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Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America
This stunning censored interview conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for WGBH public television (Boston) and Blackwell Science was cut from The Health Century due to its huge liability--the admission that Merck drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide. This segment of In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, produced and freely contributed by consumer protector and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, features the world's leading vaccine expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who explains why Merck's vaccines have spread AIDS, leukemia, and other horrific plagues worldwide. Please forward this  video to everyone you know who thinks vaccines are "safe and effective."
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By Abbie Thomas for ABC Science Online

Updated Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:54pm AEDT

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Silt flowing from the Fitzroy River into Keppel Bay, east of Rockhampton

Silt flowing from the Fitzroy River into Keppel Bay, east of Rockhampton (NASA: NASA)

Researchers say the recent Queensland floods are carrying tonnes of fresh water, nutrients and pesticides to the ocean, placing enormous stress on the Great Barrier Reef.

For the past five weeks, plumes of silt-laden fresh water have been flowing onto reefs off the Queensland coast.

The impact is so massive it can be seen in NASA satellite photographs.

Researchers list the Keppel Islands near Rockhampton, Moreton Bay and Fraser Island, north of Brisbane, as being most at risk.

Dr Alison Jones, from Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, has seen first-hand the impact of the floods on corals in Keppel Bay.

"You can't see anything at all from above," she said.

"As you take the camera down, it looks like a big brown soupy mess.

"Deeper down the water is a bit clearer and you can see bleached white [coral] colonies appearing out of the gloom."

Dr Jones checked five islands and found stressed coral around all of them.

"Halfway Island was much worse than North Keppel. It was just dead coral, killed by the fresh water," she said.

"There wasn't really a single thing alive.

"There also seems to be some temperature bleaching, believe it or not, from the ocean being warm, which is completely unrelated to the flooding."

Dr Britta Shaffelke, a researcher at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, says wind direction over the next few days will be crucial in determining the extent of the damage.

"At the moment the mud plume [from the Fitzroy River] is confined to the Keppel Bay area," she said.

"However if the wind turns around from the south east to the north, the plume might reach much further to the outer reefs such as Heron Island."

Floods damage corals in a number of ways.

Corals cannot survive in freshwater because their physiology is adapted to salt water.

Silt is also clouding the water and blocking out sunlight, stopping corals from photosynthesising and feeding themselves.

Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous can kick start toxic algal blooms, which strip oxygen from the water and at the same time, provide food for the larvale of crown of thorns starfish.

Pesticides carried in floodwater call also kill corals.

Researchers are most concerned about the impact of the sediments.

"What has changed is that the load of sediment in the rivers has increased 4- to 10-fold since pre-European times," said AIMS scientist Dr Katharina Fabricius.

"Reefs exposed to high levels of nutrients and sediments have up to five-fold higher cover of seaweeds (which can smother corals) and half the biodiversity of species of coral - these are the long term effects of these floods," she says.

Dugongs at risk

Meanwhile, further south in Moreton Bay, experts are worried about the long-term impact on dugongs. In 1996, a flood left many dugongs starving, as sediment and nutrients overwhelmed and killed the seagrass beds in the area.

"For Morteton bay, the flooding event last week was significantly bigger for sediment deposition and fresh water than the flood of 1996," says Dr Eva Abal, chief scientific officer at the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.

"My expectation about the impact on the bay is that we will experience some seagrass loss, but it also depends on how quickly water clears up."

Shaffelke also points out that there are unusually vast amounts of turbid freshwater off the coast of Brisbane.

"That hasn't happened for many, many decades in the Brisbane area, so many plants and animals will imediately die or be very stressed," she says. "I expect there to be quite serious impacts as well."

"In relation to the floods in Rockhampton … that is certainly not typical or happens very often. For both humans and the enviroment this is an extraordinary event.

"For the marine environment, the events are still unfolding. The highest rainfall is actually in February, so we are certainly not at the end of this season."

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North Pole shifting.......from Urban Survival site

I  received  this  email via  TheKolbrinPlanet-XNibiruGroup  Thanks  to  Duane.  

Thought  I  might  share it  with  those of  you  who  do not  receive  their emails.

Friday at the WuJo

Coping:  Tearing Apart the World, Part I

Welcome to the WuJo!  This is where we take apart fact and theory so we can re-weave it into a closer approximation of objective reality than might otherwise be had by simply accepting all the ideas floating around in the netosphere unchallenged.


The facts we line up this morning are these:

  • We identified a 'band' of earthquake activity roughly described by a trans-equatorial orbit which covers a great deal of the earth's recent quakes, including the recent 7.4 in Pakistan, the strange activity in the Gulf Aden, the increased activity down around Indonesia, and so forth.  Not that we ascribe earthquake activity to anything orbiting, and it may all just be the appearance, but the trans-equatorial track is there (goes over China, too before swinging south again) if one looks at the data.  (Maps in Peoplenomics #489A under "Shaky New Year, Redux.)

  • Also in that report, we touched on the great African Rift which is threatening to fly open which would cause all kinds of problems, not the least of which would be steam if the Gulf of Aden were to start pouring into the widening rift.  This morning's headline that ought to bring the possibility more to front-of-mind is found at Before It's News under the headline "Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two."

  • Next (like this isn't enough?) we had the stories about the Tampa Airport runway renumbering project.  See "North Pole shifting causes RIA to renumber runways."  Admittedly, this is "oldish" news, but we're weaving all this into a new mat at here at the WuJo, so hang in there.

  • Next, we pause for an objective bit of science.  The following is an animated .GIF file, borrowed from Wikipedia:

What's interesting about this particular animated .GIF file?  Well, it shows us something extremely pertinent to our discussion of earth changes.  I assume you know that there are isogonic lines of force that run from the magnetic north pole to the south?  Think of these as "the lines a compass align themselves to when pointing north.  Remember:  Local North is not always the same as True North.  This .GIF file shows that the zero line for the North American declination (the variance from True North measured by a magnet is where lately?   We see a huge variation in Magnetic North up through the 1600's, but check out where that line is today?  Right off the east coast of Florida.

  • And THAT is where things start to get precisely UGLY.  Because the location of the zero offset from True North isogonic line seems to run either very close to - or right at - where the government is about to shut down the Global Positioning System (GPS) for unspecified testing.  And we quote from the Jan 19, 2011 Notices to Airmen Advisory right off the FAA's Flight Safety webiste as follows:

    • The Department of Defense will conduct GPS tests on January 20th through February 22nd, 2011. During testing, the GPS signal may be unreliable or unavailable.

    • A. Location: Centered at 304906N/0802811W or the location know as 105.25 degrees and 52.1 NM from the SSI VOR.

    • B. Dates and times: GPS testing is scheduled on January 20th through February 11th, 2011 from 0000-0245 UTC daily and February 15th through February 22nd, 2011 from 0000-0245 UTC daily. These tests may not be concurrent so pilots are advised to check NOTAMS frequently for possible changes prior to operating in the area.

    • C. Duration: Several test events will be conducted and will be active for 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of off time.

    • D. During testing, GPS will be unreliable and may be unavailable with in a circle with a radius of 370NM and centered at 304906N/0802811W or the location known as 105.25 degrees and 52.1 NM from the SSI VOR at FL400; decreasing in area with a decrease in altitude to a circle with a radius of 325NM at FL250; a circle with a radius of 260NM at 10,000FT MSL and a circle with a radius of 215NM at 4,000FT AGL.

    • E. Pilots are highly recommended to report anomalies during testing to the appropriate ARTCC to assist in the determination of the extent of GPS degradation during tests.

    And the map area?  As I said, suspiciously like it's close to the zero magnetic deviation line in the magnetic lines of force animation above:



Now, even all this would not have gotten my attention under most cases, except for this email purporting to be from a reader who...well...a few things redacted for privacy concerns, but you'll get the idea:


I have debated with myself most of the day about sending you the following, but NASA knows what is going on and Hubby works for [redacted] and he says something is "fixing" to happen, much sooner than later. So here goes.

Sorry to be contributing to your overcrowded in-box two days in a row but I feel I should warn you that Hubby told me this morning we should be making preparations to leave for our safe house in the Wyoming mountains. This means submitting resignations that become effective at the end of the day! We live in a condominium so we will just lock the door and drive away, more than likely never to return. Our Chevy Suburban with 4x4 drive, dual gas tanks, off-road tires, heavy duty winch, souped up engine designed for pulling a RV,etc., etc. was purchased with just this scenario in mind. We are both licensed SEL pilots but do not trust our beloved [aircraft type] as Hubby says winds are going to play a huge factor in what is coming. Best to stay out of the air and off the water. And besides, we want our reliable new Suburban with us at all times from now on as it is much more practical for what is ahead.

George, it appears the smelly stuff is not to far away from the whirling giant blades at this point. Hubby left this (see below) on my desktop this morning with a message simply stating "time to hit the road". I talked to him again a little while ago and asked if he was still serious about this and he said he was writing out his resignation as he was talking to me, but probably won't matter one way or the other. He says it is getting somewhat tense around the [ redacted] office. He doesn't know if the following article is to blame or everything the powers have been struggling to conceal - the truth about coming earth changes, the economy, and everything else - is about to be revealed. Regardless, his intuition tells him to be in the mountains just in case. He is a big believer in following "hunches" as I am.

Something is definitely going on and all of a sudden - out of the blue, clear sky - as the George Strait song goes, we are about to take the first step in trying to survive whatever the hell is about to hit us. We will be leaving [date] for Wyoming and probably will drive straight through, taking turns napping and driving. In a perverse kind of way, this is becoming exciting....besides we love Wyoming just as we do Texas.

Note: ( I toyed with this for awhile). The state of Texas is not a safe place to be George, not even the Davis mountains according to Hubby or that is where we would be headed because we love it out there. The further away from the ocean the better he says. God be with you and yours.

Now, whether this letter is a clear warning or is just a reader sending a "something to freak out George's monkey-mind" ought to be clear soon enough.  But remember our local "earthquake sensitive" sees stuff ahead, too.


And I assume you saw where George Lucas' remarks about 2012 are now being rewritten in the MSM as "George Lucas was just kidding about that End of the World Thing."  Kidding - or leaking - that's a judgment call for you to make. 


But just remember that one of the apparent 'rules' by which the PTB seem to operate is that there is some kind of  advance disclosure 'law' governing how they behave; It may also be a management-level tenant of the rewritten version of Christianity (Origin is what some Stargate fans call it [another example of hiding truth in plain sight?]) that came out of the First Council of Nicaea...but that's a too-long-and-too-weird-for-here discussion...although the aware might see how Isis followers might have woven a certain mother-figure into the early church dogma...(no emails on this, please; ankhs for asking - or is that a censor?).


One more morsel from my recent research forays into religion and magnetism?  Is the Egyptian 'the Djed'**  (the second most common magical implement in ancient magick/craft work) a linguistic leak close to 'the Jedi'? Now think about the extremely intelligent fellow who produced Star Wars we were just talking about a minute ago...Intentional clues, hidden in plain sight....your guess is as good as mine, of course...still...

** From Steve Preston's "A Closer Look at Ancient History, Book 6, page 257 "Don't believe for a moment that Egyptians just made up this unusual artifact. In ancient Sumeria we can find the same item drawn and etched on walls."  And from page 261: "The Djed somehow made the user able to ride in the 'levitating god-star'".  


Thus, it's not a huge stretch for me to tentatively figure that someone wielding this Djed thing would be a what? A Jedi maybe?


Back to point: Just from the old newsman's  "news nose knows news" if I were making bets, I'd wager the Defense Department tests are to update software on the GPS constellation in order to do "testing" is one hell of an oddly timed event.


What?  Tampa gets renumbered, a local sunrise is "off", Africa is tearing apart and Tony Ring's quake data has shown a major increase in what over the past six months? 


I'm not certain what's going on, but if I were guessing, I'd bet there's some fancy new code going up on the birds to adjust carrier phase tracking of the GPS units so that few people on the ground notice differences in time (earth rotational spin) and location drift which might be noticed using differential GPS or wide area augmentation system-enhanced aviation models.


Cool thing bout GPS is people have come to rely on it to a very large extent.  So if you're planning to do any flying in the Southeast USA in the NOTAM period, might want to at least be aware that the airplane you're on might not be making a GPS (WAAS) IFR approach - might be back on the dual VOR's.


Oh, one more thing (I'll mutter in my best imitation of Peter Falk acting his Colombo role:  "There's just one last thing, mothers me, ma'mn...").


The last signals from the other radiolocation system which might have given away the store was LORAN.  It's last signals were transmitted in the US and Canada last year.


OK, enough of this weirdness.  I think I'll go watch the painting of the tape - just one more day to get past options expiration and then next week.  Which might not be pretty...more tomorrow for subscribers...

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A rash on the sun

10957952452?profile=originalA rash of small sun spots is rapidly emerging near the main core of supspot group 1147, and this could herald an increase in solar activity. The reason this rash is interesting has to do with its magnetic polar ties, with positive (+) pressing against negative (-) in many places. These are favorable conditions for magnetic reconnection and solar flares.

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