, 1000 Missing
.......21 Drown In Ghana From Floods
......China Coal Mine Explosion, 27 Dead
......BP Day 60
June 22nd.......BP Day 61
June 23rd.......5.0 - Ottawa Canada
.......Extreme Lightning & Flooding Calgary Alberta Canada
.......Lightning Strikes 4 People, Illinois
.......BP Day 62
June 24th.......6.1 - PNG,Indonesia
.......Rare Tornado Hits Bridgeport CT.
.......BP Day 63
WEEK #26
WEEK #27
July 2nd.......6.3 - Vanuatu
.......Saskatoon Canada Under Water After Deluge
.......Hurricane Alex Kills 7 NE Mexico
.......Snow Falls On Mt Washington
.......BP Day 72
July 3rd.......Massive Soalr Flares And CME's Directed At Earth Today
.......2 Kamchatka Volcanos Erupt Together
.......BP Day 73
July 4th.......6.4 - Honshu Japan
.......Romanian Flooding Widespread
.......Iowa Having Major Flooding
.......BP Day 74
July 5th.......Hurricane Alex Kills 6 More Mexico
.......Russia Having Record Heatwave
.......East Coast USA Baking Under Record Heat 95-105F
.......BP Day 75
July 6th.......Heatwave E Coast USA Becomes Deadly
.......BP Day 76
July 7th.......5.4 - S California
.......Mexican & Texan Border Towns Evacuate D/T Extreme Rio Grande Flooding
.......BP Day 77
July 8th.......Millions Face Starvation As Niger Prays For Rain In Vain
.......BP Day 78
WEEK #28
July 9th.......Glowing Object (Fireball?) Closes China Airports
.......BP Day 79
July 10th......5.2 - Krakatou, Indonesia
......6.2 - Mariana Islands
......BP Day 80
July 11th......6.2 - Antofagasta, Chile
......Katla Volcano - 14 Quakes in 24 Hours
......Hundreds Rescued From Overheated Train In Germany
......BP Day 81
July 12th.......Total Eclipse Of The Sun
.......Magnetic Loops Caught Bursting From Sun Towards Earth
......8 Injured In German North Sea Island Tornado
.......BP Day 82
July 13th.......Parts of Alberta Canada Covered By Major Snowfall
...... Calgary Is Pummelled By Thunderstorms With Golf Ball Sized Hail
.......60 Dead In SW China Flooding & Landslides
.......BP Day 83
July 14th.......5.4 - S California
.......6.5 - Bio-Bio, Chile
.......Nearly 1000 Quakes Over 4.0 So Far In July
.......30 Dead From Typhoon Consoon, Phillipines
.......BP Day 84
July 15th.......Lightining Hits School, India 14 Injured
.......Lightning Strikes 4 At Bible Camp, Michigan
.......BP Day 85
WEEK #29
July 16th....... NASA Announces The Thermosphere Has Collapsed
.......3.6 - Washington DC
.......Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala Erupts
.......Cusco Peru Frozen With -4 F Temps
.......Flooding Death Toll In Punjab & Haryana, India Now 40
.......Tornado Strikes Peurto Rico - 4 Injured
.......BP Day 86
July 17th.......Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Russia Erupts
.......July Cold Snap Blankets Argentina With Rare Snow Covering
.......BP Day 87
July 18th....... 6.9 & 7.3 - New Britain, Papau New Guniea
.......6.7 & 6.2 - Aleutian Islands
.......Typhoon Conson Kills 70, Vietnam
.......BP Day 88
July 19th.......BP Day 89
July 20th.......6.3 - New Britain PNG
.......Kansas Heatwave Kills 2000 Cattle
.......Cold Snap Kills 220, S. America, Also All Crops and Cattle Dead
.......Hundreds Of Dead Penguins Wash Up In Brazil
.......BP Day 90
July 21st.......5.8 - Iran, 1 Dead
......6.1 - Indonesia
.......6.8 - New Britain PNG
.......Extreme Flooding Inundates China, 700 Dead, 650,000 Homes Destroyed
.......75% Of China Effected By Fatal Floods
.......NE Kentucky Underwater From Extreme Downpours
.......Mombasa Kenya Deluged By Freak Rainstorm
.......71 Drown In Moscow During Record Heatwave
.......BP Day 91
July 22nd.......Gulf Loop Current Breaks D/T BP Oil Spill & Corexit
.......6.2 - Vanuatu
.......Lightining, Flooding & Tornados Shatter Ireland Summer
.......Torrential Rains Kill 39 India
.......42 Freeze To Death, Argentina & Paraguay As Snow Covers The Beaches
.......In The Past 11 Days, 556 Dead Baby Penguins, Sea Birds, Dolphins &
Giant Sea Turtles Have Washed Up On Brazil Beaches
.......BP Day 92
WEEK #30
July 23rd.......4.1 - Quebec
.......7.3, 7.4 & 7.6 - Moro Gulf, Phillipines
.......Typhoon Chantra Kills 3, S China
.......Record Hailstone Found N Dakota - 1 Lb. 15 Oz - 8 Inch Diameter
.......Sinkhole Swallows SUV, Wisconsin
.......BP Day 93
July 24th.......Venus Has Strange CME Event Starting Today And Lasting Till The 27th
.......6.0 - Tonga
.......6.4 - Moro Gulf
.......6.5 - Mindano, Phillipines
.......Heavy Rains Close Milwaukee Airport
.......Floods Close Chicago Highways
.......Lake Delhi Dam In Iowa Fails
.......Tornado Hits Indianola Iowa
.......BP Day 94
July 25th.......6.0 - Tonga
.......Floods & Landslides Kill 10 Vietnam
.......BP Day 95
July 26th.......Chicago Area Has Extreme Flooding
.......BP Day 96
July27th.......Landslide In China Leaves 21 Dead
.......Japan Heat Wave Kills 66
.......Portugal Covered By Forest Fires
.......BP Day 97
July 28th.......5.3 - Off Coast Oregon
.......Aquarid Meteor Shower
.......Intense Blizzard Covers Argentina
.......30,000 Trapped By China Flooding
.......BP Day 98
July 29th.......6.6 - Moro Gulf
.......Flash Floods Kills 110 Pakistan
.......Record Heat Sears Russia
......Strange Neon Green Slime Coats East Coast Ocean & Beaches
.......BP Day 99
WEEK #31
July 30th.......6.2 - Kamchatka
.......Floods Kill 100, NE China
.......23 Killed in Russian Wildfires Along With Record Scorching Heat.
....... BP Day 100
July 31st.......1200 Now Dead From Pakistan Flooding.
.......BP Day 101
Aug 1st.......Whole Northern Hemisphere Of Sun Erupts w/ Massive CMEs & X-Ray Flares
.......23 Killed As Truck Falls Into Gorge In India
.......Peru Declares State Of Emergency As Hundreds Of Children Freeze To
.......BP Day 102
Aug 2nd.......Massive Fires Cover Russia
.......England Records Wettest July On Record Despite The Record Heatwave
.......BP Day 103
Aug 3rd.......Earth Hit By Big CME Impact
.......6.3 - Molucca Sea
.......50 Now Dead From Russian Wildfires
.......400 Seperate Wildfires Scorch British Columbia
.......BP Day 104
Aug 4th.......4.8 - Wyoming
.......5.3 - Utah
.......6.0 - Kuril Islands
.......6.0 - South Of Fiji
.......6.4 - Aleutian Islands
.......6.4 - Eastern New Guinea
.......Ireland - Wettest July In 60 Years
.......1700 Now Dead In China Floods Of Epic Proportions
.......BP Day 105
Aug 5th.......7.0 - Papau, New Guinea
........Death Toll Now 1500 In Pakistan Flooding
........Cold Wave Kills Over 6 Million Fish In Bolivia
........BP Day 106
WEEK #32 Aug 6th.......Auroras Seen In Iowa
.......Chernobyl Radioactive Forests Burn
.......Melting Glacier Unleashes Landslide, British Columbia
.......Mount Karangatang Volcano Erupts, Indonesia - Kills 4
.......103 Killed In Kashmir Flooding
.......BP Day 107
Aug 7th.......M-Class Solar Flare Hits Earth
.......16 Dead In China Mine Fire
.......Massive Ice Island (4x Manhatten) Breaks Off Greenland
.......BP Day 108
Aug 8th.......Heatwave Has Killed 5000 In Russia
.......14 Dead In Central Europe Flooding
.......Massive Floods Engulf N Korea
.......BP Day 109
Aug 9th.......13.8 Million Effected By Pakistan Floods
.......Mudslides In China Kill 1400+
.......BP Day 110
Aug 10th.......M Class Solar Flare Covers Earth
.......Big Fireball Lights Up Alabama
......7.5 - Vanuatu
.......BP Day 111
Aug 11th.......6.0 - Vanuatu
.......Typhoon Dianmu Kills 5, S Korea
.......Extreme Weather Front Injures 40 , Finland
.......Severe Weather & Tornados, Victoria Australia
.......Major Flooding Engulfs Ames Iowa
.......BP Day 112
Aug 12th.......Perseid Meteor Shower
.......7.1 - Ecuador
.......Flash Floods Kill 185, Himalayas
.......BP Day 113
WEEK #33
Aug 6th.......Auroras Seen In Iowa
.......Chernobyl Radioactive Forests Burn
.......Melting Glacier Unleashes Landslide, British Columbia
.......Mount Karangatang Volcano Erupts, Indonesia - Kills 4
.......103 Killed In Kashmir Flooding
.......BP Day 107
Aug 7th.......M-Class Solar Flare Hits Earth
.......16 Dead In China Mine Fire
.......Massive Ice Island (4x Manhatten) Breaks Off Greenland
.......BP Day 108
Aug 8th.......Heatwave Has Killed 5000 In Russia
.......14 Dead In Central Europe Flooding
.......Massive Floods Engulf N Korea
.......BP Day 109
Aug 9th.......13.8 Million Effected By Pakistan Floods
.......Mudslides In China Kill 1400+
.......BP Day 110
Aug 10th.......M Class Solar Flare Covers Earth
.......Big Fireball Lights Up Alabama
......7.5 - Vanuatu
.......BP Day 111
Aug 11th.......6.0 - Vanuatu
.......Typhoon Dianmu Kills 5, S Korea
.......Extreme Weather Front Injures 40 , Finland
.......Severe Weather & Tornados, Victoria Australia
.......Major Flooding Engulfs Ames Iowa
.......BP Day 112
Aug 12th.......Perseid Meteor Shower
.......7.1 - Ecuador
.......Flash Floods Kill 185, Himalayas
.......BP Day 113
WEEK #34
Aug 20th.......6.4 - Bougainville, PNG
........Massive Fireball Strikes Jupiter
........China Train Falls Into River After Floods Wash Out Bridge
.......Large Sinkholes Appear In Georgia & Ohio
.......60 Pilot Whales Beach Themselves And Die - New Zealand
.......BP Day 121
Aug 21st.......Firestorms Rage Across Canada
.......50,000 Evacuated Amid China Flooding
.......BP Day 122
Aug 22nd.......Severe Weather Strikes S. England
.......10's Of Thousands Evacuated due To Pakistan Flooding
.......250,000 Now Evacuated In China & N. Korea From Flooding
.......Floods In North Korea Isolate City Of Sinuiju
.......BP Day 123
Aug 23rd.......6.1 - Mexico
.......Floods & Chaos, S. England
.......BP Day 124
Aug 24th.......BP Day 125
Aug 25th.......BP Day 126
Aug 26th.......Earth Hit By Big CME From Sun
.......Galeras Volcano Erupts - Columbia
.......BP Day 127
WEEK #35 Aug 27th.......Cold Empties All Bolivia Rivers Of Fish
.......Homes Evacuated During Widespread Montana Wildfires
.......Killer Rains In Nicaragua - 34 Dead
.......BP Day 128
Aug 28th .......Niger Floods Kill 3, Leave 200,000 Homeless
.......Antarctic Cold Snap Kills Untold Millions Of Aquatic Animals In The
.......BP Day 129
Aug 29th.......Sinaburg Volcano Erupts, Indonesia. First Time In Several Hundred Years
.......BP Day 130
Aug 30th.......BP Day 131
Aug 31st.......BP Day 132
Sept 1st.......Amazon River Has Lowest Level In 40 Years
.......BP Day 133
Sept 2nd.......First Snow Falls In Scotland
....................BP Day 134
WEEK #36
Sept 3rd.......6.3 - Aleutian Islands
.......7.0 - New Zealand
.......BP Day 135
Sept 4th.......6.1 - Tonga
.......BP Day 136
Sept 5th.......Massive Fireball Strikes Columbia, Leaves 300 Foot Crater
.......44 Dead In Guatemala From Flooding & Landslides
.......Extreme Flooding Strikes Victoria Australia
.......BP Day 137
Sept 6th......3.6 - Tupper Lake, New York
.......New Landslide Buries 100 Rescue Workers Guatemala
.......Vicious Storms Pound Australia
.......Flooding Displacing Thousands, Ethiopia
.......BP Day 138
Sept 7th.......6 Quakes In A Row Rattle Oklahoma
.......6.3 - Fiji
.......Planchon Volcano Erupts, Chile
.......Floods Leave Tens Of Thousands Homeless, Mexico
.......4 Large Sinkholes Have Opened Up In The Last Month, Colorado Springs,CO
.......Red Tide Invades New York Harbour
.......BP Day 139
Sept 8th.......Two Asteroids Fly Between Earth & Moon Today
.......6.2 - Vanuatu
.......6 More Quakes Rattle Oklahoma
.......Winds Drive Fire Through Three Neighborhoods, Detroit MI
.......BP Day 140
Sept 9th.......Massive CME From Sun Strike Earth
.......6.1 - Bio-Bio Chile
.......8 Dead & 160 Homes Burn In Colorado Wildfires
.......6 Dead In Russian Wildfires
.......BP Day 141
WEEK #37
Sep 10th.......Mudslide Kills 1, Italys Amalfi Coast
.......Lightning Kills 4 At Wedding, Mauritania
.......Massive Gasline Explosion Kills 4, California
.......BP Day 142
Sep 11th.......BP Day 143
Sep 12th.......BP Day 144
Sep 13th.......BP Day 145
Sep 14th.......5.0 Arizona/Baja Border
.......Thousands Of Lightning Strikes Recorded In Oregon Today
.......Calgary Canada Records Worst Summer Ever With Snow In Forecast
.......BP Day 146
Sep 15th.......Snowfall In Himalayas 1 Month Early
.......Drought Sinks Amazon To Lowest Levels In 47 Years
.......100,000+ Dead Fish, Whales, Etc. Wash Up In Louisiana
.......BP Day 147
Sep 16th.......Single Super Cell Covers KS & OK With Deluges, Hail & Tornados
.......BP Day 148
WEEK #38
WEEK #39 Sept 24th.......5.6 - Waikato, New Zealand
.......Lightning Strikes Festival, Chiba Japan - 34 Injured
.......Majority Of Minnesota Flooded
.......Wisconsin Declares State Of Emergency In 7 Counties Due To Flooding
Sept 25th.......Haiti Storm Kills 5
.......14 Dead From Deadly Downpours In Carribean & Central America
Sept 26th.......6.0 Indonesia
Sept. 27th.......6.1 - Iran - 1 Dead
.......California Heat Wave Sets New All Time Record - 113 F
Sept 28th.......Mudslide Kills 30, Columbia
.......Landslide Buries 100 Houses, Oaxaca, Mexico - 600 Dead
.......Britain Having Cold Snap & Snowfall
Sept 29th.......6.6 & 7.2 - Papau New Guniea
.......Mudslides Kill 20 More In Mexico
.......Evacuations Begin Amid Record Flooding, Brandenburg Germany
.......Big September Snowfalls Covering Much Of Canada
.......Huge Snowfall Amounts Bury New Zealand
.......Early Snowfall Arrives, Xinjiang China
.......Record Snowfall Blankets Mt Hotham
.......Cold Wave Kills Over 6 Million Fish, Bolivia
.......Northern Lights At 100 Year Low
Sept 30th.......Rains Pound N Carolina As Monster Storm Moves Up Coast
.......5 Dead From Drenching Rains In New England
WEEK #40
WEEK #41
Oct 8th.......6.4 & 6.1 - Aleutian Islands, Alaska
.......6.3 - Halmahera Indonesia
.......Floods Continue To Punish Asia, Killing 140
.......China Island Evacuates 6000 After Reservoir Bursts Its Banks
.......Flooding Effecting 1.64 Million In China Alone
.......All Water Life In Hungarys Marcal River Is Dead From Sludge Spill
.......Hungary Plays Down Spill, Death Toll Now 7
.......Rare Tornado Swarm Tears Across Arizona
.......Sinkhole In Quebec Swallows House, Kills Family Of Four
Oct 9th.......3.0 - Texas
.......1 Dead, Thousands Effected In Phillipines Flooding
.......9 Suffocate In Xiahua China Mine
Oct 10th.......3.0 - Arkansas
.......W. Indian Village Has Continous Tremors For Two Weeks
Oct 11th.......3.8 & 4.0 - Arkansas, 2 Injured
.......82 Quakes Today At Pitondelo Foureaise Volcano, Reunion Islands
.......Hail Brings Brooklyn To Near Standstill In Fast And Furious Storm
Oct 12th.......6.1 - Tonga
.......Floods Hit Central Vietnam Leaving 85 Dead
.......10 Killed In Indonesia Landslides
Oct 13th.......4.5 - Oklahoma
.......Bangledesh Storm Leaves 500,000 Homeless
.......Santa Maria Volcano Erupts. Guatemala
Oct 14th.......3.4 & 3.0 - Arkansas
.......Pitondela Fournaise Volcano Erupts, Reunion Islands
WEEK #42
Oct 15th.......3.0 & 4.4 - Arkansas
.......Explosion In China Mine Kills 37
.......Snow & 50 mph Winds Batter NE USA
Oct 16th.......M Class Solar Flare Slams Earth
.......3.5 - Arkansas
.......5.8 & 5.9 - Tonga
.......6.1 - Indonesia
.......1 Dead In Russian Flash Flooding
Oct 17th.......Geomagnetic Storm - KP Index 5
.......Entire Harbour Collapses Into Ocean, Chipatao Brazil
Oct 18th.......Super Typhoon Megi Kills 26 and Destroys 600,000 Tons Of Grain,
.......Benin Floods Kills 43 And Leaves 100,000 Homeless
.......Mountain Goat Kills Man, Olympic National Park Washington
Oct 19th.......2.5 & 3.6 - Arkansas
.......2.8 - Oklahoma City
.......4.7 - Christchurch New Zealand
.......5.5 - Tonga
.......377 Dead In W & Central Africa Flooding
.......Flood Emergency Declared, Greek Isles, 1 Killed
.......Death Toll Now 59 In Vietnam After Bus Is Swept Away In Flooding
.......1 Million Still Homeless In Aftermath Of Pakistans Floods
.......Asias Coral Reefs Undergoing Mass Die-Off
Oct 20th.......Green Comet Hartleys Closest Approach To Earth Today
.......Unidentified Comet Flies Into Sun
.......5.9, 4.4, 4.2, 4.7, 5.5, 5.0, 5.7, 4.7 - Gulf Of California
Oct 21st.......Orionid Meteor Shower Tonight And Tomorrow
.......5.8 - Off Coast of Chile
.......6.9, 4.7, 4.2, 4.6 - Gulf Of California
.......Mud Volcano Erupts Arboletes Columbia
.......Haiti Cholera Epidemic Has Claimed 250 Lives
.......Forest Fires Cover Sumatra Island
WEEK #43
WEEK #44
WEEK #45
WEEK #46
WEEK #47
WEEK #48
WEEK #49
WEEK #50
WEEK #51
WEEK #52
"By September satellite temperature data worldwide collected and processed by NASA showed that the last 12 months broke all previous records for the average temperature of the Earth. This result was particularly surprising to scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) because solar activity has been at a minimum over this same period which has a strong cooling effect. In other words, if solar activity had been normal, the record hot temperatures would have been much higher, and the historic record not just beaten but impressively smashed."
Perhaps the visitors have been preventing us from cooking to death?
Summer 2010 – Boy That Was Short! Snow Forecast For Alps Under 2000 Meters
notrickszone.com ^ | August 29, 2010 | P Gosselin
Posted on Monday, August 30, 2010 4:31:29 PM by Ernest_at_the_Beach
Snow already!
A cold blast of polar air has moved over central Europe, pushíng temperatures far below normal. Snow is forecast in the Alps at elevations as low as 1400 meters.
The following chart shows the forecast for the next 2 weeks. It shows that summer is finished for much of Europe. In fact, as mentioned above, the lower Alps are expected to get snowfall in the couple of days ahead. Continue reading below.
August 05, 2010
"New NASA airborne radar images of Southern California near the U.S.-Mexico border show Earth's surface is continuing to deform following the April 4 magnitude, 7.2 temblor and its many aftershocks that have rocked Mexico's state of Baja California and parts of the American Southwest."
10 in the first 11 days of August....
The solar eclipse of Cancer 2010 takes place on 12 Jul 2010 at 5:33 AM AEST (10 Jul 10
7:33 PM
UT). It is a total eclipse, but will only be visible from the southern part of the Pacific
Ocean. It is a member ofthe 146 Saros family of eclipses, which began on 19 Sep 1541. That series is
marked byuncertainty in loyalties, a need for reassurance, fickleness, but also the
ability to move through that andfurther cement bonds as a result of emotional trials by fire, so-to-speak. This
eclipse is the complementto the lunar eclipse we just had (and it was a lovely one to watch here in the
southern lands). Theproving or disproving of ideals and attachments is a key theme with both of
these eclipses,but particularly with the one under consideration. This indicates a marked
disillusionment, hopefully ofa positive sort, and it will eventually bring healing, although a ‘healing
crisis’ will be inevidence first. The first eclipse of the 146 series had a stellium in Libra,
with Venus at the midpoint ofMercury and Saturn, with Neptune opposing, indicating the disillusionment.
However, Mars was insextile to Saturn (rebuilding and building for the future) and Venus was in
applying sextile withUranus (help from unexpected sources, unusual alliances and sudden insights).
Mars and Uranuswere conjunct then, further highlighting the suddenness of events, independence
of thought andaction, and the healing crisis.
In the present eclipse we see the Sun and Moon at the 20th degree of Cancer, the
Sabian symbol for which reads:
Venetian gondoliers giving a serenade.
This festive symbol would appear to be in stark contrast to the somber tone represented by
the Saros series. It would also seem to be contraindicated in the figure for the present eclipse, with the t-square on cardinal points and the Saturn clash with Chiron and Neptune, both of which are opposed by Venus, and with that same Venus/Neptune opposition being a feature of the first eclipse of the 146 series. No, the image of singing gondoliers just does not seem to fit with present astrological conditions. What exactly is there to sing about in the world? Well, there is much more to this symbol than singing and romantic images.
Water is always a symbol for emotions and life in general. As Dane Rudhyar in An Astrological Mandala hasrightly pointed out, Venice is a city that literally sits on top of the water, like a lotus risen formthe muck and mud of the pond. What this symbol is really trying to impart through this eclipse isthe idea that, instead of getting lost in the water (life in general) and the twists and turns of the citycanals, we should rise above any emotional concerns, keep our course firmly in mind and use the oarof calm-abiding to see and propel us through. This symbol is a distinct reminder of the happinessthat can be had when one conquers inner turmoil and gets on with life unperturbed by the surrounding karma working out. To use an analogy, water is
not an obstacle if we have a sound boat and a good oar. The ‘boat’ and ‘oar’ in this case are simply whatever techniques we have to place the mind in calm and focused state.
In the eclipse figure the Sun and Moon are in a close sextile with Mars which accelerates anything that comesup around the event or its subsequent activations. That sextile can be a bit overwhelming for people, but if the eclipse falls on planets or angles of your own chart be assured that you will have whatever energy you need to work through whatever challenges the eclipse represents. At the same time, though, we do not want to overwhelm those around us who may not have anything they have to particularly work out as a result of this lunation.
There is no eclipse lord by conjunction in this figure, but Neptune is the esoteric ruler
of the sign the eclipsefalls in (Cancer), thus making that planet, along with the Moon (the orthodox
ruler), the lords ofthe eclipse. The Moon and Neptune both rule over the oceans, hence we would
expect some kind ofevents associated with the oceans or big water, and both planets have dominion
over the emotionsin some way. The general state of the emotions in this chart is not exactly
Although the Sun/Moon conjunction is well-aspected to Mars, Venus (the other indicator of
emotions) is opposed to Chiron and Neptune, as has been mentioned. Also, there is a classic
Magi heartbreakclash with the Saturn linkage to Chiron and Neptune. However, Venus is trine to
Pluto and linkedwith the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, indicating powerful magnetism and help.
People will bethere for us if there are trials to come from the eclipse. That conjunction is
part of the t-squarementioned before, however, so its benefits to Venus depend upon how the rest of
the t-squareimpinges upon it.
Regarding water and the emotions in connection with this eclipse, I had a look, as I previously mentioned,over the past week at various countries and some of the states within the US.
There is a fairamount of spin going around on the net about the possible ramifications of the
spill in the Gulf ofMexico, and I wanted to see what the astrology showed around it over the next
few months, if notyears. It was quite interesting, especially with regard to the southern states
along the coast of the Gulf, and I will get to that in a moment. There was one particularly dire possibility
that has been mentioned on the net that bore investigation, and that was that the cracks appearing in the rock seams surrounding the oil volcano might theoretically trigger an earthquake in the New Madrid seismic area in the Bootheel region of Missouri.
The New Madrid Quake of 1811 was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the US
and there were over one thousand quakes in that area from 1811-1812, to the extent that a lake
was created due to the shifts in the earth’s crust in that area (Reelfoot Lake). The
Mississippi River runs through that area and it was actually seen to run backwards at one point during the
According to one source, earthquakes in the New Madrid region have their origin in the Gulf.
Whether the Deepwater Horizon event will cause a quake in the New Madrid region is
debatable, but I willtell you that my preliminary astrological investigations do not show that a
major quake in the NewMadrid seismic area is immanent – certainly not in the State of Missouri.
Instead, what I see is agreat amount of upheaval for the Gulf States, especially with regard to the
populace, the national mood and agricultural issues in the area.
The general theme that runs through the states that lie along to Gulf of Mexico for the
next year or so is one ofgeneral discontent and public outrage. It is fairly obvious anyway, is it not?
Tourism is a bigdraw to the Gulf as well as the fishing industry, and if the water is fouled
with oil it tends to put adamper on people’s holidays and jobs in that region. I don’t mean to seem
flippant here.
I see a particularly difficult period in store for Louisiana and Mississippi, with
major solar arc activityfrom Mars and Neptune for Louisiana and Saturn to the Descendant of
Mississippi. I do not, Ishould reiterate, see a major earthquake at this time, although I do not have a
foundation date for NewMadrid, MO, only the year (1808). Interestingly, San Francisco is in for major
events in 2012-2014with first Mars and then Saturn progressing to its horizon in that period. The
eclipse will affectthe Gulf States of Mississippi, Florida and Texas via the Moon in their charts
and New Orleans viaits Chiron. New Orleans had Neptune on its ascendant by solar arc when Katrina
passed through andit will have Mars on its meridian in a couple of years. It might interest
astrologers to know thatthe Moon of the Deepwater Horizon event was conjunct the MC of the New Madrid
Quake (22 Cancer), not that there is any physical connection, but the real point to be
made here is that the fewdegrees on either side of this eclipse are strongly indicated in both events
and several US states.In fact, the third quarter of Cancer seems to figure powerfully in major world
event charts,especially bombings and disasters.
If you want to know how this eclipse will affect you, if at all, look back at your life
from the period of Oct1992-Oct 1993. In October of ’92 there was a triple activation of the Jul 1991
solar eclipse at the 19thdegree of Cancer by Mars, Uranus and Neptune – life-changing stuff, that. It
was ‘finished’, by the finalpasses of Uranus and Neptune over that point toward the end of ’93. It ushered
in the constitutionalcrisis in Russia under Yeltsin, the nuclear test by China which ended the de
facto nuclear testban, a large battle in Mogadishu, Somalia with US forces and the Killari Quake
which killed 10,000.If your life was uneventful during that period then this eclipse will likely
not affect you. Thateclipse was of a different Saros series (136), which is particularly hard
series, having its start at0º of Cancer. The present eclipse and series is nowhere near that tough. If
your life was completelyturned around in the early ‘90s, then breathe a sigh of relief, for this time
around it will not benearly as difficult. The present eclipse we are considering receives only Sun
and Mars activations.The Mars activations come at 2Jan11, 2Sep11, 13Dec12 and 12Aug13.
The Chinese astrology for this new moon and event bears a look, too. The auspices of the
45th /46th tetragramsfor the 11th/12th resp. read as:
Enlarging a house on crooked foundations still produces a crooked house. (nighttime)
All thingsleft unattended, however great, fall. (daytime)The two symbols are similar in a way. Both of them refer to the foundations upon which
our actions takeplace. If we are inattentive to or ignore what underpins them, then the outcome
will be questionableat best. At worst the entire structure of a course of events could come
crashing down.
What is to be done, then? To pay attention to what wells up within us is paramount at this
time and with theactivation times just noted. One should take careful notes on what is taking
place at the moment ifone is to know what to expect at the activation times. If one’s own chart is
unaffected then nospecial care is needed after the eclipse. Basically the main course of action
is to stay calm in the midstof any difficulties that might arise and to stay one’s course if the course is
correct. As theBuddhists say, keep a calm mind and let the karma work out around you. If the
course one is on is notcorrect for what one needs in life then one will soon be shown the need for a
change. If we do not buy intothe dramas then we create nothing that has to be worked out in the future,
regardless of whether we have to abandon an endeavor or not. In fact, if we can
keep a cool head and see the best possible outcome, work toward that and
celebrate it, then we can live to the best result of the Sabian symbol for the
This eclipse refers to possibly having to make adjustments to one’s course, but never to the
ultimate outcome ifwe can see that we are on a sound course and footing. It is a bit like crossing
a running stream. Wemight have to jump back and forth across the rocks on the way across, but the
object is not to fallin and ultimately to get to the other side. There is no need to fear the
stream, or to have trepidationsabout what we are doing. All this might sound a bit trite, but I have seen
firsthand what the eclipseholds because it affects my own chart strongly and the attitude just described
worked quite wellfor me. Nineteen years ago when I last had an eclipse on that point my life was
turned upside down.It was both painful and joyful at the same time. I left an entire life behind,
but the one I createdafter the fact was better than I could have hoped for, and that was a powerful
South Node solareclipse. If I had known then what I know now I could have made even better
effect of how I have livedsince then, but I knew what had to do and that my course was sure, even though
there was nocertainty in the outcome. There have been many ‘bends in the road’ for me since
that time, but at leastI have learned to have an easier mind about things and just let certain matters
work their way through.
Every ‘karmic interlude’, as it might be termed – that is to say, every situation
that we have to go experiencerather than freely choose to go through (and yes, it does seem are certain
things we have toexperience and that are ordained before we come into this life, both because of
our own choices inpast lives and because of the collective choices that were made when we were
members of groups,communities or nations) – has several main features: a time element, certain
actions that must beundertaken and mental/emotional resolutions as a result of actions undertaken and
time allowed. Afriend mine has said on several occasions that time is the great healer. One of
the biggest problems wehave when we encounter one of our karmic interludes is that we want it to be
finished almost assoon as it starts if it is a difficult one. We do not wish to allow enough time
to let the lesson, the true blessing, soak in. We want it all and we want it
now. How much better it would be if we couldjust enjoy the ride and listen to the gondolier (an analogy for one’s higher Self) sing our cares awayand give us some answers. Everyone around us and especially those locked in a drama with uswould appreciate if we could do that, and vice-versa. The journey would go a lot quicker.
Our friends in the Gulf States are in no mood for singing, though, needless to say. The oil
spill willeventually ruin BP or cause its restructuring, more from post-disaster civil suits than anything
major restructuringof the life of the company. The ramifications of the oil washed up on the
beaches and the loss ofanimal life will be with us for many years to come. People living in those
areas are angry and rightlyso. Maybe this collective anger is what is needed to effect a major change in
our energy policies. Ido not know what will happen around it all and I can see many possible
There is very big money involved, many lives encumbered and affected, basic power
structures ingovernment and industry that are directly threatened by a negative outcome from
the spill and subsequentsuits. There is talk of a possible coup if a hurricane comes through and
disrupts the area.
I think that is a lot of scaremongering, but stranger things have happened. You can believe
this, though: Thegovernments of Britain and the US had better think things through very
carefully and not act tooharshly or foolishly. I wonder how many people see the ultimate stakes here.
BP employs tens of thousands of people and they are not the only players in the Gulf. If BP is shut down itdirectly affects hundreds of thousands of people through loss of income and the uncertainty that wouldgenerate. People calling for the seizing of BP should realize that would not be likely to happen andthat it would have international ramifications. There are some very vexing matters to be addressedabout the spill and none of it will be effectively solved by calling for blood on any side. Yes,those responsible need to be held accountable. Yes, the mess needs to be cleaned up. Yes, safeguardsneed to be upgraded and enforced, and on and on. None of the answers will be easy and all of itwill take a lot of time. Draconian measures will not help and will only exacerbate matters.
Yes, this event ups the ante on a lot of fronts. I do think Deepwater Horizon is going to
bring about majorchanges in many areas of life, especially for the US, but that in itself will affect the rest of the world. Watchwhat happens around that scenario carefully, for the ripples from it will affect us all for a longtime to come.What isbeing called for through this eclipse and this period in world history is a
more measured way ofacting and clear heads. The only thing we ever really have any control over is
our own mind, but wehave no idea the power that a calm mind can wield in a troubled world. It is a
remedy that cansweep away a lot of negativity. Only a calm mind can create better conditions
for the future, bothin this life and in future lives – especially in future lives. Perhaps a brief
quote from A Bodhisattva’sWay of Life might be helpful in that regard:
Now, having paid my body its wages,
I shall turn my life to something meaningful
And, relying on the boat of the human body,
Free yourself from the great river of pain.
As it is hard to find this boat again,
This is no time to sleep…
My wish for us all is peace of mind and true happiness. Every birthday and Christmas my Dad always saidthat was basically what he wanted. It’s not a bad wish, I have found. I always thought he was a bitflippant in his answer when I was younger, but the years have shown me that he actuallyreally meant what he said. The path may be crooked, but a calm mind will always assure a goodultimate outcome. May it be thus for us all. I hope this eclipse and its legacy is a source of joy when all issaid and done.
11 Jul 2010
These letters are sent out as a gift and a service. If you feel so inspired, feel free
to pass them on, but do sowithout charge or alteration. If you wish to be added to or deleted from the
mailing list, please letme know.